A Philosophical Approach toward Electromagnetic Wave Absorption ()
Quantum mechanics is a great tool for unfolding many mysteries of the scientific world. But in 1926, Einstein emphasized some limitations: “The theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One” [1]. The author submits that these limitations are caused by our preconceived beliefs, which hide innovative ideas. For example, because of preconceived beliefs, we take the physical and cosmological worlds within the same paradigm. But, by just the energy conversion equation, we cannot treat cosmological life (energy) as physical life (matter). It is as if we cannot treat physical life (matter) as biological life (vegetation). Therefore, there is a difference between physical entities (the emitter and the receiver) and cosmological entities (the photon).
In general, when we talk about the absorption and emission of photons, we talk about the Bohr atomic model. The emitter and receiver, being physical matter, emit and receive photons (cosmological energy) [2]. In other words, physical entities use photons (cosmological substances) as a means of activation. However, the process of emission and absorption is still a mystery [3]. This mystery prevails because scientists are not sure about the internal structure of elementary physical particles (EPPs). Hence, the process of absorption hides behind a dark curtain. That is why history reveals a very limited amount of work in this respect. Whatever is available is mainly based on the “type of absorption” and the “quantum of absorption”. However, our purpose of the paper is not to discuss the quantitative analysis of absorption; hence the mathematical analysis will be outside of the purview of the paper. It is a known fact that “the energy that is absorbed becomes thermal energy” [4]. The paper explains the process by which the energy of the electromagnetic wave is absorbed by the receiver and becomes thermal energy.
1.1. Article Achievement
To address the aforementioned issues, we discuss five basic questions: the cause of activation, the difference between the executor and the executable substance, the device of activation (structure of EPP), the process of activation, and how the intellectual human observes physical signals. We will discuss these questions one by one.
This article will also discuss the following issues:
1) Space fabric and the cosmological constant (Section 1.2).
2) The concept of a multilevel universe (Section 4.1).
3) Difference between physical and cosmological substances (Section 4.2).
4) Structure of EPPs (Section 5).
5) Dark energy (Section 5.4.3).
6) Dark matter (Section 5.4.4).
7) Interconvertibility of electric and magnetic fields (Section 5.5).
8) Provocation of time due to entropy (Section 6.6).
9) Unifying all levels in the absorption process (explained in Section 7).
1.2. Cosmological Constituent Terminology
1) Cosmological substances have imperceptible parameters that are still unnamed. Therefore, these substances are named based on their attributives. The substances of other levels can also be named by adding the name of the level before the attribute as an adjective.
2) Space fabric, known as physical emptiness or aether, is the medium of all cosmological activities, including electromagnetic waves and gravitation [5]. In general, while measuring space density, the cosmological density of “emptiness” is not considered, which creates a huge difference in overall cosmological density and becomes the cause of the mystery of the “cosmological constant” [6].
3) The visibility field is the ability of space fabric to manifest the diversity of a physical image, which is called “light.” The imperceptible cosmological visibility field can be observed in the form of CMB.
4) The forcibility field is the ability of space fabric to manifest the intensity of a physical force, which is called “magnetic flux.” The imperceptible cosmological forcibility field can be found in the form of hidden magnetic field [7].
5) The fullness field is the ability of space fabric to accumulate cosmological quantum above the average space density. The imperceptible cosmological fullness field can be found in the form of dark energy.
6) The hollowness field is the ability of space fabric to diminish cosmological quantum and to decrease the average space density. The imperceptible cosmological hollowness field can be found in the form of dark matter. Arturo stated that dark matter has no physical parameters [8].
7) The magnetic field is visibility and forcibility, which oppose and supplement each other, creating a sense during the interaction. There are two types of sensations: light (intensified diversity) and magnetic flux (diversified intensity).
8) The electric field is fullness and hollowness, which oppose and supplement each other, creating a quantum during the interaction. Hollowness derives the aim, and fullness derives the achievement, creating a flow of quantum.
9) Space can be defined as the available capableness to do anything. For example, the limit to which a physical entity can view another entity is called physical space for viewing, and that cannot be infinite. The limit to which a human can think is called intellectual space for thinking or intelligence. Each entity has its own spaces in different fields that are allotted by nature. In general, when scientists talk about “space”, they are talking about the “space Fabric”.
