Integrative Theoretical Framework of Consciousness: Towards a Higher-Order Theory
Luiz G. Camelo
Distrito Federal, Brazil.
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2023.144028   PDF    HTML   XML   171 Downloads   969 Views  


The Intelligent Principle of the Universe is a beginningless and endless entity considered a fundamental property of the universe. It is in the energetic intimacy of the Psychosoma, its unquestionable “morphogenetic field” that the cells are aggregated to finally model your future physical body. On the other hand, the mind, seat of Consciousness is, therefore, the non-material brain of Consciousness where all the informational content of the human being is stored, since forever. Undoubtedly, the mind is the psychophysical basis of all mind/brain/body phenomena, that is, the mind allows experiences to be created in an interactive and participatory way. The mind, then, is a subtle form of field, an information-processing agent involving the brain’s physical system. The mental domain, as well as the material, is complementary aspects of the same reality. In fact, the existence of a “body image” has been demonstrated, certainly a “biological organizer” agent, a three-dimensional image of the physical body different from the perceived body that forms the energetic anatomical structures. He is portrayed here as Psychosoma. In fact, we propose an integrative framework of Consciousness, mind and matter based on information, seen as one of the most fundamental entities in nature to describe reality. It is an integrative theoretical framework and a neurobiological model based on an informational field involving various theories such as Shannon’s information theory, quantum holographic theory, communication theory, complexity theory, quantum field theory and other information theories. In addition, we introduce concepts of stochastic electrodynamics, a theory derived from quantum field theory more suitable to explain the mechanisms by which living beings relate to nature in order to create a healthy life and a more lasting and sustainable interrelationship. This approach was described as follows: 1) Basic notions about information theories and stochastic electrodynamics; 2) Conscience: intelligent organizing principle of life; 3) Mind: non-material brain; 4) Psychosoma: organizing model of biological life; 5) Consciousness and information; 6) Action of consciousness on matter; 7) Consciousness and physical body; 8) Consciousness and neuronal connection.

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Camelo, L. (2023) Integrative Theoretical Framework of Consciousness: Towards a Higher-Order Theory. Psychology, 14, 515-559. doi: 10.4236/psych.2023.144028.

1. Introduction

Consciousness is life, an omnipresent entity existing in its own right, considered a fundamental property of the universe. It should be noted that Consciousness molds matter and interacts with it in order to carry out its wise purposes in the Universe. In fact, this interaction is carried out through its endogenous body, the Psychosoma and this means that, without a doubt, matter does not shape Consciousness, since it is superior to everything that exists in nature. On the other hand, ZPF, universal information field shapes matter and matter shapes ZPF, zero-point energy field.

It is also important to point out that this interaction gives rise to information states in the ZPF, under the action of Consciousness. In this sense, the fundamental level of Consciousness and the world of phenomena are linked to the endogenous field through interdependence. Undoubtedly, the individual Consciousness, the field underlying our physical body, is the reflection of the Universal Consciousness that maintains life in human beings and other living beings. In fact, the individual Consciousness or Intelligent Principle is an integral part of the Universe, a dynamic knowledge system that cannot function without the Universal Consciousness, even without knowing that it exists. Indeed, Universal Consciousness is at the base of the Universe and at the core of all human beings as the unchanging and sustaining source of life. It originates, permeates, sustains and transforms life, the human brain and mind, as well as the universe.

The silent basis for thoughts, perceptions, sensations, free will and other properties whose attributes have yet to be explained by science is Consciousness itself, the Intelligent Principle of the human being. In this way, we exist as entities that act in two worlds: the manifest world and the unmanifest world, which in reality are the same, divided by appearance and reality. The advances in quantum information theory promise to shed light on classical concepts already outdated by quantum field theory and other theories and shed new insights into the nature of Consciousness, and finally point out new paths for the decisive advance in the explanation of one of the most enigmatic mysteries of science.

The main objective of this trial is to develop a model based on the description of hierarchical levels of Consciousness, taking into account the accumulation of knowledge acquired by information theories over time. It is observed that a specific session was developed in this model that brings knowledge in the light of these theories to clarify and make the framework of this trial compatible with current knowledge, since it is an abstract, enigmatic and challenging matter, not yet addressed by contemporary science. In addition, based on this reasoning, it was decided to insert correlated subsections, with the purpose of making an essentially abstract matter more objective and that could be more understandable to the general public. Thus, it was necessary to focus on specific aspects, such as the design of the sessions distributed according to the discussion that follows, in order to transform an immaterial agent into a ponderable entity, man.

2. Basic Notions about Information Theories

The great merit of Claude Shannon, when creating the Mathematical Theory of Information in 1948, among other things, was to cause a revolution in the concepts of information. In fact, the revolutionary concepts of this theory essentially form the basis of any theory of information, as most current theories are based on the general concepts of information developed by Shannon. It was his unifying vision that revolutionized communication, opening the doors to a plethora of research in communication that culminated in the emergence of the field of Information Theory (Aftab et al., 2001) . Until then, no one had had such a revolutionary idea on the subject. Since then, communication/information is no longer the same. In fact, it gained wings and piggybacked on dozens of theories covering a wide range of human knowledge (Stone, 2015) . Undoubtedly, Shannon in his original concept of information considered the amount of information, taking into account not only the statistical data of a given system and their correlations (Lombardi et al., 2016; Stone, 2015) , but also the function of a person’s freedom of choice in selecting a message (Bates, 2005; Burgin, 2003) . From this perspective, Shannon was careful to link his quantitative theory to the amount of information from a given source, regardless of discussions about the meaning or semantic content of that information. In other words, here the information does not refer to semantics or meaning (Pepperell, 2018) . Likewise, the same can be said about the channel carrying the message, as well as the correlations between the origin and the destination (Lombardi et al., 2016) . It describes the possible messages that can be encoded in a sequence of characters, whose information reduces the uncertainty of potential messages (Stone, 2015; Burgin, 2003; Pepperell, 2018) . In fact, a little uncertainty is healthy because if it weren’t, there would be no information and communication (Doyle, 2012) . Here, the receiver of information sent through symbols transforms the sent symbol by its meaning, using a predetermined convention (Feistel & Ebeling, 2016) . Undoubtedly, Shannon’s objective was just the operational result that, in fact, did not require the identification of the information to be sent or communicated (Varn & Crutchfield, 2016; Capurro & HjØrland, 2003) .

It is worth noting that knowledge means information with meaning that exists only in the mind of the conscious being, man (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) . There is no such thing as meaningless communication, even in one direction, from sender to receiver (Burgin, 2003; Irwin, 2014) . Therefore, information means the concept or meaning of information, not just the thought process itself (Capurro & HjØrland, 2003) . Here, the meaning is always subjective, that is, the information is the perceived relationship between the sender and the receiver (Irwin, 2014; Hari, 2010) . In this sense, Claude Shannon’s mathematical description of information is not complete, as it does not predict the meaning of information (Capurro & HjØrland, 2003; Meijer, 2012) . From this perspective, Shannon’s information does not apply to biological systems because it is irrelevant to meaning or experiences in living beings (Hari, 2010) .

Finally, it should be noted that information in its genesis is energy, essentially an abstract entity (Irwin, 2014) , however, according to Einstein, it can also be matter, since both have the same origin in primordial matter. In fact, both information and matter have a double aspect of the same reality, that is, mental and material, even if it is transported through a physical process. In other words, information is a type of energy intrinsic to matter (Meijer, 2016) . However, it too can be transported through an occult process. Undoubtedly, there is no information, information processing or communication from one point to another in space-time without the direct participation of Consciousness. Furthermore, information in the distant future will be made mind-to-mind through a “fine-tuning” process when humanity achieves unquestioned morality. Science doesn’t know everything!

Stochastic Electrodynamics

In the 1960s, Marshall and Boyer developed Stochastic Electrodynamics (SED) which explains many effects of classical quantum mechanics, plus the further introduction of the interaction of a classical and stochastic ZPF field (Keppler, 2012) . Based on this approach, Harold Puthoff published a series of articles at the end of the 1980s, in which he explained the stability of matter, inertia and gravity through the ZPF interaction and which greatly contributed to the recognition of the important role of the vacuum in biological systems. Indeed, since the advent of quantum electrodynamics, a branch of quantum field theory for electromagnetic interaction (Del Giudice et al., 2009) , it has been seen as the theory that supports the idea that all physical forces can be described as exchange flows of generated “virtual particles” from the quantum vacuum by physical laws and that these effects can occur naturally within living organisms (Grandpierre, 2014) . Thus, the vacuum of biological systems must be versatile, coherent, non-chaotic, low entropy, far from equilibrium and within a certain order of complexity (Doyle, 2012; Zeiger & Bischof, 1998) . Furthermore, the fields of quantum vacuums seen as real fields, although some claim they are virtual, give stability to atoms, since the electron is no longer surrounded by a void and therefore does not lose energy. In this sense, all physical bodies of living systems are maintained by the stability of the existence of stochastic fields with dynamic interaction with the ZPF (Meijer, 2016; Santos, 2022; Keppler, 2016) . Therefore, stochastic electrodynamics is seen as a necessary science to understand the biological processes that regulate the vital activity of organisms (Miller et al., 1975; Mesquita et al., 2004) . In this context, the ZPF is referred to as the field of life that actually governs life, as it shapes biological forms and controls the regeneration and development of biological beings through the organizing model of biological life, the self-replicating morphogenetic field.

The properties of matter are not intrinsic, but acquired by dynamic interactions with the ZPF which, according to this ubiquitous stochastic radiation field, the properties of matter appear as a secondary reality and in this way stochastic electrodynamics constitutes the adequate framework for understanding of these systems (Meijer, 2016; Keppler, 2016) . On the other hand, the properties of electrodynamics based on the creation of dissipative structures order and disorder on the one hand, loss and waste on the other, in addition to the self-organization of living systems led to a paradigm shift between two branches of the same science, the physical chemistry (Keppler, 2012; Zeiger & Bischof, 1998) . In fact, far from equilibrium, matter acquires new properties as in non-equilibrium situations (Doyle, 2012; Mesquita et al., 2004) . Due to energy exchanges with the outside, even being a living system with the formation of complex structures, it manages to organize itself, leading to long-range correlations and interactions (Del Giudice et al., 2009; Keppler, 2016) . The ZPF, substrate of Consciousness, is the ideal “input” in which the thought exerted by the influence of Consciousness makes primordial matter plastic, mutually sharing the same properties, that is, not only does the ZPF affect the dynamics of matter, but this also affects the dynamics of the ZPF (Meijer, 2016; Keppler, 2012, 2016) . Every equilibrium condition is associated with a property of quantum theory, quantization, that is, quantum behavior results from the process of interaction between matter and the ZPF due to the existing interconnectivity between these two fields (Meijer, 2016) . In fact, from these interactions, quantum phenomena can arise in many biological systems (Keppler, 2012) , with coherent, non-linear behavior, far from equilibrium (Mesquita et al., 2004) .

