First Principles Investigation of the Structure and Properties of Superconducting Cubic Protactinium Hydride PaH3 ()
1. Introduction
In the actinide hydrides series, Thorium (Th), Uranium (U) and Plutonium (Pu) hydrides have been widely studied due to their important role in the nuclear industry. However, there are few reports on others actinide hydrides such as protactinium hydride (Pa-H). Protactinium hydride has generated some interest because protactinium is considered as a component of the conventional nuclear waste and an opportunity for studying the physics and chemistry of actinide-based materials [1] [2] . Moreover, protactinium hydride shows a variety of structural phases under different pressures. Xiao et al. systematically study the structure and superconductivity of protactinium hydride (PaHn) at different pressures using the first principle [3] . Although the cubic PaH8 (Fm-3m) exhibits high superconducting critical transition temperature under high pressure, the cubic PaH3 structure seems to be thermodynamically stable within 100 GPa. Thus, in order to understand the rich structural phases and superconducting properties of protactinium hydride, it is very important to study the ground state structure and physical properties of cubic protactinium hydride.
As early as 1984, Ward et al. experimentally reported structures, physical and chemical properties of a solid solution Pa3H4-Pa3H5 above 500 K and cubic PaH3 phase for the Pa-H system [2] . Sellers et al. reported that metal Pa with H2 reacted at 523 K to form a black β-PaH3 which was isostructural with cubic β-UH3 [1] . Dod reported that α-PaH3 formed between 373 K and 473 K had a cubic α-UH3-type structure [2] . Moreover, these early studies indicated that Pa-H system shows some similarities with U-H system. This also provides signs for further understanding and potential applications of cubic PaH3 phase. The neighbouring thorium-hydrides (Th-H) and uranium-hydrides (U-H) systems have been thoroughly investigated [4] [5] [6] [7] and each exhibits unique properties, but the ground state structures and properties of the cubic PaH3 are not known.
John W. Ward [2] reported that the high temperature phase β-PaH3 transits irreversibly into the low temperature phase α-PaH3 above room temperature. Based on the irreversibility of the β to α phase transition, α-PaH3 is always believed to be a metastable state. To further understand the phase transition process, the ground state properties such as structures, phonon spectrum, electronic, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of cubic PaH3 phase should be supplied. For actinide-based compounds, the density functional theory (DFT) schemes including the local spin density approximation (LSDA) or the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) fail to get the ground state, while the DFT + U formalisms can effectively get the right ground state such as its neighbor thorium and uranium compounds [8] [9] [10] [11] . Considering that 5f electronic states of cubic PaH3 system show both localized and itinerant characters [2] , here we present a comparative DFT + U study on the ground-state properties of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3.
2. Computational Details
In our works, all DFT calculations are performed using the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP, version 5.4) [12] [13] . The exchange-correlation functional in the local density approximation (LDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) as parametrized by Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) [14] [15] were used in this study. A Hubbard-like term was added in order to take into account the strong 5f electron correlations in actinide protactinium cation, according to the DFT + U scheme. The brillouin zones were divided using Monchhorst Pack k-mesh with 9 × 9 × 9 grid for the DFT + U calculations. The kinetic energy cut off of 550 eV was used for plane waves. The energy convergence criterion was 10−6 eV. The Hellmann-Feynman forces on each atom for ionic relaxation were less than 0.01 eV/Å. The DFT + U approach [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] was carried out to enforce localization of Pa 5f electrons. The total energy functional for this scheme is of the form
is the density matrix of Pa-f states, U and J are the spherically averaged screened coulomb energy and exchange energy, respectively.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Structural and Mechanical Properties
The crystal structures of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 have been shown in Figure 1(a) and Figure 1(b) respectively. The different magnetic orders (i.e. FM and AFM) are adopted in our DFT + U calculations. In the meanwhile, for α-PaH3 and β-PaH3, the relationship between the optimized lattice constant and a series of U values is shown in Figure 2(a) and Figure 2(b) respectively. Our LDA/PBE + U calculated results show that there is no obvious difference between the effect of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order on the lattice parameters of cubic α-PaH3 and β-PaH3. In Figure 2(a), when the U is around 2.0 eV, our calculated lattice constant of α-PaH3 using the PBE + U method is good calculation result compared to experimental data. However, as shown in Figure 2(b), our results for FM phase of β-PaH3 demonstrates that the lattice constant is close to the experimental value [1] [2] when U is around 4.0 eV. Thus, for cubic α-PaH3 and β-PaH3, the lattice constants obtained from the PBE + U computations are in good agreement with the experimental data.