10) The awareness of the entity towards the quantity and attributes is called consciousness. Physical consciousness joins with physical time and physical space to form the physical life. This existence of physical life is the cause of the physical entity.
11) Uncoded fields are undefined substances used in an electromagnetic wave. The field is coded when either the emitter or receiver provides field coders which are in accordance with their own genetic codes. Before coding, it remains imperceptible cosmological energies. When it is received by the receiver, the receiver codes it according to its on perceptibility, and creates perceptible physical fields.
12) Field coder can be defined as the part of a code that defines the attributes of the specific field. This defines the perceptibility of an uncoded field. Before coupling the uncoded field with the field coder, both remain imperceptible; after coupling, they create a perceptible field. Field coder is the physical grip of the cosmological quantum.
The universal entropy [9], in the course of never-satisfying manifestation, passes through an infinite number of levels. The known levels, from lower to higher, are cosmological, physical, biological, psychological, and intellectual. Even though all of the levels are different in virtual aspects, they live under parallel laws assigned by universal law [10]. Furthermore, the relationship between the two successive levels remains analogous due to the same universal law.
We do not have complete knowledge of any level, but we have some knowledge of each level. Therefore, we can learn many things in the dark by substituting the known knowledge of one level over the unknown of other using parallel laws and the guess proof [11]. For example, the human (intellectual life) absorbs psychological symbols, the animal (psychological life) absorbs biological food, and plants (biological life) absorb physical matter (nutrition). Hence, it can be analogously inferred that matter (physical life) absorbs cosmological energies (photons). This is the substitution of one knowledge over another. However, an incorrect substitution may lead us to improper inference; hence, this philosophical methodology can be applied only after careful application of unitary logic and checking the end results, which must be in accordance only with practically proven facts. It has been stated that “If E is evidence for some hypothesis, H, then E makes it more likely that H is true: in such circumstances, E confirms H” [12]. This analogy can be applied to issues where experimentation is not possible [13].
While structuring the model of an entity, the author applies “unitary law” as a basic logic for the available knowledge of physics, biology, and psychology after cross-checking in all directions. Ayer stated, “A rational man is one who makes a proper use of reason: and this implies, among other things, that he correctly estimates the strength of evidence” [14].
Chāndogya Upaniṣada said that Brahma thought, “I am one; let me become many!” (only a philosophical meaning) [15]. At the same time, modern science implies that entropy needs to increase with multiplication and diversification, as in “Darwin’s theory of evolution”. Hence, the ultimate cause of anything is a natural need to increase universal entropy. Here, “Brahma” is nothing but “indefinable existence” (not a body) [16], and “indefinable existence” is a union of indefinable space, time, and consciousness [17]. Solov’ev stated that “Space, time, and consciousness are primordial words in our vocabulary, and they cannot be defined” [18]. When these three indefinable elements unite at a point, using raw material made of cosmological substances and germinated by the Higgs field, a physical aliveness originated [10]. Aliveness is manifested by a circular oscillation of “existence”, made of “space” as capableness, “consciousness” as awareness, and “time” as activeness to make changes [19]. An activeness (perceptible time) creates changes [20] by multiplication and diversification, thereby increasing entropy. The lives of all entities remain busy increasing universal entropy [21].
We need both an executor and an executable substance for an activation. In the case of electromagnetic waves, an executor can be an emitter or receiver, whereas the “executable substance” is a substance being emitted or received. We, at this moment, differentiate between the two within the philosophical framework.
