Subplanes of PG(2,qr), Ruled Varieties V2r-12    in PG( 2r,q), and Related Codes


In this note we consider ruled varieties V 2 2r1 of PG( 2r,q ) , generalizing some results shown for r=2,3 in previous papers. By choosing appropriately two directrix curves, a V 2 2r1 represents a non-affine subplane of order q of the projective plane PG( 2, q r ) represented in PG( 2r,q ) by a spread of a hyperplane. That proves the conjecture assumed in [1]. Finally, a large family of linear codes dependent on r2 is associated with projective systems defined both by V 2 2r1 and by a maximal bundle of such varieties with only an r-directrix in common, then are shown their basic parameters.

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Vincenti, R. (2024) Subplanes of PG(2,qr), Ruled Varieties V2r-12    in PG( 2r,q), and Related Codes. Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 14, 54-71. doi: 10.4236/ojdm.2024.144006.

1. Introduction

It is known that a projective translation plane Π can be represented in a projective space of even order, following the papers of André [2], Bruck and Bose [3]) and Vincenti [1].

A subplane of Π is affine and non-affine depending on whether it intersects the line at infinity in a subline or in one point.

An affine subplane of order q is represented by every transversal plane to the spread. All that holds also in case Π is the Desarguesian plane PG( 2, q r ) when the spread is a regular spread (cf. [2]-[6] for r=2 , [1] for r=3 ).

Denote Π=PG( 2, q r ) , Σ=PG( 2r,q ) , Σ =PG( 2r1,q ) and S is a regular spread of ( r1 ) -subspaces.

There exist q r1 + q r2 ++ q 2 +q+1 affine subplanes of Π=PG( 2, q r ) of order q having the same subline at infinity and through one fixed affine point, while q 2r2 affine subplanes having no affine point in common partition the affine points of Π (cf. Proposition 3.6, Theorem 3.7)

A variety V 2 2r1 of Σ is a ruled variety of PG( 2r,q ) with the minimum order directrix a rational curve of order r1 and a maximum order directrix a rational curve of order r , the two curves lying in two complementary spaces of dimension r1 and r , respectively (cf. [7], Capters 13, 8., 9.). The variety can be obtained by joining points of the two directrix curves corresponding via a projectivity.

In Propositions 4.3 - 4.6 and Theorem 4.7 some fundamental incidence properties of V 2 2r1 are shown. Such properties allow to prove that V 2 2r1 represents a non-affine subplane Π q of order q of PG( 2, q r ) (cf. Theorem 4.8). The properties of Π q of being a plane, translate into further incidence properties of the affine points of V 2 2r1 (cf. Corollary 4.9).

An example is then shown by choosing q and r such that gcd( q1,r )=d0 (cf. Paragraph 4.2).

In Theorem 5.2 a maximal bundle of varieties V 2 2r1 having in common only a curve of order r is constructed.

To conclude, linear codes are associated with the projective systems related both to a variety V 2 2r1 and to the bundle , then their basic parameters are calculated (cf. Proposition 5.1, Theorems 5.3 - 5.5).

Note that a part of Section 3 is necessarily common with previous articles, this representing a generalization as announced in the abstract.

2. Preliminary Notes and Results

Referring to the Section 2 of [1], denote F=GF( q ) a finite field, q= p s , p an odd prime, F ¯ the algebraic closure of the field F , F n+1 the ( n+1 ) -dimensional vector space over F , PG( n,q )=Pr F n+1 the n-dimensional projective space contraction of F n+1 over F . It is considered a sub-geometry of PG( n,q ) ¯ , the projective geometry over F ¯ . A subspace of PG( n,q ) of dimension h is denoted h-space.

For the Definition of a variety V u v of dimension u and order v of PG( n,q ) see [1], Definition 2.1.

From [7], p. 290, 7., follows the definition of a ruled variety V 2 n1 of PG( n,q ) (cf. Lemma 2.2 of [1]).

Let Σ be the projective space PG( 2r,q ) , Σ =PG( 2r1,q ) a hyperplane of Σ, S a spread of ( r1 ) -spaces of Σ (for the definition of spread, regulus and regular spread cf. [3] and [1], Definition 2.3 and the representation).

A transversal line l to S is a line of Σ such that lS for every SS . As S is regular, then the line l meets q+1 subspaces of S consisting of a regulus (cf. [1], Definition 2.3).

For the following definitions and results, see [8] and [9].

Definition 2.1 A linear [ n,k ] q -code C of length n is a k-dimensional subspace of the vector space F n . The dual code of C is the ( nk ) -dimensional subspace C of F n and it is an [ n,nk ] q -code.

For t1 the t-th higher weight of C is defined by

d t = d t ( C )=min{ D forallD<C,dimD=t },

where D is the number of indices i such that there exists vD with v i 0 .

Note that d 1 = d 1 ( C ) is the classical minimum distance of C , the Hamming distance.

An [ n,k ] q -code C of minimum distance d is also denoted [ n,k,d ] q -code.

Definition 2.2 An [ n,k ] q -projective system X of the projective space PG( k1,q ) is a collection of n not necessarily distinct points. It is called non-degenerate if these n points are not contained in any hyperplane.

Assume that X consists of n distinct points having rank k .

For each point of X choose a generating vector. Denote by M the matrix having as rows such n vectors and let C X be the linear code having M t as a generator matrix. The code C X is the k-dimensional subspace of F n which is the image of the mapping from the dual k-dimensional space ( F k ) * onto F n that calculates every linear form over the points of X .

Hence the length n of codeword of C X is the cardinality of X , the dimension of C X being just k .

There exists a natural [1-1] correspondence between the equivalence classes of a non-degenerate [ n,k ] q -projective system X and a non-degenerate [ n,k ] q -code C X such that if X is an [ n,k ] q -projective system and C X is the corresponding code, then the non-zero codewords of C X correspond to hyperplanes of PG( k1,q ) , up to a non-zero factor, the correspondence preserving the parameters n,k, d t .

