Study on Performance of Laminar Taylor-Couette Flow with Different Developed Procedures


The performance of laminar Taylor-Couette flow with different developed procedures is studied by the way of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in steady state. In order to gain a group of developed procedure in CFD, a set of convergent solutions are used as the initial value of next boundary condition, and the new set of convergent solutions are regarded as developing from the previous steady state. Three groups of developed procedures are gained from the rotating speed series of inner cylinder, respectively from the gradual increase procedure (GIP), the gradual decrease procedure (GDP) and the sudden increase procedure (SIP). It is proved that the convergent solutions of fluid control equations are different when they are solved from laminar state with the same boundary condition, the same fluid property, the same mesh grid in CFD and the same business software except that the flow states have developed from the procedures of GDP, GIP and SIP. It is shown that the developed procedure could leave behind some information in the performance of the flow. In other words, the flow between concentric rotating cylinders has somewhat memory for the procedure of its history.

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Zhou, X. , Shi, Y. and Kong, Y. (2012) Study on Performance of Laminar Taylor-Couette Flow with Different Developed Procedures. Modern Mechanical Engineering, 2, 14-23. doi: 10.4236/mme.2012.21003.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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