4.1. Concept of a Multilevel Universe
Human encompasses five perceptible levels of the universe, from higher to lower level, called intellectual life (thinking), psychological life (feeling), biological life (living), physical life (activating), and energy life (undefined). Much work is being done to co-relate them, but modern science still has not found conclusive results [22]. The author propounds a new approach wherein a unitary law can view all levels with parallel logic [10] and that the lives of all higher-level entities evolve from symmetrically arranged substances of successive lower-level worlds as raw material [5]. Therefore, an intellectual life evolves from symmetrically arranged psychological symbols [23], and a psychological life evolves from symmetrically arranged biological tissues. Biological life evolves from symmetrically arranged physical molecules (DNA), and in the same way, it can be concluded that physical life evolves from symmetrically arranged cosmological energy fields. It can be seen that intellectual curiosity, psychological desire, biological hunger, physical emptiness, and cosmological hollowness manifest the same message of different levels of life. By relying on the unitarity of the universe, the author suggests that even though we have different sciences for different worlds, all sciences have a root of four basic attributes (visibility, forcibility, fullness, and hollowness). By adding the name of the level as an adjective before these four attributes, a common thread becomes visible for understanding all sciences. For example, the word “visibility” plays the same role in all worlds when it is used as cosmological visibility (light), physical visibility (clarity), biological visibility (vision), psychological visibility (feel), and intellectual visibility (understand).
In the case of the outflow of information, an intellectual entity (brain) uses psychological sentiments as an executable substance [24], the psychological entity (mind) uses biological muscles as an executable substance [25], and the biological entity (body) uses physical matter (atoms) as an executable substance. In the same analogy, the physical matter outflows cosmological energy as an executable substance. It can be inferred that while interaction, the higher level plays the role of the “executor”, and the successive lower level plays the role of the “executable substance”.
4.2. Difference between Physical and Cosmological Entities
Modern science treats cosmological and physical entities within the same paradigm. This viewpoint has stymied our understanding of cosmology. The present author argues that physical entities are the fundamentals of biological entities but do not follow the laws of biological sciences. Similarly, cosmological entities are the fundamentals of physical entities but do not follow the laws of physical science.
1) Cain stated that a photon experiences neither distance nor time between emission and re-absorption [26], as in the case of a physical entity.
2) Wave-particle duality is not possible in the case of physical matter. Moreover, owing to wavelike behavior, photons can exist in infinitely many places at the same time [27]. Redshift refers to the wavelength stretching of photons emitted by a source moving relative to the observer. Therefore, physical parameters, namely shape, placement, motion, reference frames and distances, are clearly not available in the case of photons.
3) Physical mass is a property of matter that creates gravity (bends spacetime) and resists changes in velocity (enacts inertia), whereas energy is the means of the above happenings.
4) The physical mass (food) is not a biological mass (livingness). But after digesting, it converts into biological mass (livingness). We cannot convert food into livingness in the case of undigested food. In the same way, energy is not a physical mass, but after digestion (absorption), it converts into physical mass [28]. We cannot convert free energy into physical mass.
5) When discussing quantum entanglement, it was found that light does not follow the phenomena of distance and time [29] but follows cosmological spacetime, which is still unknown to us.
6) Madeleine asks, “if a particle has no mass, how can it exist”? [30]. Here Madeleine is talking about physical mass, which differs from cosmological mass.
Our knowledge of cosmology is very limited [31]. The above views have emerged through experiments conducted by different philosophers. Consolidating their views, we can easily infer that physical and cosmological entities occupy different levels of the universe wherein the “executors” (emitter and receivers) are physical entities and the “executable substances” (photons) are cosmological entities.
A biological entity consists of many biological cells that are constituted by a nucleus and a cell body. Analogously, we can infer that a physical entity consists of many EPPs that are constituted by a nucleus and an EPP body [5]. Each nucleus is further comprised of a large number of genetic codes, where each code represents an individual property of the EPP. In other words, the properties of a physical body are written in the nucleus of its EPP. So now we have two issues: the structure of the nucleus and the placement of the codes in the structure [17].
5.1. Nucleus Structure
The nucleus structure of a physical entity is built by using cosmological substances. Analogously, the nucleus structure of a biological, psychological, and intellectual entity is built using physical molecules (DNA) [32], biological sensations, and psychological symbols respectively. The structure of a nucleus represents the science behind a level. Although the root structure of a nucleus of all level entities is the same, they follow the same universal law. But being the difference in raw material, each level follows different science. We are very well aware of the structure of the biological nucleus; therefore, on the parallel ground, we can also presume the structure of the physical world’s nucleus. A biological nucleus is made of a series of four bases that are responsible for all biological activities as per the codes written on them. Applying the unitary logic, it can be presumed that a physical nucleus is made of four bases (chests) responsible for all physical activities according to the codes written on them. Although the same structure of entities at the same level denotes the same science, the difference in codes within the structure denotes a difference in properties. The model (Figure 1) explains 1) four chests having a large number of imperceptible field coders, having capabilities to evolve perceptible fields by coupling with uncoded fields, 2) four perceptible (but not perceived) fields, and 3) an interaction chamber where physical images are created and perceived. The word “field coder” and “uncoded field” are explained in the terminology section.
