Tensile Shock Physics in Compressible Thermoviscoelastic Solid Medium ()
1. Introduction, Literature Review, and Scope of Work
1.1. Introduction and Literature Review
In recent papers [1] [2], Surana et al. presented shock physics in compressible thermoelastic (TE) and thermoviscoelastic (TVE) solid media without rheology, as well as shock physics in TVE with rheology. In these works, compressive stress pulse or velocity pulse of duration 2∆t is applied in one dimensional studies of pure 1D deformation of axial rod. It was shown that, along the base of the wave (i.e. along the length of the rod containing the wave), there is a continuous increase in density as the stress magnitude increases, reaching a peak increase in density corresponding to the peak value of the stress. This is followed by a continuous decrease in density upstream of the peak of the stress wave. For fixed elasticity, this change in density results in a continuous change in wave speed, keeping in mind that increasing density results in a reduction of wave speed, and vice versa. These studies focused on shock physics due to compressive loading always resulting in increase in density, hence reduced wave speed. Continuously varying density over compressive velocity pulse was used to study compression shock physics.
In compressible fluids, shock physics is also volumetric, but pressure waves cannot exist without an equation of state. The equation of state causes volumetric; hence density changes. The piling up of the faster moving compression waves behind the peak results in shock formation. The Riemann shock tube [3] [4] is an example of this physics. Since fluid medium lacks elasticity, thus lacks strain, it cannot support tensile shock physics, in which the external tensile stimulus must result in a decrease in density of the medium. This aspect of tensile shock physics is unique to solid matter and is quite different in terms of physics and its consequences on the resulting nature of the shocks.
For example, a propagating tensile stress wave will result in a continuous change in density over the support of the wave (as it does in the case of compressive stress waves [1]), resulting in a continuous change in wave speeds over the support of the wave when the elastic constants remain unchanged. Consider the evolution of deviatoric stress wave (dσ11) and density ρ in 1D wave propagation of a tensile stress pulse of duration 2∆t in a compressible TVE solid medium. The dimensionless wave speed is unity. At time 2∆t, the tensile stress pulse is completely in the solid medium, as shown in Figure 1(a) (wave ABC). This causes a change in density, as shown in Figure 1(b) (abc). Density decreases from its reference value ρ0 to its lowest value at b, corresponding to the peak stress at B shown in Figure 1(b), and then increases from its lowest value at b back to the reference value ρ0 at c (following the change in stress from B to C in Figure 1(a)). Thus, from A to B, the wave speed continuously increases from its reference value (lowest value) at A (or a) to B (or b), its highest value, and then decreases from B (or b) back to C (or c) to its reference value. Therefore, from A to B, the wave speed is continuously increasing, whereas from B to C, it is continuously decreasing. Thus, during further evolution in the portion AB of the wave, as we move from A to B, wave speed is increasing, i.e., points closer to A are moving slower compared to points closer to B, resulting in shallowing of the portion AB of the wave (reduced slope). The opposite happens in the region BC. From B to C, wave speed is decreasing, meaning that the part of the wave closer to B is moving faster than the part of the wave closer to C. This results in piling up of the waves (as in the Riemann shock tube [3] [4]), causing steepening or increased slope of the portion BC of the wave. We observe from Figure 1 that at t > 2∆t (red color), shock formation occurs ahead of the peak of the wave (portion BC) and rarefaction or shallowing of the wave occurs behind the peak of the wave. When comparing these results with compressive shock physics studies in ref. [1], this phenomenon is exactly opposite of what is observed in [1], where shock formation occurs behind the peak of the wave.
Figure 1. Schematic of 1D deviatoric tensile stress (dσ11) wave propagation: Evolution of (dσ11) and density ρ.
Unfortunately, there is not much published work on wave propagation in compressible TE or TVE solids. The recent works published by the author [1] [2] on compressive shock waves in compressible TVE solids with and without memory cite some references [5]-[12] that do not exactly address the same physics as in references [1] [2], but are cited here to provide a sample of the published works. Detailed discussion of these references is of little value to the subject matter considered in this paper, as these references only bear some resemblance to our work in the sense that they do consider wave propagation but mostly in incompressible solid medium.
