Air Quality Estimation Using Nonhomogeneous Markov Chains: A Case Study Comparing Two Rules Applied to Mexico City Data ()
1. Introduction
Air quality may be defined as the air characteristics in an environment when the levels of the so-called criterion pollutants are taken into account. These criterion pollutants are those considered as keys to establish how polluted an area is and they may vary from location to location. The classification of air quality in a given environment at a particular time is made, for instance, in terms of the criterion pollutants concentrations in sites in that environment at that time (see, for example, [1] [2] ). In the case of Mexico City, the pollutants considered as criterion are ozone (O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulate matter with diameter smaller that 10 microns (PM10), and those with diameter smaller than 2.5 (PM2.5). These pollutants are chosen because of their possible harmful impacts on human health, as well as the environment ( [3] [4] ). For instance, if we have high levels of ozone, the ill, newborn, and elderly may experience serious health deterioration (see, for example, [5] [6] [7] [8] , among others). We also know that SO2 and NO2 when in contact with the right level of humidity in the atmosphere, may produce acid rain ( [9] [10] ). Additionally, exposure of pregnant women to CO, PM10, and PM2.5 may produce adverse effects on the newborn ( [11] [12] [13] [14] ), and exposure to PM10 and PM2.5 may cause cardiovascular problems to the population in general and an increase in mortality of at-risk groups ( [15] [16] [17] [18] ).
The air quality in the metropolitan area of Mexico City follows the so-called “Metropolitan Index of Air Quality” (IMECA for its name in Spanish)—legislation NADF-009-AIRE-2017 (see [1] ). The IMECA is a value without a unit of measure which is obtained from the pollutants’ measurements through a linear by parts transformation. This transformation is given in [1] . In 2019 a new legislation—NOM-172-SEMARNAT-2019 ( [2] )—was introduced in Mexico as a country and also adopted in Mexico City. This new legislation considers what is called the “Air and Health Index”. This index is obtained directly from the pollutants’ measurements and more on that will be said when the model is applied to the data.
When there is a new legislation introduced, one question that may rise is how the existing and new rules compare when assigning the air quality at a given hour in a given region. For instance, if we take the case of Mexico City, one question that may arise is related to how strict NOM-172 is when compared to NADF-009. That is one of the questions studied here. Other interests are the estimation of the probability that a given air quality index occurs at an hour of interest in a given region; the probability of having a given sequence of air quality indices in consecutive hours in a given region; the probability of having a given air quality index in a given hour taking into account the observed indices some hours in the past, as well as the probability of having an air quality index few hours ahead given that you have the present hour index.
In order to analyze the questions posed in this work, we consider the sets of criterion pollutants measurements obtained in the year 2020 and see how the air quality indices assigned to them, as dictated by NADF-009 and NOM-172 rules, behave. In order to analyze the behavior under the different regulations we use a nonhomogeneous Markov chain model.
Even though, nonhomogeneous Markov models have already been used to study air pollution (such as exceedances of environmental thresholds), as well as other environmental problems (such as tornado activity and rain)—see, for instance, [19] - [25] —in the present work we use this type of model to study air quality indices. Air quality classification has also been studied by [26] [27] [28] [29] . However, these works use homogeneous Markov chains (with and without a spatial component) to analyze Malaysia’s data.
Although we use a nonhomogeneous Markov chain model and the Bayesian point of view ( [30] ) to estimate the parameters present in the model, the novelty and difference of the present study, when compared to previous works, is that this approach is used to study the behavior of air quality indices associated with some pollutants’ measurements obtained from the Mexico City’s monitoring network. Additionally, the data used differ from the ones used previously since the subject of air quality indices is not tackled in any of the previous works using nonhomogeneous Markov chains. Another novelty here is that we are comparing two different regulations and analyszing how strict they are when contrasted with each other.
The aim of this work is to use a nonhomogeneous Markov chain model to study the sequence of air quality indices assigned to each hour in a day in Mexico City. Using this model we aim to compare the performance of the two rules applied in Mexico City analyzing how strict they are when contrasted with each other. This work is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the mathematical and the Bayesian formulations of the model. Section 3 gives an application to the case of Mexico City air quality indices. In Section 4, a series of comments regarding the results, as well as more general comments are presented. Finally, in Section 5 we conclude. An appendix, placed after the list of references, gives some of the plots and results mentioned in the main text.