5.2. Placement of Chests in the Nucleus
Each code is an individual processing unit comprised of four chests at the four corners of a square-shaped model (no mechanical value). Each chest possesses a different aspect of the same code, which we call “field coder”. The phenomenon of these chests is parallel to the “bases” of biological code [33]. Each code is composed of four opposing field coders, which remain stored in their respective chests.
Figure 1. Structure of an elementary physical particle that is fabricated using systematically arranged cosmological substances having four genetic chests, a processing unit, and an interaction chamber. The particle receives uncoded fields from outside and preconceived memories from its own, creates a physical image, and receives data for emission and memories.
These field coders are created so that the amalgamation of all gives rise to the code of one attribute. The chests containing their respective field coders are as follows:
1) Visibility-fullness dyad (FV): This chest contains numerous field coders made of an association of “fullness” and “visibility”. The chest receives field coders from the “visibility field area” in the form of “fullness of visibility”. It provides field coders to the “fullness field area” in the form of “visibility of fullness”.
2) Forcibility-fullness dyad (FF): This chest contains numerous field coders made of an association of “fullness” and “forcibility”. The chest receives field coders from the “forcibility field area” in the form of “fullness of forcibility”. It provides field coders to the “fullness field area” in the form of “forcibility of fullness”.
3) Hollowness-forcibility dyad (HF): This chest contains numerous field coders made of an association of “hollowness” and “forcibility”. The chest receives field coders from the “forcibility field area” in the form of “hollowness of forcibility”. It provides field coders to the “hollowness field area” in the form of “forcibility of hollowness”.
4) Hollowness-visibility dyad (HV): This chest contains numerous field coders made of an association of “hollowness” and “visibility”. The chest receives field coders from the “visibility field area” in the form of “hollowness of visibility”. It provides field coders to the “hollowness field area” in the form of “visibility of hollowness”.
When an entity absorbs a signal, digests and manifests the attributes in accordance with the codes, and sends it to the four memory chambers after disintegration, we call it life in existence. The genetic code plays attributes of life within three essential and specific inseparable aspects. 1) Creation of space (capableness): while multiplying the EPP, the body takes the shape in accordance with the codes. For example, if a human does not have the code of flying, s/he will not have wings. The readers should not confused with the word “space fabric”. 2) Creation of time (activeness): it provides the “need for entropy” to provoke the activation of the entity. 3) Creation of consciousness (awareness): All chests offer only the relevant field coders to the interaction chamber. All three are essential for the life.
5.3. Evolution of Four Field Areas
While creating the model (Figure 1), we placed the four chests at the four corners of the square. Every two connected corner chests have one field area in common. We have four field areas. These areas facilitate the creation of different fields. See Figure 1 and Figure 2.
1) Visibility Field Area (Ability of the Space to Carry a View): After the interaction, the perceptible visibility field reaches the “visibility field area”, where the connected chests (HV-FV) withdraw the related field coders. And in this way, the perceptible physical visibility field converts into an imperceptible cosmological visibility field. This field is sent to the memory chambers of the body, and a copy of it is offered for emission in the form of a magnetic field. An observer can receive it by converting it into an electric field by providing its own field coders. That is why an observer observes anything from its own perspective.
2) Forcibility Field Area (Ability of space to Carry Force): After the interaction, the perceptible forcibility field reaches the “forcibility field area”, where the connected chests (HF-FF) withdraw the related field coders. And in this way, the perceptible physical forcibility field converts into an imperceptible cosmological forcibility field. This field is sent to the memory chambers of the body, and a copy of it is offered for emission in the form of a magnetic field. An observer can receive it by converting it into an electric field by providing its own field coders.
