Biometric Signature of Private Key by Reliable Iris Recognition Based on Flexible-ICA Algorithm
Aissa Boukhari, Salim Chitroub, Imen Bouraoui
DOI: 10.4236/ijcns.2011.432096   PDF    HTML     5,056 Downloads   9,104 Views   Citations


The numerical world is under a fast development generating facilities and threats. The recommended solutions are especially the protection of information in all its states. The levels of protection show a discrepancy from an application to another; governmental, commercial or even cybercriminal. The infrastructure used in modern cryptography is based on public key cryptosystem. The problem is how to make safe the private key and to memorize it without difficulties and damages. This paper introduces a biometric solution of owner signature generating an encryption of the key using the iris recognition kept in a smart card. Several precautions were taken to guarantee the safety and the availability of the use of the private key. They are two essential goals to attest: the quality of the service and the robustness of suggested safety. Being the quality of the service, the used iris recognition is based on a new emerging method founded on Flexible-ICA algorithm. This method offers a better Equal Error rate compared to other methods previously used. This quality of recognition was also reinforced by an encoding of error using a flag and finally Reed Solomon encoder. For recommended safety, a scheme based on block encryption is used. The proposed scheme is Propagating Cipher Block chaining which offers a very propagation of a high level of confusion and diffusion. Indeed, the robustness of this cryptographic process was studied by setting up strict criteria of safety.

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A. Boukhari, S. Chitroub and I. Bouraoui, "Biometric Signature of Private Key by Reliable Iris Recognition Based on Flexible-ICA Algorithm," International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 12A, 2011, pp. 778-789. doi: 10.4236/ijcns.2011.432096.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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