Local Dynamics of a New Four-Dimensional Quadratic Autonomous System ()
1. Introduction
Due to some characteristics of chaos, such as the sensitive dependence on initial values and the unpredictability of long-term development, chaos is a special means suitable for information encryption processing. Chaos has great potential in the field of image encryption. So far, the research of chaotic image encryption technology still attracts much attention. Hagras and Saber [1] proposed an implementation of the gray image encryption based on the 4D memristor chaotic system, and demonstrated that the investigated encryption approach can protect high speed and high security against various attack. Zhu et al. [2] proposed an image encryption algorithm combining pixel segmentation operation, block chaotic matrix confusion operation and pixel diffusion operation with sinusoidal polynomial composite chaotic system, which has the advantages and effectiveness of image encryption algorithm. Based on a sliding-mode-based controller designed for finite-time synchronization of memristor chaotic systems, Li et al. [3] proposed and implemented a new image encryption algorithm. Xian et al. [4] studied an encryption method with spatiotemporal chaotic system based on double parameters fractal sorting vector. Guo et al. [5] studied image encryption of the chaotic systems generated by quadratic functions topologically conjugate with Logistic map and Tent map, which is poor in resisting the chosen plaintext attack. Hyperchaos has better performance in image encryption than chaos. Image encryption technology based on hyperchaos and other current technologies has been more widely studied by scholars. An improved image encryption algorithm based on hyperchaotic systems and random walk is proposed by Fan et al. [6], which does not have only the original advantages, but can also improve the ability to resist attacks. Li et al. [7] proposed an image encryption scheme combining neural network, domain diffusion and fractional-order laser hyperchaos system, which offers a new research perspective for optical image encryption. Samiullah et al. [8] demonstrated that mostly encryption algorithm based on DNA computing and multiple Chaotic Systems has enhanced performance as compared to contemporary works in information security. Liu et al. [9] proposed an image encryption scheme that combines 5D hyperchaos system with DNA technology, and verified that the scheme can achieve good encryption effect and resist various attacks. Gao et al. [10] designed a multi-image encryption scheme based on the fractional-order hyperchaotic system and multiple image fusion, which increases the efficiency of image encryption and transmission.
Hopf bifurcation is one of many bifurcation types, which plays an important role in the analysis of complex systems. Lv [11] analyzed a diffusion system with memory delay and general delay by studying its Hopf bifurcation. Efran and Manuel [12] addressed the problem of a robust tracking, surveillance and landing of a mobile ground target by Hopf bifurcation. Li et al. [13] studied an improved wheelset motion model with two degrees of freedom through Hopf bifurcation method. By analyzing the existence of Hopf bifurcation, Wang et al. [14] studied a delayed diffusive predator-prey model with predator interference or foraging facilitation. Huang et al. [15] investigated a diffusive complex Ginzburg-Landau model with delayed feedback and phase shift by discussing conditions for the existence of resonant double Hopf bifurcation. Hopf bifurcation is also a way to enter chaos, so it is often used to study some chaotic systems. Dealing with chaotic fractional-order system in the sense of the Caputo fractional derivative with entanglement function, Shiva et al. [16] derived conditions under which the system undergoes a Hopf bifurcation. Wang et al. [17] discussed a tumor and Lymphatic immune system interaction model with two time delays, in which Hopf bifurcation describes the chaotic attractor formation. Ramesh et al. [18] studied Hopf bifurcation of a fractional-order butterfly-fish chaotic system and derived the existence of a chaotic attractor in the system. Amin and Saeed [19] presented a four-dimensional quadratic autonomous hyper-chaotic system and analyzed the local dynamics of stability and Hopf bifurcation. Hopf bifurcation of a Lorenz type system [20] and the Repressilator Model [21] were investigated by Calderon-Saavedra et al. and Verdugo, respectively.
The rest of the manuscript consists of five sections. The new four-dimensional quadratic autonomous system and its equilibriums are derived in Section 2. Stability condition of each equilibrium point is derived in Section 3. Hopf bifurcation is studied in Section 4. Numerical simulations are shown in Section 5. The conclusions are drawn in Section 6.