1.2. Scope of Work
The work presented in this paper investigates tensile shock physics of stress and density waves in compressible thermoviscoelastic solid medium without memory under tensile loading. Tensile shocks of stress, hence density, are formed due to variations in stress and density along the base of the applied velocity or stress pulse. Investigation of formation, propagation, reflection, interaction and transmission of stress and density waves with shock fronts under tensile loading in TVE solids without memory is the main focus of this work. The mathematical model consists of conservation and balance laws of CCM for finite deformation, finite strain deformation physics derived using the contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and Green’s strain tensor in Lagrangian description. The second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor is additively decomposed into equilibrium and deviatoric stress tensors ([13] [14]) to address volumetric and distortional de- formation physics (mutually exclusive) using constitutive theories for equilibrium and deviatoric stress tensors. The constitutive theory for the equilibrium contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor is derived using contravariant equilibrium Cauchy stress tensor for which constitutive theory is derived using Helmholtz free energy density in Eulerian description [13] [14]. The constitutive theory for the deviatoric contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor is derived using the representation theorem [15]-[26]. Green’s strain tensor and its rates up to order n are considered as argument tensors of the deviatoric contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, the constitutive tensor. Each rate of Green’s strain tensor up to order n provides ordered rate dissipation mechanism.
This mathematical model is thermodynamically and mathematically consistent. In the model problem studies, we intentionally consider one-dimensional stress wave propagation, thus keeping the physics simple so that intricate aspects of the deviatoric stress and density wave propagation, shock formation, reflection of the waves containing shocks, and their interactions can be clearly illustrated and discussed.
Solutions of the mathematical models are obtained using a space-time coupled finite element method based on the space-time residual functional for a space-time strip with time marching [27]-[30]. The space-time integral form from this approach yields unconditionally stable computational processes. The local approximations for the space-time elements are p-version hierarchical in higher order scalar product spaces in which
, in space and time, ensuring that the local approximations in space and time yield the desired higher-order global differentiability with the desired degree of polynomials. In this computational methodology with minimally conforming approximation spaces [27], accurate a posteriori computation of the L2 norm of the space-time residual is possible. The proximity of this norm to zero is a measure of the accuracy of the solution. Generally, computed solutions with this norm of the order of
or lower yield sufficiently converged solutions. Only upon obtaining a converged solution for the current space-time strip, the solution is time-marched to the next space-time strip. This approach ensures a converged solution for each space-time strip, hence converged solutions for the entire evolution.
We point out that compressibility in solids, in the Lagrangian description, is governed by the deformation gradient tensor
. This is evident from the conservation of mass (CM), where
. However, the density change due to CM also induces a corresponding pressure field, which is defined by the equation of state and is transformed into the equilibrium second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. Thus, in solids (in the Lagrangian description), the equation of state is needed as it describes the pressure field created due to the density change by CM. Its presence is necessary for the correct force balance in BLM. In the absence of the equation of state, the force balance in BLM is incorrect as it does not account for the force vector due to the pressure field corresponding to the density change due to CM, which would result in incorrect evolution. In conclusion, while it is possible to compute the evolution in compressible solids without using the equation of state (since the equation of state does not directly control compressibility), the computed evolution would be in error because the force balance in the balance of linear momentum (BLM) would be incorrect, ultimately affecting the entire evolution.
