Statistical analysis of conformational properties of periodic dinucleotide steps in nucleosomes
Xi Yang, Hong Ya
DOI: 10.4236/jbise.2010.34046   PDF    HTML     6,265 Downloads   10,436 Views   Citations


Deformability of DNA is important for its superhelical folding in the nucleosome and has long been thought to be facilitated by periodic occurrences of certain dinucleotides along the sequences, with the period close to 10.5 bases. This study statistically examines the conformational properties of dinucleotides containing the 10.5 - base periodicity and those without that periodicity through scanning all nucleosome structures provided in PDB. By categorizing performances on the distribution of step parameter values, averaged net values, standard deviations and deformability based on step conformational energies, we give a detailed description as to the deformation preferences correlated with the periodicity for the 10 unique types of dinucleotides and summarize the possible roles of various steps in how they facilitate DNA bending. The results show that the structural properties of dinucleotide steps are influenced to various extents by the periodicity in nucleosomes and some periodic steps have shown a clear tendency to take specific bending or shearing patterns.

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Yang, X. and Ya, H. (2010) Statistical analysis of conformational properties of periodic dinucleotide steps in nucleosomes. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3, 331-339. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2010.34046.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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