3) Hollowness Field Area (the Ability of Space to Carry an Attraction) (HF-HV): When an observer captures the magnetic field from an emitter, it captures it in the form of electric field. The captured electric field has two parts; hollowness field and fullness field. The imperceptible hollowness field reached to the receiver’s “hollowness field area”. The entity itself has some memories in its memory chambers related with the incoming fields; hence these preoccupied memories are added with them. The area finds the
Figure 2. The entity receives an electric field from outside, creates a physical image, and converts the image into a magnetic field. While emitting the magnetic field, another receiver captures the field and re-converts it into an electric field. Both fields are made of the same basic fields, with only a difference in arrangement.
composition of the two sources. When these composite sensing (sense of quantum) is provided field coders from two connected chests (HV-HF), the imperceptible cosmological hollowness field is converted to perceptible physical hollowness field, and enters into the interaction chamber. This hollowness field can be perceived as attraction.
4) Fullness Field Area (the Ability of Space to Carry a Repulsion) (FV-FF): When an observer captures the magnetic field from an emitter, it captures it in the form of electric field. The captured electric field has two parts; hollowness field and fullness field. The imperceptible fullness field reached to the receiver’s “fullness field area”. The entity itself has some memories in its memory chambers related with the incoming fields; hence these preoccupied memories are added with them. The area finds the composition of the two sources. When these composite sensing (sense of quantum) is provided field coders from two connected chests (FV-FF), the imperceptible cosmological fullness field is converted to perceptible physical fullness field, and enters into the interaction chamber. This fullness field can be perceived as repulsion.
5.4. Types of Activation
These four fields are responsible for all physical activities. While making any activation, one field out of these four is absent. Therefore, we get four types of perceptible phenomena: light, magnetic flux, attraction, and repulsion, where forcibility, visibility, hollowness, and fullness field, respectively, are absent (Figure 1). All phenomena are defined below on the parallel ground.
1) Light (electromagnetic wave): In this case, the “forcibility” is absent, whereas fullness, hollowness, and visibility are present. Here, fullness and hollowness create an electric field, and the positivity and negativity within the visibility create a magnetic field. The composite of these two creates electromagnetic wave. It can be called quantitative (fullness-hollowness) visibility, and called visible light.
2) Magnetic flux (electromagnetic force): In this case, the “visibility” is absent, whereas fullness, hollowness, and forcibility are present. Here, fullness and hollowness create an electric field, and the positivity and negativity within forcibility create a magnetic field. The composite of these two creates electromagnetic force. It can be called quantitative (fullness-hollowness) forcibility, and called magnetic flux.
3) Repulsion (higher space density): In this case, the “hollowness” is absent, whereas visibility, forcibility, and fullness are present. Here, visibility and forcibility create a sensing field, and fullness of space density creates repulsively. In all, it gives sensing (visibility-forcibility) fullness, and called repulsion.
4) Attraction (lower space density): In this case, the “fullness” is absent, whereas visibility, forcibility, and hollowness are present. Here, visibility and forcibility create a sensing field, and the hollowness of space density creates attractivity. In all, it gives sensing (visibility-forcibility) hollowness, and called attraction.
Light and magnetic flux are two versions of flowing activation. The disturbance creates these in the space fabric in the shape of flowing waves. Repulsion and attraction are two versions of stationary activation. These are created of the higher density of space fabric (dark energy) and lower density of space fabric (dark matter).
5.5. Interconversion of Magnetic and Electric Fields
All entities receive energy in the form of an electric field and, just after receiving it, convert it into a magnetic field. Dicker stated, “Both electric and magnetic fields are the consequence of the attraction and repulsion of electric charges” [34]. Here, the attraction denotes “hollowness” and the repulsion denotes “fullness,” as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 clearly explains how hollowness and fullness create an electric field and how these two create a magnetic field. The magnetic field can create light and magnetic flux due to their positivity and negativity. The figure clearly explains the interconvertibility of the fields. When a wave is led by “fullness and hollowness”, called an electric field, and when a wave is led by “visibility and forcibility,” it is called a magnetic field. There is only a directional difference of photons. The emitter offers the magnetic field, but the receiver captures it as an electric field. As and when any physical object absorbs the field, it converts into a magnetic field after absorption, and we presume the electromagnetic wave is a composition of electric and magnetic fields. The author believes that “Electricity and Magnetism Are Two Sides of the Same Phenomenon” [35].