In Table 1, the lattice constant and the interatomic distance of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 using the PBE and PBE + U methods were listed. Our structural relaxation results show that the atomic spacing has obvious difference in α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 structures. In α-PaH3, the Pa–H distance is 2.305 Å, significantly higher than the Pa–H distance in β-PaH3. Moreover, the Pa–H distance in β-PaH3 is also higher than that in α-PaH3 structure. Charge density decomposition using the Bader method suggests that the Pa atoms forming linear chains in β-PaH3 atoms are bonded: the bond-lengths of 2.555 Å are only slightly larger than the largest nearest-neighbor distance in the metallic Pa phase (0.326 nm). Therefore, the calculated results show that the Pa–H and Pa–Pa distances in α-PaH3 is significantly higher than that in β-PaH3, and the H–H distances in α-PaH3 is slightly smaller than that in α-PaH3.
Figure 1. Cubic PaH3 structure: α-PaH3 (a) and β-PaH3 (b), where the large and small balls denote the protactinium and hydrogen atoms, respectively.
Figure 2. Optimized lattice parameter for α-PaH3 (a) and β-PaH3 (b) in LDA/PBE + U as a function of the parameter U.
Table 1. The lattice constant and interatomic distance for α-PaH3 and β-PaH3.
In Table 2, the elastic constants, bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 using the PBE and PBE + U methods were listed. For cubic α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 structures, the elastic constants satisfy the following mechanical stability criteria [21] :
These results indicate that the structure of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 is stable. We have calculated the bulk (B) and shear moduli (G), Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (υ) of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 using the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) approximations [22] [23] . From Table 2, the obtained bulk and shear moduli of
Table 2. The calculated elastic constants Cij, bulk modulus B, shear modulus G, Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio υ for α-PaH3 and β-PaH3. The elastic constants and moduli are in units of GPa.
α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 with the PBE+ U are larger than that the PBE. These differences might be owing to the overestimation of lattice constants by PBE + U method. Our obtained Poisson’s ratio of 0.34 - 0.37 for α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 is reasonable for being in the range of 0.2 - 0.4 for typical metallic materials.
3.2. Electronic Properties
The total density of states (DOS) and projected density of states (PDOS) of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 are shown in Figure 3 by using the PBE and PBE + U methods. Figure 3 shows the protactinium 5f electrons are mainly distributed and there is no obvious localization feature at the Fermi energy for the electronic structure of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3. Although the 5f electron of Pa in these two systems is a strongly electronic correlation effects, Pa-f and H-s electrons have obvious hybrid effect near the Fermi energy level, and further proves that the protactinium 5f electrons have itinerant characters in α-PaH3 and β-PaH3. In cubic PaH3 structure, Pa 5f electrons does not show strong localization characteristics near the Fermi level, but has obvious bonding effect with Hand H 1s electrons. This is very similar to the electronic properties of protactinium hydride (PaHn) (n = 1 - 9) in Fm3m-PaH8 superconductive structure studied by Xiao et al. [3] . Thus, for cubic α-PaH3 and β-PaH3, the electronic properties for Pa-f and H-s are very important for the superconductivity of Pa-H system.
As shown in Figure 4, the difference charge density distribution is further analyzed for α-PaH3 and β-PaH3, to study the bonding characters between protactinium and hydrogen atoms. We can see clearly that the ionic character of the protactinium-hydrogen bonds is enhanced with the PBE + U formalism. This result is in consistent with our previous PDOS analysis.
3.3. Phonon Spectrum and Thermodynamic Properties
Phonon frequency and thermodynamic properties calculations are carried out using the Hellmann-Feynman theorem and the supercell method [24] . A 2 × 2 × 2 supercell is adopted to calculate the force constants, and a 3 × 3 × 3 Monkhorst-Pack k-points mesh is used for integrations over the BZ. The atomic displacements for force constants calculations are all set to 0.02 Å.
