Factors Influencing Work Efficiency in China
Wei Wei, Robert J. Taormina
DOI: 10.4236/aasoci.2011.11005   PDF    HTML     6,623 Downloads   12,352 Views   Citations


The preferred methods of conflict handling are largely sociologically prescribed in China, but those methods could reduce efficiency in the workplace. This study examined factors that could influence the efficiency of working people since efficiency is important to the successful operation of organizations. Some relatively unexplored personality variables, i.e., Creativity and Resilience, Esteem from Others, Attribution for Success (to Self), and Attribution for Success (to Others), and some more usual variables, i.e., Conscientiousness, Self-Confidence, and Organizational Socialization (Training, Understanding, Coworker Support, Future Prospects), were tested for their expected positive relationships to three dependent variables, i.e., Work Efficiency, Conflict Handling-Avoidance, and Conflict Handling-Compromising. Questionnaire data from 192 Chinese employees in Mainland China were analyzed to assess these relationships. Correlation results indicated that all variables (except Future Prospects and Attribution to Others) were positively related to Work Efficiency, and most were positively related to both Conflict Handling-Avoidance, and Conflict Handling-Compromising. Results for the relationships of the personality and social variables to conflict handling and work efficiency are discussed in terms of Chinese culture.

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Wei, W. and Taormina, R. (2011) Factors Influencing Work Efficiency in China. Advances in Applied Sociology, 1, 56-63. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2011.11005.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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