1. Introduction
This article is a continuation of the previous article entitled “economy equilibrium and sustainable development” and it is the implementation of the ideas laid down in [1] for the formulation of the concept of sustainable economic development at the microeconomic level. In it, we clarify the issue of the influence of spontaneous output of goods by firms on the phenomenon of recession, formulate the concept of sustainable economic development.
Section 2 is devoted to the construction of algorithms for finding equilibrium states the existence of which was proved in previous paper “economy equilibrium and sustainable development”. Lemma 2 provides sufficient conditions for the consistency of the supply structure with the demand structure, namely, that supply vectors belong to the interior of the cone formed by consumer demand vectors. Lemma 3 establishes the existence of a strictly positive solution of the system of equations for a square non-negative indecomposable matrix. Theorem 2 gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an equilibrium price vector for which the market is cleared. Theorem 3 gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a strictly positive equilibrium price vector under the condition that the structure of the supply is weakly consistent with the structure of the choice.
Lemma 4 characterizes the structure of the equilibrium state in the case of constant consumer incomes. Theorem 4 gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an equilibrium state under which the markets are completely cleared in the case when consumer incomes are constant. Theorem 5 gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of economic equilibrium in the case of fixed consumer incomes. If the equilibrium vector of prices is not strictly positive, then in this case the important concept of the real vector of consumption is introduced. The system of equilibrium equations with the real vector of consumption is degenerate of a certain multiplicity, and the corresponding equilibrium vector of prices is called the generalized equilibrium price vector. The concept of the parameter of the recession level, which is a characteristic of the depth of the recession, is introduced.
Section 4 formulates the conditions for the sustainable development of the economy. Theorem 6 considers the case when production technologies are described by input-output technological mapping. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a strictly positive solution of the system of equations (63) have been found. These conditions are the conditions of belonging to the polyhedral cone of the gross product vector component by component multiplied by the vector built on the taxation vector. This cone is formed by the columns of the matrix, which is the product of the matrix of direct costs and the matrix of total costs. The probability of such a vector belonging into the specified cone is found. Provided that the structure of the supply is consistent with the structure of choice, Theorems 8 and 10 formulate the conditions for the structure of firms’ output, the levels of taxation at which each of the firms can provide such an income for which it can ensure its functioning in the next production cycle. Theorems 11 and 12 formulate the conditions for the existence of an equilibrium price vector under which the markets are completely cleared if firms have chosen continuous strategies of behavior. Theorems 13 and 14 are reformulations of Theorems 8, 10 and, respectively, Theorems 11, 12 in the case of taxation.
By sustainable economic development, we understand the growth of the gross domestic product over a long period of time. During this period, the wages of employees increase, the majority of firms operate in a profitable mode, and the exchange rate of the national currency is stable. To formulate this definition mathematically, we introduce such concepts as the consistency of the structure of the supply to the structure of the choice. At the firm level, this will mean studying the structure of demand for produced goods so that the volumes of goods released are aligned with the structure of demand. The latter will ensure, in accordance with proven Theorems, the appropriate profit for firms.
Important for testing the economy of the state is a proven theorem about the necessary and sufficient conditions for the functioning of the economy in a profitable mode for the technological mapping of input-output. In reality, information about the economic system is presented in value indicators, and this description is aggregated. If we consider the vector of relative equilibrium of prices, then in this case it is possible to detect deviations from the conditions of the proven theorem that apply to the aggregated economic description. Depending on the economic system, these can be deformations in the taxation system, wage levels, pricing, and foreign economic relations. Information of society can be about such deformations.