3. Consciousness: Intelligent Organizing Principle of Life

Consciousness is the intelligent agent of the universe. It is man clothed in matter. It is human life throbbing at any latitude or longitude on Planet Earth. So what is life? Life is Consciousness. And what is Consciousness? It’s the intelligent dynamism of life, it’s intelligent life in motion. The Intelligent Organizing Principle of life is an omnipresent entity that exists in its own right, seen as a fundamental property of the universe (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Irwin, 2014; Lake, 2014) . He is the highest instance of the person, the origin of all intentions, the totality of our physical and psychic existence (Bischof, 2003) . Furthermore, he is the bearer of all the virtues or all the moral defects of the human being (Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017) acquired during the free exercise of his free will. Here, free will is considered an attribute of Consciousness and its acquisition by the human being only occurs after the individualization of the Intelligent Principle, keeping it light years away from the lower animals, with all due respect (Camelo, 2021a; Barlow, 2015) . So Consciousness is not the same thing as free will. Undoubtedly, free will is an attribute of it. It is the power of choice. In fact, who decides the choice is the Consciousness that is the ultimate entity emanated from the Universal Consciousness (Meijer, 2016; Theise & Kofatos, 2016; Levin, 2011; Vary, 2017) . Undoubtedly, the Universal Consciousness (Vary, 2016; Hari, 2018) which is the origin of free will and primary cause of all things and all beings (Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Chung, 2014a, 2014b) is in fact, the one who generates the Principle Intelligent organizer of life in matter (Camelo, 2021b; Vary, 2017; Germine, 2018; Shani & Keppler 2018; Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020) . On the other hand, individual Consciousness is an integral part of the Universe, a dynamic knowledge system that cannot function without Universal Consciousness, even without knowing that it exists (Meijer, 2016; Levin, 2011; Vary, 2017; Chung, 2014b) . Indeed, Universal Consciousness is at the base of the Universe and at the core of all human beings as the unchanging and sustaining source of life (Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Theise & Kofatos, 2016; Kofatos & Yang, 2016; Meijer & Geesink, 2017) . It originates, permeates, sustains and transforms life, the human brain and mind (Oliver & Hari, 2017; Vary, 2016) as well as the universe (Meijer, 2016; Meijer & Korf, 2013; Geesink & Meijer, 2016; Pal, 2013; Velmans, 2021) . The silent basis for thoughts, perceptions, sensations, free will and other properties, whose attributes have not yet been explained by science is Consciousness itself (Oliver & Hari, 2017; Levin, 2011; Chung, 2014b; Mays & Mays, 2008) , the Intelligent Principle of the human being (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017) . In fact, we exist as entities that act in two worlds: the manifest world and the unmanifest world, which in reality are the same, divided by appearance and reality (Meijer, 2016; Levin, 2011) . In this way, energy, space, time and Consciousness are not separate things; are interconnected by imposition of uninterrupted reality, said David Bohm (Geesink & Meijer, 2016) .

Subjective reality for us, according to human concepts, is equally objective reality for Consciousness. Likewise, reality is always objective here or in any dimension, that is, everything is real in color and live for Consciousness (Camelo, 2022a; Vary, 2017; Mays & Mays, 2008) . In fact, without the physical body, conscious or unconscious experience within Consciousness is even more real. Seen in another way, the body works as an obstacle or a very dense “shadow”, given the low vibrations of the matter that composes it (Camelo, 2022a) . Undoubtedly, the body cannot live without Consciousness, but Consciousness can live without the body, for it is life itself (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017) , here or in any dimensions in space/time (Camelo, 2022a; Levin, 2011; Chung, 2014b; Lommel, 2011) (see Table 1). Consciousness, as an Intelligent Principle

Table 1. Most relevant features of consciousness.

that transcends, acquires a way of connecting the two processes of mental/material reality that are still little known to science (Levin, 2011; Kak et al., 2014) . Science does not know and will not know in the distant future the mechanism by which these interactions or transformations of reality occur (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017) . Undoubtedly, everything to be observed in the universe, implies Consciousness. Consciousness creates reality and makes it knowable. Reality is never wrong (Kak et al., 2014) . In this regard, a glimpse of this reality is admitted, when supposedly David Bohm demonstrated the existence of a “hidden” order through a “holoinformational” process developed by him in his holographic quantum theory (Levin, 2011; Di Biase, 2013; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Subramanian & Ghojogh, 2020) .

It should be noted that Consciousness shapes matter and interacts with it in order to carry out its wise purposes in the Universe (Vary, 2016; Velmans, 2021; Kofatos et al., 2015) . On the other hand, the ZPF, the universal field of information shapes the matter and the matter shapes the ZPF (Meijer, 2016; Keppler, 2016; Vary, 2017) . This interaction gives rise to information states in the ZPF, under the action of Consciousness (Meijer & Korf, 2013) . In this sense, the fundamental level of Consciousness and the world of phenomena (Keppler, 2012; Theise & Kofatos, 2016; Levin, 2011; Barrett, 2014) are linked to the endogenous field by interdependence. Undoubtedly, the individual Consciousness (Meijer, 2016; Hari, 2018; Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020; Velmans, 2021) , the field underlying our physical body, is the reflection of the Universal Consciousness (Meijer, 2016) that maintains life in human beings and other living beings (Kofatos & Yang, 2016; Meijer & Geesink, 2017; Meijer & Korf, 2013; Curtis & Hurtak, 2004; Bhaumik, 2014) . In fact, no one knows what substance gives rise to individual Consciousness. However, it is known that it does not originate from the primordial substance or ZPF. Rather, it is known that Consciousness, aware of itself, is ever-present at all levels and sub-levels of organization in nature, ever since (Meijer, 2016; Meijer & Geesink, 2017; Di Biase, 2013; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Bhaumik, 2014) . Thus, these events cannot be experienced without the participation of the Intelligent Principle or Consciousness of the human being (Camelo, 2022a; Levin, 2011) . In this context, according to James Clerk Maxwell “what is achieved by the so-called Self, is in reality achieved by something greater than the Self in me”, a clear reference to Universal Consciousness (Bischof, 2003; Levin, 2011; Chung, 2014a; Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020) .

The field concept is very present and very familiar to our daily life (Kofatos et al., 2015) . The human brain is postulated to link our “individual consciousness” to the “universal information” field (Meijer, 2016; Chung, 2014a; Pal, 2013; Barrett, 2014; Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011) ; Jain et al., or Supreme Intelligence of the Universe (Camelo, 2022a; Kofatos, 2015) . In fact, Consciousness may possess properties of quantum “non-locality” (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Theise & Kofatos, 2016; Levin, 2011; Chung, 2014a) which, given the existence of space-time coherence (Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011) can reach speeds greater than the speed of light (Chung, 2014b; Meijer & Geesink, 2017; Hameroff & Chopra, 2012; Bradley, 2007) . Undoubtedly, nature is inherently non-local (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) , for when two particles are interconnected, after being superimposed in the same space, they instantly communicate as if they were interconnected ad infinitum, no matter what the distance (Meijer, 2016; Chung, 2014b; Walach & von Stillfried, 2011) . In this way, all phenomena occur simultaneously, giving the impression of an uninterrupted whole (Levin, 2011; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Kofatos et al., 2015) .

The zero-point energy field, ZPF, of the quantum vacuum can be the link between the domains of the biological system and that of Consciousness (Kofatos et al., 2015; Bischof, 2000) . In fact, the ZPF is the substratum of the individual Consciousness (Keppler, 2012; Barrett, 2014; Caligiuri, 2015) , metaphorically its workspace from which the necessary “input” is taken to make the transformations of matter according to its will (Camelo, 2022a, 2022b) . Therefore, Consciousness is a non-local complex quantum field that exhibits holographic properties (Meijer, 2016; Levin, 2011) , whose universal information can be connected to the zero-point energy field (Bischof, 2003; Bradley, 2007; Camelo, 2022b) . On the other hand, the quantum vacuum of zero-point energy is not the same thing as Universal Consciousness. He is a product of the Universal mind (Meijer, 2016) . He is not intelligent and not wise. Nothing is comparable to Universal Consciousness. In this context, the implicate order applies to both mind and matter and, therefore, can explain the interaction of mind and matter (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Levin, 2011; Todd, 2017) , since both have the same origin in fundamental matter, the ZPF that reveals itself in the explicit or explained order from an underlying reality, the Psychosoma (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b; Meijer & Korf, 2013; Barrett, 2014) . Matter, in a way, is an illusory aspect of reality, whose material objects are illusions and projections of something deeper (Miller et al., 1975; Di Biase, 2013) . In this way, Consciousness cannot separate itself from matter (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Di Biase, 2013; Subramanian & Ghojogh, 2020) , since it needs the neural network to manifest itself and that, in turn, the neural network is governed by it (Vary, 2016) . Although the intelligent Principle uses its mind and information derived from it to interact with the universe, it needs appropriate physical structures for its evolution in space/time (Levin, 2011) . Indeed, Consciousness uses the biological brain as an underlying holistic instrument to interact with the physical body and the material world (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Bischof, 2003; Kofatos, 2015; Todd, 2017) .

It should be noted that there is no intrinsic material life, per se. Undoubtedly, according to this premise, life is the Intelligent Principle enveloped or coated with matter. In fact, there is no way to think about life without first thinking about the Intelligent Principle of the Universe, man (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b) . Science and human beings in general think that life is simply biological life, material life. Undoubtedly, material or biological life is just a particularity, a minimal detail in the vision of the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe that permeates everything and everyone (Meijer, 2016; Vary, 2017; Hari, 2018) . In fact, the fundamental matter of the universe is unique, indivisible and irreplaceable that permeates the entire universe (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) and it is from this matter that the individual Consciousness molds “everything” for good or evil according to its will (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2021b) . From it arise the different modalities of subtle energy, always varying according to the vibrational frequency of its components until reaching gross matter, of low vibration (Camelo, 2021a, 2022b) .

Individual consciousness, mind and information have the same origin in the structure of the Universe (Hari, 2018; Chung, 2014a) . Thus, information is an internal content closely linked to pure knowledge (Stapp, 1999) . Just remembering that each particle is built of information contained in the vacuum (Meijer, 2016; Levin, 2011) . Undoubtedly, information is a product of Consciousness which in turn generates free will (Irwin, 2014; Hari, 2010; Barrett, 2014) . Indeed, at the deepest level of reality, everything is intimately interconnected by quantum nonlocality (Meijer, 2016; Levin, 2011; Chung, 2014a) . Therefore, individual Consciousness and information represent the same phenomenon seen from different aspects (Bischof, 2003) . It is in the informational field of the brain that information is physically unified in such a way that it corresponds to the unity of Consciousness (McFadden, 2002) .

Quantum field theory plays a key role in clarifying how the brain works. Electromagnetic field that surrounds the brain, the “mind” made up of the same primordial matter that shapes the “biological brain” is a unified field that distributes information equally to all neuronal tissue (Geesink & Meijer, 2016) . From the perspective of fields, Consciousness is immaterial (Theise & Kofatos, 2016) because, by its essence, it differs from everything we know under the name of matter. Thus, we can call it an “Intelligent light focus”, abstract quantum field underlying this body that is typing these words (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Vary, 2017; Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) . Therefore, Consciousness (here the big C refers to individual consciousness) is the individualization of the Intelligent Principle, just as the physical body is the individualization of the material Principle. Thus, the Intelligent Principle, in order to condense itself into a biological structure, models its own physical body through its non-material brain (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . So Consciousness is not a thing (Kak et al., 2014) . She is a “creation” differentiated from all things in the Universe. It is through Consciousness that we perceive the world. She is a creative, inspiring, dynamic and transformative that interacts with nature (Vary, 2016; Jain, et al., 2015; Camelo, 2022b) . She is the omnipresent essence of the human being that creates reality (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011) . Therefore, Consciousness is not produced by matter. It’s impossible! It is dynamic and evolutionary, as well as DNA, seen as the origin of animal species in matter. Evolution is a natural law. Everything and everyone evolves towards relative perfection in the scenario of endless existence (Grandy, 2011) . Thus, the interaction of Consciousness/mind with the body/matter complex, both evolving together with the unquestionable action of the “intelligent principle” on matter facilitates the improvement of increasingly aesthetic bodies, becoming a convenient partnership for both (Velmans, 2021) . In this context, consciousness is all there is (Camelo, 2022a; Subramanian & Ghojogh 2020; Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) . Therefore, Consciousness can never be a property of any material or immaterial thing or event. Consciousness is superior to any property. Consciousness is in everything and at the same time it is superior to everything that exists (Meijer, 2016; Irwin, 2014; Camelo, 2021a; Theise & Kofatos, 2016) . In fact, nobody knows when and how it came about, since forever. Interestingly, Conscience has always been present among us (Camelo, 2022a; Hari, 2018) . Therefore, we are talking about the individualized Consciousness or Intelligent Principle. We are talking about us, me and you (Camelo, 2022a) .