5.6. Life in the EPP
Life or existence within an entity arrives when systematically arranged cosmological substances accept the Higgs field and physical life (mass) begins [36]. As soon as life begins, consciousness oscillates and activates the EPP. Energy oscillates at a point is called a “particle” and when it oscillates with linear motion it is called a “wave” [37]. During oscillations, “awareness” within life represents consciousness, “activeness” represents time and “capableness” represents space. When these three are amalgamated, they create life in the form of existence [38]. As Tanedo stated, “It’s sufficient for a particle to have the energy to have a meaningful sense of existence” [39]. We have oscillation in the form of energy that derives existence. In other words, an entity can survive only in the combined presence of space, time, and consciousness in the form of oscillation [40]. John Smythies added, “matter (quantum)” by stating that “the Universe consists of three fundamental entities—spacetime, matter, and consciousness, each with their own degrees of freedom” [41].
6.1. Self-Activation
A physically alive object that is neither emitting nor absorbing but exists is undergoing self-interaction. All images are stored in four memory chambers in the form of imperceptible uncoded fields.
These memory chambers are situated outside the processing unit but within the EPP body. The uncoded fields from the four memory chambers enter the processing unit through the “fullness” and “hollowness” ports, as shown in Figure 1. The uncoded fields from the fullness port obtain the field coders from the FV and FF chests, whereas those from the hollowness port obtain the field coders from the HV and HF chests. The author propounds that incoming uncoded fields and field coders are both imperceptible. When they accept each other as a couple, they create a perceptible field (not perceived). Now we have the physically perceptible fullness and hollowness fields that create a physical image when they associate; this is called image formation. If the image is incompatible with the desire, the entity does not accept it and disintegrates it into the magnetic field without creating any image. Initially, the incoming field was an electric field made of a fullness and hollowness field; after disintegration, these fields are converted into a magnetic field made of a visibility and forcibility field. These two perceptible fields go to their respective field areas. Now, these fields disintegrate into the field coders and the uncoded fields. The field coders return to their respective chests, and uncoded fields retain the corresponding memory chambers within the EPP body. The cycle is a continuous process, and the uncoded fields within the memory chambers get refined continuously with each cycle of the process. This is called thinking in the intellectual world.
6.2. Emission of Electromagnetic Waves
When an image is disintegrated (see Section 6.1), it is in the form of a magnetic field and has two parts: the visibility field and the forcibility field. Both fields surrender their field coder to the corresponding chests, and the uncoded fields go to memory chambers. Before going to memory, the uncoded fields create a copy sent outside the EPP body for emission. These uncoded fields are offered for absorption by any distinct observer. This process is called emission. As soon as a distinct observer captures the magnetic field, the magnetic field needs to flow. Because flow is possible only for an electric field, the magnetic field converts into an electric field. It is because the magnetic field of two poles cannot have linear movement, whereas a monopolar electric field can move in a line.
6.3. Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves
When memory chambers forward uncoded fields to the interaction chamber (see Section 6.1), these are added with an electric field incoming from afar emitter. Now we have two sources of uncoded field: 1) preoccupied memories and 2) outside the entity. Both sources reach the concerned (fullness or hollowness) field areas. Still, all the fields are uncoded. In the fullness field area, the uncoded fields are coupled with field coders from attached chests FV and FF, creating a fullness field. Analogously, in the hollowness field area, the uncoded fields are coupled with field coders from attached chests HV and HF, creating a hollowness field. At the interaction chamber, after association, the physical image is formed. After the image disintegration, the field coders go to the chests, and uncoded fields go to the memory chamber of the body. This is called absorption. This memory can be in the form of heat or charge [4].
6.4. Image Creation
The observer receives an electric field with two components: a Fullness field and a hollowness field. The fullness field becomes the “appearable aspect of a physical image”, and the hollowness field becomes the “identifiable aspect of a physical image”. These appearable and identifiable aspects manifest the physical image. After the momentary presence of the image, the whole image converts into a magnetic field in the form of visibility and forcibility. Before the manifestation, the electric field reveals the “sensing of quantity”. After manifestation, the magnetic field reveals the “quantity of sensing”. In between these two, the processing unit has a moment when quantity and sense are simultaneously present. This will be manifested as “quantified sensing” or “sensorial quantity”, which is called a perceptual physical image.