The phenomenon of recession is the opposite of the concept of sustainable development. It is accompanied by a decline in production, the presence of unsold goods produced in the economic system. In society, there is saturation with a certain group of goods. It is impossible to influence this phenomenon with macroeconomic measures. Money emission will not lead to the consumption of these surplus goods and will lead to inflation of the remaining goods. The theory of economic equilibrium should explain this phenomenon. The proven theorems show that when there is incomplete agreement between the structure of demand and the structure of supply, there is a surplus of manufactured goods, the price of which is not determined by demand and supply. The proven Theorems show that when there is incomplete agreement between the structure of demand and the structure of supply, there is a surplus of manufactured goods, the price of which is not determined by demand and supply due to the saturation of a certain group of goods. To characterize this phenomenon, an important concept of the vector of real consumption in the economic system is introduced. Based on this concept, the concept of the depth of recession is introduced, which is defined as the relative value of unsold goods for a certain period.
The principles of sustainable economic development formulated in this work are a priority and have not been formulated anywhere before at the micro economic level. At the macroeconomic level, they are formulated in works [2] - [5] . As for the algorithms for calculating the entered values, you should refer to the work [6] .
2. Algorithms of the Equilibrium States Finding
Here and further,
is a cone formed from the nonnegative orthant
by ejection of the null vector
. Further, the cone
is denoted by
Let us give a series of definitions useful for what follows.
Definition 1. By a polyhedral non-negative cone created by a set of vectors
of n-dimensional space
we understand the set of vectors of the form
runs over the set
Definition 2. The dimension of a non-negative polyhedral cone created by a set of vectors
in n-dimensional space
is maximum number of linearly independent vectors from the set of vectors
Definition 3. The vector b belongs to the interior of the non-negative polyhedral r-dimensional cone,
, created by the set of vectors
in n-dimensional vector space
if a strictly positive vector
exists such that
Let us give the necessary and sufficient conditions under which a certain vector belongs to the interior of the polyhedral cone.
Lemma 1. Let
, be the set of linearly independent vectors in
. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the vector b to belong to the interior of the non-negative cone
created by vectors
are the conditions
, is a set of vectors being biorthogonal to the set of linearly independent vectors
, and
The proof of Lemma 1 see: [1] [6] .
Describe now an algorithm of constructing strictly positive solutions to the set of equations
with respect to the vector
or the same set of equations in coordinate form
for the vector
belonging to the interior of the polyhedral cone
created by vectors
Theorem 1. If a certain vector
belonging to the interior of a non-negative
r-dimensional polyhedral cone created by vectors
, is such
that there exists a subset of r linearly independent vectors of the set of vectors
, such that the vector
belongs to the interior of the cone created by this subset of vectors, then there exist
linearly independent non-negative solutions
to the set of Equation (3) such that the set of strictly positive solutions to the set of Equation (3) is given by the formula
and the components of the vector
satisfy the set of inequalities
The proof of Theorem 1 see: [1] [6] .
Definition 4. Let
, be a set of demand vectors and let
, be a set of supply vectors. We say that the structure of supply is agreed with the structure of demand in the strict sense if for the matrix B the representation
is true, where the matrix B consists of the vectors
, as columns, and the matrix C is composed from the vectors
, as columns and
is a square nonnegative indecomposable matrix.
Definition 5. Let
, be a set of demand vectors and let
, be a set of supply vectors. We say that the structure of supply is agreed with the structure of demand in the strict sense of the rank
if there exists a subset
such that for the matrix
the representation
is true, where the matrix
consists of the vectors
, as columns, and the matrix
is composed from the vectors
as columns and
is a square nonnegative indecomposable matrix,
and, moreover, the inequalities
are valid.
Lemma 2. Suppose that the set of supply vectors
, belongs to the polyhedral cone created by the set of demand vectors
. Then for the matrix
created by the
columns of vectors
, the representation
is true, where the matrix
is created by the columns of vectors
, and the matrix
is nonnegative. If, in
addition, the set of supply vectors
, belongs to the interior of the
polyhedral cone created by the demand vectors
, the
can be chosen by strictly positive.
Proof. The first part of Lemma 2 follows from the second. If every vector
, belongs to the interior of the polyhedral cone created by vectors
, then due to Theorem 1 there exists a strictly positive vector
such that
Let us denote
, then we obtain
This proves Lemma 2. □
Lemma 3. Let
be a square nonnegative indecomposable matrix.
