A Theoretical Analysis of the Acceleration and the Angular Momentum of the Universe ()
1. Introduction
This paper is a continuation of the two published papers in the References based on the effect the Conservation of Angular Momentum Principle has on the accelerated expansion of the Universe and that is the reason no other publications were used as part of the References. While the 2011 Nobel Prize specifies that our Universe is accelerating outwards, this paper indicates that the acceleration starts by being linear, then becomes non-linear for most part, as it starts from zero and ends its outward motion when acceleration reaches the value of
due to the inward pull of gravity, explains the physical reasons for its non-linearity, as too the reasons for the Universe’s final radius rf and final angular velocity ωf. Because of its rotation our 3-D Universe goes from a spherical to an elliptical to a disk shape. The Moment of Inertia of the Universe I increases systematically from 0.4mr2 to 0.5mr2 in steps as it changes its shape from a sphere to a disk, much like the disk shapes the galaxies of our Universe have currently taken. This slow increase in I causes a slow decrease in ω to keep the Angular Momentum L = Iω a constant and occurs while ω is still in its increasing phase. It is the reason for the outward acceleration changing its shape from initially being linear to finally becoming non-linear.
2. Main Text
We have already established graphically that the outward acceleration of our 3-D Universe is not a constant, but continues to accelerate non-linearly, the acceleration increasing at a constant linear rate of 10−2 m/s2 per million year for the first million year, and then beginning to increase non-linearly until the acceleration stops increasing in the positive direction at a value of about 0.035 m/s2 which is an extrapolation of the current experimental data and its theoretical calculations [1] . Once all 3-D matter has been removed from our 3-D Universe by its Black Holes the outward acceleration will begin to decrease in a non-linear fashion until it is brought to a stop at the constant value of
when our Universe stops expanding in size as the accelerated expansion due to the rotation of the 3-D Universe is halted by the gravitational inward pull of the Universe.
Quasars formed earlier in time were more active in our 3-D Universe as indicated by data from radio telescopes because there was more 3-D Baryonic matter during the early development stage of our 3-D Universe to produce active Black Holes. Our 3-D Universe will be bereft of all Baryonic Matter before it becomes part of the 4-D Universe.
As matter goes into 4-D space through the Black Holes of our 3-D spatial Universe, the matter in our 3-D Universe is being continuously depleted. The Conservation of Angular Momentum L = Iω indicates that as the Moment of Inertia I = mr2 decreases because m decreases faster than r2 increases, thereby the angular velocity ω increases, leading to an increasing angular acceleration
of the Universe which will continue to add to the centrifugal acceleration, flinging galaxies outwards with greater force, thereby causing the accelerated expansion
of the 3-D Universe.
Since the ratio of Dark Matter to Baryonic Matter is currently estimated to be about 5 or 5.25 to 1, this implies that our 3-D Universe has advanced toward about 84% completion of its fourth dimension, and hence only 16% of the original mass our Universe started with currently exists in our 3-D Universe. Our 3-D Universe will keep on expanding until all its original mass has been sent into 4-D Space. Once all 3-D matter has entered 4-D Space the final radius
and the final angular velocity
of 3-D space will be held a constant by m(4D) and m(Virtual); m(4D) is the matter sent into 4D space which is evidenced by the rotational curve of galaxies as shown in Figure 1 due to 4D Dark Matter, and m(Virtual) are Virtual particles that exist in our 3-D Vacuum Space. Virtual particles are mainly electron positron pairs that are continuously created by high frequency gamma ray photons and exist for a short period of time as they annihilate each other. Since m = m(4D) + m(Virtual) r2 continues to increase, thereby reversing the effect m has on the Moment of Inertia I and the angular velocity ω. Since the Moment of Inertia I now increases, ω decreases to keep the Angular Momentum L = Iω a constant, leading to a decreasing angular acceleration
of the Universe, until it reaches a constant value. With m, a constant, r2ω must remain a constant and therefore ω will continue to decrease as 1/r2 to keep L, a constant. When the inward gravitational acceleration due to m equals the outward centrifugal acceleration due to ω, there is no net acceleration aNet of the system which occurs when
. At that point the Universe will stop expanding because it will be pulled back inward as it continues to oscillate about the equilibrium point rf. This final radius rf of the 3-D Universe is given by
. The outward acceleration
will end when its value equals
. For a disk-shaped Universe the Angular Momentum
where m = m(4D) + m(Virtual). Our Universe cannot stop its rotational motion because if it did, then
, would imply
, thereby violating the Conservation of Angular Momentum Principle. This also implies from the formula for ωf that the final radius rf of the Universe must remain finite.
Figure 1. The rotational curve of galaxies due to Dark Matter in the 4-D Space of our 3-D Universe.
Eventually, 3-D Vacuum Space will form the surface of 4-D space filled with 4-D matter, just as 2-D space forms the surface of 3-D space filled with 3-D matter, just as on a smaller scale the surface area of a solid 3-D sphere is a hollow 2-D sphere, and the surface area of a solid 3-D cube are six 2-D plane surfaces. The same effect occurs in all the other 3-D Universes in our Multiverse since all the 3-D Universes must deposit their matter in their 4-D dimensions in the same manner so that four 3-D Universes with their 4-D dimensional parts can come together simultaneously to complete the formation of each of the 4-D Universes of our Multiverse [2] .
There are two possibilities that exist for the loss of mass m from our 3-D Universe into its 4-D dimension to keep the Angular Momentum L, a constant, and the effect each possibility has on the outward acceleration
and the angular acceleration
of our 3-D Universe is stated below:
1) The acceleration due to the inward pull of gravity becomes weaker compared to the outward acceleration as matter is removed from the 3-D Universe. m decreases faster than r2 increases, in which case I decreases, while ω and
increase, and
increases as long as
increases, as has been confirmed experimentally along with a graph of its theoretical calculations.
2) The acceleration due to the inward pull of gravity begins to become stronger compared to the outward acceleration when no more Baryonic matter can be removed from the 3-D Universe. What remains is m = m(4D) + m(Virtual), which remains a constant while r2 increases, in which case I increases, while ω and
decrease and
decreases as long as
decreases. For constant m since ω decreases as 1/r2,
will decrease as 1/r3 and will continue to get smaller in value as r becomes larger.
When ω reaches the constant value of
, aNet the net acceleration and
the angular acceleration become zero because for
, ω is now a constant. Since
where gravitational attraction cancels centrifugal expansion, for
, aNet is positive while for
, aNet is negative. For
is positive while for
is negative. Both
and aNet become positive and negative simultaneously as
and aNet both oscillate at right angles to each other around their respective equilibrium positions ωf and rf. The 3-D Universe will continue oscillating around ωf with zero angular acceleration at the center and with maximum positive and negative angular acceleration at the two end points of its oscillation; and our Universe will also oscillate about its final radius rf with zero net acceleration at the center and with maximum positive and negative net acceleration at the two end points of its oscillation.
3. Conclusions
A rotating Universe cannot be isotropic or homogeneous because it has a preferred direction which is centered at the axis of rotation. Since the Cosmological Principle which requires the Universe to be both isotropic and homogeneous is not valid at all other points, we cannot use the same space-time equations for different parts of the Universe, as is currently being done.
The rotational curve of Galaxies tells us that Galaxies have an Angular Momentum which translates to the Angular Momentum of our 3-D Universe. The current theories of Cosmology ignore the rotation of our Universe to keep the validity of the Cosmological Principle intact which implies that the Angular Momentum of our Universe is zero, thereby refuting the basic laws of Physics and the experiments of the accelerated expansion of the Universe for which a Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded.