1. The 3x + 1 Problem and Main Conjecture
The 3x + 1 problem or Collatz Conjecture, also known as the 3n + 1 problem, is a famous unsolved problem in mathematics that has puzzled mathematicians for over half a century. The problem is deceptively simple to state, but it has resisted all attempts to solve it.
The conjecture is defined as follows: take any positive integer n. If n is even, divide it by 2; if n is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. Continue this process with the resulting number, and repeat indefinitely. The conjecture states that no matter what number you start with, this process will eventually reach the number 1. The Recursive Algorithm is the next:
For example, if you start with the number 6, the sequence will be: 6 → 3 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1.
The Collatz Conjecture has been verified by computer calculations for all starting values up to 268 [1] , which is an enormous number. However, despite this evidence, no one has been able to prove that the conjecture is true for all possible starting values.
The importance of the Collatz Conjecture lies in its simplicity and ubiquity. It is easy to understand and explain, yet it remains one of the most challenging problems in mathematics. It is a problem that has inspired mathematicians to develop new techniques and ideas, and has led to advances in fields as diverse as number theory, dynamical systems, and computer science.
Moreover, if the conjecture is proved to be true, it would have significant implications for our understanding of number theory and the behavior of mathematical systems. On the other hand, if it is proved to be false, it would revolutionize our understanding of number theory, and the nature of mathematical proofs. Then, the main problem of the 3x + 1 function consists of knowing if all sequences that are obtained by having applied this function recursively, lead irremediably to the value 1.
In summary, the Collatz Conjecture is a fascinating and important problem in mathematics that has eluded solution for over half a century. Its simplicity, ubiquity, and potential implications make it a highly motivating problem to solve for mathematicians, and its resolution would have a significant impact on our understanding of number theory and mathematical systems.
The central issue with the 3x + 1 function is determining if all sequences produced through its recursive application will ultimately converge to the value 1. Additionally, there is a question of whether a special sequence, referred to as the Q sequence, exists that never ends. In this paper, a formal proof is presented that the existence of an infinite sequence generated by the function is not possible. Despite the straightforward nature of the 3x + 1 function, its complexity is quite intricate [2] . There are multiple proofs that examine various approaches [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] , including [8] , which explore different paths [9] [10] . The proof presented here is both simple and insightful, adhering to principles of number theory and computer science and divided into three stages.
The first stage involves finding the form of the supposed infinite Q sequence by assuming its existence. It is assumed, by contradiction, that the Q sequence exists and never reaches 1. This Q sequence must have the pattern E-O-E-O… (EVEN-ODD-EVEN-ODD…) repeating indefinitely, under the function
. The second stage shows that this form is impossible to obtain, since any sequence under the function
, presents the pattern E-E.
The third stage establishes the contradiction and proves that the Q sequence cannot exist. The proof systematically answers Lagarias’ question [11] by finding the form and characteristics of the hypothetical infinite Q sequence.
2. The Proof
Theorem 1. Every sequence of the 3x + 1 algorithm, reaches 1 (Main conjecture1)
Proof. To prove it by contradiction, that is, it is assumed true that there is a sequence that DOES NOT REACH 1, which we will call Q.
Let Q be the infinite sequence that does not reach 1, therefore
, where
Let’s ask the next question, which is the form of this Q sequence in terms of odd and even numbers?
This is done to observe what is the correspondence between the even and odd numbers in the Q sequence. To know this pattern, one sorts the Q sequence, by ascending order, which is supported by the Axiom of choice [12] [13] , such that Q’ is Q sorted. Then one makes two ordered sequences, one of the even numbers
and the other from odd numbers
Getting to the first pattern
It follows that
is the smallest even number, and
, is the smallest odd number of the sequence. As illustrated in Figure 1. Therefore
We process
by the function
, in this case, Obviously,
, otherwise if
; for some
, for example,
, which contradicts
, since
is the smallest even number, which will generate the smallest odd number. Now
, otherwise if
for some
, for example,
, which contradicts
, since
is the smallest even number after
, which will generate the smallest odd number after
. The reasoning follows the same way for
Next, we have
, otherwise if
, for some
, therefore
, being
the smallest odd number.
Figure 1. Odd and even numbers from Q Sequence are sorted.
, otherwise if
, for some
, therefore
, being
the smallest odd number, after
. The reasoning follows the same way for
It follows that the relationship between even and odd numbers in the
sequence, is presented as:
According to this, the
sequence follows the pattern E-O-E-O-E-O-… ∞. Therefore the
sequence cannot have 2 or more even numbers together.
If we have two sets with the same elements, we call them equal sets [14] , it does not matter what order the elements are in. What matters is that the sets have the same number of elements and that elements be equal in each set. Therefore Q and
are equivalent sets, and equal sets [12] .
We conclude that
. Then
where there are no EVEN-EVEN numbers together(E-E) in the sequence.
In summary this first stage
1) The form of
is EVEN-ODD…, alternating, forever.
2) Two even numbers cannot exist together in the infinite Q sequence.
In this second stage, we are going to prove that the pattern E-E occurs in all the sequences generated by the function
. To prove this.
Let any odd number be
, applying
, after 2k iterations, we get the pattern E-E (Even-Even).
A numerical example:
The assumption of the existence of the Q sequence is contradicted when the E-O-E-O-E…pattern is disrupted by the presence of at least two consecutive even numbers (E-E…) in any sequence generated by
Third Stage.
The pattern of the Q sequence is E-O-E-O…, which continues infinitely without reaching 1. Meanwhile, the function
produces the pattern E-E. Therefore, it can be logically concluded that the Q sequence cannot be generated by the
In logical form: The infinite pattern of even and odd numbers E-O-E-O… is implied by the Q sequence, which does not converge to 1. On the other hand, the function
produces the pattern E-E. Therefore, it is not possible for the fc function to generate the Q sequence.
The theorem has been proven. 
3. Conclusion
The 3x + 1 conjecture is notable for its simple approach and complex solutions. One solution, proposed using the language of mathematics and computer science, involves sorting the Q sequence to reveal the relationships
. These relationships enforce a unique pattern in Q, characterized by the alternating sequence of even and odd numbers E-O-E-O…, and exclude other patterns, such as the presence of consecutive even numbers E-E. However, all functions generated by the
function exhibit the pattern …E-E…, making it impossible for
to produce the Q sequence. In conclusion, as mathematician Paul Erdös noted [15] , systematic mathematics has the potential to solve many complex problems.
1There are other conjectures, such as the existence of another cycles, in addition to cycle 4, 2, 1, which will not be discussed here.