Generally, subcodes D of C X of dimension r correspond to (projective) subspaces of codimension r of PG( k1,q ) , therefore d 1 = d 1 ( C X )=nmax{ | XH |:H<PG( k1,q ),codimH=1 } .

If d is the minimum weight of a linear code C X then C X is an s-error-correcting code for all s d1 2 . We call d1 2 the error-correcting capability of C X .

3. Affine Subplanes of Order q of PG( 2, q r )

From now on denote Σ=PG( 2r,q ) the 2r-dimensional geometry over the field F=GF( q ) , Σ =PG( 2r1,q ) a hyperplane of Σ, S a regular spread of ( r1 ) -spaces of Σ . Clearly | S |= q r +1 .

Let Π=PG( 2, q r ) be the Desarguesian plane over the field GF( q r ) . Denote l the line at infinity of Π. Represent Π in Σ=PG( 2r,q ) by the spread S .

Define the following incidence structure (points, lines, incidence, respectively) where


={ 0 ={ S r Σ\ Σ | S r Σ S } }{ l =S } ,

is defined as follows

If PΣ\ Σ ,l 0 then PlPl , no point of Σ\ Σ is incident l , S r1 l for all S r1 S , S r1 l where l 0 l Σ = S r1 .

Lemma 3.1 Π Π .

Proof. See [3].

From [1] and [3], Definitions 2.7, 2.8, Propositions 2.9, referred to the current dimension, follows that the affine points of Π are represented by the q 2r affine points of Σ\ Σ , the points at infinity by the q r +1 subspaces of S . The affine lines of Π are represented by the r-spaces S r of Σ\ Σ such that the subspaces S r1 = S r Σ belong to S , the line at infinity l by the spread S .

Definition 3.2 A subplane π =( P , L , I ) of a plane π=( P,L,I ) is a subgeometry of π , that is, an incidence substructure for which P P , for each line l L there exists a line lL such that l L and I =I .

Definition 3.3 A subplane of Π=PG( 2, q r ) of order q is affine if it meets the line l of Π in a subline consisting of q+1 points, it is non-affine if it meets the line l in one point.

Let t be any transversal line to S , that is a line meeting q+1 ( r1 ) -spaces of S . As S is regular, these q+1 elements form a regulus S (cf. [3], Lemma 12.2). Choose and fix a plane αΣ\ Σ through the line t , that is, a transversal plane.

As in Proposition 2.9 of [1], one can easily prove

Proposition 3.4 The plane α is isomorphic to a subplane πPG( 2,q ) of Π whose points at infinity are represented by the q+1 ( r1 ) -spaces of , the lines of π being represented by the sublines intersections of α with the r-spaces of Σ through the ( r1 ) -spaces of . As the line at infinity of π is a subline of the infinity line of Π, then π is an affine subplane.

For the construction of transversal lines to in Σ the procedure is similar to the one used for the dimension 5 (cf. [1], Proposition 2.10).

Proposition 3.5 The set of the transversal lines to has cardinality q r1 + q r2 ++ q 2 +q+1 , that is, they are as many as the points of an ( r1 ) -subspace of .

Proof. Denote S 1 , S 2 , S 3 three ( r1 ) -subspaces of the regulus . Fix a point P S 1 and denote S= P, S 2 the r-space of Σ direct sum of P and S 2 and S = P, S 3 the r-space of Σ direct sum of P and S 3 . Lying in a ( 2r1 ) -dimensional subspace, then S S =t is a line. As a line of S , t meets S 2 in a point, as a line of S , t meets S 3 in a point. Therefore t is a transversal line to the subspaces S 1 , S 2 , S 3 . As S 1 , S 2 , S 3 belong to the regulus , the line t meets each of the q+1 elements of . In such a way one can construct a transversal line for every point P chosen in S 1 , that is, q r1 + q r2 ++ q 2 +q+1 .

Proposition 3.6 The cardinality of the affine subplanes of Π isomorphic to PG( 2,q ) having the same subline of q+1 points at infinity and containing one affine point is q r1 + q r2 ++ q 2 +q+1 .

Proof. Let r 0 be a transversal line to , α 0 r 0 a transversal plane, O an affine point of α 0 . Denote { t i |i=0,, q r1 + q r2 ++ q 2 +q } the transversal lines to the regulus . Each of the q r1 + q r2 ++ q 2 +q+1 planes α i = O, r i represents an affine subplane π i of Π, π i PG( 2,q ) (cf. Proposition 3.4).

Choose and fix a transversal line t . Consider the bundle ( t ) of the planes of Σ\ Σ having the line t as axis. Each plane α( t ) is isomorphic to PG( 2,q ) (cf. Proposition 3.4) and it is an affine subplane of Π having a same subline of q+1 points on the line at infinity.

Theorem 3.7 The planes of ( t ) are q 2r2 and partition the q 2r affine points of Π.

Proof. The planes of ( t ) are parallel to each other, therefore they have no affine point in common otherwise they would coincide. Each such a plane contains q 2 affine points.

Let h=| ( t ) | . As a line and an independent point define a plane, fixed the line t , there are q 2r choices for a point in Σ\ Σ to get the plane t,P Σ\ Σ , this number to be divided by q 2 , which equals the choices of an affine point on a same plane, hence h= q 2r2 .

4. A Ruled Variety V 2 2r1 of PG( 2r,q )

In Σ=PG( 2r,q ) consider two normal rational curves C m and C 2rm1 of order m and 2rm1 , respectively in two complementary subspaces S m and S 2rm1 of Σ. Each of them consists of q+1 points (cf. [10], Theorem 21.1.1). They are projectively equivalent. From Lemma 1 follows that a ruled rational surface V 2 2r1 of order 2r1 of PG( 2r,q ) is generated by connecting corresponding points of the two directrices C m and C 2rm1 of V 2 2r1 , (cf. [7], p. 290, 7.). The variety consists of q+1 skew lines and ( q+1 ) 2 points.