Then the problem
has the strictly positive solution relative to the vector
Proof. Since the matrix
is indecomposable, then
. Let us
consider the problem
and prove that it has the strictly positive solution relative to the vector
, where we introduced the denotation
To prove this let us consider the problem
on the set
. Due to the equalities
, the function
, maps P into itself and it is
continuous on it, where
Due to Brouwer theorem, there exists a fixed point of the mapping
, that is,
The same fixed point satisfies the problem (8). Since the matrix
is non negative and indecomposable we have
. From the fact that
it follows
. This proves that the vector
is strictly positive. Lemma 3 is proved. □
Theorem 2. Let the structure of supply agree with structure of demand in the strict sense with the supply vectors
, and the demand
, and let
The necessary and sufficient conditions of the solution existence of the set of equations
relative to the vector p is belonging of the vector
to the polyhedral
cone created by vectors
, where
is a
nonnegative indecomposable matrix, the vector
is a strictly positive solution to the set of equations
Proof. Two cases are possible: 1)
and 2)
. Consider the first case.
The necessity. First, we assume that the vectors
, are linear independent. Let there exist strictly positive solution
to the set of Equation (10). Since for the matrix B the representation
is true, where the matrix
is strictly positive, from the equalities
we have the equalities
Due to the vectors
, are linear independent we obtain
Substituting (16) into (15) we obtain
Let us put
. From this it follows that the vector D belongs to the interior of the polyhedral cone created by vectors
Now, suppose that the vectors
are linear dependent.
In this case we come to the case 2)
, at the beginning of the proof.
Introduce into consideration
fictitious goods and let us consider the
demand matrix constructed by the vectors-column
, where
, and
. Denote the matrix
for the sufficiently small positive
. Then, the rank of the
is equal
for every sufficiently small positive
. Let us to put
. Suppose that the vector
is a solution to the problem
Then the vector
is a solution to the problem
for every sufficiently small ε > 0, where we put
. The Equalities (19) can be written in the form
On such a vector
we have
Therefore, the Equalities (20), (21) for
is written in the form
If to take into account the equalities
and Equalities (24) we obtain
Since the vectors
, are linear independent we obtain
Due to the equalities
, the equalities are true
where we put
. The last means the needed.
Sufficiency. From the fact that the strictly positive vector
solves the Problem (11) and it belongs to the polyhedral cone created by vectors
, then there exists nonnegative vector
, into (11) we obtain
. But
The Equalities (31) (32) gives
where we put
Theorem 2 is proved. □
Definition 6. Let
, be a set of demand vectors and let
, be a set of supply vectors. We say that the structure of supply is agreed with the structure of demand in the weak sense if for the matrix B the representation
is true, where the matrix B consists of the vectors
, as columns, and the matrix C is composed from the vectors
, as columns and
is a square matrix satisfying the conditions
Definition 7. Let
, be a set of demand vectors and let
, be a set of supply vectors. We say that the structure of supply is agreed with the structure of demand in the weak sense of the rank
if there exists a subset
such that for the matrix
the representation
is true, where the matrix
consists of the vectors
, as columns, and the matrix
is composed from the vectors
, as columns and
is a square matrix, satisfying the conditions
and, moreover, the inequalities
are valid.
Theorem 3. Let the structure of supply be agreed with structure of demand in the weak sense with the supply vectors
, and the demand
, and let
The necessary and sufficient conditions of the solution existence of the set of equations
is belonging of the vector
to the polyhedral cone created by vectors
, where
is a square matrix, the vector
is a strictly positive solution to the set of equations
Proof. The proof of Theorem 3 is the same as Theorem 2. □
3. Recession Phenomenon Description
In this section we present the description of recession phenomenon proposed by the author in the papers [6] [7] [8] [9] . How to explain the phenomenon of recession from the point of view of the theory of economic equilibrium? It is obvious that firms produce goods to meet the needs of consumers. This means that the produced goods find their buyer. Speaking in the language of economics, there is a non-zero demand for produced goods. When the demand for produced goods is saturated, a certain part of these goods does not find its buyers. Under these conditions, prices for these goods become undefined. The owners of these goods will try to sell them at lower prices. Therefore, the recession phenomenon is characterized by an excess of manufactured goods, the equilibrium state must allow degeneration, that is, there must be many states of economic equilibrium.
