Synthesis of an Optimal Control for Linear Stationary Discrete Dynamical Systems ()
1. Statement and Solution of the Problem
As in [1]-[3], we assume that the processes in the open part of the system (excluding the controller) are described by the equation of order
in which the coefficients
are constants. Let us express Equation (1.1) as a system of first-order difference equations:
, the system state is determined by
We need to find an analytical expression for the control
which transfers the system from any given point in the region (1.3) to the origin
while attaining the minimum value of the quadratic functional
, and
are given numbers.
To solve the task, we introduce the auxiliary functional (see [4])
The necessary conditions of extremum for the functional (1.8) are (see [4])
We rewrite the optimality conditions (1.2) and (1.9) as follows:
2. Synthesis of a Control That Transfers the System from an
Arbitrary Point in Open Space to the Origin
We need to obtain the expressions for the variables of the system of Equations (1.10)-(1.12).
First, we write the system’s characteristic equation. To do this, we exclude
from the system (1.10) using expression (1.12). As a result, we obtain a system of order
Let us write the characteristic equations of system (2.1), (2.2):
Assume that none of the roots of this equation in the root plane lies on the unit circle with the center at the origin. Furthermore, Equation (2.3) is self-adjoint [4], which means that its roots have the property
. We assume that
are roots with a modulus less than 1 and, correspondingly,
are those with a modulus exceeding 1.
To write the solution of systems (2.1), (2.2), we will use the source (see [5])
are arbitrary constants,
are combinations with repetition [6] on the roots
, consisting of
roots, correspondingly. For instance,
From system (2.1) and solutions (2.4), it follows that
According to the boundary conditions, the variables
, and
must tend to zero as
. This is only possible if
. Therefore, according to solutions (2.4) and (2.5), we have
Note that solutions (2.6) and (2.7) do not require information about the multiplicity of the roots. From the resulting equations, we exclude
and obtain
where the determinant
is the determinant obtained from
by replacing the mth column with the vector
. Let us expand the determinant
along the column
. The result is
is the algebraic complement (cofactor) of the entry in the ith row and mth column of determinant
. In Equation (2.10), we have
Moreover, in Equation (2.11), we have
since this expression is the sum of the entries in the ith row of determinant
(see Equation (2.9)) multiplied by the cofactors of the βth row of the same determinant. Accordingly, we can write Equation (2.10) as
Further transformations of expression (2.13) are performed in the Appendix.
According to Equations (A.11), (2.12), and (1.12), the desired control becomes
Let us introduce Vieta’s numbers, defined as indicated below:
Now, we can rewrite expression (2.14) as
Under control Equation (2.16), process Equation (1.2) acquires either the form
or the form
According to Equation (2.6), we obtain
since the combinations
correspond to roots with a modulus less than 1. The constants
are computed from conditions (1.3).
Thus, when solving a specific problem, find the roots
, of Equation (2.3). Among these roots, select those whose modulus is less than 1. Then, construct a control Equation (2.16). Compute the constants
. Obtain the transient process Equation (2.19).
Example 1. Let us suppose that
. In this case, system (1.2) has the form
Characteristic Equation (2.3) is
The equation does not change if we substitute the variable
. This indicates that it is self-adjoint, i.e., the roots satisfy the condition
. Assume that the roots
, do not lie on the unit circle with the center at the origin and their moduli are less than 1. The desired control Equation (2.16) is written in this case as
The controlled process (2.18) is
From Equation (2.6), we obtain
According to Equation (2.23), we have the initial conditions
3. Systems of Difference Equations
Let us consider a system described by a system of difference equations of order k with constant coefficients
the control
is a scalar,
is the
-dimensional zero vector, and
is a constant parameter. We need to solve problem Equations (1.4)-(1.6).
Let us write system (3.1) in the form Equation (1.2) (see 5):
According to Equation (3.2), we have in Equation (3.4)
We assume that
are the columns of this matrix.
In Equation (3.3), we have
Let us rewrite Equation (3.3) in the form
with scalar equation
We have obtained the problem Equations (1.4)-(1.6). Let us write down the determinant Equation (2.3) after replacing the coefficients
, by
, as expressed in Equation (3.4). Among the 2k roots of Equation (2.3), we select roots whose modulus is less than 1. Using these roots, we construct the numbers
are j-combinations of the roots
. Thus, control Equation (3.9) becomes
According to Equation (3.9), the control
for problem Equation (3.3) is
Example 2. Let us consider system (3.1) when
The remarks we made in Example 1 are also valid in this case.