2. Mathematical Model
For finite deformation, finite strain physics in TVE compressible solid matter, we consider CBL of CCM derived using the contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
and the covariant Green’s strain tensor
in Lagrangian description. The dissipation mechanism is described by the time derivatives of Green’s strain tensor up to orders
being argument tensors of
in addition to temperature
. Conservation of mass (CM), balance of linear momentum (BLM), balance of angular momentum (BAM), and the first and second laws of thermodynamics are given by [13] [14]:
is the density at a material point in the reference (or initial) configuration,
is the density of the material point at
in the current configuration,
is the deformation gradient tensor,
are displacements in the fixed x-frame,
is the body force vector per unit mass,
is the symmetric contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor,
is the gradient operator,
is the permutation tensor,
is the specific heat,
is specific internal energy density,
is the heat vector,
is the Helmholtz free energy density,
is the entropy density,
is the absolute temperature, and
is the temperature gradient vector. We consider additive decomposition of the stress tensor
into equilibrium (
) and deviatoric (
) stress tensors:
The constitutive theory for
is related to volumetric deformation and the constitutive theory for
describes distortional deformation physics. Following references [13] [14], the constitutive theory for
can be derived using thermodynamic pressure
, and we can write:
Thus, we note that
is not a pressure field. The constitutive theory for
can be derived using
as argument tensors of
and the representation theorem [14]. A constitutive theory for
based on integrity (complete basis consisting of the combined generators of the argument tensors of
, including
) can be derived (see reference [13] [14] for details). In the following, we present a simple constitutive theory for
that is linear in the components of the argument tensors
In (8), product terms have not been considered as they are quadratic, hence of degree higher than one.
refers to a known configuration in which the material coefficients
, and
can be evaluated if they are functions of the invariants of the argument tensors of
and temperature
. If we further limit the dependence of
in (8) to
, neglect initial stress
and the thermal expansion term (last term in (8)), then we can obtain a further simplified but more practical and usable constitutive theory for
(we drop
for convenience of notation):
in which
being the displacement gradient tensor and
being the velocity gradient tensor in Lagrangian description. We can assume simple Fourier heat conduction law as the constitutive theory for
(see reference [13] [14] for constitutive theory based on integrity):
This mathematical model ((2), (3), (4), (9), and (12)) consists of 13 equations: BLM (3), FLT (1), constitutive theories for
(6) and
(3) in thirteen variables:
(6) and
(3), hence the mathematical model has closure.
This mathematical model can be used to study 3D compressible deformation physics of TVE solids without memory. To illustrate the shock physics of deviatoric stress waves and density more clearly, it is necessary to consider physics in which dispersion and boundary effects causing transmission and reflection do not contaminate the solution. For this reason, we consider 1D deviatoric contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress wave propagation in compressible thermoviscoelastic medium without memory. Furthermore, if we consider an insulated system, then the entropy generation is only due to viscous dissipation, which leads to extremely small temperature changes (for non-cyclic loads) that has virtually no effect on mechanical deformation. Thus, with this assumption, we can eliminate the energy equation (4). The entropy inequality has already been used in deriving constitutive theories for
, and
. The reduced form of entropy inequality (5) is given by:
As mentioned earlier, in the Lagrangian description, CM is not part of the mathematical model as
in the current configuration is deterministic using CM (1). Thus, for the 1D case, we have displacement
and deviatoric contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress
as the only two dependent variables in the balance of linear momenta in the
direction and the constitutive theory for
defined using (9). Thermodynamic pressure is only a function of
and is known when
is known (Equation (7)).
For 1D finite strain, finite deformation we have:
Using (14)-(17) and (6), the mathematical model for 1D wave propagation in a compressible TVE medium without memory can be written as follows. We have changed the sign of the second term in (18) by assuming that compressive pressure and the corresponding
is positive when compressive.
in which
are material coefficients for elasticity and dissipation. Further details on the equilibrium contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor are given in the following.
In (19), we choose simple equation of state
given in the following:
in which
is the bulk modulus. From (22), we note that increasing
, yielding compressive positive pressure
, confirming that (22) has correct physics.
Substituting (22) in (19) and then (19) in the third term of BLM (18), we can obtain the following (assuming
to be constant):
in which
can be written as follows (using CM):
We substitute (24) in (23) to obtain
Equation (25) can be used in the balance of linear momentum (BLM) equation (18) to obtain the final form of the BLM.