Choose and fix m=r1 so that 2rm1=r .

For our purpose to choose appropriately a directrix C r in an r-dimensional subspace of Σ, some considerations have to be made.

It is well known that a rational normal curve C r of order r of an r-dimensional geometry PG( r,q ) can be defined by r+1 independent binary forms of order r , g i ( s 0 , s 1 )F[ s 0 , s 1 ] , i=0,1,,r , or by r+1 functions f i ( s ):= g i ( 1,s ) where at least one of f i has degree r . Moreover it must be qr (cf. [10], p. 229).

A hyperplane of the geometry PG( r,q ) meets C r in at most r points, corresponding to the solutions of an equation of degree r over F=GF( q ) .

The orbits of the hyperplanes under the action of the group of the projectivities of PG( r,q ) fixing C r , correspond just to such possibilities (for r=3 cf. [10], pp. 229-230, and p. 234, Corollary 4, N 5 ).

For our construction, we need an r-curve having no point in the hyperplane of PG( r,q ) chosen as hyperplane at infinity. Therefore it needs to find irreducible polynomials over F of degree r . Two ways are indicated in [11] and in [12].

However we show an example of what is written above.

Let us introduce coordinates ( x 0 , x 1 ,, x r ) in PG( r,q ) so that a curve C r of order r can be expressed as follows C r ={ ( 1,s, s 2 ,, s ( r1 ) , f r ( s ) )|s F + } , where f r ( s ) is an irreducible polynomial of degree r (for the symbology see [10], p. 229).

Example 4.1 The curve C r ={ ( 1,s, s 2 ,, s ( r1 ) , f r ( s ) )|s F + } and the hyperplane x r =0 have no point in common.

Another way to find irreducible polynomials of a given degree, is obtained by considering the problem of searching in F * =F\{ 0 } the elements that are not r-th powers.

Given q= p n , p a prime, a field F=GF( q ) and a positive integer r , denote d=gcd( r,q1 ) , the great common divisor.

Lemma 4.2 The subset N r F * of the non-r-th powers has cardinality ( q1 )( d1 ) d , so that if d1 each polynomial x r hF[ x ] with h N r is irreducible over F .

Proof. Denote φ: F * F * the mapping φ:x x r . Set kerφ={ x F * | x r =1 } , the subset of the r-th roots of unity. Then

| kerφ |=gcd( r,q1 )=d . Hence φ( F * ) F * kerφ so that in F * there are | F * | | kerφ | = q1 d elements that are r-th powers. If d1 , then the complementary set N r = F * \φ( F * ) of the elements that are not r-th powers has cardinality ( q1 )( d1 ) d , hence every polynomial x r h with h N r is irreducible over F .

NOTE 1—A rational normal curve C r of an r-space consists of q+1 points ( qr ) no r+1 of which in a hyperplane S r1 (that is, a hyperplane meets C r in at most r points, cf. [10], p. 229, Theorem 21.1.1, (iv)). Hence r points lie in no S r2 , r1 points in no S r3 .

Choose and fix an ( r1 ) -space S r1 S and a rational normal curve C r1 S r1 of order r1 . Let S r 0 be an r-dimensional subspace of Σ\ Σ such that S r 0 Σ = S r1 0 S\ S r1 and C 0 r S r 0 a rational normal curve of it of order r with C 0 r S r1 0 = .

Let Λ: C r1 C 0 r be a projectivity. Represent C r1 ={ G i |i=1,,q+1 } , C 0 r ={ G i =Λ G i |i=1,,q+1 } . Denote V 2 2r1 the variety arising by connecting corresponding points of C r1 and C 0 r via Λ (cf. [7], p. 291). The curves C r1 and C 0 r are directrix curves of V 2 2r1 , the set G={ g i = G i G i |i=1,,q+1 } is the set of the generatrix lines of V 2 2r1 . The set G partitions the variety.

Let H be any hyperplane. In a suitable complexification of Σ, H V 2 2r1 is a curve of order 2r1 (cf. [7], p. 288, 5.).

Proposition 4.3 The variety V 2 2r1 consists of q+1 mutually skew affine generatrix lines and of q 2 +q affine points.

a) A directrix curve C C r1 cut by a hyperplane on V 2 2r1 cannot lie in an ( r1 ) -space. The curve C r1 is the unique minimum order ( r1 ) directrix.

If a space S contains r points of C r1 , then S C r1 .

Moreover kr generatrix lines are independent and belong to a ( 2k1 ) -space.

b) An r-space containing S r1 contains at most one generatrix line.

c) The r-space joining one generatrix line and the ( r1 ) -space S r1 meets no other generatrix in an affine point.

d) r generatrices { g i |i=1,,r } are joint by a hyperplane H that contains the ( r1 ) -space S r1 , so that H V 2 2r1 ={ g i |i=1,,r } C r1 .

e) A hyperplane contains neither a fixed directrix, nor a fixed generatrix.

Proof. The proof of the first statement is analogous to that of Proposition 3.1 of [1].

a) Assume a hyperplane H meets V 2 2r1 in a directrix curve C r1 C r1 lying in a ( r1 ) -space S . Then V 2 2r1 is contained at most in the ( 2r1 ) -space generated by S and S r1 and the variety generated by the two curves would have order at most 2r2 , a contradiction. Hence the curve C r1 is the unique minimum order r1 directrix.