Below, we consider the case as the i-th consumer has fixed gain
. Here, we consider the partial case as the i-th consumer is characterized by demand vector
Lemma 4. If the vector
solves the set of inequalities
, where
Proof. Suppose that
solves the set of inequalities. Multiplying on
the left and right hand sides of Inequalities (38) we obtain the
. If we assume that
, then we obtain the strict inequality
. The last means the contradiction. Lemma 4 is
proved. □
Theorem 4. The necessary and sufficient conditions of strictly positive solution existence in the set B of the set of equations
is belonging of the vector
to the interior of the cone created by the
, and belonging of the vector
to the interior of the cone, created by vectors
, for a certain strictly
positive vector
, satisfying to the set of equations
Proof. Necessity. Let there exists strictly positive solution
to the set of Equation (39). Denote
then we obtain the equalities
proving the needed.
The sufficiency. If the vector
belongs to the cone created by the vectors
, and between the strictly positive vector
, satisfying the set of equations
there exists a vector
, such that
then the strictly positive vector
solves the set of Equation (39). It is evident that
. Theorem 4 is proved. □
Theorem 5. The necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of equilibrium price vector
in the set B such that
is the existence of strictly positive vector
and vector
such that a vector
belongs to the cone created by vectors
Proof. The necessity. If
and solves the set of Inequalities (42), then there exists non empty set
such that
Really, the strict inequalities
is impossible, since the assumption of validity of the set Inequalities (45) leads to
the inequality
So, the set I is a nonempty one. Let us denote
The last means belonging of vector
to the cone created by vectors
The sufficiency. If there exists vector
and vector
such that
belongs to the cone created by vectors
, then
there exists vector
such that
From this it follows that
is an equilibrium price vector. Theorem 5 is proved. □
If the conditions of Theorem 5 are true, then we assume that the set
. The last means that the partial clearing of markets takes place. The vector
we call the vector of real consumption. The vector
does not coincide with the vector
. Let us consider the set of equations
where the strictly positive vector
solves the set of inequalities
Not only the equilibrium price vector
solves the set of Equation (46). The price vector p solving the set of Equation (46) has the following structure
, where
are arbitrary nonnegative real numbers. So, any vector p having the above structure clears the market with the demand vectors
, and supply vector
. But the set of Equation (46) does not determine uniquely the prices of goods that belongs to the set
in spite of that the demand for these goods is non zero. The cause is that the needs of consumers are completely satisfied on these goods. To determine the prices for goods from the set
it needs to remove the degeneracy that is in the set of Equation (46). For this purpose it is need to add the infinitely small term removing the degeneracy. This term should take into account the technologies of production of these goods and fiscal policy. For example, if the map
takes into account the technologies of production of goods from the set
and fiscal policy, then the set of equations
For this purpose it is need to add the infinitely small term removing the degeneracy. This term should take into account the technologies of production of these goods and fiscal policy. For example, if the map
takes into account the technologies of production of goods from the set
and fiscal policy, then the set of equations
determines the prices for goods from the set
under condition that set of equations
determines the vector
, solving the set of Equation (52). Here
and it is very small. Tending
to zero we obtain needed solution. It may happen that the specified procedure is not applicable. In this case, the prices for these goods will be determined by agreements. The vector
we will call the vector of real consumption.
In the case, as
, the price vector p solving the set of Equation (46) and taking into account the procedure for determining the ambiguous part of the vector components, stated above, will be called the generalized equilibrium price vector.