The final model consists of the following BLM, constitutive theory for
, and velocity
and equation of state:
3. Solutions of the PDEs in the Mathematical Model
The system of three partial differential equations in (26)-(28) are systems of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) that constitute initial value problem (IVP) in which dependent variables
, and
exhibit simultaneous dependence on space coordinates
and time
. We consider a space-time coupled finite element method based on a space-time residual functional [3] [27]-[30] for a space-time strip with time marching for obtaining solutions of the PDEs in the three models. It is shown in reference [27] that the space-time differential operators in the IVPs are either non-self-adjoint or nonlinear, for which all other methods of approximation (Space-Time Galerkin Method (STGM), Space-Time Petrov-Galerkin Method (STPGM), Space-Time Weighted Residual Method (STWRM), Space-Time Galerkin Method/Weak Form (STGM/WF)) yield space-time variationally inconsistent integral forms that do not ensure unconditionally stable computations during the evolution. Only the space-time integral form based on space-time residual functional is space-time variationally consistent, hence yields unconditionally stable computational processes during the entire evolution. Basic steps of the computational process are given in the following (see reference [27] for more details).
be the time at which the evolution commences. Let
be an increment of time. The space-time domain
, of the first space-time strip shown in Figures 2(a)-(b), is discretized using nine-node p-version hierarchical space-time finite elements in which the local approximations are of higher degree and higher order, yielding higher order global differentiability in space and time, i.e., local approximations are in higher order scalar product space ,
, where one and two refer to space and time, respectively.
, and
be the local approximations of
, and
over space-time element
such that
in which
, and
are approximations of
, and
over the discretization
Figure 2. 1D solid domain, idealization of 1D solid domain, discretization of first space-time strip with space-time finite elements and applied disturbance.
The local approximations over a space-time element can be written as
, and
are approximation functions for an element
mapped in the natural coordinate space
in a two-unit square, and
, and
are the corresponding degrees of freedom for
. Substituting (31) in (26)-(28) yields three space-time residual equations
, and
. The space-time finite element method based on the residual functional utilizes residual equations
, and
over an element
. Following references [27], we can write the residual functional for an element
with domain
and the residual functional for the discretization
is given by
An extremum of
requires that we set
(a necessary condition) provided
is differentiable in its arguments.
be the total degrees of freedom for
. Then
in (34) is a nonlinear function of
as the PDEs in the mathematical models are nonlinear. We obtain a solution
that satisfies (34) using Newton’s linear method with line search [27].
4. Model Problem and Their Solutions
First, we non-dimensionalize the PDEs in the mathematical model ((26)-(28)). We write the BLM, the constitutive theory and other equations with a hat (^) on all quantities, indicating they all have their usual dimensions or units.
We choose the following reference and dimensionless quantities:
Using (39) in (36)-(38), we can obtain their following dimensionless forms:
is Reynolds number and
is the dimensionless damping coefficient.
is the dimensionless modulus of elasticity.
We consider a one-dimensional rod of constant cross-section of compressible TVE solid material with a dimensionless length
, fixed at the left end (
), and subjected to a tensile stress or a velocity pulse of duration
at the right end
. Figure 2(a) shows the schematic and the loading at
. If we assume that all points at a cross-section of the rod displace in the
direction by the same amount, then the problem becomes one-dimensional and we can idealize it by a line from
(Figure 2(b)). Figure 2(c) shows the first space-time strip
Figure 3. Discretization of space-time domain into space-time strips, discretization of
space-time strip into space-time elements.
This strip is discretized (uniformly) using nine-node p-version hierarchical space-time finite elements with higher global differentiability. Since the initial value problem contains up to second-order derivatives in space and time,
(solution of class
in space and time) is the minimally conforming space for which the space-time integrals over the discretization
are Riemann integrable. When
(solutions of class
in space and time), the space-time integrals over
are Lebesgue integrable. The applied disturbance is a stress or a velocity pulse of duration
. If we
consider a velocity pulse of
, then
; and
Similar conditions hold for the stress pulse
. This mathematical model ((40)-(42)) contains first order derivatives of
in time, hence the solutions of class
in time is the minimum requirement for the space-time integral to be Riemann over the space-time discretization.
