1. Introduction
The m-Möbius transformations are generated (see [1]) starting with
Sometimes it will be preferable to use instead of the parameter ωthe parameter
a, where
Applying recursively
we get
An easy computation shows that
If for arbitrary m we set
this will allow the computation of
is known, i.e. when all
have been computed.
We have proved in [1] and [2] that
, where
polynomials and
are symmetric sums of order j of
. Moreover, we have shown that for
we have that
are polynomials of degree k and
are polynomials of degrees
. Let us denote by
, respectively
these polynomials, i.e.
Let us notice that it is not obvious what should be in the blanks of these formulas and there is no way to proceed further without knowing it. The help comes from the formula (3) which implies:
These formulas allow us to compute recursively
for every k. Indeed, by (1) and (2) we have:
. Using (4) we get:
Using (5) we get:
, which gives:
Using (4) again we obtain:
, hence
Using (5) again we have:
, thus
Analogously, we compute:
These expressions agree with those found in [1] for
. Moreover, with the notation
instead of
we have:
The general forms of
can be easily guessed from here and then by using induction we can prove them rigorously with the help of (3):
We skip the induction step, which is elementary.
The functions (1) have been used in the theory of Lie groups (see [3] [4]) related to actions of those groups on non orientable Klein surfaces and, in general, on non orientable n-dimensional complex manifolds.
We have proved in [1] that, considered as Möbius transformations in each one of its variables, the functions
have all the same fixed points
, the roots of the equation
, thus
. By using Formulas (18) and (19) we can now prove that this is true for any m-Möbius transformation.
2. The Fixed Points of m-Möbius Transformations
Theorem 1. For every
the following identities are true:
Proof: The relations (20) and (21) are obvious for
. For an arbitrary k we proceed by induction supposing that (20) and (21) are true for every subscript
. Then we have by (4):
Also, we have by (5):
which implies (21). Hence (20) and (21) are true for every k.
Theorem 2 (The Main Theorem). For every
the function
, considered as a Möbius transformation in any one of its variables, has the same fixed points
, which are the solutions of the equation
Proof: The affirmation of this theorem may come as a surprise: there is no obvious reason why these functions depending on m independent complex variables should display such a strong property. As it will appear next, this is a result of the symmetry of coefficients appearing in Formulas (18) and (19). By (18), the equality
is true if and only if
Taking into account the fact that
and for every
we can replace
, where on the left hand side
are the symmetric sums of order j of
and on the right hand side
are the symmetric sums of order
, this last equality is:
This is a second degree equation in
. An easy computation shows that the coefficient of
and it is the same as the constant term of the equation.
Taking into account the Equality (20) we obtain for the coefficient of
the expression
therefore we have for the fixed points of
when considered as a function of
the equation:
then (22) is satisfied independently of the values of
, hence every point
is a fixed point of
considered as Möbius transformation in
and this is a trivial situation. Otherwise, if
then the fixed points are
such that
. Due to the symmetry of
(it depends only of symmetric sums of
), this is true for every variable
Now, taking into account (21) we can draw the same conclusion for
, except that this time instead of
we have
, which completely proves the theorem.
This theorem states that for every
, if
then we have
and for every
, if
then we have
. In other words, if we let constant the variables
is a Möbius transformation of the (zj)-plane having the fixed points
. Then the Steiner net (see [1]) determined by these fixed points is mapped by
onto a Steiner net in the (w)-plane. The pre-image by
of this last Seiner net is an object in
whose projections on every (zk)-plane,
is the Steiner net determined by the same points
from the respective plane. We will prove next that there is a unique Mö bius transformation of the (zj)-plane onto the (zk)-plane which carries those Steiner nets one into the other.
3. Omitted Values
It can be easily checked (see [2]) that
for every
, where
, hence if we want
to be a Möbius transformation in
we need to require that
is omitting the values a and 1/a. Analogously,
for every
, thus
is a Möbius transformation in
if and only if
is different of a and 1/a. However, the two functions are defined for every
, respectively for every
. Moreover, these equalities show that a and 1/a are in fact the fixed points of
and we can choose, for example
. Obviously, the fixed points belong to the domain of each function and they are omitted only when the variable is considered as a parameter. On the other hand, the identity
shows that indeed we need to omit those values for the parameter
, since otherwise the relations (24) cannot be true. It also results from the Equation (3) that
if and only if at least one of the variables is a and no other variable is 1/a. Similarly,
if and only if at least one of the variables is 1/a and no other variable is a.