2. The Mathematical and Bayesian Models
be, respectively, the number of days and the number of hours in a given day where we have air quality indices assigned. Assume there are
criterion pollutants whose concentrations are taken into account when obtaining the air quality indices. Let
, for some known
, be a set of integer numbers which are associated with the air quality indices that may be assigned to a pollutant, where smaller numbers are assigned to better air quality and larger to worse. (Air quality classification and the integer numbers associated with them will be used indistinctly).
Denote by
the index associated with the ith pollutant at the tth hour of the jth day;
. Denote by
the air quality index at the tth hour of the jth day defined as
. Let
be the process recording the air quality indices in the jth day,
. As in [31] and [32] , we assume that
is ruled by a nonhomogeneous Markov chain. Denote this chain by
and let
be its state space. Therefore, in the present case we will have a total of 366 realizations of the the chain
. The corresponding transition probabilities are given by
. We define
, as the probability
. Hence, when
, we have
, the initial distribution of
. Denote by
the transition matrix whose components are
; i.e.,
. These initial and transition probabilities are parameters to be estimated.
Remark. Note that even though we do not have explicit time dependent formulas for the transition probabilities they do depend on time, since for different values of t we allow different values for the probability of a given transition.
As additional information provided by the model, we are able to obtain
. The function
reports the probability of having a given air quality index at time t. They are obtained by taking advantage of the Markov property and using a recursive form as follows ( [22] [33] ). For a given time t, we have, for
Remark. Note that even though the recursive formula has similar form as that valid for homogeneous Markov chain, in the nonhomogeneous case the transition probabilities are dependent of t, i.e., we have
instead of
, and the values, for the same transition, may vary for different values of t;
. The principle is the same, but the values of the transition probabilities may differ for different values of t.
The initial and transition probabilities may be estimated, for instance, using the maximum likelihood method ( [34] ) and empirical estimators ( [35] ). In the present work, we use the Bayesian approach to estimate them. Inference is performed using information provided by the so-called posterior distribution of the parameters. The posterior distribution of a vector of parameters
of a model describing an observed data set D, denoted by
, is such that
, where
is the likelihood function of the model and
is the prior distribution of
In the present case, the vector of parameters is
which belongs to the sample space
, where
is the (
)-dimensional simplex. We will use as our observation the values given by
Since a nonhomogeneous Markov model is assumed, the likelihood function is given by (see, for instance, [25] [34] [36] [37] )
is the number of days in which we have state i at time
is the number of days in which a transition from a state j at time t to a state k at time
has occurred;
Another component to be established is the prior distribution of the vector of parameters. In order to do that, we assume a prior independence of
as functions of t, and also a prior independence between the initial and transition probabilities. Given the nature of transition matrices, we assume that rows are independent and that each row of
will have as prior distribution a Dirichlet distribution with appropriate hyperparameters. Therefore, row
has as prior distribution a Dirichlet with hyperparameters
. The initial distribution
, will also have a Dirichlet prior distribution, but now with hyperparameters
. The hyperparameters of the prior distributions will be considered known and will be specified when the model is applied to the data. Hence, we have the following,
(Recall that the hyperparameters
, are given and hence, are known).
Therefore, because we have a likelihood function proportional to a product of multinomial distributions and the prior distribution of the vector of parameters also a product of Dirichlet distributions, the marginal conditional posterior distributions of the initial distribution and each row of the transition matrices are also Dirichlet distributions (see, for instance, [32] ). The hyperparameters of these posterior distributions are, respectively,
, for the initial distribution and row i of the transition matrix at time t;
. Therefore, we may generate samples of these probabilities directly from their posterior distributions and use the law of large numbers to obtain the parameters estimates without the need to perform an explicit Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm.
Remark. The posterior distribution of each row of the transition matrices may be obtained using the expression for the joint posterior distribution which is the product of the expressions for the likelihood function and prior distribution given, respectively, by the formulas (2) and (3) displayed above, and integrating with respect to the remaining variables
3. Application to Air Quality Indices of Mexico City
Application will be made to measurements of the criterion pollutants collected at Mexico City’s monitoring network during the year 2020 ( Pollutants’ concentrations are measured in parts per million (ppm) in the cases of O3, SO2, NO2, and CO, and in micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3) when we consider PM10 and PM2.5. The monitoring network comprises of several monitoring stations placed throughout the metropolitan area. Measurements in each monitoring station are obtained minute by minute and the averaged hourly results are reported at each station. The data primarily considered are the hourly averaged measurements of each of the criterion pollutants collected during the year 2020.
