1. Introduction
Since the very beginning of human history, Creation was the most asked question. Creations without being observed by an observer has no meaning to its existence. Therefore from this principle, we put ourselves as the observers, and we put forward many different religions. In the following note, we try to answer this question but totally based on our understanding of the mathematical theorems governing Space-Time and Temperature together with our knowledge in the Electromagnetic Theory. I divide this observation on Creation into 20 steps discussed below.
2. The Mathematical Steps in Nature’s Artificial Creation Intelligence
Nature’s artificial creation intelligence can be analyzed in terms of the following mathematical steps, from our well established knowledge as follows:
1) Maxwell EM theory gives us massless EM waves as solutions in the homogenous 5D space-time, composed of 4 vector potentials generated by a vector charge current, plus an orthogonal magnetic monopole potential (Maxwell, 1985) .
2) The magnetic monopoles must be charge current neutral from dimensional requirement. Thus it must contain pairs of Q and −Q massless charges in SU(3) giving us a monopole strength of C.2ec, where C is a plus or minus numerical constant so as to satisfy the unit restrictions for magnetic mono-poles (Wong et al., 2018) . As for SU(2), since we have only one e generator, we only requires 0 current to define M.
3) Within 5D, with homogenous 4D space, 5D is given by [homogenous 4D] × [SU(2) + SU(3)], with the Semi-simple Compact Lie Groups generators given by a set of 5 Q(j) charges that includes 0; Giving us the value for + or −C = [1 + (2/3 + 2/3 + 1/3)] = [1 + 5/3]. The factor 1 comes from the SU(2) generator, which is the electron e charge and 5/3 comes from SU(3) Quark generators (Gell-Mann, 1964) .
4) Being in the homogenous 4D, all the Q(j) are massless spinors, when quantum uncertainty is imposed. Therefore the Q and −Q pair, both must have opposite velocity c, along the 3D spherical radius r forming a Diagonal Long Range Order, DLRO, Boson for the monopoles M. And for SU(2) the 0 current leads to M being given by an Off-Diagonal Long Range Order, ODLRO, Copper pair, Boson.
5) Because the monopole M produce from SU(3) with net 0 charge is a DLRO pair, it is not only a Boson, but it has to be in the Bose-Einstein, B. E. ground state, which means they are in the Higgs vacuum of the homogenous 5D manifold. As for SU(2), the ODLRO M Boson is also in the condensed state. There are thus a primordial set of DLRO and ODLRO Ms in the 5D homogenous manifold, given by the 7 different energy eigen-signatures due to the charges in SU(2) + SU(3) in the vacuum (Higgs, 1964) .
6) Obviously these Ms can be thermally excited, by converting the eigen-values of the M set into separate charges with mass. Such conversions with thermal excitation, is produced by the Perelmann-Ricci-flow-entropy mapping (Perelmann, 2002) , into a totally enclosed doughnut shaped inhomogeneous Lorentz 4D manifold. Which of course is the result due to a Temperature change.
7) Hence to connect this mapping to Temperature, we must modify the 5D manifold to include T. That is by making time t complex. This can be easily shown by changing the Fermat’s sum to
. Through this the imaginary t which contains the Planck’s constant h, time t is a quantum phenomena. And extends the new Fermat’s sum (Aczel, 1997) to the homogenous 6D. Which shows clearly that if T = 0, irrespective of t, r is infinite. A very powerful insight in support of our expectation that the Universe is infinite in space and always exist when absence of temperature.
8) The Perelmann mappings can, not only convert massless charges into massive charges, but also, another charge 0, massless bosons, if they exist, directly into mass, and not have to go from M, into massive charges first. This latter possible mapping can be seen by studying the Fermat’s sum in terms of Energy-momentum Fermat’s sum, instead of time and space.
9) Hence for this new 6D representation, we need to convert [cp]2 term to a complex sum, like we converted [ct]2 into complex sum. There is one and only one way to achieve that, and it is to add a DLRO term composed of gravitons, which are massless bosons, namely
[cp]2 + {Ghv(G)2/r'}2 = E2.
where r’ represents the homogenous bounded 4D space domain where the Bose gravitons fields with energy hv(G) exist. This bounded graviton 6D domain given by r’ is T dependent due to the 6D Fermat’s sum and is thus a Black Hole.