The author suggests that it is incorrect to say that electromagnetic waves coming to us are the same as what we are perceiving. In fact, we receive only the uncoded fields; we add our preoccupied ones from our memories and apply the field coder of our own chests. Under these circumstances, an image is never pure as it is mixed with a previously learned sacrament [42]. Marianna stated that “perception is often biased, selective and malleable,” [43] while Aristotle argued, “… how perception leads to desire…” [44]. Which are uncoded fields in our memories.
6.5. Impact of Oscillation
Entropy needs to be increased; hence, life is initiated by the Higgs field in the form of oscillations [45]. Figure 1 explains that the complete circular oscillation faces four ports. At 0˚ there is an inflow forcibility port, and at 90˚ there is an outflow visibility port. At 180˚ there is an inflow hollowness port and at 270˚ there is an outflow forcibility port. All the inflows and outflows are carried out on the basis of the same logic and create an auto-operative circular life. This circular logic [46] can be taken as proof of the correctness of the model. Oscillation modulation creates modulated images that create information. In the case of electromagnetic waves, the frequency variation (as speed cannot be changed) is called frequency modulation, which creates different physical colors in light creating physical information.
6.6. Application of Time
For increasing entropy, nature creates an arrow of time that is in the sequence of the future, the present and the past [47 , 48]. Entropy tends to increase. Therefore, consciousness aims to refine the accumulated data using the processing unit; this aim lies in the future. After a number of trials and errors, a refined image is created. The refining process lies in the present, where the duration of the present is momentary.
After the disintegration of the image, we have refined data of our past. In all, we have the future of the image, the present of the image, and the past of the image explained in Figure 3; where the present is the actual time. Time is generally regarded as “unreal” and imperceptible [49]. However, the duration cannot be ignored. The duration of the present, where time is activated, is the shortest available time.
Modern science believes that the smallest unit of time is “Planck time”, which is roughly 10−44 seconds and has no logic. Rovelli objected, “This means that there is no continuous “flow”; instead, time “jumps” from one quanta to the next without passing through the intervening period. Very weird” [50]. The author propounds that the availability of the present is always equal to the duration in which one wavelength passes through the processor [40]. Here, jumping is not required because the wavelength of a wave can be measured from any point, which may not start from the crest or the trough.
6.7. Explanations
The above sections require additional explanation.
Figure 3. In the “future”, the entity receives an electric field. In the “present”, the fields add preconceived memories, interact, and create a physical image. In the “past”, the image is disintegrated and creates a magnetic field, which is emitted and stored in memory chests.
Figure 4. The universe is made of multilevel worlds. Each world has its respective images, which are made of the successive lower world. When the substance of a lower world is received by the successive upper world, its field coders are applied and an image of its own world is created. In this way, the intellectual world (humans) observes the physical world (object) of the physical world.
1) When the “electric and magnetic fields are two manifestations of the same phenomenon” [51], why do only electric fields enter the interaction chamber? It is known that a magnetic field is the static energy of two polar closed loops that can expand but not move anywhere. In contrast, an electric field, being monopolar, can travel in space in a straight line. Hence, the receiver activates the electric field to create a flow of electromagnetic waves [52].
2) How does the processor convert the electric field to the magnetic field? This phenomenon is explained in Figure 2, where only the direction of the photons interconverts the electric and magnetic fields. The electric field is “sensing the quantity”, and the image needs both “sense” and “quantity”. Hence, the electric field converts the image into a “quantity of sense”, which is nothing but the magnetic field. During the conversion from electric to magnetic fields, we have a moment where we have both “quantity” and “sense”, which is our image.
3) When we observe any physical object, we observe it in two parts. First, we observe “appearance” without any shape at the crest, which indicates “physical fullness”. At the trough, we observe “identity” (shape) without any appearance, which indicates “physical hollowness”. The repetition of appearance and identity within electromagnetic waves creates an identifiable appearance, which is our image. If any one of these is absent, nothing can be observed. After the creation of the image, the appearance is identified. This identification is in the form of diversified intensity (magnetic flux) or intensified diversities (light); both are magnetic fields.