Even though the pollutants considered as criterion are the same in both regulations, the difference lies in how the air quality indices are assigned to each pollutant. These indices are based on the pollutants measurements and how they are taken into account. Hence, we have the following. In the case of NADF-009, the respective hourly reported averaged measurements are considered in the cases of O3 and NO2; the 24-hour moving averages are taken into account in the cases of SO2, PM10, and PM2.5; and in the case of CO data, the 8-hour moving averages are used. If we switch to the NOM-172 rule, then there are two types of measurements for O3, the hourly reported and the 8-hour moving averages. In the cases of PM10 and PM2.5, weighted 12-hour moving averages are used. When SO2, NO2, and CO are taken into account, the data are as in NADF-009. Another difference between these two rules is that in the NADF-009 legislation only one set of subintervals is used in order to classify the air quality. This set is a result of the linear by parts transformation applied to the pollutants measurements in order to produce the IMECA values (see [1] ). In the case of NOM-172, measurements are used directly in order to classify the air quality. Hence, there is a set of intervals for each pollutant (see [2] ). Additionally, depending on the rule used, there are different classifications for the air quality. Therefore, in [1] six states for the air quality index were considered. They were “Good’’ (G), “Regular” (R), “Bad” (B), “Very Bad” (VB), “Extremely Bad” (EB), and “Dangerous” (D), if the calculated IMECA felt in the intervals [0, 50], (50, 100], (100, 150], (150, 200], (200, 300], and (300, 500], respectively. When the NOM-172 was implemented, the intervals depended on each particular pollutant and the air quality was classified as “Good” (G), “Acceptable” (A), “Bad” (B), “Very Bad” (VB), and “Extremely Bad” (EB) (see [2] ). In both cases, the assigned index to a given region at a given hour of the day is the worst of the indices associated with each criterion pollutant at that particular hour when measurements from all stations in the region are taken into account. For instance, if the indices associated with O3, SO2, CO, NO2, PM10, and PM2.5 at a given hour are, respectively, G, G, B, A, VB, and VB, then the air quality assigned to that hour is VB.
Therefore, in the present case we have
(since 2020 is a leap year) and
, since we have twenty four hours in a day. Even though, in both regulations we have six criterion pollutants, we have
in the cases of NADF-009 and NOM-172, respectively. The value
in the NOM-172 rule is because there are two types of O3 measurements used: the hourly averaged measurements and the 8-hour moving averages. Hence, using the classification provided by NADF-009 and NOM-172, air quality indices were assigned to each hour of the day. Depending on the rule considered we have either six or five possible states for the indices. If we adopt NADF-009 we have the following association: G, R, B, VB, EB, and D corresponding to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. If we take the NOM-172 rule, then we associate G, A, B, VB, and EB with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. Hence, the state space of
will be either
depending if we assume NADF-009 or NOM-172 rule, respectively.
Remark. Note that for each pair of states ij and each time t, we have 366 values to obtain the empirical transition probabilities, as well as the counting variables
3.1. Data Analysis
Since the metropolitan area of Mexico City is divided into five regions: northwest (NW), northeast (NE), center (CE), southwest (SW), and southeast (SE), we will assign to each region its own air quality indices and analysis will be performed for each region separately. During the observed time considered here, we have 8784 hours. In each of these hours the air quality index is produced by at least one of the criterion pollutants. In Table 1 we have the number of times each pollutant was responsible by the air quality index in each region. Note that we may have more than one pollutant producing an air quality index since we might have, for instance, two or more pollutant with value “3” assigned to them with no larger value associated to any other pollutants. In this case, we have that these two pollutants are responsible for the air quality assigned to that particular region.
Looking at Table 1, we see that, in all regions, when NADF-009 is taken into account the pollutant with the largest number of times in which it was responsible for the air quality index is PM2.5, followed by PM10 and ozone as the pollutants with the second and third largest numbers. If we consider the NOM-172 rule, then the pollutants with the largest, second, and third largest number of times producing the air quality indices vary. In the cases of region NE and CE,
Table 1. Number of times each pollutant dictated the air quality index in each region according to the rule used.
we have that the pollutants with the largest, second, and third largest numbers are, respectively, PM10, PM2.5, and O3 with the 8-hour moving average. In the cases of regions NW, SE, and SW, the pollutants are, respectively, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2; PM2.5, PM10, and O3 with the 8-hour moving averages; and PM2.5, O3 with the 8-hour moving averages, and O3 hourly averages. Therefore, we see that depending on the rule, we have different pollutants as the responsible for the air quality indices, with NOM-172 producing more heterogeneous results depending on the region analized.