For the proof of the last two statements see [7], 5., 6., pp. 288-289.

b) Assume S is an r-space containing S r1 and two generatrix lines g 1 , g 2 . Denote G i = g i C 0 r , i=1,2 then the line G 1 G 2 belongs to both S r 0 and S so that the point G= G 1 G 2 Σ is a common point of S r1 and S r1 0 , a contradiction.

c) Denote S= g, S r1 with gG , an r-space. Assume that for g G\{ g } with g C r1 = G is S g \ G . Then g S , so that S contains two generatrix lines and the ( r1 ) -space S r1 , a contradiction to b).

d) Assume r generatrices { g i |i=1,,r } are joint by a ( 2r2 ) -space S . As S contains the r independent points G i = g i C r1 , i=1,,r , G i S r1 , then S r1 S and C r1 S . As S cannot contain V 2 2r1 , a hyperplane H S and through a further point P V 2 2r1 \ S should contain also the generatrix g P through P . Hence H would meet V 2 2r1 in ( r+1 ) generatrix lines and in a curve of order r1 , that is, in a curve of order 2r , a contradiction (cf. [7], p. 288, 5.). Hence H V 2 2r1 ={ g i |i=1,,r } C r1 , that is, a curve of order 2r1 (and H contains no further point of V 2 2r1 ).

e) Let G r1 ={ g i |i=1,,r1 } be a subset of r1 generatrices of V 2 2r1 . Denote S= S 2( r1 )1 = S 2r3 the subspace containing G r1 (cf. [7], 6., p. 289). Let H be a hyperplane with HS and assume H contains a residual and fix directrix curve C of order r . Let P be a point of V 2 2r1 , PH\C . Denote S = S,P . Then every hyperplane containing S and S itself, would contain the generatrix g P through P , so that G r1 { g P } S , a contradiction to d).

An analogous contradiction is reached if we assumed a generic hyperplane H with g, g H contained a fix generatrix (cf. [7], 6., pp. 289-290).

From [7], pp. 287-290 follows

Proposition 4.4 A hyperplane H containing r1 generatrices contains a residual curve C of order r of an r-space SH . Moreover S is skew to S r1 , C is irreducible and is a directrix.

Proof. A hyperplane H meets V 2 2r1 in a rational normal curve of order 2r1 or in a curve of order m<2r1 met by all generatrices and in 2r1m generatrices. In the current case m=r or m=r1 can happen.

If a hyperplane meets V 2 2r1 in C r1 , the unique directrix curve of order r1 (see a), Proposition 4.3), then it contains 2r1( r1 )=r generatrix lines and viceversa (see d), Proposition 4.3). If a hyperplane contains 2r1r=r1 generatrices, then it meets V 2 2r1 in a residual curve C of order r .

Assume C irreducible and contained in an μ -space S μ , with μ<r . Let H be the hyperplane containing S μ and 2r1μ points P i of V 2 2r1 and then also the 2r1μ generatrix lines g P i . In such a case H would meet V 2 2r1 in a curve of order r+2r1μ>2r1 , a contradiction. Hence each curve C irreducible of order r , lives in an r-space S and it is a directrix curve, that is, meets each generatrix in one point (cf. [7], 3. p. 287). If such an r-space S met S r1 , then a hyperplane H S, S r1 would contain V 2 2r1 , a contradiction. Hence S S r1 = .

Assume C is reducible. The unique possibility is that it consists of r generatrix lines. Let H and H be two hyperplanes. Assume H has in common with V 2 2r1 r generatrices and H has in common with V 2 2r1 other r generatrices. Denote S 2r2 =H H . By varying the hyperplanes in the bundle ( S 2r2 ) of hyperplanes, both each hyperplane and the space S 2r2 itself would have in common with V 2 2r1 the locus of all these points. Such a locus would be a directrix contained in all the hyperplanes of the bundle. Therefore such a directrix curve should exist in all the hyperplanes of the bundle, a contradiction to Proposition 4.3, e) (cf. [7], 6. p. 290).

Proposition 4.5 a) Each directrix curve of order r is obtained by cutting V 2 2r1 with the hyperplanes through any r1 generatrices.

b) The cardinalities of the intersections of hyperplanes H with V 2 2r1 are q+1,rq+1,( r+1 )q+1 . It is max{ | H V 2 2r1 |:Hhyperplane }=( r+1 )q+1 .

c) The cardinalities of the intersections of hyperplanes H with V 2 2r1 \ C r1 are q+1,r( q1 )+2,rq . It is max{ | H V 2 2r1 \ C r1 |:Hhyperplane }=rq .

Proof. a) An irreducible curve C of order r is a rational normal curve, that is, it lies in an r -space (cf. Proposition 4.4).

Let C V 2 2r1 be a directrix curve of order r and HC a hyperplane. As H cannot contain C r1 otherwise H V 2 2r1 , then H must contain r1 generatrix lines.

b) Let H be a hyperplane. If H V 2 2r1 is an irreducible curve of order 2r1 , then | H V 2 2r1 |=q+1 .

If H V 2 2r1 ={ g 1 ,, g r1 , C r } , g i G (cf. a)), then | H V 2 2r1 |=rq+1 .

If H V 2 2r1 ={ g 1 ,, g r , C r1 } , g i G (cf. d), Proposition 4.3), then | H V 2 2r1 |=( r+1 )q+1 .

That is we get the following possibilities: q+1,rq+1,( r+1 )q+1 .

It is easy to prove that ( r+1 )q+1=max{ | H V 2 2r1 |:Hhyperplane } .

c) Let H be a hyperplane. If H V 2 2r1 is an irreducible curve of order 2r1 , then | H V 2 2r1 \ C r1 |q+1 , depending on whether it has or does have not points on Σ .

If H V 2 2r1 ={ g 1 ,, g r1 , C r } , g i G (cf. a)), then | H V 2 2r1 \ C r1 |=( q1 )( r1 )+q+1=r( q1 )+2 .

If H V 2 2r1 ={ g 1 ,, g r , C r1 } , g i G (cf. d), Proposition 4.3), then | H V 2 2r1 \ C r1 |=rq .

That is, we get the following possibilities: q+1,r( q1 )+2,rq .