Consciousness has always existed and will exist independently of the physical body (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) , since there is no beginning and there will never be an end to it (Barlow, 2015; Chung, 2014b; Lommel, 2011) . Now we can answer the question: what is Consciousness? Undoubtedly, living matter is permeated by a vital energy, an omnipresent entity that gives it life, allowing it to interact with mental, emotional and physical systems (Vary, 2016; Velmans, 2021; Lommel, 2011; Rubik et al., 2015) . In fact, Consciousness or Intelligent Principle is the “life” (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Lommel, 2011) that manifests itself in matter through the Psychosoma, its endogenous, vital and self-replicating field (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b, 2022b) . Here, it should be noted that life is the ultimate goal of the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe who is the immutable basis of all creation (Meijer, 2016) and ruler of all bodies, minds and beings in the universe (Vary, 2017; Hari, 2018; Chung, 2014b) . In this way, the individual Consciousness with its complex holistic endogenous field that science still has no idea of its complexity involves the Psychosoma and feeds it, giving it life and inserting it in the world of forms (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a) . Right here, matter and energy acquire purpose and meaning. Therefore, there is no need to erect a dualistic barrier. Consciousness is non-dual and non-local with unaltered self-identity, with instant connection (Meijer, 2016) as well as the fundamental nature of all existence (Theise & Kofatos, 2016; Levin, 2011; Chung, 2014b; Lommel, 2011) . The simplest and most elegant explanation that allows human beings to think, feel and experience the world is that the universe consists of Consciousness at the most fundamental level (Theise & Kofatos, 2016; Vary, 2016; Pal, 2013; Chopra & Kofatos, 2014) . Therefore, Consciousness is not an emergent property produced by matter, but can be seen as a holistic property, metaphorically, of the whole organism, an omnipresent non-material entity capable of independent existence (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020; Mays & Mays, 2008) . Undoubtedly, it permeates the being and knows, above all, the most striking events of the conscious and/or unconscious experience that the individual goes through, that is, everything that is part of the cognitive activity that involves him (Camelo, 2022a; Chung, 2014b) . Remembering here that all cognitive actions of the human being are stored in the brain of Consciousness which is the immaterial mind (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a; Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020) .

Experimental studies by Mae-Wan Ho and Gariaev suggest that the liquid crystal matrix in collagen fibers can act as a quantum holographic medium that records interference patterns between local events and the global body field. This means faster intercommunication throughout the body allowing Consciousness with its mind/body system to function as a coherent whole (Rubik et al., 2015; Sidorov & Chen, 2012) . Therefore, Consciousness is a non-local electromagnetic field, that is, it is not limited to space-time and is always present and conscious (Camelo, 2022a; Camelo, 2022b; Camelo, 2021b; Mitcheil & Starets, 2011) . She is tireless and indestructible (Camelo, 2022a) . So, how would the connection between an immaterial principle, Consciousness, be made with the material principle of biological life, the Psychosoma? Just remembering that Max Planck, one of the fathers of quantum theory, was very clear when he revealed the following principle: “I consider matter to be derived from Consciousness” (Bhaumik, 2014) . In this context, Consciousness is a primordial entity that plays an intrinsic role in the universe (Meijer, 2016; Barlow, 2015; Vary, 2017; Bitbol & Luigi Luisi, 2011) . Undoubtedly, the connection to its vehicle of manifestation in matter, the morphogenetic field, is made through an almost physical process called “vibrational correspondence” (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2021b, 2022a) that allows interaction between them. In fact, the Psychosoma is the communication and information processing agent of Consciousness (Barrett, 2014; Guevara Erra, 2016) . Here, communication between all physical components takes place through quantum fluctuations, including quantum vacuum fluctuations (Caligiuri, 2015; Bischof & Del Giudice, 2013) . In this way, it connects to the physical body through its vibrations; in fact, it is not imprisoned in the physical body; it is impossible (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a) . In contrast, the connection of the Psychosoma to the physical body is made from cell to cell, at the moment of fertilization of the egg by the sperm, considering that both have the same fundamental constitution structured in primordial matter (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a) . In this context, both the morphogenetic field and the biological brain, both made up of the same elementary matter, allow the interaction of Consciousness with the grosser levels of the physical body (Pal, 2013; Jain, et al., 2015; Todd, 2017) . In fact, the mind/matter or observer/observed duality in quantum physics is not a fundamental reality; it is just a simple relational event due to the interconnection, since both have the same primordial constitution, that is, they are formed of the same elemental substance or ZPF that, in turn, forms the quantum vacuum, an environmental background field of space (Chung, 2014a; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Caligiuri, 2015) . Therefore, there is no mind/matter duality here, since both present complementary aspects of the same reality (Camelo, 2021a; Subramanian & Ghojogh, 2020; Todd, 2017) . Finally, the “intelligent focus of light” that is Consciousness is linked to the Psychosoma vibrationally through a “fluidic cord”, while the morphogenetic field, the psychosoma, expands simultaneously with the growing fetus inside the mother’s womb already taking the form of a human being, an event that will be completed when the child turns 7 years old (Camelo, 2021a) . Undoubtedly, the fluidic cord is an “almost immortal” cord with countless functions, among which is the conduction of the “flow of life energy” that keeps the individual alive for a few minutes, as in cases of severe cardiorespiratory arrest or after an experience of near death (Camelo, 2022a) .

Due to its higher order essence, Consciousness is an undefined, abstract Being, a fluidic body being indispensable to it, which in turn forms an integral part of it. Self-replicating morphogenetic body is, therefore, a semi-material body that belongs to the “primordial elementary” matter known to science by the name of quantum vacuum or zero-point energy field (ZPF) which, in this circumstance undergoes a special modification by the force of thought and will of Conscience (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Geesink & Meijer, 2016) . Undoubtedly, the ZPF is the vehicle for the manifestation of the thought and will of the human being, both attributes of Consciousness (Keppler, 2012; Camelo, 2021a; Geesink & Meijer, 2016) . Thought and will represent, in us, a power of action that reaches far beyond the limits of our physical body. In this context, when one wants to materially act on any object placed at a distance, it is thought that wants it, but thought alone cannot carry out the task. Here, the thought that is the reflection of an intelligence, is nothing but the individual Consciousness that is united to the physical body through the Psychosoma (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a, 2022b) . Thus, it acts on it because it is the substance with which it has the most affinity; the psychosoma, in turn, acts on the physical body until reaching the desired goal, and with the performance of mental effort, raises the arm, for example, to reach an object at a certain distance (Camelo, 2022a; Kofatos & Yang, 2018) . In this way, the Consciousness makes primordial matter undergo transformations according to its will (Keppler, 2012; Camelo, 2022b, 2021a) . Therefore, Consciousness can then give not only the form, but also special properties to the object. In fact, the ZPF, primordial matter, through the action of Consciousness, becomes a malleable substance, the necessary input for the action of the Mind on its life projects (Camelo, 2022b, 2021a) . Therefore, when man thinks, he creates a “spectre”, a “living” being for good or evil (Camelo, 2022a) . In this perspective, all human creations are the result of the thinking of each Being. In this way, evil or good, ugly or beautiful lived before, in the “mental source” that produced them in the incessant movements of life. It is the primary reality, the Consciousness, manifested in this body that is typing through another semi-material body or secondary field, the Psychosoma, which contains all the material constituents of the physical body and so on with all living beings on this planet and, in a way, of others as well, in other circumstances (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . In fact, the secondary body (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a, 2022b; Jain et al., 2015) that we are talking about specifically for human beings is the Psychosoma, here portrayed as a self-replicating morphogenetic body (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a, 2022b) . Undoubtedly, in the foundations of Creation vibrates the immeasurable thought of the Creator and over this sea of energy (ZPF) vibrates the measurable thought of the “creature” to constitute itself in the vast ocean (vacuum) of mental force in which the powers of Consciousness are manifested (Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011; Camelo, 2022b) . Human beings are responsible for their own evolution. Undoubtedly, he has an ancient structure: the internal or energetic man and the external or physical man (Chung, 2014a) . The inner man is the Intelligent Principle. It is your perennial individuality; it is the essence of it. It is Consciousness enveloped by matter. Therefore, the inner man and the outer man are intimately interrelated (Grandpierre, 2014) . In contrast, the external man is the animalized man in search of his evolutionary progress, but who is still impregnated with the last vestiges of inferior animality such as anger, wrath, revenge and cruelty, typical of the ferocious animals acquired during his evolutionary journey in matter (Bischof, 2003; Camelo, 2021a) . In this context, for example, observe the striking difference between cavemen and modern man. In fact, it is the action of Consciousness on matter that makes man more evolved, not only in matter, but essentially in his morality and consequently he becomes a more aesthetic being, more beautiful and free of his moral ills. In this sense, man has an animal nature and another of a higher order. In fact, Consciousness, the higher order entity, is the manager of our destinies, the one who really knows everything about us (Camelo, 2021a) .

Today, the study of Consciousness is still inconceivable by science. No scientific theory can predict the existence of Consciousness, which in turn cannot be detected by scientific experiments (Oliver & Hari, 2017; Hari, 2018) . Not even the physical body we fully know. In fact, both the functions of the physical body and the biological laws are not fully known to science. Undoubtedly, there are both more “subtle” biological functions and laws that need to be referenced by science (Grandpierre, 2014) . Consciousness, in fact, may have a field-like nature and/or that field may play a mediating role between it and the biological organism (Bischof, 2003; Kofatos et al., 2015; Bischof, 2008) . In fact, about the essential constitution of the Consciousness of the human being, we know little in our current evolutionary state. Furthermore, man does not find words and means of comparison, given the current stage of his intellect, in its traditional limitation, such as its limitation on the exact conception of infinity. In fact, Consciousness can only be felt and not described (Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011); it is an internal, intimate and personal perception of each being, impossible to be explained, a priori, for those who still do not enjoy the same perceptive experience.

The experience of free will is our subjective experience. It is the ability to really know and choose (Hari, 2010) . So where does the subjective experience of Consciousness come from? Of course it comes from our own Consciousness, just remembering that the very intrinsic nature of Consciousness is subjective (Theise & Kofatos, 2016) . It is our subjective experience in all its totality; or would it be objective experience and we don’t know? Undoubtedly, all experiences, subjective or objective, are in fact the “qualias” within Consciousness that unfold or reveal themselves on the periphery of worlds when necessary (Levin, 2011) . In fact, subjective experiences have nothing to do with matter; it is the most immaterial, most subjective aspect that exists in the subjective experiences of Consciousness and cannot be explained by material theories; it is the most fundamental secret of Consciousness until it becomes objective or is revealed by it. In fact, she is the experimenter; who has perception, free will and intelligence (Hari, 2010) . Therefore, subjective experience is the decision-making of our own ever-present Consciousness observing the contents and thoughts of the mind (Hari, 2010) that result in objective experience according to our free will since when we become an individuality in the world of forms (Kofatos & Yang, 2018) . No one can explain it by the symbolism of the words; the intellect will never be able to perceive it because Consciousness already existed before man and long before the intellect. Undoubtedly, as Consciousness is an intelligent being, logically it will not accept impositions from human beings of “low morality” like us and from a prejudiced science like the current one. Therefore, she still doesn’t want to reveal herself, for now. Here it is important to emphasize that we are dealing with an “intelligent being” and not with a set of quantum particles or raw matter which we can manipulate. For this reason, science will not discover the Consciousness or Intelligent Principle of the Universe. Undoubtedly, only their neuronal correlates. In fact, it will reveal itself to humanity, perplexed, live and in color when humanity is more moralized, towards the beginning of the 22nd century.

4. Mind: Non-Material Brain

Mind and matter are aspects of the same fundamental reality, omnipresent substrate subject to the action of Consciousness (Levin, 2011; Chung, 2014a; Pal, 2013) . In fact, the mind/brain/body complex is embedded in a much larger universe (Velmans, 2021) . Undoubtedly, body cannot be transformed into mind, nor mind can be transformed into body, but they can interact through Consciousness, since mind is a psychophysical state (Levin, 2011; Stapp, 1999) , the subtlest level of mental activity (Hari, 2010; Theise & Kofatos, 2016; Velmans, 2021) . In this way, neither the mind nor the brain works in isolation, since both constitute a single field (Di Sia, 2017) . To this day, science confuses Mind with Consciousness (Velmans, 2021) . Undoubtedly, it is the same as mistaking a human being for his brain. Therefore, mind is not Consciousness and Consciousness is not mind (Hari, 2018) . In fact, the mind is a quantum hologram processing holographic image with information encoded in the biological brain. In this sense, a hologram is seen as a three-dimensional image in which each part contains the content of the whole. Thus, the brain stores experienced holographic space/time patterns and compares them directly with new patterns that arise instantly, thus making information processing much faster (Mae-Wan, 1998) . Undoubtedly, the human mind, whose information is instantaneous and which can reach speeds greater than the speed of light (Mae-Wan, 1998) is the best instrument for exploring transcendental access through subjective signals and higher order informational fields (Vary, 2017) . The mind, therefore, is a subtle form of field, an information processing agent involving the physical brain system (Chung, 2014a; Velmans, 2021; Stapp, 1999) . In this context, the mental domain, as well as the material, are complementary aspects of the same reality (Levin, 2011) . It is common sense that Consciousness can separate from your mind. It’s impossible (Camelo, 2022a) ! In fact, the mind is not an intrinsically alive and conscious entity (Hari, 2018) . In this way, the mind does not think (Oliver & Hari, 2017; Camelo, 2021a) . It is just an interface (Meijer, 2016) , a manifestation vehicle (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Di Sia & Bhadra, 2020) , an endogenous field with non-local intracerebral correlations (Meijer, 2016; Joseph, 2009) that aims to establish interconnections between Consciousness and the material brain (Camelo, 2022a) . In this way, the biological brain exhibits a ‘holographic field’ pattern (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Mae-Wan, 1998) that expresses an anatomical arrangement of the central nervous system itself that regulates the capacity of this system to process data through a broader neural transmission. Therefore, the brain is a modulating agent and the mediating link between the mind and the physical body (Pal, 2013; Bitbol & Luigi Luisi, 2011) .