So, real degeneracy of solutions has the set of Equation (46) and the generalized equilibrium price vector solves the set of Equation (46). The quantity of goods
does not find a consumer. To characterize this we introduce the parameter of recession level
where p is a generalized equilibrium price vector solving the set of Equation (46). Note that the i-th consumer can purchase a set of goods
on credit, where
4. Conditions of the Sustainable Economy Development
A description of sustainable economic development at the macroeconomic level is proposed in [2] [3] [4] [5] . In this section, we formulate the principles of sustainable development at the microeconomic level. Each business project that starts the production of a certain group of goods plans to receive added value. In the production process, there are direct costs for production materials and labor costs. If the business project is such that it has sales markets with positive added value, then we say that this business project has concluded contracts with suppliers of materials and raw materials and a certain number of employees who sell their labour power. The set of concluded contracts will be characterized by a technological mapping. Let’s consider a technological mapping that describes the production of one type of product by spending a vector of goods
on one unit of the manufactured i-th product. Such a technological mapping will be characterized by input-output matrix
. Our goal is to ensure the sustainable development of the economic system. Suppose that
of units of the i-th product are produced in the economic system. The input vector will be equal
. Then the output vector will be equal
. Each i-th consumer in the economic system we characterize by two vectors
. The vectors
we call the property vector. The i-th consumer wants to exchange the vector
on the vector
which we call demand vector. We assume that in production process all produced goods are distributed in accordance with the rule
Is there such a market mechanism that would provide such distribution of the product in the society by certain prices vector?
Definition 8. The distribution of a product in society is called economically expedient if, in the process of production and distribution, in accordance with the concluded agreement, the i-th consumer owns a set of goods
such that the vector
belongs to the interior of the cone formed by the vectors
Let us introduce two matrices
Definition 9. If the representation
is valid for the matrix B such that there is a solution to the problem
in relation to the vector
, which belongs to the cone formed by the vectors
, we will call the distribution of the product rational.
In this work, we follow the concept of describing economic systems developed in [1] . The essence of this description is the supply of firms is primary and the choice of consumers is secondary. But at the same time, the fact that the structure of the supply consistent with the structure of the choice is important. Axioms of this description are presented in [1] , where random fields of consumer choice and decision-making by firms are built on the basis of these axioms. We describe firms by technological mappings
from the CTM class, and the choice of the i-th consumer by a vector of goods
that he wants to consume in a certain period of the economy’s functioning. Let us assume that m firms function in the economic system, which are described by technological mappings
, from CTM class. If the firms chose the production processes
then the final product
is produced in the economic system which
in the process of distribution of products in accordance with the concluded contracts the i-th consumer received a vector of goods
The condition of economic equilibrium is the fulfillment of inequalities
The main idea that we lay down is the following: firms should produce such a quantity of goods, the implementation of which will ensure their functioning in the next production cycle, and for this they should have sufficient income. In addition, the necessary balances for the state must be ensured: state spending on defense, renewal of fixed assets, financing of education, etc. Is such a distribution of products the result of market exchange based on the existence of an equilibrium price vector. Among all possible distributions of products produced by firms, the important one is when firms will be profitable so that they can carry out the next production cycle. First, consider the case when the only consumers are the firms themselves. In this case, it is convenient to consider all those employed in production as firms that produce labor and sell it to other firms. The general formulation of the problem is as follows: firms implemented production
as a result of which the final product
is produced in the economic system, which must be distributed
so that the process of production and distribution of products is continuous. A condition for this is a system of equalities
Equalities (57) are the equations of material balances to ensure public procurement, defense orders, construction of educational institutions, renewal of fixed assets, etc. If to put
and take into Consideration (57), then we obtain
where we denoted
is the so-called generalized vector of taxation, the economic meaning of which will be clarified in the applied articles.
In order for the process of functioning of the economic system to be continuous, it is necessary that there should be an equilibrium price vector
such that the Equalities (56) and the inequalities
, were valid.