10) Like M, these graviton bosons must also be in the B. E. ground state, thus they also form part of the Higgs vacuum. Added to those M from the Lie Groups generators, there are a total of 8 different energy eigen-signatures in the primordial spectrum within the Higgs vacuum. Except the gravitons are limited to the domain r' within r of the time generated homogenous 5D manifold. Meaning for them r' must satisfies its own 6D Fermat’s sum, and hence must contain a finite T’ > T value in its surrounding within r’. Leading to the condition E-Ghv(G)2/r’ > 0. That gives us the Attractive Newtonian Law of gravity.
11) With this graviton closed 6D r’ domain, we now obtain the purely attractive Newtonian gravity law, when gravitons are thermally excited and converted into mass in an enclosed Lorentz manifold, just like the astronomical process we observed in the creation of a galaxy, which will has an attractive center 6D core r’ filled with gravitons, so that all the stars in the galaxy will have to spiral outward due to centripetal force as they are held by the gravitational attraction of the core: The phenomenon we’ve observed for the Milky Way (Fung & Wong, 2015) . And the galactic creation was due to the Perelmann mapping caused by an artificial intelligent AI thermal excited Big Bang.
12) Note the Newtonian Gravity is NOT derivable from General Relativity (Einstein, 1916) . General Relativity theory can only prove the existence of attractive gravity of masses in a Lorentz manifold not deriving it.
For the M thermal excitation, we break the charge neutrality, according to SU(2), and separately for SU(3). The first creation of massive charges is at Bethe fusion Temperature range, there we will get the leptons from SU(2), where only the electron is a stable particle. For SU(3), for integer charges, we need to impose Lorentz gauge, and hence we obtain the Gell-Mann Quark model (Wong et al., 2014) and then with the binding from product of EM vector potentials giving us the Gluons coupling, we obtain the hadrons.
13) This primordial M spectrum, can then be shown through the experimental hadron mass data to give us the bare Quark mass of exactly 33 MeV. so that M due to SU(2) can be converted into discrete energies given by 88 units of electron mass energies, plus 22 extra on top due to the stable neutron and proton due to SU(3) bare Quark masses (Meijer & Wong, 2022) . The total energy units before gluon modification add up to exactly 110. The formation of leptons and hadrons will happen only when T is very high, in the Bethe Fusion value known to be of 1014 K (Chow, Fung & Wong, 2019) .
14) Since kT is of unit energy, it means these 110 steps are created with equal Boltzmann probability over a T range of 110 K width. Hence from the Fusion temperature T(F) downward, we can divide T into 7 ranges given by T(F)/110n, where the integer n varies from 0 to 6 decreasing ranges. Within each, a different stage of creation of matter through AI is realized. The factor 7 resulted from the primordial Lie Groups. In fact it is this requirement that confined the Bethe Fusion Temperature to 1014 K, if we need T(F)/1106 to be between 350 K - 450 K. that covers the liquid water phase on Earth surface so that we can have life on earth. For n = 1, we have the creation of nucleons, and n = 2, that of the chemical elements, then further down n = 3 we must break the SO(3) symmetry in order to form crystals, to be followed by changes into 2D symmetric, induced by a gauge change to the Chern-Simons gauge. Hence in n = 4 and 5 we get different global and then finite hydro-carbons, where DLRO M states can exist inside the carbon 12 nucleus, as well as ODLRO M states with Tc above the body temperature in the bio-cells.
15) For the lowest n = 6 range, T covers liquid water phase on the earth surface with its gravity condition and in 2D symmetry allows the formation of Nitrogenous bases leading to DNA structures1 where closed loop of M states of very low frequencies can exist, by DLRO quantum tunneling of M that can exist in Carbon 12 nucleus void cores (Wong, 1964) , thus creating life forms, by inducing the ODLRO M in the forming of bio-cells in body Temperature that matches with very stringent and specific physical structures. All AI processes.
16) Since the Universe contains numerous star systems, it is quite likely there are other life forms in existence somewhere else within the Universe (Wisshaden, 1970) . Perhaps even within the solar system?
With these possible life forms, it can include human with Conscious Intelligence, CI. Making the AI creation above meaningful as it is being observed by a CI being. That is making CI the ultimate purpose of nature’s creations.
17) Because the Universe obeys Fermat’s Last Theorem, and is governed by a homogenous 6D, therefore it can only have 6 fundamental constants, namely: speed of light c, free space dielectric constant e(o), basic charge e unit, Planck’s constant h, Boltzmann constant k and Newtonian gravitation constant G.