From the material point of view, the brain, a greasy, friable and bad-tasting organ, has no ability (Camelo, 2021a) . Skill is in Consciousness. The mind is a mental field created and enveloped by consciousness, the Intelligent Principle of the human being (Miller et al., 1975; Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . Here, the one who thinks is the Consciousness, the man! Furthermore, the individual mind, man, is the reflection of the Universal Mind, whose holographic communication is made through interconnection with the primordial quantum field or ZPF (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Meijer, 2016; Chung, 2014a; Geesink & Meijer, 2016; Thaheld, 2003) . Undoubtedly, brain and mind do not generate Consciousness (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017) . They only store holographic information, because the brain acts as an information receiver using resonance, as a coding/decoding pattern (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Mae-Wan, 1998) with a specific electromagnetic frequency range that revolves around 40 - 80 Hz (Geesink & Meijer, 2016; Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011; Mitcheil & Starets, 2011) . In fact, the Zero Point Field lends credence to the infinite storage capacity of memory outside the physical body, ever since. This means that memory is not stored in the biological brain (Oliver & Hari, 2017) . Instead, it confirms that it is stored in the immaterial brain, the electromagnetic field that surrounds the biological brain, which in turn interacts with the zero-point field (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Hari, 2010; Kofatos et al., 2015; Mae-Wan, 1998; Meijer, 2014) . The connection, therefore, between conscious mental phenomena and semi-conscious material phenomena occurs through the “coupling” of electromagnetic fields, that is, quantum mechanical interactions (Levin, 2011; Kofatos et al., 2015; Stapp, 1999; Mae-Wan, 1998) . Here, the unconscious state in David Bohm’s view is seen as the folded, hidden state and the conscious state is the state unfolded by the action of Consciousness (Levin, 2011) .

It is worth remembering that Pribram in his theory of quantum holographic memory proposed a brain as a conscious organizer that stores encoded information as a hologram (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Bischof, 2000; Mae-Wan, 1998) . In fact, this theory applied to living organisms would allow the storage of large amounts of information both inside the physical body and outside it, in the zero-point field (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Meijer, 2014) . Undoubtedly, there is a “synchronic interaction” of the “psychic body” or psychosoma, biological organizing model with its endogenous mental field or non-material mind (Kofatos et al., 2015; Guevara Erra et al., 2016) . Thus, indeed the higher order interaction takes place between Consciousness/mind and body/brain in the material world (Hari, 2010) . In this context, these interactions involve processes both on macroscales and on microscales, in the world of subatomic particles, as they occur in holographic information retrieval (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Thus, quantum holography describes information processing that explains both human intra and intercommunication (Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011; Mae-Wan, 1998) changing our classical world view (Meijer, 2014) . From this perspective, we understand that active information is simultaneously physical and mental (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Beck & Colli, 2003) . In other words, active information serves as a kind of bridge between mind and matter, as two sides of the same reality (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) ; two inseparable sides that are aspects of a single unbroken whole (Meijer, 2016; Todd, 2017; Beck & Colli, 2003; Bohm, 1990; Maleeh & Amani, 2012) . The mind, therefore, is the noblest vehicle of manifestation of Consciousness (Meijer & Geesink, 2017) which, in turn, is the conscious and thinking entity. The mind with a big “M” is the mental body, timeless, electromagnetic field that stores and processes all the information that comes from Consciousness and that finally makes connection with the biological brain (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Camelo, 2021a; Mitcheil & Starets, 2011) . It is the coupling or overlapping of complementary electromagnetic fields, seen as an inherent property of matter (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Thaheld, 2003) . Here, David Bohm’s implicate order is in an undivided or folded form, while the explicit order that manifests itself at the periphery of worlds is in an unfolded or explained form (Meijer & Korf, 2013; Beck & Colli, 2003) . Thus, in relation to the interdependence of things, Bohm distinguishes the implicate order and the explicate order in which somehow everything is in everything (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Beck & Colli, 2003; Bohm, 1990) .

The experience of oneness is a fundamental state of Consciousness that can be experienced. The basic foundation of these experiences is the multilevel nature of Consciousness as well as the multidimensional nature of reality (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011) . In fact, at each level, information can be seen in both aspects, physical and mental (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Beck & Colli, 2003; Bohm, 1990) . The question arises: how does all this relate to the biological brain and our entire psychic existence? In fact, it is based on hierarchical participatory decision-making levels from Consciousness to the brain (Irwin, 2014) , according to the model described here by this author as Consciousness → Mind → Psychosoma → Brain → Body. From this view, all information is matter of mind (Chung, 2014a; Kofatos & Yang, 2018) . In this way, mind and matter are inseparable entities in time-space, since both are constituted of the same primordial matter (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Kofatos, 2015; Todd, 2017; Beck & Colli, 2003; Maleeh & Amani, 2012) . In fact, the mind is the matrix, the model of the biological brain that science knows (Camelo, 2022a) . Undoubtedly, the mind and the brain, both governed by Consciousness, present complementary aspects of the same reality (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Bohm, 1990) . In this perspective, the immaterial mind in relation to the individual brain maintains a non-dual wave/particle relationship according to quantum physical principles (Meijer & Geesink, 2017; Kofatos, 2015) . Therefore, the mind, seat of Consciousness, is the non-material brain of Consciousness where all the informational content of the human being is stored, since forever (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Hari, 2018; Carminati et al., 2013) . Undoubtedly, the mind is the psychophysical basis of all mind/brain/body phenomena, that is, the mind allows experiences to be created in an interactive and participatory way (Camelo, 2022a; Velmans, 2021; Kofatos & Yang, 2018; Beck & Colli, 2003) (see Table 2).

Mind and matter originate from the same substratum, the underlying fundamental matter of the universe (Keppler, 2012) . Without a doubt, conscious or unconscious or conscious and unconscious experience at the same time is not in our head, nor in the brain, nor in the mind. Conscious experience is in Consciousness and nothing else (Hari, 2018) . So who is the unconscious? It is Consciousness itself. Did you understand? In other words, the content that is stored in the “depths of the unconscious” is not always captured by the conscious, given the low vibrations of the biological brain, but the unconscious knows everything (Chung, 2014a; Maleeh & Amani, 2012) . In fact, here it is necessary to superficialize this “content” coming from the “depths” of Consciousness to the conscious level to be captured by the material brain. Therefore, conscious linkage requires the integration of complex information into the brain performed through the non-material brain, the mind (Mays & Mays, 2015) . Furthermore, the world is only perceived or experienced when both the physical body and the psychic.

Table 2. Most outstanding characteristics of the mind.

body, the psychosoma, and the mind are interacting (Mae-Wan, 1998) . In this way, both the mind and the body, that is, the body/brain/mind dynamics participate in the creation of conscious experience in a living being (Hari, 2018; Stapp, 1999) . Undoubtedly, the correlated electrical brain activity apparently arrives late to our conscious perception (Chung, 2014a) due to the difficulty of our brain to capture the “high vibrations” emanating from the Consciousness due to the material field of low vibration that composes our noble organ. In this regard, when the human brain captures an informational flow emanating from Consciousness, it automatically generates self-awareness (Kak et al., 2014) . The brain is seen as a stochastic oscillator driven by zero-field quantum energy. Here, Consciousness uses the brain as a biological information processing device (Meijer, 2016; Kak, Chopra, & Kofatos, 2014) . Indeed, the ZPF can be the basis for the manifestation of conscious and unconscious states and can provide “insights” for the determination of neuronal correlates of consciousness (Keppler, 2016; Geesink & Meijer, 2016) .

Self-awareness of a decision-making emerges when the electrical activity associated with the intentional decision “vibrates in the cerebral cortex” and is thus identified by Consciousness as a neuronal correlate (Carminati et al., 2013) . In the mind/brain relationship, given the differences in vibrational fields, is there a difference between conscious and unconscious information processing? In other words, taking into account the problem of the relationship between the metal side and the physical side of reality, is there really such a difference? In fact, our conscious is the domain of our mental field, pure action of the non-material mind + its biological brain (self-consciousness), while our unconscious, which in fact has nothing unconscious, is the exclusive domain of our Consciousness, pure action of our Intelligent Principle, since Consciousness is always aware (Camelo, 2021a; McFadden, 2020) . Here, I must point out that the term unconscious only makes sense when the biological brain cannot capture the information coming from Consciousness, given the low vibrations imposed by its “mediocre dense material field” or resulting from deep unconscious states such as in cardiorespiratory arrests (Camelo, 2022a) .

In short, who takes care of us during sleep or coma? Of course it is Consciousness (Camelo, 2022a) . Here, for example, in case of coma, cardiorespiratory resuscitation has no control over the production of hormones, enzymes, gastric juice, cell division and immune defense. Thus, for hierarchical reason, the conscious mental/cerebral process is always of a lower order since the informational content is captured exclusively by the biological brain, although it is hierarchically supervised by Consciousness. In fact, all information is a product of Consciousness (Irwin, 2014; Chung, 2014a) . In contrast, we must emphasize that the unconscious process is the exclusive domain of Consciousness. In this way, conscious and unconscious actions differ only in the command: whether mental or consciential. Therefore, there are not two processes, there is only one, there is no mind/matter duality (Beck & Colli, 2003) . It’s a pseudo glitch of the brain, I would say, given the difference in vibrational density of its constituent matter. In this context, imagine driving a car while shifting gears. While driving, we can even carry out some actions, for example, remember a pleasant scene from a movie or listen to music, in addition to controlling our breathing or heartbeat without necessarily compromising the good performance of the action, the unconscious takes care of everything (McFadden, 2002; Maleeh & Amani, 2012) ! Without a doubt, the human mind is indeed a “psychophysical” process that encodes information (Velmans, 2021; Stapp, 1999) . For example, a needle prick in the physical finger corresponds to the same prick in the finger of the psychic body, the psychosoma, which, in turn, resonates or reverberates the pain felt by the Consciousness which, in fact, is the ultimate entity that feels the pain, since the perceived world is part of conscious experience (Stapp, 1999) . The brain does not feel the pain! Pain is in the Consciousness or Intelligent Principle.

The implicit reality with its informational content is revealed in the outside world. Thus, the interconnection of quantum and classical levels is necessary: the two sides of the same reality; the classical material side and the subtle side of the mind (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Todd, 2017; Beck & Colli, 2003; Bohm, 1990) . Therefore, mind cannot be separated from matter, since both are constituted of the same primordial substance and thus “perennial” information flows from Consciousness through the mind and imprints its vibrations or resonant pattern on the biological brain (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . This means that what is felt to be information contained in thought on the mental side of information is at the same time information contained in the physical side (Stapp, 1999; Beck & Colli, 2003) . Here we believe that the non-existence of the mind/matter duality is due to the similarity of primordial matter (ZPF) that enters the composition of the mind/matter substance that is immersed in the quantum vacuum and in this way the mind/matter duality is extinguished, it is the implicit order and explained by David Bohm (Thaheld, 2003) . Indeed, it is active information that gives rise to neurophysiological activity as well as chemical and physical activity in the brain (Beck & Colli, 2003; Bohm, 1990) . Our brain, in turn, given the low vibrations imposed by the “gross matter” that composes it, only perceives our conscious state. Undoubtedly, the brain only receives, transports and transmits information; but our Consciousness perceives both our conscious and unconscious states. It is always conscious and present, since forever (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . This view is in line with David Bohm’s view when he states that “separate objects, entities, structures and events in the visible or explicit world around us are relatively autonomous, stable and temporal “subtotalities” derived from a deeper and implicit order of uninterrupted totality (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Beck & Colli, 2003) .