We choose the following material properties and reference quantities:
5. Model Problem Studies
In this section we consider the following studies:
1. Wave propagation in linear TVE solid
2. Shock fronts in compressible TE and TVE solids
3. Shock fronts for increasing
with fixed damping
4. Shock fronts for fixed
with variable damping
5. Shock fronts formation, reflection and transmission.
Details of each of these investigations are presented in the following. In all studies, we use a uniform 30 nine-node p-version space-time element discretization,
, and p-levels of seven in space and time (unless specified otherwise) for a space-time strip. Convergence studies conducted confirm that increasing p-levels beyond seven does not result in measurable improvements in the calculated solution. Newton’s linear method for solving nonlinear algebraic equations is considered converged when
, with
. Computed evolution for a space-time strip is considered converged to the true solution of the IVP when
or lower for the discretization
for the i-th space-time strip. All computed solutions reported in the paper satisfy these criteria. In all studies we use
unless specified otherwise. In the graph presented for model problems, the pair of numbers in the upper left or right corner represent the abscissa (x-coordinate) and ordinate (value of the quantity) represents the peak values. Color legends correspond to the graphs. This information is included for the quantitative comparison of the peak values and their locations.
5.1. Wave Propagation in Linear TVE Solid
We apply a velocity pulse of peak value
and its support of
. In linear TVE solids, due to small strain and small deformation physics, the material is nearly incompressible, hence density remains constant during the evolution. If the stiffness does not change during deformation, which is the case in linear viscoelasticity, then the wave speed remains the same for TE solids as well as for TVE solids, regardless of the extent of dissipation. However, the stresses will differ in TE solids and TVE solids. We expect TVE solids to have lower stress compared to TE solids due to viscous dissipation converting some of the mechanical work into entropy.
Figures 4(a)-(d) show the plots of
. In case of TE solids, the wave remains unchanged during evolution as there is no mechanism of energy conversion. We clearly observe lower peak values of
for TVE solids compared to TE solids due to dissipation. We also note amplitude decay and base elongation in case of TVE solids in Figure 4(a) and Figure 4(d). Small changes in the amplitude and base for TE solids can be further reduced by increasing
Even though for infinitesimal deformation, the material is assumed incompressible, however we know that since
, which must be the case to have strain and stress. Thus, a change in density due to
is inevitable.
Figure 5(a) and Figure 5(d) show plots of
. Density values follow stress
, i.e., an increase in
results in a decrease in
. By reducing
, we can obviously reduce the change in density, suggesting that we are approaching the incompressible case. We clearly observe the same wave speed for TE and TVE solids.
5.2. Shock Fronts in Compressible TE and TVE Solids
We apply a velocity pulse of maximum amplitude
and of support
at the right end of the rod,
. Figures 6(a)-(d) plots of
for TE and for TVE solids with damping coefficient
. At
, the stress pulse has just entered the rod (Figure 6(a)). At
, we observe formation of shock front ahead of the wave, lower peak and increased base of the wave for damped case is seen clearly. Mild oscillations appear next to the shock front for the undamped case as in this case there is no mechanism to dampen the vibrations except lack of proximity to the shock front. For damped case, the wave is relatively oscillation-free as the vibration of the material points are damped. Figure 6(c) shows partial reflection process of the two fronts from the impenetrable boundary at
. At
, the reflected fronts are moving towards
. First, we observe that the shock front in the reflected wave is ahead of the wave as it was before reflection. We observe oscillation in the undamped case, both behind and ahead of the shock, but more pronounced ahead of the shock as they should be. These are undamped vibrations of the material points. When damping is present (even though very small,
) the wave is oscillation-free, peak is lower, base slightly increased and the shock front strength (Slope) is slightly reduced, as expected. Figures 7(a)-(d) show plots of
. We observe behavior parallel to
. In the absence of damping, pre- and post-shock oscillations are present, post shock oscillation being more dominant as expected, lower density peak and larger support of the density wave are also observed. In the presence of damping, evolution of
is smooth for all values of time, shock fronts ahead of the wave are observed in the incident as well as reflected waves. Amplitude decay and base elongation of the waves are observed in the presence of damping.
