1. Introduction
There has only ever been visible infinity. Although visible humans have devised what they consider to be finite languages, it should be obvious that an infinite number of languages could be humanly devised. Supposedly, the English language provides the most reasonable expository information, but the English language contains an infinite number of words and new words are added to the dictionaries annually. The English language contains far more words than anyone would ever need and quite a lot of these words are seldom or never used.
Just as all of the visible physicists have been wrong about the simultaneous existence in the universe of duality of empty space-(invisible) time and matter (Wesson, 1999) , so too has the English language fluent visible populace been misinformed about the simultaneous coexistence of right and wrong. No part of infinite information could be finitely right or finitely wrong. Infinite information can only remain infinite information. You have to understand that visible computer operators use visible computers to spew out an enormous amount of visible written information daily and only a miniscule amount of that visible written information is ever read and understood by visible human beings. According to the physicists, there could not be an infinite number of stars because if that were the case, there would be a total glare and no black sky.1 Actual infinity cannot be defined and there would be total astral glare only if there were a total number of stars.
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica entry posted at url: https://www.britannica.com/science/infinity-mathematics “infinity, the concept of something that is unlimited, endless, without bound. The common symbol for infinity, ∞, was invented by the English mathematician John Wallis in 1655. Three main types of infinity may be distinguished: the mathematical, the physical, and the metaphysical. Mathematical infinities occur, for instance, as the number of points on a continuous line or as the size of the endless sequence of counting numbers: 1, 2, 3, … Spatial and temporal concepts of infinity occur in physics when one asks if there are infinitely many stars or if the universe will last forever. In a metaphysical discussion of God or the Absolute, there are questions of whether an ultimate entity must be infinite and whether lesser things could be infinite as well.” Rucker, Rudy. “infinity”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 Nov. 2022, https://www.britannica.com/science/infinity-mathematics. Accessed 10 February 2023.
Why would an unlimited visible physical condition need to be represented by a limited finite symbol? All symbols can be infinitely reproduced. An unlimited visible infinity could not possibly have three finite limiting types one of which was invisible. Visible English mathematician John Wallis ought to have realized that an infinite number of finite visible numbers have been humanly created, and that each one of these humanly created visible finite numbers could contain an infinite number of visible finite fractions and decimals. Visible Physicists ought to realize that there are an infinite number of visible physicists who have written an infinite number of visible books concerning physics. Practice of law is supposed to be limited, but an infinite number of visible lawyers have so far been able to publish an infinite number of visible Federal, state, and local law books. Nobody seems to know if most of these laws are ever broken. Reported crime statistics never include the huge number of laws that are on the visible books
All activity is infinite. An infinite number of visible Test match cricket matches could take place. Supposedly, the shortest distance between two fixed visible points is a finite visible straight line.2 However, the furthest distance two fixed visible points could be placed apart, would be an infinite visible straight line, except there are no visible fixed points anywhere in a visible infinity.
2. The Fix Is in
One of the many puzzles concerning human behavior is the enigmatic fact that roughly half of the visible globe’s visible population has decided that the fixed number one would be visibly represented by a short straight vertical line with a little left hand side hook attached to its top, whereas the oriental half felt more knowledgeable if they always depicted their fixed number one as being a short wavy horizontal line. All agreed on the wondrous logic of being able to start counting anything and everything from the fixed number one. If human logic had to have a fixed start, surely the Universe had to have had a fixed commencement. There had to have been a first man and a first woman. Although, according to the physicists, matter and empty space emerged simultaneously from out of the big bang explosion (Linde et al., 1994) that supposedly occurred 13.75 light years ago from today, give or take a billion or so light years either way: why could the first man and woman not have emerged simultaneously? Scientists discovered the somewhat fixed magnetic pole, even though it actually moved about. Astronomers spotted the fixed North Star. But they completely overlooked the fact that there was no empty space anywhere in the infinite visible Universe. And there was absolutely no amount of finite invisible “dark matter.”3
At 09:42 AM US Eastern time on Tuesday November 8, 2022, I entered the word INFINITY into the visible Google Scholar Search Engine. A drop down list appeared containing the terms: infinity control; infinity norm; infinity specs; infinity war, and infinity controller. The Google Scholar Search Engine informed me that it had found 2,670,000 results (0.13 seconds) Just as dual states of matter and space could never have existed simultaneously, so to the dual humanly supposed finite and infinite states ought never to exist simultaneously. ONLY ONE VISIBLE INFINITY HAS EVER EXISTED AND IT WILL DO SO ETERNALLY. Every visible scientist can only conduct an infinite number of visible experiments. Every visible architect can only design an infinite number of visible structures. Every visible criminal can only commit an infinite number of visible crimes.