Long-term memory encodes and stores a multitude of knowledge (Stapp, 1999) and although some of this knowledge may become conscious, the vast majority of it remains unconscious (Velmans, 2021; Bitbol & Luigi Luisi, 2011) . Despite this apparent failure of the biological brain due to its gross vibrational state, the “Mind” where memory is located is the most advanced immaterial brain that exists in the Universe (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . In this context, the biological brain is coated or surrounded by an underlying resonant electromagnetic field (Geesink & Meijer, 2016; Mitcheil & Starets, 2011; Mae-Wan, 1998; McFadden, 2020) . In fact, the mind is the main means of action of the Consciousness on the visible and invisible forms of matter; it is responsible for all creations and transformations of life (Chung, 2014a) . The power or mental energy proper to every human being serves to accomplish his goals in accordance with the aspirations of Consciousness. It is the reflection of the power of thought emanating from the Supreme Mind of the Universe (Meijer, 2016; Chung, 2014a) , manifested through individualized Consciousness (Camelo, 2021a; Kofatos, 2015) . Undoubtedly, thought being immaterial, it possesses a power greater than physical realities. In fact, matter can arise from the creative thought/mind of the human being. In this context, the human being still does not distinguish the positive mental action on, for example, his physical body; and therefore he judges him more important than his mind. To satisfactorily understand the biological brain, science first needs to understand the “non-biological” brain that is Mind, the information processing center of Consciousness. Undoubtedly, it is there where the memory and record of all events, without beginning and without end, that occurred during their existences are located (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) .

The debate over whether “mind” is a fundamental property of nature or whether it is a property of the brain itself has been going on for decades. Indeed, the brain/mind field cannot be adequately translated into experiments using current science and it may be more accurate to characterize it as a “dynamic pattern” of mind/matter interaction replete with information (Stapp, 1999) . The mind is in fact an interference pattern throughout the biological brain. Undoubtedly, the brain is material while information or communication is mental; in fact, the action of the mind on the physical world, (Stapp, 1999) in addition to the communication involved, is almost always correlated with some material medium (Stapp, 1999) .

Mental power or energy together with its memory storage system denotes an inviolable file of Consciousness. Undoubtedly, no brain damage as known to science, however severe it may be, actually causes memory loss, as it is a complex electromagnetic field that is found at another vibrational level, far from the mediocre material field (Camelo, 2022a) . Indeed, these events are confirmed by maintenance of memory or reminder occurring in near-death experiences or out-of-body experiences (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017) . Consciousness together with its powerful “mind” is always aware and in possession of its faculties which allow it to live independently of its physical body (Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Meijer, 2014) . In this context, the non-material mind is responsible for the phenomena of these experiences generated by Consciousness that occur at an even more subtle vibrational level, the superior mental field (Camelo, 2022a) .

5. Psychosoma: Organizing Model of Biological Life

This is the true “zombie” of dogmatic scientist dreams. It is in the energetic intimacy of the Psychosoma, the unquestionable “morphogenetic field” (McFadden (2013) that cells are aggregated to finally model their future physical body (Camelo, 2022a; Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) . Only the inner world is true! In fact, the existence of a “body image” has been demonstrated, certainly a “biological organizer” agent (Camelo, 2022a; Kofatos et al., 2015) , a three-dimensional image of the perceived body (Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) different from the physical body that forms the energetic anatomical structures (Miller et al., 1975; Jain et al., 2015; Bischof, 2000; Sheldrake, 1987) . Here, the concept of morphogenetic field emerged to associate the organizing agent and organized tissues (Camelo, 2022a) , which regulates and controls living beings, in order to encompass the integrating and organizing principles in living organisms (Del Giudice et al., 2009; Bischof & Del Giudice, 2013) . Undoubtedly, the Psychosoma is a specific information processing and coding system. In fact, the Psychosoma, supervised by Consciousness, is the only living and dynamic model capable of explaining how the organism can generate and store highly structured coherent energy having the ZPF as its basic substrate (Camelo, 2022a; Caligiuri, 2015; Mae-Wan, 1998; Sheldrake, 1987) .

Morphogenetic body, the psychosoma is, therefore, an entity connected internally through a coherent endogenous field (Camelo, 2022a; Kofatos et al., 2015; Sidorov & Chen, 2012) , which extends throughout the organism and encodes bioinformation (Mae-Wan, 1998) that has its activities linked to the living substrate, actually involving a mental aspect that carries information from the intention and psychic realm to the material realm (Jain, et al., 2015; Rubik, 2015; Rubik, 1995; Jerman et al., 2009) . Therefore, the Psychosoma is the physical origin of an inexhaustible reservoir of energy and perennial mass controlled by Consciousness (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011) . Undoubtedly, this field seems to be more related to the morphogenetic field and body physiology (Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) and can be considered more fundamental to life than DNA itself (Bischof, 2003; Camelo, 2022a; Sidorov & Chen, 2012; Sheldrake, 1987) . Here, given its liquid crystal nature, the DNA exhibits a plasma-like activity that appears to be a unified whole; in addition, it also exhibits a certain conscience (Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) , because it is involved and fed by the own conscience of the human being. In fact, the Psychosoma that contains the projects of biological forms and being a morphogenetic field that maintains the coherence between its parts (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Caligiuri, 2015) is, moreover, an entity of interaction, information and communication (Mae-Wan, 1998) between Consciousness and the physical body (Bischof & Del Giudice, 2013; Kofatos et al., 2015) . It is postulated here that the morphogenetic field, source of morphic information, can play a mediating role between Consciousness and the physical body (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a) . In this context, this view corroborates Karl Pribram’s (1970) idea of a holographic field, which he believes to be a coherent field that serves as a link between Consciousness and neurobiological processes (Bischof, 2000) . Following this same reasoning, in 1975 J. Eccles postulated that Consciousness has an existence independent of the brain and that the “Self” interacts with the body and the material world using the brain as an instrument (Bischof, 2000) . Later, in 1986, following the same line of reasoning, J. Eccles proposed that this field can modify the probability of neurotransmitter emission at dendritic synapses (Kofatos, 2015; Bischof, 2000) .

Fields analogous to the probability fields of quantum theory may be responsible for coupling consciousness processes and neural events. Such fields are considered as containing active information that in the quantum domain are called quantum potentials and that imply quantum nonlocality (Burgin, 2003; Walach & von Stillfried 2011; Bohm, 1990) . In fact, current research points to the existence of non-electromagnetic fields underlying the physical body called fields of “subtle energies” suggested by Einstein (Bischof, 2000) and which corroborate our view of a self-replicating morphogenetic information field (Camelo, 2022a) . Undoubtedly, the notion of “field” implies an indestructible structure because it is at another vibrational level. Here, if there is loss of any tissue, even if it is regenerating tissue, the structure of the field remains unchanged, facilitating the recovery of the injured tissue (Sidorov & Chen, 2012; Rubik, 1995) .

The vacuum, the structural basis of the human being, is the origin of microscopic and macroscopic coherence (Caligiuri, 2015) from where information emerges for the structured development and regeneration of inorganic forms such as DNA (Kofatos et al., 2015) and organic forms such as tissues and organs (Sidorov & Chen, 2012) through the self-replicating endogenous body. Zeiger suggested that biological systems should be understood in terms of a dual ground state (Zeiger & Bischof, 1998) . On the one hand, in a non-perturbative, coherent/collective state responsible for the stability, internal communication and photon storage of the Consciousness domain (Camelo, 2021b) and on the other hand connecting all its components by long-range phase relationships with each other and with their environment (Bischof, 2003; Kofatos et al., 2015; Mae-Wan, 1998) . Psychosoma is in fact the perturbative state that emerges from a virtual field or vacuum state, while Consciousness is the coherent/collective non-perturbative state responsible for stability (Bischof, 2003) . Following this view, the psychosoma is a unifying field of information as a key feature in bioregulation, regeneration and homeostasis. Undoubtedly, it is a hierarchical field with several levels of holistic regulation, biomolecular fields and information fields (Pepperell, 2018; Rubik, 2015) .

The organizing model of biological life is based on intelligent coherence and synchronization. Based on this model, the Psychosoma, as an intelligent agent, exhibits special properties. In fact, synchronization and coherence are fundamental properties in the formation of the morphogenetic field and human experience (Camelo, 2021a; Camelo, 2021b) . It should also be noted that synchronization and coherence in the organism are not restricted only to its physical components, but can also be the basis for the coherent field model of the organism, the psychosoma, based on integrative biophysics (Bischof, 2003; Caligiuri, 2015) . In fact, this endogenous, coherent, and self-replicating field should be considered a basic biological entity because of its organizing and integrating role within organisms, seen as a field involved in human bioregulation (Sheldrake, 1987; Rubik, 1995; Jerman et al., 2009) . Undoubtedly, the particles and biofields of the organism must be considered as an indivisible whole. Thus, all systems of the organism, body, mind and brain, are coupled to each other by synchronization and coherence, functioning in an integrated and holistic way (Bischof, 2003; Camelo, 2021b; Bischof, 2008; Mae-Wan, 1998) . Based on this model, the synchronization and coherence of the semi-material systems of the endogenous field of Psychosoma are coupled to the material fields of the physical body governed by Consciousness (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Oliver & Hari, 2017; Camelo, 2021b) . Therefore, the Psychosoma interacts with its biological brain through an intelligent field forming a kind of holographic image of itself (Camelo, 2022a; Mae-Wan, 1998) . In this context, the physical body is enveloped by a highly coherent holographic biophotonic field that should form the basis of communication at all levels of biological organization (Bischof, 2003; Curtis & Hurtak, 2004; Bradley, 2007; Camelo, 2021b) . In other words, mental processes and specific muscle activities are part of what we call “body consciousness” (Mae-Wan, 1998) which ultimately is the interaction of the endogenous (Jain et al., 2015) , electromagnetic, non-linear field underlying the physical body (Camelo, 2022a; Bischof, 2008) .

The morphogenetic body, a biological organizing principle, makes an abstract and immaterial being, such as Consciousness, a real, concrete being, tangible by the strength and will of its thought with the capacity to mold it into solid matter, man! In fact, the organizing principle is responsible for transmitting this will to the biological brain and making it initiate a series of neuropsychobiological processes that will result in a physical act, the human being! This is possible because our living organism is unified by the biological organizing principle in such a way that every part of it is coupled to the whole organism (Grandpierre, 2014; Camelo, 2022a; Jain et al., 2015; Mae-Wan, 1998) . Here, the gap of the mind-matter duality can be extinguished insofar as the connection bridge between Consciousness and the brain is formed by a field constituted of the same fundamental substance, that is, both the morphogenetic field and the biological brain share the same primordial substance. In this context, who interacts with matter or any material body is the Psychosoma because it has the same “energetic similarity” with all physical or non-physical bodies in nature (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . In this way, the biological brain is just a reducer of “frequencies”, a biological information processing device that captures vibrations with informational content that come from the Mind, a “perennial file” where all the informational content of Consciousness is stored (Camelo, 2022a; Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011) . Undoubtedly, for Consciousness, thought and will are what hands are for man. The Psychosoma, therefore, transforms the properties of certain substances as the chemist transforms the properties of the substances he manipulates, combining them according to certain laws.

