Design of Multi-User Electric Power Management Device ()
The current consumption method of Electric Power Industry is “electricity consumption first, paying for it later”. The trend of consumption method is Pre-order Electricity. If we adopt the Pre-order Electricity System, we need to replace Traditional Energy Meter with Prepayment Energy Meter. But this alteration is costly. And the alarm action of Prepayment Energy Meter are bells and alarm lamp, users can not receive alarm information timely. In this paper, we present the design of Multi-user Electric Power Management Device. The device uses TMS320F2812 as CPU, with peripheral devices such as mobile phone communication module MC55, so the device supports remote operation and sends alarm information via SMS, it also can communicate with the master station by GPRS. The device can be seamlessly integrated into the existing power system in order to read meter, achieve billing and Pre-order Electricity functions. In addition, the device has the Harmonic Measurement function, so it is a high cost-effective application.
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W. Tao and J. Wang, "Design of Multi-User Electric Power Management Device,"
Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 2 No. 2, 2010, pp. 127-130. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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