2. Dynamic Modeling
Recently, Fang et al. [22] proposed a hyperchaotic system and studied its image encryption. Based on this system, a new four-dimensional quadratic autonomous system is presented as follows
, are constant parameters, determining dynamic behaviors of the system (1).
, the system (1) is dissipativity and symmetrical about z-w plane, for
and invariance under local coordinate transformation:
The equilibrium points of system (1) can be described in the following theorem:
Theorem 1. The equilibrium points of the system (1) depends on parameters a, b, c, which are illustrated as follows:
1) If the system parameters satisfy the following condition
then there is only one equilibrium point
2) If the system parameters satisfy the following condition
then there are two equilibrium points
, where
3) If the system parameters satisfy the following condition
then there are three equilibrium points
, and
, where
, and
, and
Proof 1. Letting the right terms of Equation (1) equal zero, one can obtain that
If condition (1) is satisfied, then
. So Equation (6) has only one root
. Substituting to Equation (5), one can get there is only one equilibrium point
If condition (2) is satisfied, then
. So Equation (6) has two roots
. Substituting to Equation (5), one can get there are two equilibrium points
If condition (3) is satisfied, then
. So Equation (6) has three roots
. Substituting to Equation (5), one can get there are three equilibrium points
Therefore, theorem 1 is deduced.
3. Stability Analysis
In this section, the stability of the equilibrium points of system (1) is respectively studied.
3.1. Equilibrium Point X0
First of all, the initial equilibrium
is considered. The Jacobian matrix of system (1) at
is evaluated as
By calculation, it is obtained that the characteristic equation of the Jacobian matrix
as follows
The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
are characterized as follows:
If the following conditions are satisfied:
then all the eigenvalues of matrix
have negative real parts, so the equilibrium point
is asymptotically stable.
3.2. Equilibrium Point X1
In the subsection, the equilibrium point
is considered. The Jacobian matrix of system (1) at
is evaluated as
By calculation, it is obtained that the characteristic equation of the Jacobian matrix
is as follows
Due to complexity and length of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
, the Routh-Hurwitz criterion is adopted.
According to the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, if the following conditions are satisfied:
then all the eigenvalues of matrix
have negative real parts, so the equilibrium point
is asymptotically stable.
3.3. Equilibrium Point X2
In the subsection, the equilibrium point
is considered. The Jacobian matrix of system (1) at
is evaluated as
By calculation, it is obtained that the characteristic equation of the Jacobian matrix
as follows
Due to complexity and length of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
, the Routh-Hurwitz criterion is adopted.
According to the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, if the following conditions are satisfied:
then all the eigenvalues of matrix
have negative real parts, so the equilibrium point
is of asymptotic stability.
3.4. Equilibrium Point X3
Finally, the equilibrium point
is considered. The Jacobian matrix of system (1) at
is evaluated as
By calculation, it is obtained that the characteristic equation of the Jacobian matrix
as follows
Due to complexity and length of the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix
, the Routh-Hurwitz criterion is adopted.
According to the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, if the following conditions are satisfied:
then all the eigenvalues of matrix
have negative real parts, so the equilibrium point
is of asymptotic stability.
4. Hopf Bifurcation Analysis
In this section, Hopf bifurcation of the equilibrium point
of system (1) is studied. At the other equilibrium points, the situations are so similar to
that they are not studied below.