The Psychosoma is the biological organizing model of the human being and as such has the shape of the human body (Mays & Mays, 2008) . It is a product of our evolution that grows with us as we develop following a “template” that provides pre-established restorative codes over time as we age (Camelo, 2022a) . Indeed, this field reflects changes in the embryo and the way in which this development towards maturity occurs after birth (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Rubik, 2002) . He is the “psychic body”, morphogenetic, matrix of the physical body (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . It is an energetic, vaporous, translucent body, which emits its own light, made up of all organs, including the immaterial brain, the mind, and the other electromagnetic systems of the human body (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Mays & Mays, 2008) . In fact, it is seen as a coherent and luminous whole from the genome and DNA molecules that emit coherent light like a laser crystal that radiates to the entire biological body (Mae-Wan, 1998) which, in turn, emits light in the form of biophotons (Camelo, 2021b; Sidorov & Chen 2012) . It is assumed that DNA works as a holographic projector of the psychophysical system, a quantum bio-hologram, both at the cellular level and at the general level, in the whole organism (Levin, 2011; Mae-Wan, 1998) . It is the perennial flow of light emanating from Consciousness that travels through all hierarchical levels before being triggered in the physical body, seen as the basis of treatment of healing therapies (Camelo, 2022a; 2022b) . Undoubtedly, synchronization, coherence and plasticity of the psychosoma constitute the fundamental basis of this “almost immortal body” (Camelo, 2022a) which, in turn, promotes and maintains the physical and mental health of the human being, which, in fact, constitutes an open system far from the thermodynamic equilibrium (Bischof, 2003; Camelo, 2022a; Curtis & Hurtak, 2004; McFadden, 2002; Sidorov & Chen, 2012) .

With regard to plasticity, given the mental strength of Consciousness, its convenience and the fluidity of the environment, the Psychosoma undergoes a type of “cellular metaplasia” facilitating its vibrational reduction at microscopic levels or its maximum expansion at macroscopic levels (Camelo, 2022a) . In fact, cellular metaplasia is due to a change in cellular structure due to the action of thought. In this regard, it is a process of ideoplasty (Camelo, 2022a) . Therefore, it is the same process by which this plastic body reduces its electromagnetic vibrations to insert itself inside the egg fertilized by the sperm at the moment of fertilization (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) (see Table 3).

Table 3. Basic characteristics of psychosoma.

It is also worth mentioning that one of the main functions of the Psychosoma is to reduce the high vibrations originating from the Consciousness. In fact, without this vibratory reduction, interaction with the dense body would be impossible; there would therefore be disintegration of this body (Camelo, 2021a) . Undoubtedly, the Psychosoma is an intelligent, coherent, self-conscious agent, where the immaterial mind is located, the brain of Consciousness that uses the biological body as a sensory receptor (Camelo, 2022a) . With reciprocal action, not only does the body receive the vibrations of the Consciousness, but the brain also receives essentially all the informational content, which, in turn, decodes and returns the information for the Consciousness to make the necessary decisions (Camelo, 2022a; Camelo, 2021a) . Undoubtedly, self-awareness of a decision arises when the electrical activity associated with the decision appears in the cerebral cortex (Camelo, 2022a) . It is the neuronal correlate of consciousness (Camelo, 2021a) . Here, Psychosoma makes the best decision through its mind. He is, therefore, an intentional agent that regulates all vital activities with a specific objective determined by the Consciousness (Camelo, 2022a, 2022b; Mae-Wan, 1998) . Of great relevance for the human complex, it is an organizing model that is intended to shape in the physical body the evolutionary moral needs of the individual, the source of all suffering, through chromosomes/genes/DNA, since subtle and indestructible it purifies itself throughout its evolutionary process (Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) . Undoubtedly, the chromosomes, field of quantum nonlocality, are the order bearers of our final structure as an integral adult, a nonlinear model of resonant holographic form (Jain et al., 2015) . Body constituted of biological plasma is, ultimately, a structure formed of physical plasma constituted by atomic particles that present themselves as a basic and sustaining body of life and of the vital and psychic activities of the material body (Camelo, 2022a) . This body, at the moment of fertilization of the egg by the sperm, it expands and takes the form of a human being in development, whose vibrational interaction takes place molecule-by-molecule until the final modulation of its physical body (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a, 2022b) . In fact, these events suggest an “inner body” different from the physical body, the psychosoma, that interpenetrates it and that can be the vehicle of manifestation of Consciousness (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Jain et al., 2015) .

The basis of human Consciousness can be an omnipresent state that reflects the fundamental reality of nature. Zero-point energy may be the best candidate for this reality, since the so-called zero-point quantum vacuum, the ZPF is a stable and highly coherent field (Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011; Liboff, 2004) from which the necessary “input” is taken for the modeling of everything that can satisfy the goals and aspirations of Consciousness (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Maleeh & Amani, 2012) . In fact, ZPF works as a Universal holographic medium (Mae-Wan, 1998) . The Psychosoma is undoubtedly one of the transformations of this “primordial substance” with its condensation around the Consciousness giving rise to the “psychic body” similar to the physical body. As the physical body has its origin in the source of that same substance solidified and modified in real or concrete matter, the psychosoma influenced by your mind modifies the molecular structure of that substance which, in turn, favors its conservation in its fluidic or plastic form, easily influenced by the power of thought (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . Therefore, the psychosoma, the morphogenetic and biological body simultaneously, has its origin in the same primordial substance; both are matter, albeit in two different states (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a) .

The physical field of the brain changes from an apparently inert, impersonal field to a field of a living entity, the Psychosoma (Mays & Mays, 2015) . Electromagnetic and morphogenetic field, the Psychosoma is a self-replicating body that serves as a mediator between Consciousness and the physical body (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a) . In fact, the physical body has not only an objective but also a subjective aspect and as such is referred to as a multidimensional field, whose dimensions are at the same time levels of self-regulation, levels of regulatory disturbance and levels of therapeutic intervention (Bischof, 2003) .

The Psychosoma has the form of a human being. It is made up of a luminous, almost immortal cord that emits its own light connected to the physical body through which the vital flow flows, the flow of life emanating from Consciousness (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b, 2022a) . It is almost immortal because with its evolutionary state in permanent ascension, a day will come when its fusion with Consciousness itself will take place. In fact, it is through this cord, for example, that the vital energy flows that keep the body alive during near-death experiences or out-of-body experiences, or in states of illness that severely depress consciousness, such as cardiorespiratory arrests. Likewise, it allows the dissociation or decoupling of the psychosoma from the physical body and the consequent vibrational dissociation of Consciousness, leading to the phenomenon of near-death experiences or out-of-body experiences (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Hameroff & Chopra, 2012) .

The vibrational interaction of the morphogenetic body essentially occurs at the cellular level. In fact, the Psychosoma is vibrationally connected to all cells. After all, he is the bearer of the matrix of them all (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b) . In fact, it interacts with all material and/or immaterial bodies of this and other dimensions because it is constituted of the same primordial substance that composes all beings and things (Camelo, 2022a) . In the end, quantum field theory holds that the essence of material reality is an infinite set of fields (McFadden, 2002) . In fact, man’s endogenous field is made up of cosmic energy or “universal fluid”, a millennial term resurrected by science in the 20th century with the progressive development of quantum theory (Santos, 2022) , now with the “pompous” name of vacuum quantum field or zero-point energy, ZPF. Virtual sea of energy as it is called, which permeates all things and all beings (Maleeh & Amani, 2012) , the ZPF is an energy highly influenced by the mind and will power of Consciousness (Caligiuri, 2015) . It is somehow plastic or malleable by mental force (Camelo, 2021a) and accessed by the individual Consciousness, the Consciousness of the human being. For example, when a designer is called to design a yacht, it already exists in his mind waiting for the exact moment to be transferred to the drawing board in order to be shown to its future owner (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b) .

6. Consciousness and Information

The communication carried out by the Consciousness here or in other dimensions is possible through the transfer of thoughts, that is, done through the reading of past or future thoughts involving human beings. In fact, when men become more “moralized”, communication between them will be done from thought to thought through mind reading. Thus, there will be no secret among human beings, because everything will be revealed at every moment. Thought is creative, it is the initial cause of our moral elevation or debasement. There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy, and that is will, said physicist Albert Einstein. It is clear without a doubt; the transfer of information requires the participation of electromagnetic fields. In fact, the transfer of information through thoughts is done from Consciousness through hierarchical levels of “fields” until it reaches the geomagnetic field which in turn is enveloped by the Schumann resonance implied by the resonance within human brains which have the same frequency as this resonance, which is around 7 Hz (Mohammed, 2019) . Here, it is assumed that each informative event has a “unique electromagnetic” signature for both the sender and the receiver of the information and that the global geomagnetic field would be the means of transferring this information, as with the quantum hologram (Meijer, 2016; Mohammed, 2019) . Information being a form of energy, in addition to being intrinsic to matter, can be seen as a mediator between mind and body, due to the interconnectivity property (Meijer, 2016) , as well as the synchronicity between biological levels (Meijer & Geesink, 2017; Rubik et al., 2015) . Information, therefore, is a mental event and when there is no meaning, there is no information at all, since information, ultimately, must contain meaning (Kak et al., 2014) . Undoubtedly, mind and information are subjective entities that have the same origin in the fundamental structure of the universe or ZPF (Liboff, 2004) .

It should be noted here that everything and everyone in the universe are considered organized information fields (Meijer, 2016) . Reality exists not because of physical particles, but by observing the universe, giving meaning to the information obtained. Indeed, information may not just be what we learn about the world, but essentially what we discover about it. In other words, when man questions about the nature of reality, there is an active transfer of information in the domain of quantum waves to the brain of the individual who asks the questions (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) . Therefore, information is an internal content, whose subjective meaning can only be emitted by an intelligent entity. Here, in fact, information is different from matter; only human beings ascribe a meaning (Oliver & Hari, 2017) . Undoubtedly, quantum theory with its informational content contributes decisively to the emergence of knowledge in the brain. In this context, meaning is in Consciousness. According to this view, Consciousness is the generator of integrated information with levels and sublevels of hierarchy (Liboff, 2004) , while its endogenous field, the psychosoma, is the transporter of this information until it is triggered in the brain. After all, who cares about information? Of course it is Consciousness, man. In fact, the Consciousness of the sender and the receiver of the information and eventually other receivers are interested. Therefore, information only makes sense when the sender and receiver of this information give them sense or meaning. We believe without a doubt that information is a kind of energy, although it is generally carried by both energy and matter ( Rubik et al., 2015) . It is important to emphasize that quantum information can exert physical effects through a bottom-up information flow that emerges from Consciousness and that can be transmitted as elementary atom/particle waves (Meijer, 2016; Meijer, 2015) to finally be expressed in neuronal tissues (McFadden, 2002) . Here, information can change in relation to any change in the order of an information flow and this is related to information entering the brain and changing the arrangement of its parts (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) . It is common sense that active information is registered throughout the biological brain; in fact, the quantum potential transmits active information from the morphogenetic field to the brain ignoring space/time through instantaneous interactions between entangled states (Meijer, 2016; Rubik et al., 2015; Meijer, 2015) . However, we postulate that it is registered in the “mental field” that is the non-material mind, model of the biological brain, a view closely related to the holographic conception of the brain (Camelo, 2022b; Bradley, 2007) . Here, holographic memory storage is much more efficient than any other model (Mae-Wan, 1998) . Indeed, Pribram agrees that information is registered throughout the brain and that information is folded into a “whole” in the manner of a quantum hologram (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2022b; Meijer, 2014) . From this perspective, just as each part of a quantum hologram contains all the information contained in the whole (Meijer, 2016; Camelo, 2022b) , here too each neuron, metaphorically, contains all the information recorded in the entire brain (Anjamrooz et al., 2011) .

The world of subatomic particles and the hidden world is the quantum information field that constitutes the most fundamental building block of the Universe (Meijer, 2016) . Undoubtedly, the occurrence of brain harmonic states shows a highly synchronized (Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014) and ordered “spectral matrix” in brain waves that form unique harmonic waves (Di Biase, 2009) . In fact, as it is an internal content, information is an abstract agent, although it is a real event. Thus, information being abstract, brain and universe are conceived as interconnected quantum holographic informational systems (Meijer, 2016) , undoubtedly belonging exclusively to Consciousness. In contrast, the word information carries the idea of materiality; rather, it is the reflection of the Consciousness that carries the information. Here, life is an organized exchange of information. In fact, the inexhaustible sea of energy (ZPF) establishes information or communication between the different thinking agents (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Liboff, 2004) . In this context, the ZPF is the vehicle for manifesting and transmitting thoughts, just as air is the medium for transmitting sound. In fact, according to Stochastic Electrodynamics, all conscious processes are integrated into the ZPF (Meijer, 2016; Keppler, 2012; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011) . Indeed, this framework is well suited to establishing the fundamental level of description at which the physical and mental aspects of our universe can be fused into a coherent whole (Liboff, 2004) . Undoubtedly, quantum coherence and non-local communication within the human organism are unquestionable events (Liboff, 2004) , according to the concepts of quantum biomechanics applied to the functioning of the human body (Meijer, 2014) . It is, therefore, an omnipresent informational field that connects all worlds and allows Consciousness to establish communication from one world to another (Liboff, 2004) . In fact, Consciousness is the repository of information. She is the one who idealizes, creates and stores information methods, that is, she is the generator and is the one who undoubtedly manages the information (Camelo, 2022a) .