Of all regions, SW and CE are considered critical regions because of their geographic positions and the prevailing wind direction (from NE to SW). Region NE has several industries and pollution produced there may be transported to the center and southwest regions; region CE has many vehicles circulating, hence in this region high levels of pollution are produced and it also receives part of that produced in region NE; and region SW receives the pollution produced in the first two regions in addition to that produced at the south end of the city. The SW region also has some mountains which trap the pollution in that area. Region SE has large areas of dry patches with scarce vegetation and hence, it is not surprising that it has high indices of particulate matter.
Focussing on regions CE and SW, looking at Table 1 we see that under the legislation NADF-009 most of the times (about 92% of the hours) we have that the air quality indices in these regions had the contribution of PM2.5 measurements. Under the legislation NOM-172, most of the times, about 65% and 63% of the hours, respectively, air quality indices were results of the contribution of PM10 measurements in region CE and PM2.5 in the case of region SW. Note that, when comparing the two rules, there is a large difference between the percentages of hours in which particulate matter was a contributor to the air quality indices assigned to the regions, with NOM-172 giving the lower percentage. However, this rule captures the contribution pollutants, other than ozone and particulate matter, may have in the air quality indices assignation. For instance, we have region NW where SO2 appears as having the third largest number of times in which it contributed to the assignation of the air quality index to that region.
3.2. Results
The assignation of the hyperparameters of the Dirichlet prior distributions, described in Section 2 when the model was presented, is made in a similar manner as in [22] [33] . Hence, we assign values to
as follows:
, for
, and
, for
in the case of NADF-009, and
, for
, and
, for
in the case of NOM-172,
, for all regions.
Remark. Note that the hyperparameters of the Dirichlet prior distributions are chosen to reflect the occurrences of the events with which they are associated. For instance, events that have not been observed during the time interval taken into account, but are part of the space of possible events, will have small probabilities assigned to them whereas those that have been observed will have probabilities that absorb the contributions of both observed data and prior distributions.
Estimation of the initial and transition probabilities was performed using a sample of size 1000 generated directly from their corresponding posterior distributions. As an example of how the fit of the estimated to the observed values are, in Figures A1-A5 given in Appendix A.1 we give the plots of the transition probabilities in the case of region SW when both rules are applied. Looking at Figures A1-A5 we see that the estimated values represent well the observed and that indeed the Markov chain is nonhomogeneous. The fit and non-homogeneous behavior in the remaining cases is also corroborated.
The estimated values of the initial and transition probabilities are then used to obtain the corresponding values of
, using (1). Figure A6 and Figure A7, in Appendix A.2, show the plots of these estimated probabilities for all regions and both rules. Since, the values of
, for NADF-009 are negligible, we have clumped them together and use the combined state “5” to compare to state 5 of NOM-172. Looking at Figure A6 and Figure A7 we see that depending on the regulation and region, sometimes NADF-009 rule provides larger probabilities to some states in some regions whereas in other times and regions this behavior is given by NOM-172. For instance, in the case of state 2 (corresponding to regular and acceptable air qualities in NADF-009 and NOM-172, respectively), in all regions the values of the probabilities using NADF-009 is higher than those given by NOM-172 at all hours of the day. The opposite happens when we consider states 4 and 5 (corresponding, respectively, to states VB and EB+D states in NADF-009 and VB and EB air quality indices in NOM-172). The rules given by NOM-172 favors state 3 (bad air quality under both rules) over NADF-009 if we consider the time period after around 8 am (one of the rush hours—when people go to work) in almost all regions with the exception of region SW where both rules give similar weights until around 3 pm which is another of the rush hours in Mexico City (lunch time around 2 pm). After 3 pm, NOM-172 gives higher probabilities to state 3 than NADF-009. Additionally, NOM-172 always gives a higher probability to good air quality (state 1) until around noon when we compare to the probabilities given by NADF-009. This is consistent with the fact that during the early hours of the day some activities that threatens to increase the levels of pollution have not started yet and those that have started have not yet produced enough quantity to be considered hazardous. Notice that under NADF-009, state 1 (good air quality) has always low probability of occurrence. Similar behavior may be observed when we consider states 4 and 5 (VB and EB air quality in NOM-172 and VB and EB+D states in NADF-009). However, the reason for the small values of the probabilities of their occurrences may be that the thresholds associated with those states are high.