For system (3.12), we have
Let us write Equation (3.12) in the form
where, according to Equation (3.4), we have
The characteristic equation of the process is
The moduli of
are less than 1. With these roots, we construct the numbers
Further, according to Equation (3.11), we obtain the desired control:
It follows from expressions (3.13) and (3.16) that the controlled process has the form
Example 3. Stabilization of a rocket’s rotation angle relative to its longitudinal axis.
The equation of a rocket’s rotation relative to its longitudinal axis has the form
are, respectively, the moment of inertia and the absolute angle of rotation of the rocket relative to its longitudinal axis,
is the control torque, and
is a known moment of resistance depending only on the angle
. Let us write Equation (3.12) in difference form:
For the discrete time
, we can write the same equation in matrix form as
where, using the notations
, we have
We have obtained the problem from Example 2.
4. Conclusion
We obtained analytical expressions for optimal controls depending only on the parameters of the original system and the roots of the characteristic equations of the accompanying variational problems. The roots should not lie on the unit circle with the center at the origin. If at least one root lies on that circle, then the control problem does not have a solution. Self-oscillations arise in the system.
The author is deeply grateful to Dr. S. Trestman.
List of Mathematical Notations
: a discrete quantity,
: constant quantities;
: functions;
: constants;
: γ-combinations of the roots
: a determinant of order k;
: matrices.
Transformation of expression (2.13). The algebraic complement (cofactor)
of the determinant Equation (2.9) can be written as
Let us transform the determinant in Equation (A.1). Multiply row
and subtract the result from row
, and so on; multiply row
and subtract the result from row
; multiply row
and subtract the result from row
; and so on; multiply the first row by
and subtract the result from the second row. Apply the following formula to all obtained differences [2]:
Multiply row
and subtract the result from row
. Then apply the following formula to the obtained expressions [2]:
From Equation (A.1), we obtain
Expand the determinant in Equation (A.5) along row
are the algebraic complements of the following determinant of order
The algebraic complements of this determinant are such that
Notice that if
, then we have
We use the Formula (A.10) in the method of complete induction. Next, we will show that the equality
holds in Equation (2.13).
. We should prove that
Let us prove that Formula (A.12) holds when
. On the left-hand side of Formula (A.12), we obtain
The right-hand side in Formula (A.12) also equals
. Consequently, Formula (A.12) holds when
, according to Equation (A.10), we have
Plug the expression (A.13) into Equation (A.12):
Assume that Equation (A.11) has been proven for
, that is,
According to Equation (A.14), in this case we obtain
Thus, Equation (A.12) has been proven for
Let us consider Equation (A.11) for
. We shall prove that Equation (A.11) holds when
. We should obtain the equality
which reduces to
. This means that Equation (A.11) holds for
. Let us prove Equation (A.11) for
. On the left-hand side, we have
The right-hand side is
. Therefore, Equation (A.11) holds when
In the considered case, i.e., when
, it follows from Equation (A.10) that
. Consequently, on the left-hand side of Equation (A.11), we obtain
Let us now suppose that Equation (A.11) has been proven for
. If this is the case, we can write Equation (A.17) as
that is,
Thus, Formula (A.11) has been proven for
Let us now consider Equation (A.10) for
. It can be inferred from Equation (A.11) that we need to prove the formula
Let us transform the sum
in Equation (A.19). We denote this sum by
and rewrite it as a kth order determinant:
Now multiply row
and subtract the result from row
. Next, multiply row
and subtract the result from row
, and so on. Finally, multiply the first row by
and subtract the result from the second row. After all these operations, we obtain
Apply Formula (A.2) to rows
and Formula (A.3) to the last row:
The first determinant of order
on the right-hand side of Equation (A.22) coincides with the determinant
from Equation (A.7). Furthermore, the determinants
are related by the following formula (see Equation (A.10)):
Let us introduce the following notations:
Now we can rewrite Equation (A.22) as
From Equation (A.23) we therefore obtain
In a similar manner, we deduce that
Continuing these transformations and using Equation (A.24) and formulae
which are more general than Equation (A.23), we can write
Thus, we find from Equation (A.26) that
This concludes the proof of Formula (A.19).