It is worth noting that the Universe, being conscious, because it is permeated by the Universal Consciousness, is full of “Consciousnesses” with tendencies towards infinity. The individual Consciousness, the human being, is the “raw material” of the Supreme Intelligence of the Universe, the primary cause of all things and all beings (Camelo, 2021a; Germine, 2018; Shani & Keppler, 2018) . In fact, it is the ubiquitous matrix of ultra-fast information with instantaneous feedbacks, since forever, given the infinite possibilities existing in the Universe. As Consciousness is life itself, the Universe can be seen as a “living system” that keeps its constituents alive through useful information such as, for example, the creation of ecosystems within these infinite possibilities (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b, 2022b) . For the human being all this implies a complete wholeness, in which the mental and physical sides intimately participate in each other; therefore, each human being participates in a similar and inseparable way in society and the planet as a whole (Beck & Colli, 2003) . The certainty that we all have a fundamental role to play in the universe is important for each of us to assume our responsibility. We are active participants in building our world, making it a better world for all beings, as well as the entire universe, thus making it a pleasant place for us and all beings that live in this universe (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Meijer, 2015) .

7. Action of Consciousness on Matter

The quantum vacuum contains all quantum fields in a virtual state ( Maleeh & Amani, 2012) . In fact, the source of all matter and energy is a vacuum, a “nothing” that contains at the same time all the possibilities of everything that ever existed, exists and could exist. These possibilities then emerge as probabilities before turning into “quanta”, manifesting themselves as particles in space and time that are the building blocks of atoms and molecules (Kak et al., 2014) . The vacuum, unified field of all the laws of nature, is the “omnipresent” cradle in which all things and all beings are born, except for the Intelligent Principle of the Universe, which originates through a differentiated mechanism (the description of this mechanism is outside the scope of this article (Camelo, 2021a, 2021b, 2022b) . In fact, it is the cosmic vacuum that is filled with a real and ubiquitous stochastic radiation field called the ZPF that can be portrayed as an endless sea of pure energy (Keppler, 2012; Maleeh & Amani, 2012) that acts as the “cradle” of all forms of cellular life and multicellular.

It is important to note that the ZPF was proposed as the memory storage medium for all particle interactions, including interactions on a macroscopic scale, such as human memory that stores everyday life events. Based on the holographic principle, long-term memory recall of the zero-point field occurs when interference patterns are reversed in the image of these originally recorded events (Meijer, 2014) . In fact, neuroscientific findings related to Consciousness, such as neuronal correlates of consciousness, can be described by stochastic electrodynamics, from which conscious systems acquire their phenomenal qualities. This means that autonomous biological decisions must take place beyond the vacuum itself (Grandpierre, 2014) , that is, in Consciousness. In fact, the vacuum is made up of neutral energy [neither positive nor negative] highly sensitive to the action of thought and the will power of the individual Consciousness which is the reflection of the Universal Consciousness which creates everything in the Universe (Camelo, 2022a) . From this perspective, our inner world accessible to other intelligent agents has a fundamental relationship with cosmic Consciousness (Grandpierre, 2014; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011) . Therefore, the energy, previously neutral, contained in the vacuum, at first plastic in nature, undergoes aggregation of its particles under the action of Consciousness and in this way it emerges on the periphery of worlds with various levels of density. It is the creation of everything by the human being! For example, in the design and construction of a building, fundamental substance is used which undergoes the necessary alterations by the action of the mind and Consciousness. In this context, matter is considered to be derived from Consciousness (Bhaumik, 2014) .

It is also worth noting that the vacuum is the ground state, the state of minimum energy and maximum stability of the system of many quantized fields (Zeiger & Bischof, 1998) . It is necessary not only to consider the vacuum in its undisturbed state, without interaction, but also the image of the vacuum in interaction with matter, the interactive vacuum (Zeiger & Bischof, 1998) . Thus, the vacuum is the state of possibilities of all psychic qualities and attributes in the universe, all laws and structures of the physical universe. In fact, this allows the vacuum coupled to the particles to behave as a medium, whose interactions alter the properties of matter, such as mass and charge (Maleeh & Amani, 2012) , under the action of Consciousness.

The psychic body, the Psychosoma, interacts with all energies and bodies from this and other dimensions, as long as there is vibrational compatibility. Here, the higher order “psychic system” lowers its vibrations to match the lower order “system”. In fact, in principle all things and all beings are constituted of the same primordial matter. There are, therefore, subtle interactions between the psychic body and physical reality. As the Psychosoma is made up of matter similar to everything that exists in nature, through thought it interferes with the matter of objects and animate and inanimate bodies, making their interaction easy (Camelo, 2022a) . Through one of its properties, penetrability, it penetrates bodies as if it were “jelly” and through its own lighting it can see, go up, go down, analyze and, in this way, interact with anybody, even if it has the consistency of a wall of lead (Camelo, 2022a) . It is important to remember that there is no “physical barrier” that prevents Consciousness from acting on physical “beings” and objects. The real world is pure Consciousness! However, since this is also the fundamental state of existence, human Consciousness can explore it through the experience of the silent source of mind (Chopra & Kofatos, 2014) . Consciousness actually uses mental strength to interact with dense objects and penetrate them using the plasticity of the psychic body in order to overcome them. It just takes some time to learn to use the extraordinary power of thought. Undoubtedly, any space-time dimension is totally “plastic” under the action of Consciousness just as the fundamental substance itself, ZPF, is under the action of its thought (Camelo, 2022a) (see Table 4).

The Bose condensate of rubidium and sodium atoms was discovered and produced from the year 1995. In fact, the Bose-Einstein condensate, a new quantum state of macroscopic matter, far from equilibrium, very different from all physical states known plays a fundamental role in living systems (Bischof, 2003) . Furthermore, the coupling of neurophysiological events in interaction with the “quantum sea of vacuum” is considered to be the basis of brain processes (Bischof, 2000) . Interestingly, there is currently a growing interest in studying the vacuum as the central fundamental entity on which the physical description of reality must be based. In fact, these studies can lead to discoveries of mechanisms that can explain the generation and development of living organisms and how pre-physical potentialities are transformed into physical realities (Zeiger & Bischof, 1998) . In a living system, there is top-down and bottom-up information, in which each constituent of life can serve as an antenna and receiver of information-carrying signals (Jerman et al., 2009) . Indeed, living organisms possess an immense network of internal and external interconnections through which information flows to modulate life functions (Rubik et al., 2015; Meijer, 2015) . It is presumed that the “biological organizer” is an “informational

Table 4. Action of consciousness on matter.

biofield” with structural richness capable of storing coded data that contain a holographic copy of all biological structures and functions of a living being. It is a morphogenetic, holistic field governed by Consciousness proposed to regulate the internal metabolism in which information flows within and between the various organizational levels of the organism (Camelo, 2021a, 2022a; Rubik et al., 2015; Jerman et al., 2009; Meijer, 2015) .

The difficult problem of Consciousness is a “ghost” in the lives of philosophers. So the question again arises: how and why do neurophysiological processes give rise to subjective experience? In fact, I assert that until science becomes more humble and bows down to the obvious, the Intelligent Principle of the Universe, it will never answer this question. Undoubtedly, to answer it we must take into account the following premise: who perceives the conscious experience, despite its subjective character, is the Consciousness. Me and you who are reading now. Thus, Consciousness is the fundamental structure of every being that acts on matter together with the “vital field” that contains the projects of biological forms (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Camelo, 2021a, 2022a) . Then, it uses its vehicle of manifestation, source of morphic information, the Psychosoma to interact with the biological brain, since both have the same constituent substance and in this way, the so challenging dualistic gap that exists between mental processes and brain processes disappears (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a) . Undoubtedly, this experience is non-transferable and immutable (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) . In this sense, as Bohm states: in the implicate order mind and matter are analogous to non-local quantum systems. Therefore, mind and matter are, in Bohm’s view, similar in content with holistic properties by unfolding subtle matter into condensed matter, considering the same origin in fundamental substance.

8. Consciousness and Physical Body

The universe is participatory, coherent, conscious (Velmans, 2021) and intelligent since it is pervaded by Universal Consciousness, the Absolute Intelligence (Kofatos, 2015; Meijer, 2015) . In fact, the participatory and informational universe that we all experience through objective experiences is a universe rich in qualities that we rescue subjectively and objectively as it really is perceived in our daily lives, whose qualities are referred to by the most real of our worlds, the inner world that only we know as true. In contrast, the subjective world that translates the “qualias” revealed by our Consciousness (Kofatos, 2015) , the ultimate reality, only exists because of us who give them objectivity through our non-subjective experience. In fact, qualias are the primordial elements of all existence, the ordinary life of the Intelligent Principle (Theise & Kofatos, 2016) . See British Neurologist Sir John Eccles’ (1995) account of qualias: “I want you to realize that there is no color in the natural world, no sound, nothing like that, no texture, no patterns, no beauty, no smell” (Chopra & Kofatos, 2014) . In fact, there is no such quality, naturally. Undoubtedly, these qualities are unique attributes of the Consciousness that creates the noblest and most sophisticated reality as it evolves to ever higher levels.

The living organism (Meijer, 2015) , through the direct action of its Psychosoma, an intelligent organizing principle of biological life, ostensibly contributes to the restoration of its biological processes (Del Giudice et al., 2009) in compliance with the general principle: “living beings are defined in terms of activities or functions that non-living beings lack” (Grandpierre, 2014) . The body/brain can be seen as an “intelligent domain” that develops a dynamic pattern of interaction of matter, energy and information (Lake, 2014; Meijer, 2015) . In fact, this process is facilitated by intracerebral quantum nonlocality and entanglement (Meijer, 2016; Meijer, 2015) , the process by which Consciousness interacts with the brain through the mind (Joseph, 2009) . Organic life is, therefore, a system that stores and processes the information necessary for the survival and reproduction of living systems (Meijer, 2015) . Undoubtedly, living organisms can process mechanical/quantum information both at the biomolecular level, and at the cellular/neuronal level (Cacha & Poznanski, 2014) . Here, quantum physics can be applied not only on the microscale subatomic particles but also on the macroscale and even in hot and humid biological systems (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) . In fact, in the physical field, biological systems are seen as processors of quantum information by excellence (Meijer, 2016; Cacha & Poznanski, 2014) from macromolecules such as RNA and DNA (Curtis & Hurtak, 2004; Grandy, 2011) and thus would gain more speed in processing their information (Meijer, 2015; Di Biase, 2009; Cacha & Poznanski, 2014) . For example, the living cell is an interface between quantum coherence and the classical Newtonian world (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Meijer, 2015) , in addition to being an information processing machine (Rubik, 2015) . Here, without a doubt, DNA exhibits quasi-consciousness in the context of a living cell, in addition to working as a coherent quantum system by the natural imposition of quantum entanglement (Curtis & Hurtak, 2004) . Undoubtedly, the human being is the most complex regulatory and dynamic living system in nature (Grandy, 2011; Meijer, 2015) , whose complexity is essentially reflected in its higher-order nature (Camelo, 2022a; Jerman et al., 2009) . In fact, it is a being endowed with intelligence, free will and the only being with continuous thinking, superior emotions and enhanced feelings such as love. Thus, Consciousness is the conscious agent that shapes reality as it experiences and evolves into higher expressions (Chopra & Kofatos, 2014) .

