1. Introduction
Switched systems consist of a series of continuous or discrete subsystems and a switching signal that coordinates the switching between these subsystems. As a special class of hybrid systems, switched systems have been widely used in the traffic control, network control, automotive roll dynamics control and mobile robot control in the past years [1] [2] [3] [4] . It should be pointed out that the dynamic behavior of switching systems become complicated due to the existence of switching signals, which has attracted much attention. Recently, there have been a lot of important work on switched systems, such as stability, stabilization, sliding mode control and so on [5] [6] [7] [8] . Specifically, the stability of switching systems is not equivalent to the stability of subsystems, as switching signals play a crucial role. Thus, appropriate controllers are often needed to better achieve system performance. Generally speaking, from the perspective of the switching instant, the switching signal can be divided into two types: time-dependent [9] [10] [11] [12] and state-dependent [13] [14] [15] [16] (sometimes also combinations of the above types). For the former type, the switching instant must be known in advance, and the switching between subsystems occurs at a fixed time. However, the switching instant is usually a priori unknown, and state-dependent switching that based on the current state of the system is needed under the circumstance, as is shown in Figure 1. Because the switching instant does not need to be predetermined, state-dependent switching strategies have been widely used in various fields [13] [17] , such as power control, chemical system and aircraft control [18] - [24] .
In recent years, most of the existing literature related to the stability of switched systems has focused on Lyapunov asymptotic stability, which is defined over an infinite time interval. However, in many practical applications, it always needs to concern the behavior of the system over a finite time, where large values of the state are unacceptable. In addition, a dynamical system may show poor performances in a finite time interval with short working time although it eventually satisfies asymptotic stability. Therefore, it is necessary to study the transient performance of systems. In this case, the finite-time stability as a concept of short time stability is introduced, which is an independent concept comparing with Lyapunov asymptotic stability and can be used to estimate the boundedness of states within a prescribed bound in a fixed time interval if a bound on the initial condition is given. Recently, some results have been obtained about transient performance of systems in a finite time interval. For example, in [6] , authors studied the finite-time stability of switched systems based on time-dependent switching. Furthermore, some achievements have also been made about the transient performances of switched systems in the framework of state-dependent switching strategy. In [25] , authors investigated the finite-time stabilization and boundedness problems of switched linear systems. Several sufficient criteria were given to guarantee the finite-time stabilization of switched nonlinear systems in [26] .
In many practical systems, the inevitable external disturbance may lead to system instability. In this case, we hope that not only the influence of external disturbance on output variables can be controlled, but also the expected performance of the system can be obtained. H∞ control is an effective method to deal with these issues. The advantage is that the output has an upper bound by limiting external disturbances, while ensuring internal stability. Many literatures on H∞ control have been reported [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] . In [27] [28] , authors investigated the finite-time H∞ control of switched systems under time-dependent switching. Under state-dependent switching, the finite-time H∞ dynamic output feedback control for nonlinear impulsive switched systems has been proposed by [29] . In [31] , authors studied asynchronous H∞ control for discrete-time switched systems under state-dependent switching with dwell time constraint. It should be noted that the finite-time H∞ state feedback control for switched nonlinear systems has not been fully studied, especially under state-dependent switching. This motivated the research of this paper.
This paper aims to investigate the finite-time H∞ control problem of switched nonlinear systems under state-dependent switching. The main contributions of this paper can be highlighted as follows: 1) different from time-dependent switching, the state-dependent switching strategy studied in this paper is based on the state of the system without giving the switching instant in advance; 2) using the multiple Lyapunov-like functions method, the sufficient conditions to guarantee the finite-time H∞ control for switched nonlinear systems are proposed, and sliding motion is also considered; 3) what is different from the previous method is that the largest region function strategy is adopted in this paper.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces some necessary preliminary knowledge. In Section 3, several sufficient criteria for switched nonlinear systems to be finite-time H∞ control are proposed. A numerical simulation is given to demonstrate the validity of our methods in Section 4. Section 5 describes the conclusions of this paper.
Notations. Let
denote the set of real numbers,
represent the n-dimensional real space equipped with the Euclidean norm
be the set of positive integers. For a matrix A,
) denotes that A is a positive definite (negative definite, positive semi-definite, negative semi-definite) matrix,
) denotes the maximum (minimum) eigenvalue of A,
means the transpose of A and
represents the inverse of A. Unless otherwise specified, I stands for the identity matrix with appropriate dimensions,
is the symmetric block in a symmetric matrix and
is an index set.
2. Preliminaries
Consider the following switched nonlinear system
is the neural state vector,
represents the neuron activation function;
is the control input,
is the exogenous disturbance, and
is the controlled output.
, and
are constant real matrices.
which takes values in the finite set
is the switching signal characterized by the switching sequence
means that the ith subsystem is activated.
The state feedback controller is given by
Substituting Equation (2) into system (1), we can get the following closed-loop system
For further discussion, the following assumptions are made.
(H1) For the continuously bounded neuron activation functions
, there exist some real constants
such that
(H2) Given a constant T, the exogenous disturbance
To identify a Lyapunov-like function for one of the switched subsystems, the whole state space
should be divided into N pieces, denoted by
cover the whole state space, i.e., the following covering property holds
For simplicity, we assume that each region
has the following quadratic representation
is symmetric matrix.
The following lemma gives a sufficient condition for the covering property.
Lemma 1 ( [32] ). If for every
, then
Define the switching law according to the following largest region function
and define
as follows
To have a well-defined switched system, these regions have to satisfy two properties, that is, covering property and switching property
, where
denotes the closure of a set.
Throughout this paper, the following definitions are needed.