It is easy to prove that rq=max{ | H V 2 2r1 \ C r1 |:Hhyperplane } .

Proposition 4.6 a) No two directrix curves C and C of order r belong to a same r-space.

b) Two directrix curves of order r meet in one point.

Proof. a) Assume C and C belong to a same r-space S . Then a hyperplane HS would meet V 2 2r1 in a curve of order at least 2r , a contradiction.

b) Let C and C contained in two different r-spaces, S and S , respectively. Assume C C contains two different points, P and Q . Then S S PQ so that the hyperplane H= S, S meets V 2 2r1 in a curve of order 2r , a contradiction. If C C = , then by connecting corresponding points, V 2 2r1 would contain a variety of order 2r , a contradiction.

4.1. Bundles of Curves of Order r on V 2 2r1 and a Non-Affine Subplane

Choose two ( r1 ) -spaces S r1 , S r1 0 S and an r-space S r 0 of Σ\ Σ through S r1 0 .

Fix the minimum order directrix C r1 in S r1 and in S r 0 the curve C 0 r as an r-directrix so that C 0 r S r1 0 = .

Represent C r1 ={ O , G i |i=1,,q } , C 0 r ={ O, G i |i=1,,q } . The two curves are referred through the projectivity Λ: C r1 C 0 r such that Λ( O )=O , Λ( G i )= G i .

The variety V 2 2r1 arises by connecting the points of C r1 and C 0 r that correspond through Λ (cf. [7], p. 291). Denote g 0 the generatrix line O O where O= g 0 C 0 r , O = g 0 C r1 .

The set G={ g 0 , g i = G i G i |i=1,,q } of the generatrix lines of V 2 2r1 partitions the variety.

In a suitable complexification of Σ, each hyperplane H meets V 2 2r1 in a curve of order 2r1 (cf. [7], p. 288, 5.).

Choose a generatrix g 1 g 0 and a point P 1 g 1 , P 1 { C r1 g 1 , C 0 r g 1 } .

Set O P 1 Σ = P 1 . Denote S r1 1 the ( r1 ) -space of the spread S to which P 1 belongs. For the choices we made follows S r1 1 S r1 0 so that if S r 1 = O P 1 , S r1 1 , then S r 1 S r 0 . If we project from O the line g 1 by constructing the q1 lines { O P 1 | P 1 g 1 \{ g 1 C 0 r , g 1 C r1 } } , we get the plane π= O, g 1 such that t=π Σ is a transversal to the three subspaces S r1 , S r1 0 , S r1 1 .

Therefore the line t is a transversal line to the whole regulus S defined by { S r1 , S r1 0 , S r1 1 } .

By varying the point P 1 g 1 a set of q1 r-spaces S r i through the point O are generated in addition to S r 0 . Represent such a bundle r O ={ S r O i |i=0,,q1 } .

Moreover, for each P g 0 \{ O } , we can repeat the same procedure to obtain a bundle r P ={ S r P i |i=0,,q1 } .

Generality is not loss if we start by choosing two generatrix lines { g 0 , g 1 }{ g 0 , g 1 } .

Theorem 4.7 a) Through each point P g 0 =O O \{ O } there exists a bundle C P of q curves of order r on V 2 2r1 having the point P in common, each curve of C P lying in one r-space intersecting an ( r1 ) -space of \ S r1 . Each bundle covers the q 2 points of V 2 2r1 \O O .

b) The cardinality of the set C={ C P |P g 0 =O O \{ O } } is q 2 .

c) C is the whole set of the directrix curves of order r of V 2 2r1 .

Proof. a) For each r-space S r O i r O , denote H i the hyperplane containing S r O i and a set R i of r1 generatrix lines with g 0 , g 1 R i . From Propositions 4.4 and 4.5 follows that S r O i must contain a directrix curve C i r of order r .

For construction each curve C i r has no points in S r1 i = S r i Σ . Denote C O the bundle of all C i r . From Proposition 4.6, a) follows that such q pairwise curves have only the point O in common.

The bundle C O consists of q curves, each curve collecting q points of V 2 2r1 \{ O } hence C O covers qq= q 2 points of V 2 2r1 \O O .

In a completely similar way for each PO O \{ O } we get the same result for C P .

b) The cardinality of { C P |PO O \{ O } } is q 2 as for each point PO O \{ O } it is | C P |=q and the points of O O \{ O } are q .

c) Let C be a directrix curve of order r . As C meets each generatrix line, if P=C g 0 then C C P .

Denote V' the set of the affine points of V 2 2r1 . Represent Π=PG( 2, q r ) as in Section 3, Lemma 3.1.

Let be the incidence substructure of Π defined as follows:


={ C C P |PO O \{ O } }G ,

is defined as follows

= restricted to the affine points and lines, S r1 g for all gG .

Theorem 4.8 Π q is a non-affine subplane of Π of order q .

Proof. It is known (cf. [13] [14] pp. 160-161 and [5] pp. 40-41) that if in an incidence structure the following four properties hold

( 1 3 2 6 2 )


1—the number of the points is q 2 +q+1 ,

2—the number of the lines is q 2 +q+1 ,

3—each line contains q+1 points,

62—two lines meet in at most one point,

then the structure is a projective plane of order q .

From Proposition 4.3 follows that the cardinality of the affine points of V 2 2r1 is q 2 +q to which the point at infinity S r1 has to be added. Hence , that is, 1 - holds.

From Theorem 4.7 follows C={ C P |PO O \{ O } } is q 2 . As | G |=q+1 then | |= q 2 +q+1 , that is, 2 - holds.

Each curve of has as many points as C 0 r has, that is q+1 . Each generatrix line gG has q affine points and the point ad infinity S r1 , hence 3 - holds.

From Proposition 4.6 follows that two curves of order r meet in one point. Each such a curve is a directrix so that meets each generatrix line in one point. Two generatrix lines meet only in the point S r1 . Hence 62, really 6 holds.