The American astronomer Edwin Hubble was the first informer that the universe was supposedly expanding. “In studying the galaxies, Hubble made his second remarkable discovery—namely, that these galaxies are apparently receding from the Milky Way and that the further away they are, the faster they are receding.” (Kragh & Smith, 2003)
Hubble actually studied photographs of the galaxies and noticed that the assumed furthest away ones in the 1928 photographs were not in the 1929 photographs. (Nussbaumer & Bieri, 2009) He apparently never asked himself why any visible galaxy would increase its speed and accelerate faster than the speed of light a year after being photographed.
There is an infinite number of visible galaxies. They are all an infinite distance apart and will remain so eternally. A visible infinity cannot expand.
The visible Earth is not “round like an orange.” Due to the activity of visible earthquakes and visible volcanoes, the visible earth always has an infinite fluctuating shape. The only reason the visible earth appears to be circular when seen from a distance is because humans are possessed of circular eyeballs or they use cameras with circular lenses in their telescopes to photograph the earth from a distance. The visible earth’s surface is not exactly 24,000 miles in circumference, therefore there cannot be exactly 241,000 mile wide invisible straight lined time zones. Indubitably, the visible earth does spin on its axis, but each infinite rotation is unique in acceleration performed and distance traveled. The visible earth does orbit the visible sun, but each infinite orbit is unique in infinite duration. The visible earth undulates as it orbits the visible sun and each upper and lower undulation is of unique infinity. This infinity prohibits any exact 24 hour 7 day 365.25 day year from ever happening.
Visible university students are taught by their visible mathematic professors that there are three finite dimensions. The visible professors usually provide proof of this by displaying a short straight black horizontal line, and a short straight black vertical line, and a short black diagonal line side by side on a visible blackboard or printed on the page of a visible physics or mathematics textbook. There is no way the universe could ever have a finite length, width, depth or duration. The real VISIBLE Universe has only ever had ONE INFINITE DIMENSION. A cube, a sphere and a pyramid are supposed to have three dimensions, but as only one side of a cube or a sphere or a pyramid can be seen at any given moment, one will only be able to see a flat moving colored square shape, or a flat moving colored circular shape, or a flat moving colored triangular shape when actually looking at a cube, a sphere or a pyramid. Other infinite flat visual elements of the scene will always be present for only visible infinity has ever existed. Visible ships can only sail on a flat visible body of water. All visible airplanes can only take off and land on visible flat ground. All visible sports can only be played by visible contestants and observed by visible spectators if played on visible flat surfaces. All visible cities can only be built on visible flat ground. Visible ice can only form on a visible flat surface and although due to climate change, a considerable amount of the visible polar ice caps have melted,4 a flat couple of thousand square miles or so of flat visible ice surface remains on the visible North and South Polar ice caps. Visible sand storms and visible tornadoes can only travel over visible flat ground. All visible vegetation can only sprout outwardly from visible flat land. Because the infinite visible Universe is indubitably flat, the visible Earth is just as flat. It is important to note that the visible earth is only infinitely flat as this allows it to have a visible infinite number of visible hills and visible dales and visible mountain chains that appear spasmodically on its surface. Only ONE visible infinity has ever existed, or will ever continue to exist eternally. If the earth were totally flat, it would be invisible and incapable of sustaining any visible form of life. Perhaps a more accurate word to describe the visible earth’s physical disposition might be the contrived word flatish. (sic)
There is no such a thing as invisible time. An infinite number of visible timepieces have been manufactured, no two of which could ever record identical moments in time. An infinite number of visible experiments have been conducted by visible scientists, no two visible experiments of which have ever provided identical reported results,5 proving that exact humanly contrived predictability is impossible. Only infinite approximation has ever emerged from these visible experiments. Only infinite approximation of time has ever been achieved by visible time piece observation.
3. Conclusion
Every visible person who has ever been born on the visible earth has had unique visible fingerprints and unique RNA and DNA. It follows that all they will ever hear, smell, touch, taste, feel and see for all of their lives has to be unique. It cannot be invisibly evil or invisibly good. It can only be observably unique. Essentially, each visible person lives in his or her own visible infinite Universe.
1Johann Madler’s resolution of Olber’s Paradox FJ Tipler—Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1988—adsabs.harvard.edu.
2The material balance as an equation of a straight line. D Havlena, AS Odeh—Journal of petroleum technology, 1963—onepetro.org.
3Dark Energy, Dark Matter | Science Mission Directorate https://science.nasa.gov › astrophysics › focus-areas › w… dark matter from science.nasa.gov. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5…
4Why are glaciers and sea ice melting? | Pages—WWF https://www.worldwildlife.org › pages › why-are-glacie.melting ice caps from www.worldwildlife.org. Melting glaciers add to rising sea levels, which in turn increases coastal erosion and elevates storm surge as warming air and ocean temperatures create more… You’ve visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 2/13/23.
5Identifying Potential Reasons for Inconsistent Experiment …https://study.com › academy › lesson › identifying-pote… Oct 31, 2021—If all goes well, you should get the same results each time. But sometimes you get different results, which can be really frustrating!