5.3. Shock Fronts for Increasing
with Fixed Damping
In this study, we consider
and 0.2 for
, i.e., we investigate the influence of higher magnitude of the velocity pulse for fixed damping. Figures 8(a)-(d) show plots of
, and Figures 9(a)-(d) show plots of
, and
. First, due to the presence of damping all evolutions are completely oscillation free. Formation of shock fronts for
are observed for both values of
. The pulse with
has much higher energy content, hence results in larger peaks of stress and density and higher base elongation with much steeper shock front. We clearly observe the shock fronts of
are always ahead of the incident and the reflected waves. There is no change in wave speed due to increase in
, as expected.
5.4. Shock Fronts for Fixed
with Variable Damping
In this study, we consider fixed
and choose two values of damping,
. Fixed peak velocity pulse of duration
imparts fixed energy to the rod for each value of damping. Figures 10(a)-(d) show plots of
, and
. Due to the presence of damping, all evolutions are oscillation free. The shock fronts of
are observed for both values of damping and always appear ahead of the incident and reflected waves. Larger value of damping results in lower peaks, elongated base and evolution with less or no oscillations. There is no change in wave speed due to changes in damping, as expected. Figure 11(a)-(d) show graphs of density
for the same values of time as for
. Density
show similar behavior as
. Since the two values of the damping coefficient are relatively close, significant base elongation is not observed for
; however, amplitude decay is quite noticeable compared to
5.5. Formation of Shock Fronts and Their Reflection and
In this study we consider formation, propagation, interaction and transmission of waves with shock fronts. We choose TVE solids with
. A velocity pulse of duration
is applied at both ends of a TVE rod of dimensionless length of two units. The space-time strip is discretized using a 60 element uniform mesh of p-version hierarchical space-time elements with p = 7 in space and time and
i.e., solutions of class
in space and time. Figure 12(a) shows the evolution at
; both velocity pulses are in the TVE rod. At
(Figure 12(b) and Figure 12(c) respectively), the waves are at the center of the rod (as expected due to wave speed = 1) with shock fronts behind them. At
(Figure 12(c)), the waves, after interaction, have resumed their original identities but with some base elongation and amplitude decay due to dissipation. Their interaction at
is a spatial local change in the wave at
for the particular value of time, but upon further evolution, the waves resume their original identities as expected and shown in Figure 12(d).
6. Summary and Conclusion
This paper presents investigations of various aspects of tensile shock physics in compressible TVE solid matter without rheology using mathematical models for finite deformation, finite strain deformation physics based on the CBL of CCM derived using the contravariant second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor, Green’s strain tensor and its rates up to order n. The solutions of the resulting IVPs are obtained using a space-time coupled variationally consistent, unconditionally stable, space-time finite element method based on space-time residual functional. To the authors’ knowledge, this work has not been reported in the published literature. We summarize the work presented in this paper and draw some conclusions:
1. Existence of tensile shock physics requires elastic medium; thus, this physics is possible in compressible TE and TVE solids with and without memory. Basic mechanism of tensile shock physics is due to the change in density along the base of the tensile wave. For an applied tensile velocity pulse, decrease in density behind the pulse and progressively increasing density ahead of the pulse result in piling up of the waves ahead of the pulse, hence formation of a tensile shock ahead of the pulse. Due to lack of elasticity, this physics cannot exist in compressible fluids.
2. Mathematical model is based on CBL of CCM and the constitutive theories are derived using conjugate pairs in entropy inequality and the representation theorem; hence, the mathematical model is thermodynamically and mathematically consistent.
3. Solutions of the equations in the mathematical model describing IVPs are obtained using space-time coupled finite element formulation in higher order spaces (hpk) based on space-time residual functional; hence, the resulting computations are unconditionally stable and permit accurate a posteriori error computation.
4. In tensile shock physics, shocks always form ahead of the wave as opposed to compression shock physics in which the shocks always form behind the wave.
5. We have shown that high-energy impact results in pre- and post-shock oscillations in the evolution of
in the undamped compressible medium. Due to the lack of dissipation, the vibrations of material points persist. These oscillations are naturally more pronounced in the vicinity of the shock, where there is higher energy for vibrations. Even the slightest amount of damping effectively suppresses the vibrations of the material points, thereby eliminating the oscillations.