Definition 1. (Finite-Time Stable, FTS [33] ) Given a positive definite matrix R, three positive constants
, T, with
, and a switching signal
, the continuous-time switched nonlinear system (1) with
is said to be finite-time stable with respect to
, if
Definition 2. (Finite-Time Bounded, FTB [33] ) Given a positive definite matrix R, three positive constants
, T, with
, and a switching signal
, the system (3) is said to be finite-time bounded with respect to
, if
Definition 3. (Finite-Time H∞ contro [28] ) The switched nonlinear system (1) is said to be finite-time stabilizable with H∞ disturbance attenuation level
, if there exists a control input
and a switching signal
such that
1) The corresponding closed-loop system is finite-time bounded;
2) Under the zero-initial condition, the controlled output
is a prescribed scalar and
satisfies (H2).
3. Main Results
Theorem 1. Suppose that (H1) holds. If there exist matrices
, diagonal matrices
with compatible dimensions and constants
such that
then switched nonlinear system (3) is FTB with respect to
under the switching signal
. Moreover, the feedback control gains can be designed by
Proof. Choose the Lyapunov function
, which is used to measure the energy in the region
Case 1: No sliding motion occurs. Assume
. when
, the derivative of
along the trajectories of subsystem i yields
From (7), we obtain
It follows from assumption (H2) that
for every
, where
indicates the column vector with j-th element to be 1 and others to be 0. Then, for any diagonal matrices
, the following inequalities hold.
Noting that no sliding motion occurs, we have
. It can be deduced from (4), (9) and (10) that
Integrating (11) from tk to t gives
When the systems switch from
, it follows from the switching rule that
. Then by (6), we have
which implies that
. Thus,
Note that
According (8) and (13) - (15), we get
Therefore, the switched system (3) is finite-time bounded.
Case 2: When sliding motion occurs, it will occur at states satisfying
, which are states where the subsystem changes occur. A sliding motion may occur at surface
, i.e.
. When the sliding motion occurs along the hyper-surface
, it implies that
The system dynamic on the sliding surface can be expressed as
From (6) and
, we have
It follows from Case 1 that
Then the derivatives of
along the trajectories of system (16) yield
Then the rest of proof is the same as Case 1. This completes the proof.
Remark 1. In [34] [35] [36] , authors studied the FTB of switched systems, but most of them are based on time-dependent switching, that is, the switching instant needs to be given in advance. There are few results using state-dependent switching strategy, especially for nonlinear systems. Moreover, the system state may generate sliding mode motion on the switching surface under the switching signal
. However, with the help of the multiple Lyapunov method and LMIs technique, the FTB of the nonlinear switched system (3) can be ensured by Theorem 1 whether the sliding mode appears or not under the state-dependent switching signal we designed.
Theorem 2. Suppose that (H1) and (H2) hold. Given constant
, if there exist matrices
, diagonal matrices
with compatible dimensions and constants
such that
are the same as in Theorem 1, then switched nonlinear system (1) is finite-time stabilizable with H∞ disturbance attenuation level
with respect to
under the switching law
. Moreover, the feedback control gains can be designed by
Proof. Choose the Lyapunov function
. The FTB can be easily proved following the proof procedure of Theorem 1. Moreover, by schur complement lemma, condition (17) is equivalent to
Then, we have
It can be derived that
Note that
with the given conditions in Theorem 2. It follows that
which implies
The switched nonlinear system (1) is finite-time stabilizable with H∞ performance
. This completes the proof.
Remark 2. In [28] , based on time-dependent switching, authors investigated the finite time H∞ control for switched systems. In [36] , authors studied the FTB problems of switched systems under time-dependent switching. Different from the time-dependent switching, the switching instant of the state-dependent switching is unknown, which is more practical. The finite-time stabilization and FTB of switched systems were considered based on state-dependent switching in [25] . Several sufficient conditions for the finite-time stability and L2-gain analysis of switched linear systems were derived in [33] . However, the systems they considered are linear and the resultes do not involve the investigation of the finite-time H∞ control. Moreover, the output only depended on the states of the system. By designing the appropriate switching law and considering the output related to both the system states and the external disturbance, some sufficient conditions are provided to guarantee the finite-time H∞ controllability of the nonlinear switched system (1) in Theorem 2, which extends and enriches the results in [25] [33] .
Corollary 1. Suppose that (H1) holds. If there exist matrices
, diagonal matrices
with compatible dimensions and constants
such that
then switched nonlinear system (1) with
is FTS with respect to
under the switching law
4. Example
In this section, an example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Two subsystems are considered, i.e.,
. Consider the switched nonlinear system (1) with parameters as follows
It is easy to get that
. We choose
. Then solve the inequality in Theorem 2 by using Matlab LMI toolbox, one may find the following feasible solutions
As we can see, the switched nolinear system (1) is unbound without control in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows that the trajectories of the closed-loop system (3) with the state feedback controller (2). Moreover, we can clearly see that the system (3) is FTB with respect to
from Figure 4. And Figure 5 illustrates the switching signal
. Furthermore, the system (1) has H∞ disturbance attenuation level
, which is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 2. The state trajectories of
without control.
Figure 3. The state trajectories of
with the state feedback controller (2).
Figure 4. The trajectories of
with the state feedback controller (2).
Figure 5. The switching signal
Figure 6. The H∞ disturbance attenuation level
5. Conclusion
In this paper, the problem of finite-time H∞ control for switched nonlinear systems with a state-dependent switching signal has been investigated, where the output considered is related to both the current states and the external disturbance. By using the multiple Lyapunov method and the free weight matrix technique, several sufficient conditions for finite-time H∞ control of the system with and without sliding mode motion are proposed respectively. Finally, the validity of the conclusion is verified by numerical simulation.