4. Multipliers and Classification of m-Möbius Transformations
Let us deal first with the bi-Möbius transformations
, which is a Möbius transformations in
for every
, which is a
Möbius transformation in
for every
. By Theorem 2 they have the same fixed points
, solutions of the equation
Theorem 3. If
has distinct fixed points
, then for
there is a number
such that
and for every
there is a number
such that
Proof: The existence of those numbers is guaranteed by the following: If we set
, which carries
into 0 and
, then
, where
is considered as a function of
depending on the parameter
, is a Möbius transformation having the fixed points 0 and
. The only Möbius transformations satisfying such a property are those of the form
for some complex number
. Then:
We call the number
the multiplier of this transformation associated with
(see [5], p. 166). This is the multiplier of
as a function of
and it
depends on
. Similarly, for
, which carries
0 and
, we have again that
is a Möbius transformation having the fixed points 0 and
and therefore
, where this time
. It is obvious that the multipliers of
associated to
are respectively
, the multiplier of
(as a Möbius transformation
) associated with
is obtained replacing
in (25), i.e.
, or
and analogously,
Let us notice that the discriminant of the linear-fractional functions
and it is different of 0 since
, hence they are Möbius transformations, which means that there is a one-to-one correspondence between
, respectively
. On the other hand, it is known that the nature of a non parabolic Möbius transformation is completely characterized by the values of its multiplier (see [5], page 164), namely it is elliptic, hyperbolic or loxodromic when the multiplier is respectively
, or it is a real number
, or the product
. Since the inverse transformations of (26) and (27) are
we can state the following:
Theorem 4. The non parabolic bi-Möbius transformation (1) having distinct fixed points
regarded as a Möbius transformation in each one of its variables is elliptic, hyperbolic or loxodromic when the other variable takes the values
is respectively
, or
, or the product of two such numbers.
Proof: This is a straightforward result from Felix Klein classification (see [5], page 163) of classical Möbius transformations. We notice that
is a Möbius transformation and therefore it carries the unit circle
into a circle or a straight line. An easy computation shows that
, therefore if the image of the unit circle by
is a strait line, this line should be the real axis, otherwise it is a circle passing through 1 and −1. The function
also carries the real axis into a circle or a straight line. Checking if it is a straight line comes to see if the denominator of
cancels for a real
. It cancels for
and this is real when
is real. Otherwise, the image by
of the real axis is a circle passing through −1 and 1. We conclude that the non parabolic bi-Möbius transformation (1) is elliptic in every variable on a given generalized circle in the plane of the other variable and it is a hyperbolic bi-Möbius transformation in one variable when the other variable describes another given generalized circle. In all the other cases (1) is loxodromic.
Formula (30) describes the way the Steiner nets from the (z1)-plane and respectively the (z2)-plane (see [1]) corresponding to the fixed points
are moved by
into a Stainer net in the (w)-plane, when this last one is identified with the (z1)-plane, respectively with the (z2)-plane. Namely, when
the net is moved alongside every Apollonius circle (clockwise for the circles around
and counterclockwise for the circles around
, see Figure 1 below), while when
it is moved alongside every circle passing through
(see Figure 2 below). For a loxodromic transformation the motion is spiral-like alongside a double spiral issuing from
and ending in
(see [5], page 165 and 166).
When representing these motions on the Riemann sphere, it can be easily seen that the loxodromic motion is obtained by composing in any order the elliptic
Figure 1. Moving elliptic Steiner nets by f2 from the coordinate planes to the image plane.
Figure 2. Moving hyperbolic Steiner nets by f2 from the coordinate planes to the image plane.
and the hyperbolic corresponding motions (see [5], page 153). On the other hand, we have seen in [1] that given
there is a unique Möbius transformation
such that
therefore every Steiner net from the (w)-plane is the image by
of a couple of Steiner nets from the (z1)-plane, respectively (z2)-plane. These last nets are the image of each other by h, respectively by
(see the figures below).
The generalization of this theory to m-Möbius transformations for
can be easily done by using the recurrence formula (3).
Theorem 5. If the m-Möbius transformation (3) has distinct fixed points
, then it is elliptic, hyperbolic or loxodromic in each one of its variables when the multiplier
, or it is real different of 1, or respectively the product of two such numbers.
Proof: By Theorem 2,
has the same fixed points
when treated as a Möbius transformation in any one of its variables. For the
sake of simplicity, we choose the variable
. Let us denote
which carries
into 0 and
into ∞, then
stands for
in which all the variables except
are fixed) is a Möbius transformation having the fixed points 0 and
, hence
for some complex number
. This means
By writing repeatedly the recursive formula (3) we obtain
under the form
It can be easily seen from here that
Thus, by (31) we have
This formula shows how the multiplier
depends on
. It can be written also under the form:
which agrees with (28) and (29). We have seen in Theorem 4 that when
describes the unit circle, the right hand side in (35) describes a generalized circle. The pre-image by
of this circle is an object
. When
, the function
is an elliptic Möbius transformation in
. Similarly, when
, the right hand side in (35) describes a circle or a straight line, the pre-image by
of which is an object
. When
, the function
is a hyperbolic Möbius transformation in
. In all the other cases this Möbius transformation is loxodromic. Due to the symmetry of
this is true for any other variable
instead of
Now, let us project onto the (zl)-plane sections of
obtained by keeping
constant for all
. These projections are in turn generalized circles
in the (zl)-plane. Obviously,
for all
if and only if
, therefore, a non parabolic m-Möbius transformation
is an elliptic Möbius transformation in
if and only if
for every
. A similar property is true for
. In all the other cases
is loxodromic.