6. The presence of damping whether low or high and the strength of the applied disturbance (high
) do not affect the wave speed. Higher damping reduces the peak amplitudes, results in more elongation of the base of the wave, and results in a shallower wave front. Conversely, an increase in
raises the peak amplitudes, while the base remains unaffected (as long as the damping remains unchanged). However, the shock fronts become steeper due to the higher energy content of the applied pulse.
In summary, the work presented in this paper addresses all aspects of tensile shock physics of stress and density waves in compressible TE and TVE solids without memory: shock front formation, propagation, reflection, interaction, influence of dissipation and influence of the strength of external stimulus are all addressed in the paper. The most significant aspects of the work are: (i) mathematical models are precisely based on CBL of CCM and the constitutive theories are derived using representation theorem; hence, the complete mathematical models are thermodynamically and mathematically consistent. (ii) The space-time coupled finite element method based on the space-time residual functional in higher-order scalar product spaces with minimally conforming spaces ensures that all space-time integrals over discretized space-time domain are Riemann. This permits rapid convergence of the computed solutions to the true solution and accurate computations of a posteriori errors based on space-time residual functional. The solutions reported in the paper are nearly as accurate as theoretical solutions, with the space-time residual functional for each space-time discretization consistently achieving
or lower. This level of accuracy is ensured by employing minimally conforming spaces and higher p-levels. Control over the p-level and the order of the approximation space allows for a more accurate description of the physics in the computational process. (iii) Complex process of tensile shock formation, propagation, reflection, interaction and transmission has been simulated with higher degree of accuracy using (2) and (3).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. (a)
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
- LinearCase - Thermoelastic and Thermoviscoelastic with
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 5. (a):
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
- LinearCase - Thermoelastic and Thermoviscoelastic with
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6. (a):
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
- NonLinearCase - Thermoelastic and Thermoviscoelastic with
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 7. (a):
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
- NonLinearCase - Thermoelastic and Thermoviscoelastic with
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 8. (a):
versus x1 at
; (b):
versus x1 at
; (c):
versus x1 at
; (d):
versus x1 at
(influence of increasing
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9. (a):
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
(influence of increasing
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. (a):
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
(influence of damping).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 11. (a):
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
(influence of damping).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 12. (a):
; (b):
; (c):
; (d):
(propagation, interaction of shock waves).
List of Symbols
: Bulk Modulus
: Elastic Coefficient
: Damping Coefficient
: deformed Coordinates
: undeformed Coordinates
: Deformation gradient tensor
: Determinant of
: displacements in Lagrangian description
: velocities in Lagrangian description
: density at time
: reference density
: density in Lagrangian description in the current configuration
: specific entropy in Lagrangian description
: Reference Dissipation
: Relaxation time
: Reference time
: specific internal energy in Lagrangian description
: thermodynamic or Mechanical Pressure in Lagrangian description
: temperature in Lagrangian description
: Elastic modulus
: heat vector in Lagrangian description
: temperature gradient tensor in Lagrangian description
: Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress
: Equilibrium part of the Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress
: Deviatoric part of the Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress
: Convected time derivative of order j of the Deviatoric Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
: Cauchy stress
: Equilibrium part of the Cauchy stress
: Deviatoric part of the Cauchy stress
: Green’s strain tensor (convected time derivative of order zero)
: Convected time derivative of order i of the covariant Green’s strain tensor
CBL: Conservation and Balance Laws
CCM: Classical Continuum Mechanics
TE: Thermoelastic Solid
TVE: Thermoviscoelastic Solid
BVPs: Boundary Value Problems
IVPs: Initial Value Problems
CM: Conservation of Mass
BLM: Balance of Linear Momenta
BAM: Balance of Angular Momenta
The first author is grateful for his endowed professorships and the department of mechanical engineering of the University of Kansas for providing financial support to the second author. The computational facilities provided by the Computational Mechanics Laboratory of the mechanical engineering department are also acknowledged.