Suppose that firms implemented the continuous strategies of firm behaviour
, where
as a result of which the final product
is produced in the economic system, which must be distributed so that the process of production and distribution of products is continuous. A condition for this is a system of equalities
If to put
and take into Consideration (60), then we obtain
where we denoted
is the so-called generalized vector of taxation, the economic meaning of which will be clarified in the applied articles.
In order for the process of functioning of the economic system to be continuous, it is necessary that there should be an equilibrium price vector
such that the Equalities (61) and the inequalities
, were valid.
Suppose that
units of the i-th product are produced in the economic system. At the same time, input vector will be equal
. The output vector will be equal
. Then the problem (58) is written in the form
Let us denote
, then the problem (62) we can write in the form
Theorem 6. Let
be a non negative productive indecomposable matrix. The necessary and sufficient condition for the continuous functioning of the economic system is that the vector
belongs to the interior of the cone formed by the vectors of the columns of the matrix
Proof. Necessity. Suppose that there exists an equilibrium price vector
satisfying the set of Equation (63) and the Inequalities (64). Substituting
from the equalities
into Equalities (63) we obtain
If to introduce the vector
, where
, then
we obtain from the Equalities (66) the equality
. The last proves the necessity.
Sufficiency. From the beginning, we assume that
exists. Then for the diagonal matrix
the representation
is true, where
. From the
assumption Theorem 6 we have
Let us prove that the set of equations
has strictly positive solution belonging to the cone created by vectors
. From (68) we obtain
The problem (69) is equivalent to the problem
Let us introduce the denotation
and introduce the matrix
Let us consider the non linear set of equations
on the set
Due to Schauder Theorem [10] there exists a solution to the set of Equation (73) in the set D. The set of Equation (73) can be written in the form
. Let us prove that
and the solution to the set of
is a strictly positive one due to the matrix A is indecomposable. Really, the vector
satisfies the set of Equation (74) which can be written in operator form
Since the vector d belongs to the set D and the matrix U is indecomposable, then the vector
is strictly positive. From this it follows that
and the vector d is strictly positive. Let us prove that
. The problem (74) is equivalent to the problem
Summing over index i the left and right hand sides of the Equality (77) we
. The last proves the needed. Therefore, there exists a
solution to the problem (71). From Theorem 3 and (71) if to put
and introduce the price vector
, then
Or, relative to the equilibrium price vector we obtain the set of equations
Since for the vector x the representation
is true, where
is strictly positive vector, then from (70) we obtain
, where
. From the last we have
where we denoted by
the matrix elements of the matrix
. So, the constructed solution to the problem (71) is such that the inequalities
are true if the conditions of the Theorem 6 are valid.
Suppose that the matrix A is degenerate. The proof of necessity is the same as in previous case. To prove sufficiency we consider the non degenerate matrix
, where
and sufficiently small such that
exists for all
. Such is possible due to the fact that
is a route of equation
and this equation has the finite number of routs. We assume that
, where the vector
is a strictly positive one. As before, repeating the all above arguments we come to the fact that the vector
satisfies the set of equations
and it is strictly positive. Since
we obtain that there exists
is bounded therefore there exists subsequence
tending to zero such that there exists limit
satisfying the set of Equation (71). Following the above arguments we come to that the introduced vector
satisfies to the set of Equation (79). Let us prove that the vector p satisfies the set of Equation (63). Really, since
Multiplying the left and right hand sides on
and summing over i we have
The rest statements of the Theorem 6 follow as before. Theorem 6 is proved.
Let us put
Then the Equality (9) and
Inequality (64) is written in the form
Theorem 7. If there exists an equilibrium price vector
satisfying the inequalities
then those industries indexes of which belong to the set J are unprofitable.