5. Parabolic m-Möbius Transformations
The function
, considered as a Möbius transformation in any one of its variables, is parabolic if and only if it has a unique fixed point, i.e. the equation
has a double root. Since
, this can happen if and only if
and then the fixed point is −1, i.e. for
we have
, let us define
, where
is considered as a function of
depending on the parameter
. The function
is a Möbius transformation having the unique fixed point
Then, necessarily,
for a complex number
. This number can be determined knowing
, i.e.
. We have
and then
It can be easily checked that (39) implies
We find analogously:
Having in view (37), every straight line parallel to the vector
is mapped by
onto itself and every orthogonal line to
is mapped onto another orthogonal line. On the other hand, we have
, which shows that
maps those orthogonal lines into two families of orthogonal circles passing through
, for every
. An analogous result is obtained if we switch
. These nets are mapped by
into a similar net in the (w)-plane passing through
. Figure 3 below illustrates this phenomenon.
For the general case, we notice that for
we have
, hence if
, then
, where the argument of
, is a Möbius transformation having the only fixed point
. Therefore
Figure 3. Moving parabolic Steiner nets by f2 from the coordinate planes to the image plane.
where this time
Again, every straight line parallel to the vector
in the (ζ)-plane is mapped by
into itself and every straight line orthogonal to
is mapped by
into another line orthogonal to
. On the other hand, since
, the
maps those orthogonal lines into two families orthogonal circles passing through
. The image by
of this net is a similar net in the (w)-plane. The pre-image by
of this last net is an object in
whose every section obtained by keeping
is projected onto the (zj)-plane into a similar net.
6. Groups of m-Möbius Transformations
, let us define
We will stick with this harmless change of notation in what follows since we need to specify the parameter on which every bi-Möbius transformation (42) depends.
We notice that
, hence
, which implies that M is not injective. However, we can choose a sub-domain of
in which M is injective, as for example
and if
. Let us notice that
if and only if
. In the following we will deal with the function
defined by
, where
are given by (43).
Theorem 6. The function M maps
one to one and onto
Proof: Indeed, let
. We are looking for
such that
. For arbitrary
, solving the first
Equation (43) for
we get
and dividing both the
denominator and numerator by
we obtain
Similarly, solving the second Equation (43) for
, with
already found, we get
and both Equation (43) are satisfied with these values of
. Hence we have found a couple
such that
, which means that M maps
. Moreover, both
have been uniquely determined since the first Equation (43) is a Möbius transformation in
for every
and the second Equation (43) is a Möbius transformation in
for every
, therefore M is injective, which completely proves the theorem.
The mapping
given by (44) and (45) is the inverse mapping
of M. We notice that although
is a Möbius transformation in
for every
is a Möbius transformation in
for every
, the mapping
is not of the same nature as M. To avoid this inconvenience, let us redefine M in the following way. With
, as previously given, we choose two other parameters
and set:
The functions
are Möbius transformations in
and respectively
, hence we can solve (46) and (47) for these variables and we get:
This time
is a bijective function for every
Thus, M and
are functions of the same nature depending on the parameters
and respectively
Let us denote by
the class of these functions, where
are fixed and notice that
if and only if
. Different values of the parameters
define different functions
. Two of them can be composed following the usual rule of function composition. We will show next that the result is an element of
Theorem 7. If
Proof: Let
and let
. Then
, which shows that indeed
, thus
(see [2]), which means that
(see [2]), hence the unit element of
, defined by
for every
, this composition law in
is commutative. Finally, with the proper notations, we have
hence the composition law in
is associative.
Corollary 1. The function composition law in
defines a structure of Abelian group on
This result is in contrast with the case of ordinary Möbius transformations in the plane for which the composition law is not commutative.
The generalization of this theory to the dimension m is straightforward. Let
be arbitrary complex numbers and let
. For every k and a parameter
we define the Möbius transformation in
depending on the parameter
. These transformations define a bijective
. Let
be the set of these functions endowed with the usual function composition law. Proceeding as for
, it can be easily proved that
is an Abelian group.
7. Conclusions
The m-Möbius transformations have been introduced in connection with Lie groups’ actions on complex manifolds (see [3] and [4]). They represent an interesting mathematical topic in itself and we dedicated ourselves to performing in this paper a study of these transformations parallel to that of classical Möbius transformations of the complex plane. The geometric properties of m-Möbius transformations revealed in [1] have been expanded in this paper by using the tool of multipliers. This became possible after proving that regarded as an ordinary Möbius transformation in any one of its variables, a m-Möbius transformation has the same fixed points. This is the main result and it was instrumental in the classification of these transformations. We ended the study with group properties of m-Möbius transformations by showing that they form Abelian groups.
The topic we dealt with here is a new one and it has been studied just in [1] [2] [3] [4]. No other reference was needed. In [5] one can find everything about ordinary Möbius transformations.
We thank Aneta Costin for her support with technical matters.