In this study we have used a nonhomogeneous Markov chain model to investigate the behavior of air quality indices in Mexico City when different rules are applied. We consider both the NADF-009 and NOM-172 regulations. Using the rules specified by them, air quality indices were assigned to the criterion pollutants and the regional air quality indices were assigned to each region of Mexico City for every hour of the day during the year 2020. In the present case, results show that the behaviors of the estimated quantities of interest mimic well those of the observed (see plots given in the appendix) showing the suitability of the model and results presented in this work in the study of air quality indices.
We may also compare, as in [22] and [32] , the probabilities of having the occurrence of a given air quality index in a given hour of the day when we have information of few hours earlier. For instance, consider region SW and NOM-172 and assume we want to know the probability that at 1 pm the air quality index will be 3, i.e., B under the NOM-172 legislation, and that at 10 am, 11 am, and 12 pm we have the sequence of states 1, 1, and 2 (i.e., G, G, and A air quality). Therefore, we want to know the probability of the following sequence of states,
. Hence, we have,
(The values of the transition probabilities used in the calculations are those estimated using the samples generated from their corresponding posterior distributions. The probability of a state at time 10 am, i.e.,
, is obtained using the estimated transition and initial probabilities and the recursive formula (1).)
If we compare to the other probabilities, i.e., of having at 1 pm either state 1, 2, 4, or 5 (G, A, VB, or EB), then we have
Hence, this sequence of states gives a high probability of having an A (acceptable) air quality at 1 pm.
When we consider the NADF-009 legislation, the same sequences of states, i.e.,
have probabilities approximately equal to 1.13E−04, 0.0145, 1.135E−03, 8.488E−07, 6.34E−07, and 1.369E−07 for
, and 6 respectively. Thus, under the NADF-009 legislation, we also have the occurrence of the sequence
with the highest probability. However, under NADF-009 the probability of this string of states is small when compared to that given the case of NOM-172. Similar analysis may be performed for any sequence of states in a given day in a given region of interest.
Another question that may rise is related to the probability of having a given state in a time
into the future given the state at time t. In order to do that, we just need to obtain the product of matrices
. Hence, take for instance the results associated with region SW. Suppose we have a state at time
and want to know the probability of a given state at time
. Hence, we need the values of the transition matrices at times 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, since
will give the transition from time 3 pm to 4 pm. The values of the matrices at different times, using both the NADF-009 and NOM-172 rules, are given in Appendix A.3 and Appendix A.4, respectively.
Consider first the cases where NADF-009 is used. We may see that the highest probability is associated with the transition from state 3 to state 3, i.e., if at 10 am we have bad air quality, then the highest probability is given to the event that at 4 pm we will still have bad air quality. However, if we look at the transitions at the intervals
, we see that
decreases as s increases. Hence, even though we have a high probability of having bad air quality, it decreases as we move further away in time from the morning hour 10 am. We also note that a fast decrease occurs when we start with good air quality (state 1) and obtain the probability of having good air quality at time 4 pm. We see that the transition probability from 1 at 12 pm, which is approximately 0.83, drops to approximately 0.49 at 4 pm, i.e., the probability of continuing to have a good air quality at 4 pm given that we have a good air quality at 12 pm drops almost 50%. On the other hand, we see a substantial increase in the probability of having state 3 (bad air quality) at 4 pm given that we have good air quality (state 1) at 10 am. Similar behavior occurs when we consider state 2 (regular air quality) at time 10 am. Proceeding in this way, we may analyze the other possible transitions.
If we take into account NOM-172, then the highest transition probability is of going from state 4 to state 3, i.e., going from extremely bad to very bad air quality. This behavior is also observed when we take the intervals
. Note that the extremely high transition probability obtained for the interval
(corresponding to the transition from state 2 to 2, i.e., acceptable to acceptable air quality) with value approximately 0.838, drops drastically to approximately 0.38 when we consider the interval
. We also see that the low value of the transition from state 2 (acceptable air quality) at time 10 am to state 3 (bad air quality) at time 12 pm (approximately 0.11) increases to approximately 0.41 if we consider the transition to state 3 at time 4 pm. Similar analysis may be performed for the other transitions.
Consider now a specific transition. Say, we have good air quality (i.e., state 1) at time 10 am. The highest probability is given by the transition to state 2 (i.e., acceptable air quality) followed closely by a transition to state 3 (bad air quality) when we consider the NOM-172. In the case of NADF-009, we have that the highest value is to a transition to state 1 (good air quality) followed, not so closely, by a transition to state 2 (regular air quality) at time 4 pm. Therefore, in this specific case we have NOM-172 giving a more pessimistic value to the air quality at 4 pm, giving high probability to a worse scenario. This is more consistent with what happens in reality, since region SW is the one with more serious air pollution problems followed by region CE.
