The Existence of Ground State Solutions for Schrödinger-Kirchhoff Equations Involving the Potential without a Positive Lower Bound ()
1. Introduction
In this paper, we study the existence of ground state solutions for the following Schrödinger-Kirchhoff equation:
and the potential
for some
(V2) There holds true;
and the nonlinear term
is a continuous function on
. Moreover, we impose the following conditions on the nonlinearity
for all
(f1) critical exponential growth; there exists
such that
(f2) there exists
such that
(f3) there exist
such that
for any
is increasing.
Without losing generality, we suppose that
. So we may rewrite problem (1.1) in the following form:
Remark 1.1 The condition (f2) implies that
. Indeed, the condition (f2) implies that
from which we can promptly obtain
. From the condition (f1), (f2) and (f4), we can get the following growth condition for
; for any
, there exists
such that
From the condition (f5), we can also easily check that the function
is increasing.
The corresponding Dirichlet problem for (1.1) on a smooth domain
is related to the stationary analogue of the Kirchhoff equation
which was first proposed by Kirchhoff [1] as an extension of the classical D’Alembert’s wave equation for free vibrations of elastic strings. Problem (1.9) has attracted considerable attention after Lions [2] introduced an abstract framework to the problem.
The above problem is nonlocal as the appearance of the term
implies that (1.5) is not a pointwise identity. This phenomenon provokes some mathematical difficulties, which make the study of such class of problems particularly interesting. For more details on the physical and mathematical background of this problem to [2] [3] [4] [5].
Since we will work with critical exponential growth, we need to review the Trudinger-Moser inequality. For one thing, let
denote a smooth bounded domain in
. N. Trudinger [6] proved that there exists
such that
is embedded in the Orlicz space
determined by the
Young function
. It was sharpened by J. Moser [7] who found the best exponent
, where
is the surface measure of the unit
sphere in
. For another, the Trudinger-Moser inequality was extended for unbounded domains by D. M. Cao [8] in
and for any dimension
by J. M. do Ó [9]. Moreover, J. M. do Ó et al. [10] established a sharp Concentration-compactness principle associated with the singular Trudinger-Moser inequality in
Many significant research results about (1.1) have been obtained. For example, in [11], X. Wu studied the nontrivial solutions and high energy solutions of problem (1.1) if
has a positive constant lower bound and the nonlinearities term with 4-superlinear growth at infinity. In [12], the authors studied the following Schrödinger-Kirchhoff type equation
where M is a Kirchoff-type function and
is a continuous function, A is locally bounded and the function f has critical exponential growth. Applying variational methods beside a new Trudinger-Moser type inequality, they get the of ground state solution. Moreover, in the the local case
, they also get some relevant results. We emphasize that in these papers, the potential
have a positive constant lower bound. Some studies of the Kirchhoff equation with critical exponential growth may refer [13] [14] [15] [16].
In [17], the author establishes a class of Trudinger-Moser inequality and proves the existence of the ground state solution to a class of Schrödinger equation with critical exponential growth. In addition, a class of quasilinear n-Laplace Schrödinger equations with degenerate potentials and of exponential growth is also studied. But to the best of our knowledge, the Schrödinger-Kirchhof equation that satisfies condition (V1), (V2) doesn’t seem to have been studied. Different from the first two results, the appearance of the term
, Some proof methods in the original text are invalid, so we have to find other methods, for the details see Lemmas 3.2 and 3.9.
Motivated by [17], we can prove the existence of the ground state solution to problem (1.5) as in [17]. In order to get the result we want, we use a version of Trudinger-Moser inequality.
Lemma 1.2. (Trudinger-Morse inequality [17] ) Assume that the potential
satisfies that
at the ball
centered at the origin with the radius
for some
. Then
Lemma 1.2 will be used to obtain the existence of ground state solution of the following Schrödinger-Kirchhof equation;
Lemma 1.3. (Fatou’s Lemma) Let
be a measure space, and
be a sequence of non-negative measurable functions. Then the function
is measurable and
Now, we are ready to state the main results of this paper.
Theorem 1.4. Suppose that (V1), (V2) and f0 - f5 hold. If we further assume that
then (1.12) admits a positive ground state solution.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we give some useful notions and lemmas, which are used to prove our results.
Now, we introduce some notations. For any
is the usual Lebesgue space with the norm
is the usual Sobolev space with the norm
Lemma 2.1. ( [17] ) Assume that
such that
satisfies the assumption (V1). Then there exists some constant
depending on
such that
which was proved in [17].
Remark 2.2. If we define
as the completion of
under the norm
then Lemma 2.1 implies an result;
The problem (1.5) associated functional is
, and its Nehari manifold is
In order to study the problem (1.5) under the assumptions (V1) and (V2), we introduce the following limiting equation;
where we recall from (V2) that
The corresponding functional and Nehari manifold associated with (2.1) are
We can easily verify that if
, then
and if
, then
3. The Proof of Theorem 1.3
In this section, we want to show that (1.5) has the existence of ground state solutions.
