A Numerical Approach on Reduction of Young’s Modulus During Deformation of Sheet Metals
Chetan Nikhare
DOI: 10.4236/mnsms.2012.21001   PDF    HTML     4,189 Downloads   11,748 Views   Citations


The paper investigates the elastic behavior of the metal after unloading. For this purpose the strip of metal with tensile gauge length was simulated with high and low strength material. Further the channel forming was modeled for combination of materials to predict the spring-back and compared the results. It is observed that the Young’s modulus (E-value) decreases with the increase in plastic strain. The strength of the material has no effect on the decrease in the E-value after unloading during tension test. However in channel forming the E-value after unloading depends on the starting E-value, spring-back angle and maximum strain achieved in the channel. The proposed mathematical equations to determine the E-value after unloading from the tension test and channel forming test gives very good prediction with each other. It is also found that the lowest spring-back occurred in the channel with the composite Hard-Soft material.

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Nikhare, C. (2012) A Numerical Approach on Reduction of Young’s Modulus During Deformation of Sheet Metals. Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Material Science, 2, 1-13. doi: 10.4236/mnsms.2012.21001.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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