Proof. The proof of Theorem 7 follows from the fact that those components of equilibrium price vector
whose components belong to the set J are equal zero. □
Now let’s calculate the probability of the economy functioning in continuous mode. For this purpose we consider the mapping
of n-dimensional cone
into itself, where
. The image of cone
under the transformation
, where the matrix
, is a polyhedral cone
, belonging to the cone
. It is
not difficult to prove that the needed probability is
Further, we consider the case when the firms produce more than one type of goods and are described by technological mappings from the CTM class. So, let the economic system consist of m firms described by technological mappings
. So, we assume that the matrix B has the representation
, where
Theorem 8. Let the matrix
be a non negative and indecomposable one. Suppose that the matrix
is such that
Then the problem
has a strictly positive solution belonging to the cone created by the column of
, under the conditions that
, where
is a
transposed matrix to the matrix C.
Proof. Let us consider the non linear map
on the set
. It is continuous on P and
maps it into itself. Therefore, there exists a fixed point
of the map
. The last leads to the set of equations
Let us prove that
is a strictly positive vector. Let us introduce the matrix
The set of Equation (94) can be written in the operator form
Since the matrix
is a nonnegative and indecomposable one and the fact that the vector
satisfies also the set of equations
we obtain that
is strictly positive vector. From here it follows that
is a strictly positive vector and
. Here, we denoted by
the transposed matrix to the matrix F. Let us prove that
. Let us denote
Then, from (94) we obtain
Substituting (97) into (96), we obtain
Let us introduce the denotation
, then
Summing up over index j the left and right hand sides of (99), we obtain
, we have
. Therefore, the Equalities (98) is written in
the form
Or, multiplying the left and right sides of Equalities (101) on
, we obtain the equalities
Theorem 8 is proved.
The direct consequence of Theorem 8 is the following:
Theorem 9. Suppose that the conditions of Theorem 8 are valid, then the strictly positive solution
, constructed in Theorem 8, is a solution to the problem
Proof. If to substitute
into (102), we obtain
From the last equalities, we have
Taking into account the representation
and summing up over the index j, we have
From the last and (107), we have
Theorem 9 is proved.
Theorem 10. Suppose that the demand vectors
belong to the interior of the nonnegative cone created by the supply vectors
, and the inequalities
, are true. Then, for
the matrix C the representation
is valid, where the square matrix D is nonnegative one. Let us assume that the matrix D has an inverse matrix
such that
, and for the matrix D the representation
is true. If the matrix
is nonnegative and
indecomposable, then the problem
has a strictly positive solution
relative to the vector p, where
Proof. Let us consider the nonlinear map
on the set
. It is continuous on the set P
and maps it into itself. It means that the problem (113) has fixed point
such that it solves the problem
. As in the previous Theorem 8, it is proved
and the vector
is a strictly positive one due to the Theorem 10
conditions. Let us introduce the vector
, where
Then, from the Equalities (114) we obtain
Or, multiplying on
the left and right hand sides of the Equalities (115) and summing up relative to the index i from 1 to n, we obtain
So, we obtain that there exists a strictly positive solution to the problem
Summing up the left and right hand sides of Equalities (118) over the index k we have
. From here we obtain that the problem
has strictly positive solution belonging to the cone created by the columns of the
, due to the fact that the representations for
is true. This proves Theorem 10, since the rest statement is proved as above in previous Theorems. □
Now, we consider the case as the matrices
depend on the
price vector
, where
. Suppose that
for the matrix
the representation
is true, where
Theorem 11. Let the matrix
be a non negative and indecomposable one for every
. Suppose that the matrix
is such that
Then, the problem
has a strictly positive solution
under the conditions that
Proof. Let us introduce the non linear map
on the set
. It is continuous on P and
maps it into itself. Therefore, there exists a fixed point
of the map
. The last leads to the set of equations
Let us prove that
is a strictly positive vector. Let us consider the matrix
The set of Equation (126) can be written in operator form
Since the matrix
is a nonnegative and indecomposable one and the fact that the vector
satisfies also the set of equations
we obtain that
is strictly positive vector. From here it follows that
is strictly positive vector and
. Here, we denoted by
the transposed matrix to the matrix F. Let us prove that
Let us denote
Then from (126) we obtain
Substituting (129) into (128), we obtain
Let us introduce the denotation
, then
Summing up over index j the left and right hand sides of (131), we obtain
we have
. Therefore, the Equalities (130) is written in
the form
Or, multiplying the left and right hand sides of Equalities (133) on
we obtain the equalities
If to substitute
into (134) we obtain
From the last equalities we have
Taking into account the representation
and summing up over the index j, we obtain
From the last and (137) we have
Theorem 11 is proved.