To verify that Π q is a subgeometry of Π (cf. Definition 3.2), note first that its set of points is clearly a subset of the points of Π. Moreover, every line gG is contained in a unique 3-space S= g, π which meets no other generatrix (cf. Proposition 4.3, (c)) and every cubic of C P lies in a unique r-space (cf. Proposition 4.6, (a)) meeting Σ in an ( r1 ) -space of (cf. Theorem 4.7, (a)).

The properties of Π q of being a plane can be translated into further incidence properties of .

Corollary 4.9 Let P,Q be two points of V 2 2r1 . If P V and Q= S r1 then the line PQ of Π q is the generatrix g P , if P,Q V then P,Q belong to one directrix curve of order r of an r-space S with S Σ \ S r1 .

4.2. An Example

Denote F=GF( q ) , Σ=PG( 2r,q ) . Let Σ =PG( 2r1,q ) be a hyperplane of Σ, S a regular spread of Σ .

Let ( x,y,t )=( x 1 ,, x r , y 1 ,, y r ,t ) in Σ be a coordinate system so that t=0 represents Σ , ( x,y ) are internal coordinates for Σ and for a point PΣ\ Σ , P( x,y,t )=( x 1 ,, x r , y 1 ,, y r ,t )= F * ( x,y,t ) , F * =F\{ 0 } .

Represent the spread S as follows

S={ S r1 =( 0,y )|y F r }{ S r1 m =( x,xm )|x,m F r }

where y=xm is the multiplication in the field F r , xm=xM with M a r×r matrix over F . The set ={ M|xM=xm } is a field isomorphic to ( F r ) 2 , strictly transitive over F r .

Denote ={ S r1 , S r1 k |kF } the regulus of S represented by the scalar matrices kI .

Let f r ( x )GF( q )[ x ] be an irreducible polynomial of degree r (cf. [11] [12]). For instance, more explicitly, choose q and r such that

d=gcd( q1,r )1 . From Lemma 4.1 follows that in F=GF( q ) there is a

subset N r of ( q1 )( d1 ) d non-r-th powers elements so that the polynomials

x r s are irreducible whenever s N r .

Choose and fix the irreducible curve C r1 of order r1 in the space S r1 and the irreducible curve C 0 r of order r in the r-space S r 0 of Σ\ Σ through S r1 0 so that C 0 r S r1 0 = , C r1 and C 0 r represented as follows

C r1 ={ ( 0,,0,1,λ,, λ r1 ,0 )|λGF( q ) }{ O =( 0,,0,0,,1,0 ) }

C 0 r ={ ( 1,λ,, λ r1 ,0,,0, f r ( λ ) )|λGF( q ) }{ O=( 0,,0,0,,0,1 ) } ,

where f r ( λ ) is an irreducible polynomial of degree r .

The two curves are referred through a projectivity Λ: C r1 C 0 r represented by having inserted the same parameter λ for which it is agreed that the points are considered corresponding to each other, plus Λ( O )=O .

If C r1 ={ O , G i |i=1,,q } then C 0 r ={ O, G i =Λ G i |i=1,,q } . The variety V 2 2r1 arises by connecting the corresponding points of C r1 and C 0 r (cf. [7], p. 291). The curves C r1 and C 0 r are directrix curves of V 2 2r1 , the set G={ g 0 =O O , g i = G i G i |i=1,,q } of the generatrix lines of V 2 2r1 partitions the variety.

Consider the following 2r×2r matrix in r×r blocks

M φ =( I kI 0 I ).

Denote φ the affinity of Σ represented by M φ

The extended projectivity φ ¯ is represented by the ( 2r+1 )×( 2r+1 ) matrix M φ ¯ obtained from M φ by adding the vector ( 0,,0,0,,0,1 ) as the ( 2r+1 ) th column and the ( 2r+1 ) th row.

Theorem 4.10 a) Through each point PO O \{ O } there exists a bundle C P of q curves of order r on V 2 2r1 having the point P in common, each curve lying in one r-space intersecting an ( r1 ) -space of \ S r1 . Each bundle cover the q 2 points of V 2 2r1 \O O .

b) The cardinality of the set C={ C P |PO O \{ O } } is q 2 .

c) C is the whole set of the directrix curves of order r of V 2 2r1 .

Proof. a) For each point A=( 0,a,0 )=( 0,,0, a 1 ,, a r ,0 ) S r1 it is φ ¯ ( A ):=( A ) M φ ¯ =A , that is, S r1 is pointwise fixed. For each point B=( b,0,0 )=( b 1 ,, b r ,0,,0,0 ) S r1 0 it is φ ¯ ( B ):=( B ) M φ ¯ =( b,kb,0 ) , that is, φ ¯ ( S r1 0 )= S r1 k , and φ ¯ ( O )=O . Hence φ ¯ ( S r1 0 ) is an r-space S r k through O with S r k Σ = S r1 k . The curve C 0 r S r 0 of order r is mapped onto an r-curve C k r S r k with O C k r and C k r S r1 k = . Therefore there exists a bundle C 0 of q curves of order r through O collecting the q 2 points of V 2 2r1 \O O .

Let P=( 0,,0,0,,h,1 ) be a point of O O \{ O, O } and denote τ h the associated translation. Therefore τ h ( O )=P and τ h ( C 0 )= C P .

b) The cardinality of { C P |PO O \{ O } } is q 2 as for each point PO O \{ O } it is | C P |=q and the points of O O \{ O } are q .

c) For the proof see (c), Theorem 4.7.

Corollary 4.11 Chosen and fixed S r1 , S r1 0 S , the variety V 2 2r1 selects in the spread S a regulus to which S r1 and S r1 0 belong.

Let Π=PG( 2, q r ) be the projective plane over GF( q r ) . Represent Π in Σ, as in Lemma 3.1.

Let V' be the set of the q 2 affine points of V 2 2r1 . Define as in the previous Section 4.1.