18) With the distribution of non-uniform T, in the Universe, it will automatically induce the action of creations with its individual starting time. Hence creations all obey a AI process. As example, we can look at the elements in the Chemical Periodic Table2. We find only 103 very stable elements, not 110! This can be explained. Because elements are based on the existence of stable nucleus. Some elements having extra neutrons like Uranium are radioactive and becomes unstable, giving us the lower element number for stable elements to be found in the Table.
19) For every level of the Temperature steps the energy spectrum are equally divided into 110 stable energy levels due to the same topology with SO(3) symmetry and SU(2) + SU(3). But with Lorentz gauge replaced by the Chern-Simons gauge (Gou et al., 1991) due to space projection, SO(3) symmetry is broken the numbers of energy levels are now increased above 110. Thereby in the n = 6 Temperature level where SO(3) is broken numerous biological cells including the nitrogenous bases and DNAs can be formed under proper environments, such as the presence of water under suitable pressure.
20) Due to the DLRO standing waves of the monopole states due to quantum tunneling that forms in the DNA, these AI creations, will induce a corresponding ODLRO M from valence band holes for each DLRO frequency of the DNA in the folded biological cells in the life form body when T < Tc of the ODLRO M state, similar to that in the high Tc Ceramic superconductors (Wong & Ching, 2004) . Thus able to induce all the cells growth, including deceases and eventually the organs including the nervous system of the life form, and giving the life CI ability. Hence we expects different lives CI are subsequently also divided into discrete levels of abilities. Within each CI level, there are many different life forms possible because of the environmental and gauge conditions. A good example is vegetations. There the monopole spectra excited must matches the light radiation energy that determines the plant and hence its CI that help its growth and reproduction are limited by the light spectrum. We believe human is at the highest level in CI ability, with the broadest monopole spectrum via its consumption of many different types of food that activates its blood and oxygen circulation needed to thermally excite and maintain the standing DLRO waves through its DNAs, resulting in giving us our 5 senses, thereby abilities to draw, copy, learn, teach, record, memorize and through our very functional arms and legs to create mechanical AI devices. A star fish on the other hand might represents one of the lowest CI life form, as it is a representation of a life form with just a brain structure to memorize but absence of other abilities.
On earth, the application of our CI can either enhance or destroy the evolution on AI Creations through constructive or destructive devices and actions invented by us, human. The future of earth and humanity’s survival is therefore all ours responsibility to make.
In conclusion, for the ultimate purpose of Creations and the corresponding CI, it must rely on a moral code of LOVE for all AI created forms, both chemical and life forms, including ourselves by us, human, so they won’t self destruct during evolution in life. Thereby with the CI we gain, we will be able to cure deceases that can exist in our body by changing the decease’s DNA. As an Optimist, I am confident that we will succeed as creations intended us to be the CI observer and populate the Universe at the end.
3. Conclusion
Below represents only my personal interpretation of god: Although Creation can be AI, but CI requires a Creator God. Hence to me god is 100% all Conscious Intelligence. He also is with pure unconditional love for all his Creations. The AI of all creations out of the Infinite empty Space Universe is through the act of god. By dividing himself into a trinity: Father-Son-Holy Spirit, to start the Creation3: Father refers back to god as the Creator. Son implies all matters and Lifeforms created, and literally putting god’s son Jesus into Human form to save us from ourselves, in our life journey towards achieving the highest CI abilities he wants us to have. Thereby in this sense human can be considered created in the image of god if we eventually can attain all the CI and have pure love for all in the Universe. That means attaining the present of the Holy Spirit. It is god’s intention that only such human With Holy Spirit representing god’s church will populate the Universe. As example, Jesus was born into a small Jewish State in the Roman Empire, and crucified by His own people to demonstrate the destructive Human Sin of hatred. Yet his teaching of god’s love remains with the believers his church, after his death, and Rome became the center of Christianity, perfectly consistent with CI the purpose of creation. Right now, we are still at the stage in time of finding out scientifically all the AI on Creation, and find cures for our deceases.
I would like to thank Professors Gisela Dreschhoff and Högne Jungner for their continue interest and discussion on this topic of creation.
1Images of DNA and RNA, National Institute of Health, adopted from National Human Genome Research Institute.
2Charles Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley Press, 7th edition.
3The New Testament, Holy Bible.