Theorem 12. Suppose that the demand vectors
belong to the interior of the nonnegative cone created by the supply vectors
, and the inequalities
, are true
on the set
Then, for the matrix
the representation
is valid, where the square matrix
is nonnegative one. Let us assume that the matrix
has an inverse matrix
such that
, and for the matrix
the representation
is true. If the matrix
is nonnegative and indecomposable, then the problem
has a strictly positive solution
relative to the vector p, where
Proof. Let us consider the nonlinear map
on the set
. It is continuous on the set P
and maps it into itself. It means that the problem (143) has fixed point
such that it solves the problem
. As in the Theorem 8, it is
proved that
and the vector
is a strictly positive one due to the Theorem 10 conditions. Let us introduce the vector
, where
. Then, from the Equalities (144) we obtain
Or, multiplying on
the left and right hand sides of the equalities (145) and summing up relative to the index i from 1 to n, we obtain
So, we obtain that there exists a strictly positive solution to the problem
Summing up the left and right hand sides of Equalities (148) over the index k we have
. From here we obtain that the problem
has strictly positive solution belonging to the cone created by the columns of the matrix
, due to the fact that the representations for
, is true. This proves Theorem 12, since the rest
statement is proved as above in previous Theorems. □
Theorem 13. In the economy system, let m firms function, technologies of which is described by technological mappings
from CTM class. Suppose that the firms realized the productive processes
, is a taxation vector. Suppose that the matrices
satisfy either the conditions of Theorem 8 or the conditions of the Theorem 10, that is, for the matrix B the representation
is true and the matrix
satisfies either the conditions of Theorem 8 or the conditions of Theorem 10, where
. Then there exists a strictly positive price vector
solving the set of equations (58). If
, then every firm is profitable, that is,
Theorem 14. In the economy system, let m firms function, technologies of which are described by technological mappings
from CTM class (see [11] ). Suppose that the firms realized the continuous strategies of firms behaviour
, is a taxation vector. Suppose that the matrices
satisfy either the conditions of Theorems 11, or the conditions of Theorem 12, that is, for the matrix
is true and either the matrix
satisfies the conditions of Theorem 11, or the conditions
of Theorem 12, where
. Then, there exists a strictly positive price vector
solving the set of equations (61). If
, then every firm is profitable, that is,
, where the vector
5. Conclusion
Section 1 lists the main results. Section 2 contains results that make it possible to build equilibrium states of the economic system, which can be useful in the process of planning the output of firms based on information about the structure of demand. Section 3 is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of recession. Proved Theorems in which it is established that the phenomenon of recession occurs when firms produce goods that do not find a buyer. The concepts of the vector of real consumption and the generalized equilibrium vector of prices are introduced. A corresponding parameter was introduced to describe the depth of the recession. It varies from zero to unity. The greater it is, the greater the depth of the recession. Section 4 is devoted to the conditions under which sustainable development of the economy is possible. For the input-output production model, the necessary and sufficient conditions under which each industry is profitable have been established. The latter occurs when some vector built on the basis of the vector of gross output and the vector of taxation falls into the cone formed by the columns of the matrix, which is the product of the matrix of direct and total costs. The rest of the results of Section 4 are devoted to finding out the conditions for the production processes of firms, which are described by technological mappings from the CTM class, there is an equilibrium price vector that ensures complete clearing of markets and each firm is profitable.
This work was partially supported by the Program of Fundamental Research of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Construction and research of financial market models using the methods of non-equilibrium statistical physics and the physics of nonlinear phenomena N0123U100362.