In 1975 Pribram developed his theory model, the holographic theory of perception and memory, based on the more general holographic theory of reality proposed by Bohm in 1971. This theory suggests that the organization of reality itself may be holographic, whose quantum objects that emerge from the implicate order, the uninterrupted totality, unfolds on the periphery of worlds as solid objects, in the explicate order of our world (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Bischof, 2000) . Indeed, the ability to receive and process information about non-local events seems to be a fundamental property of physical and biological systems and is probably due to the inherent interconnection of the quantum field that is indissoluble by entanglement (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Bradley, 2007; Meijer, 2015) . Therefore, information is a unifying agent that covers the various levels of organization of living systems (Rubik, 2015) . This means that the physical body of the organism is coupled to a holographic field of highly coherent biophotons proposed to be the basis of communication at all levels of organization of that organism (Camelo, 2021b, 2022a; Jerman et al., 2009) . Every organism is considered an open system, which means a continuous interaction of energy exchange with its environment (Lake, 2014; Cacha & Poznanski, 2014) . From this point of view, a living organism not only uses information from the environment, but processes information that allows the maintenance of its life through intracellular metabolic processes (Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014) . In fact, it is an open system, non-linear, far from thermodynamic equilibrium (Hurtak & Hurtak, 2011) , with properties of self-organization, self-replication (Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014; Cacha & Poznanski, 2014; Mossio & Bich, 2014) , synchronous and highly coherent based on fluctuations that define the state coherent structure of a complex organism that processes information to live and survive in a healthy environment (Del Giudice et al., 2009; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Rubik, 2002) .

Biological complexity is information-based complexity, and materialistic and dogmatic science has difficulty understanding where this intelligent processing that leads to life comes from (Cacha & Poznanski, 2014) . The concept of biological field regulation offers a paradigm shift, in which the classical chemistry-based view of biology gives way to an information-based view (Rubik et al., 2015; Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014) . In fact, it is omnipresent information coming from Consciousness as well as the processing of intrinsic information coming from its endogenous field that are at the base of human autonomy (Camelo, 2022a, 2022b; Rubik, 2002) . The uniqueness of purpose of the human being is based on a complete coherence of brain and body (Mae-Wan, 1998) . On the other hand, on the macroscopic scale, the human organism is an open thermodynamic system far from the equilibrium that is a characteristic common to all living beings (Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Rubik, 2002; Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014) . Therefore, for thermodynamic systems like the living system, coherent behavior is only possible in a non-linear regime far from equilibrium (Del Giudice et al., 2009; Mesquita et al., 2004; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011) .

Vacuum processes can be initiated for the autonomy of living beings, whose biological functions always refer to the organism as a whole (Grandpierre, 2014) , since we consider Consciousness as life itself. The physical body is nothing but a “physical field” formed by the fields that constitute it, such as the field of subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, substances, organs and finally, the entire structure of the human body (Camelo, 2021b; Rubik, 2002) . In other words, it is the fundamental reality of the human being that holds the entire “multidimensional universe” together in its unified field (Curtis & Hurtak, 2004; Camelo, 2021b) . Indeed, there is a need for a pre-physical dimension of “potentialities” for understanding organisms (Zeiger & Bischof, 1998) . Given the structural richness of a field of reality, the biofield, it is postulated that it can be incorporated into the quantum vacuum. Thus, we postulate that these overlapping fields are involved or coated by a more comprehensive and intelligent field portrayed here as Psychosoma, a self-replicating endogenous field made up of all the organs that form the physical body that plays a central role in self-organization of life (Del Giudice et al., 2009; Camelo, 2021b, 2022a, 2022b) . The previous body as denoted is the “psychic body”, electromagnetic recognized as a mediator between the Consciousness and the physical body. Undoubtedly, our body/brain system works as an interface or place of resonance (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Lommel, 2011) . It is an almost immortal and highly coherent body. It is important to point out that one of the many properties of this body is the easy dissociation of the physical body, which allows access to other dimensions together with the Consciousness from which it was derived (Camelo, 2022a) . In fact, accessing other dimensions is very natural since we access them every night during sleep (Camelo, 2022a) . Here, sleep is a routine exercise for definitive access when definitive death comes. In fact, in accessing the subtlest dimension, perception is considerably expanded, since it is done through the entire surface of your “psychic body” and validated by the Consciousness that is always present and aware (Camelo, 2022a) (see Table 5). In this way, the previous entity uses its perceptions to interact with the environment in which it finds itself. Consciousness being a non-local agent, with no space/time limit, is instantly anywhere ( Bradley, 2007) , that is, where thought is, there it is too. Undoubtedly, the Consciousness is always conscious (Camelo, 2021a) with its immaterial brain operating, archiving all the informational content, without data loss, even being in another dimension, since forever (Camelo, 2022a) .

Table 5. Action notable characteristics of interaction between Consciousness and the physical body.

9. Consciousness and Neuronal Connection

The problem of information and communication becomes a crucial issue for understanding living organisms (Bischof & Del Giudice, 2013) . Undoubtedly, Shannon’s theory of information was developed taking into account the transmission of physical signals and that it is not appropriate for the transmission of information or communication in biological systems (Bates, 2005) . It is known that biological systems are excellent information processors. A living organism is the unique self-sustaining system (Theise & Kofatos, 2016) , which can only survive by taking into account its self-managed internal environment (Mossio & Bich, 2014) through information and information exchange with the environment (Meijer, 2015; Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014; Cacha & Poznanski, 2014) . In fact, electromagnetic fields serve as connecting bridges for the interconnection of the organism with the environment and between organisms, in addition to fields produced by the organisms themselves that can play a relevant role in the coordination and communication of physiological systems within living beings as signals electrochemical interactions between biomolecules (Miller et al., 1975; Rubik, 2002; Valverde et al., 2022) . Here, information is seen as the pattern of organization of matter and energy that has been given meaning by some living being, especially the human being (Bates, 2005; Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014) . From this point of view, integrative information reaches the brain from higher hierarchical levels until the information is imprinted in the brain (McFadden, 2020) . Therefore, the non-material brain consists of a nested hierarchy that goes from the most elementary field to the neuron, group of neurons and finally the whole brain (Lake, 2014; Germine, 2018) . Here, the neural activity modifies the ZPF, fundamental substrate manipulated by the mental power of Consciousness. Whenever brain activity falls into a stable attractor, there is an information state in the ZPF that is associated with a conscious state (Meijer, 2016; Keppler, 2012) . In fact, intracerebral communication is exercised by a “nonlocal quantum holographic” information field interacting with local classical neural networks, that is, on the one hand quantum nonlocal networks and on the other side classical Newtonian local networks (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Di Biase, 2013; Valverde et al., 2022) . Undoubtedly, quantum holography models the functioning of neurons in the brain and in the central nervous system, whose microtubules emit pulses of light from a single photo. According to holographic theory, single-photo pulses of light encode information holographically (Beck & Colli, 2003) .

Neuronal communication and information ultimately obey the principles developed by quantum holographic theory. In this way, the quantum activity within the neuron interacts non-locally with other neurons, allowing a “conscious event” when combined with the quantum hologram (Valverde et al., 2022) , so that there is a permanent transfer of information between the brain and the ZPF (Keppler, 2012) . Furthermore, energetic and informational interactions also play a significant role in neuronal activity, thus being, according to the principle of dual aspect of information, cerebral and phenomenal (Keppler, 2012; Bischof, 2003; Guevara Erra et al., 2016) . Indeed, the brain can process ordinary images into “interference patterns” which are then converted into “virtual images” similar to how a laser hologram works (Valverde et al., 2022) . In this sense, a conscious moment is a ZPF information state experienced from within. Thus, the external aspects of such information states are physical and manifest as the neuronal correlates of consciousness (Keppler, 2012; McFadden, 2013) . In this way, information is presumed to be encoded in the brain in the form of “metastable” excited states representative of short-term memory (Hameroff et al., 2014) .

It should also be noted that, with the development of state-of-the-art tools that lead to new insights into the neuronal correlates of consciousness, one must better understand Consciousness and its role in neuronal binding, the meaning of free will and the nature of qualias (Cacha & Poznanski, 2014) . In this perspective, the view of the “nature” of human Consciousness, classical and local, in which the actions of Consciousness are confined to the brain and the physical body, must naturally give way to a more comprehensive, non-local vision, in which Consciousness also it acts beyond the brain in a way that transcends direct sensory contact between human beings (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011) . In fact, the ZPF is the vehicle of communication between two minds that are interconnected and can instantly communicate through higher frequencies. It follows, therefore, that higher entities, in order to enter lower dimensions, lower their vibrational frequency to lower ranges of frequency and amplitude (Neale, 2019) . In this sense, the holographic information contained in the Zero Point Field (ZPF) can resonate with any brain tuned to do so through quantum entanglement or interconnection (Valverde et al., 2022) . Our Consciousness is not located in our brain (Lommel, 2011) . This means that our Consciousness, memories and thoughts are not inside the brain, but in the holographic information field that surrounds it. Indeed, this allows us to rethink the way information processing occurs in the central nervous system (Di Biase, 2009) . From the principles that manage information, the brain operates based on information processing governed by Consciousness (Pepperell, 2018; Camelo, 2022b) .

The intention of Consciousness triggers the non-material mind which interacts with the biological brain which in turn produces psychophysical effects as a neuronal correlate of Consciousness (McFadden, 2013) . Based on this assumption, Consciousness makes peace with matter, so to speak a true embrace with matter through the biological brain, a field that represents neuronal information and its dynamics which, for this reason, triggers in the brain a neuronal correlate of Consciousness. In this context, synchronous neuronal firing correlates with Consciousness and attention because it is presumed to be the most efficient means of transmitting consciousness-level information to the conscious mind (McFadden, 2002) . In fact, neuronal activity causes information states in the ZPF that produce the thought stream of our individual Consciousness (Keppler, 2012) . In this way, the informational field, the physical substrate of the mind, is governed by the non-material brain from the Psychosoma, the last hierarchical level to interact with matter. Therefore, the conscious mental field is a coherent informational channel that leaves resonant vibrations in the brain so that mental influences are triggered in the brain in response to mind/brain synchrony (Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Bradley, 2007; McFadden, 2013) . In fact, nonlocality and the nonlocal quantum hologram provide the only testable mechanism discovered so far that offers a possible solution to observations associated with Consciousness (Amoroso & Rauscher, 2011; Bradley, 2007; Camelo, 2022b) .

In the last twenty years there has been a growing interest in studies related to synchronous firing of neurons (Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014) . Undoubtedly, synchronous firing of neurons to become “coherent” needs to manifest itself in an open system, far from equilibrium (Bischof & Del Giudice, 2013; Maldonado & Gómez-Cruz, 2014; Velazquez, 2009; Brizhik et al., 2009) . Consciousness is presumed to be correlated with temporal synchrony with no sense of the conscious nature of neuronal firing in the 40 - 80 Hz range (McFadden, 2002; Hameroff et al., 2014) . Life is an organized exchange of information (Velazquez, 2009) . The integration of information into higher-level perceptions in an information field is fundamental to Consciousness (Meijer & Raggett, 2014) . Indeed, evidence of neuron communication through electromagnetic fields may be implicated in the release of neurotransmitters into voltage-gated ion channels in cell membranes through gap junctions sensitive to such fields (Meijer & Raggett, 2014; McFadden, 2002) . Undoubtedly, the neurotransmitter is an electrochemical energy that condenses in neuronal synapses through a yet unknown quantum chemistry process.

10. Conclusion

We propose an integrative structure of Consciousness, mind and matter based on information, seen as one of the most fundamental entities in nature to describe reality. It is an integrative theoretical framework and a neurobiological model based on an informational field involving various theories such as Shannon’s information theory, quantum holographic theory, communication theory, complexity theory, quantum field theory and other information theories. It is a hierarchical, integrative structure that encompasses several levels and sublevels of Consciousness action, which aims to improve our perception of the “hard problem” of Consciousness, its abstract nature, its action in matter and its unequivocal role as an active co-participant in the construction of our world, making it a better world for all beings, as well as the entire universe, thus making it a pleasant place for us and all beings that live in this universe.

Advances in quantum information theory promise to shed light on classical concepts already outdated by quantum field theory and other theories and launch new insights into the nature of Consciousness, in addition to pointing out new paths for the decisive advance in the explanation of one of the most enigmatic mysteries of science. The philosophical concepts presented here with a non-prejudiced view, unlike the current dominant science, are essentially structured in postmodern science such as quantum field theory, in addition to other theories such as quantum holographic that take into account the holistic aspect of nature. It is noted that it is difficult to transform Consciousness, an imponderable agent, into a materialized, intelligent being with its own life. As described throughout this trial, we made an immeasurable effort for such a transformation in order to contribute to science, we hope, free of prejudice, but which still needs to go a long way towards the final goal throughout this century. Finally, these theoretical frameworks lead us to an instantaneous interconnection with nature and the idea that all information is contained in each part of the whole, constituting an infinite living hologram.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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