For α-PaH3 and β-PaH3, the phonon dispersion curves in the BZ and together with the phonon DOS are shown in Figure 5(a) and Figure 5(b). For cubic PaH3, the acoustic and optical branches of phonon come from Pa and H vibrations, and Pa atoms are much heavier than H atoms, thus a large gap between acoustic and optical branches can be observed. For the three acoustic branches, the dispersion curves are almost the same in PBE and PBE + U results. While for the optical branches from Figure 5(a), the frequencies calculated with PBE + U are all shifted down by about 2.3 THz that in comparison with PBE. This is because the on-site Coulomb repulsion enhances the ionic character of the Pa-H bonds, and thus reduces the bonding strength. Our studies indicate that the lattice dynamics behaviors of both α- and β-PaH3 strongly depend on the electronic correlation effects.
Figure 3. Total and projected electronic density of states (DOS) of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 using PBE and PBE + U method.
Figure 4. Difference electron charge density of α-PaH3 (a) and β-PaH3 (b) using the PBE + U method.
Figure 5. Phonon dispersion curves (left panel) and corresponding phonon DOS (right panel) of α-PaH3 (a) and β-PaH3 (b) using the PBE and PBE + U method.
The thermodynamic properties such as the Helmholtz free energy F, vibrational entropy S, vibrational energy E, the heat capacity Cv (Figure 6) and the zero point energy (ZPE, Table 3) have been calculated by the density functional perturbation theory (DFPT) [25] [26] . All these properties are expressed per α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 unit, and a sample of values at 300 and 500 K is presented in Table 3. For α-PaH3 and β-PaH3, the vibrational energy E exhibits a similar trend that increases almost linearly with temperature and tends to display kBT behavior at high temperatures. With the increase of temperature, the differences between α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 becomes even more apparent, which may be attributed to the higher frequencies related to lighter H atom vibrations. And the F decreases almost linearly with temperature. The entropy S increases with the rising of temperature since the vibrational contribution to the entropy increases as the temperature rises. However, Figure 6(b) demonstrates the entropy of β-PaH3 is significantly higher than that of α-PaH3, the discrepancies are mainly because of the difference in the number of hydrogen atoms. In addition, the heat capacity Cv increases with the applied temperature. Below a temperature of around 200 K, the Cv increases very rapidly with increasing temperature and displays the T3 law behavior. And above 800 K, the Cv increases slowly with temperature and gradually approaches the Dulong-Petit limit [27] . Hence, the β phase of cubic PaH3 may not transit into α phase above room temperature owing to the thermodynamic criteria.
Figure 6. Thermodynamic properties of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 using the PBE + U method: the Helmholtz free energy F (a), the entropy S (b), the internal energy E (c), and the constant-volume specific heat Cv (d).
Table 3. Predicted thermodynamic properties for α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 phases at 300 K and 500 K.
4. Conclusion
In summary, we have systematically studied the structural, electronic, mechanic and thermodynamic properties of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 by employing the PBE and PBE + U methods. Firstly, to obtain reliable ground state structure and properties of α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 we found the effective U parameter. Then, the Pa–H and Pa–Pa distances in α-PaH3 are significantly higher than that in β-PaH3, and the H–H distances in α-PaH3 are slightly smaller than that in β-PaH3. Moreover, we found that α-PaH3 and β-PaH3 are metallic, and the protactinium 5f electronic states and hydrogen have obvious bonding effect. These studies on the ground state structure and properties of cubic PaH3 system are crucial for further understanding and studying the superconducting properties of metal hydride. Especially for the cubic PaH3, the weak bonding between Pa and H near the Fermi level provides a useful supplement to the understanding of superconductivity. As a result of effecting the Pa-H bonds, inclusion of the on-site Coulomb interaction largely influences the optical branches of vibration modes for α-PaH3 and β-PaH3. We thus suggest that measuring the vibrational or thermodynamic properties may give out information on the correlation strengths of uranium 5f electrons in α- and β-PaH3. Furthermore, the calculations show that the β-PaH3 phase can not transit into α-PaH3 phase above room temperature.
The authors thank Doc. Shiyin Ma for useful discussion.