Study on 3D Geological Model of Highway Tunnels Modeling Method ()
Geology is the base for highways and tunnels construction. With the fast development of national highway construction, highway tunnel construction project are more and more complex. The completeness and accuracy are essential for the planning, design and construction of projects, while the ground information is quite poor in systematic, reliable and timely aspects. Therefore, the development of underground road tunnels, and the implementation of informationized spatial information management is urgent for highway construction. 3D geological tunnel model is intuitive, high efficient and convenience which greatly facilitates the maintenance and security of highway tunnels construction and it will be the trend for the future highway tunnel development.
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ZHENG, K. , ZHOU, F. , LIU, P. and KAN, P. (2010) Study on 3D Geological Model of Highway Tunnels Modeling Method.
Journal of Geographic Information System,
2, 6-10. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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