Optimum Shape of High Speed Impactor for Concrete Targets Using PSOA Heuristic
Francesco Ragnedda, Mauro Serra
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2010.24035   PDF    HTML     6,182 Downloads   9,918 Views   Citations


The present paper deals with the optimum shape design of an absolutely rigid impactor which penetrates into a semi-infinite concrete shield. The objective function to maximize is the depth of penetration (DOP for short) of the impactor; in the case of impactors with axisymmetric shapes DOP is calculated using formulas obtained by Ben-Dor et al. [1-3] with the method of local variations [4] and based on the mechanical model proposed by Forrestal and Tzou [5]. In the present paper we show that using a different class of admissible functions, more general than the axisymmetric one, better results can be obtained. To solve the formulated optimization problem we used a custom version of the particle swarm optimization method (briefly denoted by PSOA), a very recent numerical optimization algorithm of guided random global search. Numerical results show the optimal shape for various types of shields and corresponding DOP; some Ben-Dor et al. [1-3] results are compared to solutions obtained.

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Ragnedda, F. and Serra, M. (2010) Optimum Shape of High Speed Impactor for Concrete Targets Using PSOA Heuristic. Engineering, 2, 257-262. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.24035.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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