Analyses similar as that made for region SW may be performed for the other regions. Looking at the results given by the model considered here, we see that they reflect the behavior of the data. Using them as a first approach to predict the behavior of the air quality in a given hour of the day can be very useful, since if there is a high probability of having an ill-suited air quality in a given hour, measures can be taken in order to avoid it, as well as to prevent population exposure to unsuitable air quality. Using the estimated probabilities and the method for simulating Markov chains, we may also simulate different scenarios for the sequence of states in a given day.
Remark. Recently, a working group has been assembled in order to revise the intervals considered in the “Air and Health Index”. The new extremes would take into account the information provided by the limits of the intervals given in the regulations considered in 2019 in the case of SO2.
5. Conclusion
Some conclusion points regarding the results obtained in this work are: estimated initial, transition and probabilities are at time t represent well the corresponding observed (empirical) probabilities; the air quality indices associated using the NOM-172 represent well the observed behavior of the pollutants considered in this analysis, however, it is worth mentioning that in some cases NADF-009 also gives a good representation; the air quality indices produced by the NOM-172 allow to detect more times the contribution of pollutants other than ozone and PM10 to the air quality classification in Mexico City; the model used in this study allows us to obtain the probability of having a given air quality in a given time of the day using information of the current and past air quality indices. We may also use the model to simulate strings of air quality states in given hours.
The authors thank an anonymous reviewer for the comments and suggestions that helped to improve the presentation of the results. This work is part of JACJ’s Ph.D. Thesis developed at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México. JACJ thanks the Ph.D. Scholarship received from CONACyT-Mexico. Part of this work was developed while ERR was in a sabbatical visit at the Department of Statistics of the Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP)—Campus Presidente Prudente, Brazil, with a grant from the Dirección General de Apoyo al Personal Académico of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico (PASPA-Aug./2022-Jan./2023). ERR is grateful to the Department of Statistics of UNESP, for support and hospitality during the development of this work.
In this appendix we present the plots of the estimated and observed transition probabilities for region SW when both the NADF-009 and NOM-172 rules are taken into account (Figures A1-A5). We also present a comparison between the plots of the estimated probabilities
; when we take into account both NADF-009 and NOM-172 rules and data from all regions ( Figure A6 and Figure A7). We also have the products of the transition matrices at time
, for both the NADF-009 and NOM-172 rules when we consider data from region SW.
A.1. Estimated and Observed Transition Probabilities in the Case of NOM-172 and NADF-009 in the Case of Region SW
In this section we present the plots of the estimated and observed transition probabilities for region SW when both the NADF-009 and NOM-172 rules are taken into account.
Figure A1. Estimated (dashed red lines) and observed (black lines) transition probabilities
, and
(from left to right) together with the 95% credible intervals (blue dashed lines) when data from region SW are used and the NOM-172 is taken into account.
Figure A2. Estimated (dashed red lines) and observed (black lines) transition probabilities
(from left to right) together with the 95% credible intervals (blue dashed lines) when data from region SW are used and the NOM-172 is taken into account.
Figure A3. Estimated (dashed red lines) and observed (black lines) transition probabilities
(from left to right) together with the 95% credible intervals (blue dashed lines) when data from region SW are used and the NADF-009 is taken into account.
Figure A4. Estimated (dashed red lines) and observed (black lines) transition probabilities
(from left to right) together with the 95% credible intervals (blue dashed lines) when data from region SW are used and the NADF-009 is taken into account.
Figure A5. Estimated (dashed red lines) and observed (black lines) transition probabilities
(from left to right) together with the 95% credible intervals (blue dashed lines) when data from region SW are used and the NADF-009 is taken into account.
A.2. Estimated Probabilities at Time t.
In this section we present the plots of the probabilities
, under the two rules for all regions.
Figure A6. Estimated probabilities
under the NOM-172 (red dashed lines) and NADF-009 (black continuous lines) legislations when data from regions NW, NE, and CE are used.
Figure A7. Estimated probabilities
under the NOM-172 (red dashed lines) and NADF-009 (black continuous lines) legislations when data from regions SE and SW are used.
A.3. Transition Matrices under NADF-009 Legislation
In this appendix we present the values of the k-step transition matrices at time
, in the case of NADF-009 legislation.
A.4. Transition Matrices under NOM-172 Legislation
In this appendix we present the values of the k-step transition matrices at time
, in the case of NOM-172 legislation.