According to the Hopf bifurcation theory, Hopf bifurcation may occur while the characteristic equation has a pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues and two eigenvalues with negative real parts. As a result, Hopf bifurcation of system (1) may occur when condition (10) satisfies
that is
Choosing the system parameters
, then the eigenvalues
, where
. Next, Hopf bifurcation at the point
is investigated with Poincaré-Birkhoff normal form theorem. The three-dimensional truncation of Equation (1) is presented as
be the complex eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue
, there exists
so that
where and below
is represented to the conjugate symbol. According to conditions (29), Q and P are calculated as follows
With the center manifold theorem [23] [24] [25],
, where
is the tangent space of
is the residual subspace. For any
, where
. u means the coordinate of
. Due to
, so one can get
Combining with condition (27), the coordinate variable u is developed into
and the system is developed into
, without losing generality, the main order of Y can be expressed as
Considering condition (34) and
, it can be obtained that constraint conditions is as the following
On those conditions the restricted condition of coordinate variable is shown as
Next, by substituting conditions (30), (31) into conditions (35), (36), (39), the specific results of those expressions are given as follows
Therefore the first Lyapunov coefficient is
in which we can see the Hopf bifurcation is supercritical at the point
5. Numerical Simulations
In the section, the time histories, Lyapunov exponential spectrums, projections of four-dimensional phase portrait and bifurcation diagrams are studied by numerical simulation. By considering the same initial value
and different situations which depend on different parameters a,b, c, and d, using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method, numerical simulations including time histories, Lyapunov exponential spectrums and projections of phase portrait verify the results of the above analysis. And the ways to enter chaos can be seen through bifurcation diagrams.
Choosing parameters
, the time histories, Lyapunov exponential spectrums, two-dimensional projections and three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait are shown in Figures 1-4. From Figure 1 and Figure 2 one can see the system in this situation is in an asymptotically stable state. From Figure 3 and Figure 4 one can know the system motion gradually converges to the equilibrium point
as time goes by, which verifies the analytical results.
Choosing parameters
, the time histories, Lyapunov exponential spectrums, two-dimensional projections and three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait are shown in Figures 5-8. From Figures 5-8, one can see the system in this situation is under periodic motions and is also in a stable state. In the situation, there will occur the Hopf bifurcations in the system if the system is subjected to minor disturbance, which verifies the theoretical analysis in Section 4.
Choosing parameters
, the time histories, Lyapunov exponential spectrums, two-dimensional projections and three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait are shown in Figures 9-12. From Figure 9 one can see time histories are in a disordered state. Figure 10 shows that the system in this situation is hyperchaotic. From Figure 11 one can see plane projection on x-y plane is a family of quasi symmetric cumulative bicyclo and plane projection on z-w plane is in disorder. From Figure 11 one can see spatial projection in x-y-z space and spatial projection in x-y-w space are in a chaotic state.
Figure 1. The time histories for
Figure 2. The Lyapunov exponential spectrum for
Figure 3. two-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait for
. (a) Plane projection projected on x-y plane; (b) plane projection projected on z-w plane.
Figure 4. Three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait for
, (a) spatial projection projected in x-y-z space; (b) spatial projection projected in x-y-w space.
Figure 5. The time histories for
Figure 6. The Lyapunov exponential spectrum for
Figure 7. Two-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait for
. (a) Plane projection projected on x-y plane; (b) plane projection projected on z-w plane.
Figure 8. Three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait for
. (a) Spatial projection projected in x-y-z space; (b) spatial projection projected in x-y-w space.
Figure 9. The time histories for
Figure 10. The Lyapunov exponential spectrum for
Figure 11. Two-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait for
. (a)Plane projection projected on x-y plane; (b) plane projection projected on z-w plane.
Figure 12. Three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional phase portrait for
. (a) Spatial projection projected in x-y-z space; (b) spatial projection projected in x-y-w space.
6. Conclusion
With analytical and numerical methods, stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a new four-dimensional autonomous system are investigated in this manuscript. Determining conditions of equilibrium points on different parameters are derived at the beginning. Next stability conditions and bifurcation conditions are investigated successively. It is found that Hopf bifurcation on the initial point is supercritical in this four-dimensional autonomous system. The theoretical results are verified by numerical simulation. Besides, the new four-dimensional autonomous system under the parametric conditions of hyperchaos is investigated in detail. It is found that the system can enter hyperchaos, first through Hopf bifurcation and then through periodic bifurcation.
The project was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11772148, 11872201, 12172166) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2013T60531).