In an electromagnetic wave, the emitter continuously modulates the wave and continuously changes the physical image creating information. Figure 4 explains that electromagnetic waves provide us with a cosmological wave image which is equivalent to a physically uncoded sign. By adding the physical field coders, it creates a noticeable physical image.
By applying the law of unitarity, it can be inferred that we have this noticeable physical image, which is equivalent to biologically uncoded sensations for vegetation. When these are coupled with appropriate biological field coders, it creates an empirical biological image. For animals, this empirical biological image is equivalent to psychologically uncoded feeling. When these are coupled with appropriate psychological field coders, it creates a gestural psychological image. For a human, this gestural psychological image is equivalent to an intellectually uncoded symbol. When these are coupled with appropriate intellectual field coders, it creates a knowledgeable intellectual image.
At each biological, psychological, and intellectual level, there are different code structures, coder fields and corresponding field coders (race, temper, and intelligence), and memories (habit, sentiments, and knowledge). At each stage, the corresponding preoccupied memories are added to the image, and our last perception can be far away from reality.
It can be seen that sound is a physical phenomenon that converts into biological phonemes, which converts into psychological representation and finally converts into intellectual meaning [53]. A sound can have different meanings for different people.
Quantum mechanics is a great achievement of the 20th century. Despite its boundless popularity, it includes basic controversies that are yet to be resolved [54]. One of the causes of these controversies is taking cosmological and physical worlds in the same paradigm. Therefore, we have no separate terminology for cosmic science. The author suggested a new terminology for cosmic science where words also represent the attributes.
The paper reached the following conclusions:
1) The universe is made up of multiple levels of the world. These are intellectual, psychological, biological, physical, and cosmological worlds. Therefore, physical and cosmological are two different levels. Hence the emitter and the receiver are of the physical world, and the photon is of the cosmological world (Section 4).
2) A physical entity consists of an imperceptible existence (space, time, and consciousness), which plays its life (capableness, activeness, and awareness) on the space fabric made of cosmological substances (Section 3).
3) Entity is made of two parts: nucleus and EPP body. The nucleus creates the body and also executes the body under codes situated therein (Section 5.1).
4) Model of the nucleus is explained. It has four chests that keep four types of field coders (Section 5.2). It also has four field areas: visibility, forcibility, fullness, and Hollowness (Section 5.3), which are capable of creating four types of activities: light, magnetic flux, repulsion, and attraction (Section 5.4).
5) The word “uncoded field” and “field coder” are explained in the terminology section (Section 1.2).
6) The paper explains the interconvertibility of magnetic and electric fields (Section 5.5).
7) Paper explains electromagnetic waves’ self-activation, emission, and absorption. It also explains how the physical image is created during these activations (Section 6).
8) The same theory applies to cosmological information that reaches a human’s physical, biological, psychological, and intellectual brain. The same theory applies to all the steps.
Regarding limitations, the author argues that no physical parameter works at the cosmological level; hence no direct cosmological experiment is possible. Moreover, there is no possibility of having any cosmological instruments without using any physical matter. Under these circumstances, we have to rely on circumstantial evidence. We have a sufficient number of previously conducted experiments from which we can derive circumstantial evidence. This paper accumulates available knowledge from physics, biology, and psychology and applies it using universal law and checks if we reach practically available conclusions. In addition to it, this theory systematically unfolds several mysteries, thereby demonstrating its validity.
Regarding future prospects of the paper, the author suggests that by using parallel theories, we can understand the process of absorbing emotions within our psychological mind and the absorbing knowledge within our intellectual brain. The paper propounds the difference between physical and cosmological substances, which facilitates us in resolving several unsolved cosmological mysteries.
The author would like to thank Prof. Dayanand Bhargava for his suggestions in the field of philosophy. Further, the author wishes to extend special thanks to Dr. Ravi Sharma (Apollo Achievement Award, NASA) and Dr. K R Soni (HOD Physics, M N I T, Jaipur) for their important suggestions in the field of science.