It is immediate to prove the following results, analogous to Theorem 4.8 and Corollary 4.9, respectively.

RESULT 1 Π q is a non-affine subplane of Π of order q .

RESULT 2—Let P,Q be two points of V 2 2r1 . If P V and Q= S r1 then the line PQ of Π q is the generatrix g P , if P,Q V then P,Q belong to one directrix curve of order r of an r-space S with S Σ \ S r1 .

5. Codes Related to V 2 2r1

To construct linear codes starting from V 2 2r1 and bundles of them, first we must associate projective systems and calculate their number of points. Then it needs to calculate the cardinalities of intersection with the hyperplanes to find the distance and the error-correcting capability.

Let X= V 2 2r1 , X'= V 2 2r1 \ C r1 be projective systems defined by V 2 2r1 . It is | X |= q 2 +2q+1 and | X |= q 2 +q . Denote C X and C X the codes associated to them.

From Definitions 2.3, 2.4 and Proposition 4.5 follows

Proposition 5.1 C X is an [ n,k,d ] q -code with n= q 2 +2q+1 , k=2r+1 , d= q 2 ( r1 )q .

C X is an [ n ,k, d ] q -code with n = q 2 +q , k=2r+1 , d = q 2 ( r1 )q .


The distance of a code related to a projective system equals the number of the points of the system minus its max intersection with hyperplanes. Hence, from Proposition 4.5 follows that the minimum distance for C X equals q 2 +2q+1( ( r+1 )q+1 )= q 2 ( r1 )q , for C X equals q 2 +qrq= q 2 ( r1 )q . Then both codes have same dimension and minimum distance which is the better the smaller r is. In any case the code C X' seems to be better than C X because n> n .

In Section 4.1 is shown that the variety V 2 2r1 selects the regulus to which both S r1 , S r1 0 belong. Denote S r1 := S 1 , C r1 := C 1 , := 1 . Fix the directrix curve C 0 r of order r in S r 0 .

Theorem 5.2 There exists a bundle of varieties V 2 2r1 with the curve C 0 r as directrix, | |= q r1 , any two varieties having in common no element of the spread S .

Proof. It involves choosing step by step an ( r1 ) -space of the spread S outside the regulus identified by the variety of the previous step, and, in this, a directrix curve of order r1 .

Step 1—Construct the variety V 1 = V 2 2r1 starting from the curve C 1 r1 and the curve C 0 r S 0 . In S\ 1 there are q r q possible choices for the next step.

Step 2—Choose an ( r1 ) -space S 2 S\ 1 . Fix a curve C 2 r1 in it and construct the variety V 2 = V 2 2r1 starting from C 2 r1 and the curve C 0 r S r 0 . Let 2 be the regulus of S to which S 2 and S r1 0 belong. In S\{ 1 , 2 } there are q r 2q possible choices for the next step.

Step 3—Choose an ( r1 ) -space S 3 S\{ 1 , 2 } . Fix a curve C 3 r1 in it of order r1 and construct the variety V 3 = V 2 2r1 starting from C 3 r1 and the curve C 0 r S r 0 . Let 3 be the regulus of S to which S 3 and S r1 0 belong. In S\{ 1 , 2 , 3 } there are q r 3q possible choices for the next step. And so on.

The procedure ends evidently at the q r1 -th step. Therefore ={ V i |i=1,2,, q r1 } and | |= q r1 .

Each variety of represents a non-affine subplane of Π=PG( 2, q r ) and by construction follows that two such subplanes have in common the subline represented by C 0 r and no infinite point.

Denote V ={ P V i | V i } , V i = V i \ C i r1 and V ={ P V i | V i } , i=1,2,, q r1 .

Theorem 5.3 Any two varieties of have in common only C 0 r .

The set V has cardinality q r+1 + q r +q+1 .

The set V has cardinality q r+1 q r1 +q+1 .


Assume two varieties V 1 , V 2 , have in common, in addition to C 0 r , a point P C 0 r . Among the q+1 lines { PC|C C 0 r } there are the two generatrix lines, g i V i , i=1,2 , P C 1 = g 1 , P C 2 = g 2 , g 1 defining the ( r1 ) -space S 1 and g 2 the ( r1 ) -space S 2 of the spread S .

Choose a point C C 0 r \{ C 1 , C 2 } . From Corollary 4.9 follows that through the points P and C is defined one directrix curve of order r of an r-space S 1 of the variety V 1 with S 1 Σ S and one directrix curve of order r of an r-space S 2 of the variety V 2 with S 2 Σ S .

On the other hand, by considering the points P,C as points of Π, the line PC selects in Σ an ( r1 ) -space S S so that the r-space PC, S represents the line of Π through P and C . This implies that S 1 Σ = S 2 Σ = S , that is, the subplanes represented by V 1 and V 2 would have in common the infinite point represented by S , a contradiction to Theorem 5.2.

For each variety V i V , V i \ C 0 r consists of ( q+1 ) 2 ( q+1 )= q 2 +q points so that | V |= q r1 ( q 2 +q )+q+1= q r+1 + q r +q+1 .

For each variety V i V , | V i |= q 2 +2q+1( q+1 )= q 2 +q so that V i \ C 0 r consists of q 2 +q( q+1 )= q 2 1 points and | V |= q r1 ( q 2 1 )+( q+1 )= q r+1 q r1 +q+1 .

Theorem 5.4 The cardinalities of the intersections of hyperplanes with V are:

a) = q r + q r1 ,

b 1 ) ( r1 ) q r +2q+1 ,

b 2 ) ( r1 ) q r +r ,

b 3 ) =( r1 ) q r +q+1

and max{ | H V |:Hhyperplane }( r1 ) q r +2q+1 .