Lemma 3.1.
are not empty.
Proof. we only prove that
is not empty since the proof of
is similar. Let
be positive and compactly supported in a bounded domain
. Define
being not empty is a direct result of the fact;
small enough and
sufficiently large.
We first prove that
small enough. From Remark 1.1, we conclude that for any
, there exist
such that
for any
. Using this estimate, we can write
Which implies that
for small
Next, we prove that
sufficiently large. The condition (f2) implies that
. Then it follows that there exists
such that
for all
. this together with the condition (f2) yields that there exists
such that
for all
. Noticing that
is compactly supported in the bounded domain
, we can write
which implies that
is negative for sufficiently large
Now, we set
and we claim the following lemma.
Lemma 3.2. It holds that
Proof. To show that
, it is enough to find u satisfying
such that
. From [18], we know that if
is attained by some
. By the definition of
, it is easy to check that
Hence there exists
such that
which implies that
. then it follows that
Next, we show
. We prove this by contradiction. Assume that there exists some sequence
such that
, then we have
which implies that
. From
and (3.1), we know that
By the Trudinger-Morse inequality (1.11) and
, we get for any
From (3.5) and (3.6), there exist
, such that
, there exist
such that
which is a contradicion to
We now consider a minimizing sequence
. Since
we can assume that
. The (A-R) condition (f2),
and Remark 2.2 give that
is bounded in
, and then up to a subsequence, there exists
, such that
By extracting a subsequence, if necessary, we define
By the weak convergence, it is obvious that
Lemma 3.3. It holds that
Proof. We proof this by contradiction. Assume that
. Then we have
which contradicts (3.4).
Lemma 3.4 The case
cannot occur.
Proof. We prove this by contradiction. If
, then
, and
. we first claim that
For any fixed
, we take
such that
combining this and the boundedness of
, we derive that
. This together with
yields that
which implies that (3.7) hold.
Similarly to the proof of ( [19]. Proposition 6.1), we can get there exists some sequence
such that
converges to 1 as
Now, by (3.7), we can write
This together with the monotonicity of
which contradicts (3.4). This accomplishes the proof of Lemma 3.4.
Note that (f5) implies the following inequality;
Lemma 3.5. If
, then
Proof. If
, then
Then we can get
If the above equality holds, then
, and the lemma is proved. Therefore, it remains to show that the case where
cannot occur. In fact, if (3.9) holds, we can take some
such that
. Indeed, let
is positive for small t. This together with
implies that there exists
such that
, i.e.,
Using (f5), we can obtain
From (3.8) we know that
Combining (3.10) and (3.11), we derive
, by the define of
, (3.12) and Fatou’s lemma, we deduce that
Which is a contradiction.
In the following, we consider the case
. If
, then
. We can choose an increasing sequence
such that
for any
. We define
Lemma 3.6. For the
given above, we have
Proof. We prove (3.14) by contradiction. If there exists some subsequence
such that (3.14) fails, then we must have
However, we have
which arrives at a contradiction. Similarly, we can also prove (3.15).
Lemma 3.7. ( [17] ) It holds that
which was proved in [17].
Lemma 3.8. ( [20] ) Let
be a domain in
. Suppose
. If
Lemma 3.9. It hold that
provided j is large enough.
Proof. Since
is bounded in
, there is
, and for any
, we have
According to (ii) in definition 6.1 in reference [21], when
, it can be obtained
where E stands for measurable set.
From (3.16) and (3.17), we can deduce that
which implies that
is bounded in
We can let
, using (1.4), we can derive
is bounded in
, then there is
, we have
and lemma 3.8, we can get
which implies that
The proof is completed.
From (3.18) and Lemma 3.6, since
, we can extract a subsequence
such that for every
Now, we take
as a new minimizing sequence renaming it
Lemma 3.10. It cannot be
Proof. If (3.19) is true, then there exists some
such that
. Since
, by the define of
, (3.12) and Fatou’s lemma, we deduce that
which is a contradiction.
Lemma 3.11. It cannot be
Proof. We prove (3.20) by contradiction. If
weakly in
, from Lemma 3.9, we can deduce
This implies that
which is a contradiction.
End of the proof of Theorem 1.3. Lemma 3.10 and Lemma 3.11 imply
. Hence
which implies that u is a minimum point for
. Therefore u is a ground state solution of the Equation (1.5) through the definition of the ground state.
4. Conclusion
In this paper, we use the Nehari manifold technique to prove the existence of ground state solutions for a class of Schrödinger-Kirchhoff equations with vanishing potential and exponential growth.
This work is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (11961081).