The cardinalities of the intersections of hyperplanes with V are:

b ' 1 ) ( r1 ) q r +q ,

b ' 2 ) ( r1 )( q1 ) q r1 +r ,

b ' 3 ) =( r1 )( q1 )( q r1 1 )+q+1

and max{ | H V |:Hhyperplane }=( r1 )( q1 )( q r1 1 )+q+1 .


a) Assume H= Σ . By construction, H contains the q r1 subspaces S i S , each of them containing the directrix curve C i r1 , one for each of the q r1 varieties of . Then | H V |= q r1 ( q+1 )= q r + q r1 .

b) Let H be a hyperplane H Σ .

b 1 ) Assume H contains an ( r1 ) -space S i for some i so that it contains C i r1 . Of course H cannot contain any other ( r1 ) -space of the spread being H Σ . From Proposition 4.3, d), follows that H contains also a set of r generatrix lines meeting C 0 r in a subset I of r points.

Hence H contains at most these ( q+1 )+qr points.

As H Σ = S 2r2 , then H meets each of the q r1 1 subspaces S j S\ S i (with directrix curves C j r1 of V j for every ji ) in an S r2 . Such a space can meet each curve C j r1 , ji , in at most r1 points (cf. NOTE 1), that is, in total ( r1 )( q r1 1 ) points. The hyperplane H could contain r1 generatrix lines through those points for each of the ( q r1 1 ) varieties V j V i , cutting the directrix C 0 r in subsets of I otherwise H would contain the whole variety V i . That is we must add at most further ( r1 )q( q r1 1 ) points. Then H contains at most ( r1 )( q r1 1 )+( r1 )q( q r1 1 )=( r1 )( q+1 )( q r1 1 ) points.

Summarizing, as ( q+1 )+qr+( r1 )q( q r1 1 )=( r1 )( q r q )+( r+1 )q+1=( r1 ) q r +2q+1 , then we get | H V |( r1 ) q r +2q+1 .

b 2 ) Assume H contains no ( r1 ) -space S i for every i=1,, q r1 . As H Σ is a subspace S= S 2r2 , then S S i for every i is an ( r2 ) -space S i = S r2 which meets S i in at most r1 points (cf. NOTE 1). These points are at most ( r1 ) q r1 .

Apart of the points on C 0 r , for each S i the r1 generatrix lines contain ( r1 )( q1 ) points, that is, in total ( r1 )( q1 ) q r1 . To this number at most r points of C 0 r have to be added.

Summarizing, as ( r1 ) q r1 +( r1 )( q1 ) q r1 +r=( r1 ) q r +r , then | H V |( r1 ) q r +r .

b 3 ) Assume H contains S r 0 and therefore C 0 r , that is q+1 points of V . In such a case H contains r1 generatrices for every variety V i , that is ( r1 )q q r1 =( r1 ) q r . Summarizing we get | H V |=( r1 ) q r +q+1 .

It is easy to prove the following inequalities hold: ( r1 ) q r +2q+1>( r1 ) q r +q+1>( r1 ) q r +r as qr (cf. NOTE 1), moreover q r + q r1 <( r1 ) q r +2q+1 , that is, max{ | H V |:Hhyperplane }( r1 ) q r +2q+1= .

To calculate the intersections of hyperplanes with V , all those relating to Σ must be subtracted from the cardinalities calculated for V .

Let H be a hyperplane H Σ .

b ' 1 ) From b 1 ) we get | H V |( r1 ) q r +2q+1( q+1 )=( r1 ) q r +q .

b ' 2 ) From b 2 ) we get | H V |( r1 ) q r1 +( r1 )( q1 ) q r1 +r( ( r1 ) q r1 )=( r1 )( q1 ) q r1 +r .

b ' 3 ) In b 3 ) the hyperplane H contains r1 generatrix lines for each variety V i , in this case equivalent to ( r1 )( q1 )( q r1 1 ) points. So that by adding the points of C 0 r we get | H V |=( r1 )( q1 )( q r1 1 )+q+1 .

By comparing the three inequalities: 1) ( r1 ) q r +q , 2) ( r1 )( q1 ) q r1 +r , 3) ( r1 )( q1 )( q r1 1 )+q+1 we get 1) > 2), 1) < 3), 3) > 2) we can say max{ | H V |:Hhyperplane }=( r1 )( q1 )( q r1 1 )+q+1 .

Let X= V , X = V be the projective systems defined by V and V , respectively. It is | X |= q r+1 + q r +q+1 and | X |= q r+1 q r q r1 +q+1 . Denote C X and C X the codes associated to them.

From Theorem 5.3 and 5.4 follows

Theorem 5.5 C X is an [ n,k,d ] q -code with n= q r+1 + q r +q+1 , k=2r+1 , d q r+1 ( r2 ) q r q .

C X is an [ n ,k, d ] q -code with n = q r+1 q r1 +q+1 , k=2r+1 , d = q r+1 ( r1 ) q r ( r2 ) q r1 +( r1 )q( r1 ) .

Proof. The distance of a code related to a projective system equals the number of the points of the system minus its max intersection with hyperplanes, so that

we get d q r+1 + q r +q+1( ( r1 ) q r +2q+1 )= q r+1 ( r2 ) q r q and d = q r+1 q r1 +q+1( ( r1 )( q1 )( q r1 1 )+q+1 ) = q r+1 ( r1 ) q r ( r2 ) q r1 +( r1 )q( r1 ) .

Given the same dimension 2r+1 , the code C X has both greater length of codeword and greater distance than the code C X , hence C X is better than C X , despite C X has a precise distance.

Example 5.6 For minimum r=2 , the code C X is an [ n,k,d ] q -code with n= q 3 + q 2 +q+1 , k=5 , d q 3 q .

The code C X is an [ n ,k, d ] q -code with n = q 3 +1 , k=5 , d = q 3 q 2 +q1 .

By comparing these two codes with those of Proposition 5.1 for r=2 it is clear that the codes of Theorem 5.5 are better.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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