Solving Smooth Generalized Equations Using Modified Gauss-Type Proximal Point Method ()
1. Introduction
We are concerned with the problem of finding a point
is a smooth function, that is,
is a Fréchet differentiable function and
is a set valued mapping with closed graph acting between two different Banach spaces X and Y.
The generalized equation problem (1.1), for
, was introduced by Robinson [1] [2] as a general tool for describing, analyzing, and solving different problems in a unified manner. This kind of generalized equation problems has been studied extensively. Various examples are system of inequalities, variational inequalities, linear and nonlinear complementary problems, system of nonlinear equations, equilibrium problems, etc.; see for examples, [3] [4] [5].
For solving (1.1), several iterative methods have been discussed such as Newton-type method, proximal point method, etc.; see in [6] [7] [8]. To solve (1.1) for the case
a Hilbert space, the proximal point algorithm (PPA) is a very popular method. The origin of the PPA can be traced back in the works of Martinet [9] for variational inequalities. This PPA has been further refined and extended in [10] [11] [12] to a more general setting, including convex programs, convex-concave saddle point problems and variational inequality problems. Rockafellar [11] earnestly analyzed the PPA in the general structure of maximal monotone inclusions.
denotes the subset of X for all
and for some sequence of positive numbers
, which is characterized as follows:
Dontchev and Rockafellar [13] planned the following proximal point algorithm for solving (1.1):
By using some suitable conditions, the sequences generated by Dontchev and Rockafellar [13] are not uniquely defined and not every sequence is convergent. The results, obtained in [13], guarantee the existence of one sequence, which is linearly convergent to the solution. Hence, from the aspect of mathematical estimations, this type of method is not agreeable in mathematical utilizations. This barrier inspires us to nominate a method “so called” modified Gauss-type proximal point algorithm (modified G-PPA). The difference between Algorithm 1 and our proposed Algorithm 2 is that the modified G-PPA generates sequences, whose every sequence is convergent, but this does not happen for Algorithm 1.
We observe from Algorithm 2, that:
1) if
is singleton, Algorithm 2 matches with Algorithm 1.
2) if
, and
a Banach space, Algorithm 2 is equivalent to the Gauss-type proximal point method, which has been introduced by Rashid et al. [14].
3) if
a sequence of Lipschitz continuous functions and
, Algorithm 2 is comparable to the general version of Gauss-type proximal point algorithm, which has been introduced by Alom et al. [5].
There has been a large study on semi-local analysis for some special cases such as Newton method for nonlinear least square problems [7], the extended Newton-type method for solving variational inclusions [15] and the Gauss-Newton method for convex inclusion problems [16]. For finding the solution to (1.1), Rashid et al. [8] introduced the Gauss-Newton type method and achieved the semi-local and local convergence results. In his sequential paper [3], Rashid introduced the Gauss-type proximal point method for finding the solution to variational inequality problem and obtained the semi-local and local convergence results. Alom et al. [5] have presented the general version of Gauss-type proximal point algorithm for solving (1.1) in the case
and analyzed the semi-local and local convergence results. In recent times, Khatun and Rashid [4] have presented the extended Newton-type method for generalized equations with Holderian assumptions and obtained both semi-local and local convergence results.
Gauss-type proximal point method (G-PPA) is presented for variational inequalities, metrically regular mappings, etc; see for examples [3] [14]. We present the G-PPA for smooth generalized equations with some modifications in the main theorem, which is presented by Alom and Rashid [17] to prove the semi-local and local convergence results. We show that our method is more effective than the previous method for solving the smooth generalized equations. To the best of our knowledge, there is no study on semi-local analysis for solving (1.1) by using the modified Gauss-type proximal point method. Thus we conclude that the contributions, presented in this study seem new.
In the present paper, our aim is to study the semi-local convergence of the modified G-PPA defined by Algorithm 2. The vital tools in our study are the metric regularity property, which was introduced by Dontchev and Rockafellar [18], and Lipschitz-like property for set-valued mappings, whose concept was introduced by Aubin [19] [20]. Our fundamental results are the convergence principle, entrenched in Section 3, which, based on the information around the initial point, provide some sufficient conditions to assure the convergence to a solution of any sequence generated by Algorithm 2. As a consequence, local convergence results for the modified G-PPA are obtained.
This paper is arranged as follows: In Section 2, we recall some significant notations, concepts, some preliminary results and also recall a fixed point theorem which has been proved by Dontchev and Hager (cf. [21]). This fixed-point theorem is the vital mechanism to prove the existence of any sequence generated by Algorithm 2. In Section 3, we consider the modified G-PPA, which is introduced in this section, as well as the concept of metric regularity property and the Lipschitz-like property for set valued mappings to show the existence and the convergence of the sequence generated by Algorithm 2. To verify the convergence results of the modified G-PPA, we present a numerical example in Section 4. In the last section, we give a summary of the main results obtained in this paper.
2. Notations and Preliminary Results
Suppose X and Y are two real or complex Banach spaces. In this section, we present some notations and collect some results that will be helpful to prove our necessary results. The closed ball with centered at a and radius r is denoted by
. All the norms are denoted by
. For each
, the distance from a point x to a set
is defined by
, while the excess from the set
to the set C is defined by
be a set-valued mapping. Here
is the graph of H and
is the domain of H. The inverse of H is denoted by
and is defined by
for each
We recall the concept of metric regularity for a set valued mapping from [14], and have been studied extensively; see for examples [3] [6].
Definition 2.1. Let
be a set-valued mapping and
. Let
. Then H is said to be
1)metrically regular at
with constant
2) metrically regular at
if there exist constants
such that H is metrically regular at
with constant
The notion of Lipschitz-like continuity for set-valued mapping is taken from [15]. This concept was introduced by Aubin [20] and has been studied extensively; see for examples [5] [8] [13].
Definition 2.2. Let
be a set-valued mapping and let
. Let
. Then
is said to be Lipschitz-like at
with constant m if the following inequality hold:
From [18], we take the following result which establishes the equivalence relation between metric regularity of a mapping H at
and the Lipschitz-like continuity of the inverse
. This result obtained from the idea in [12] [14].
Lemma 2.1. Let
be a set valued mapping and
. Let
. Then H is metrically regular at
with constant L if and only if its inverse
is Lipschitz-like at
with constant L, that is, for all
We end this section with the following lemma. This lemma is known as Banach fixed point theorem which has been proved by Dontchev and Hagger in [21]. This lemma is used to prove the existence of any sequence generated by Algorithm 2.
Lemma 2.2. Let
be a set-valued mapping. Let
be such that
has a fixed point in
,that is,there exists
such that
is additionally single-valued,then the fixed point of
is unique.
3. Convergence Analysis of the Modified G-PPA
be a smooth function on
, and let
be a set valued mapping with closed graph, where X and Y are Banach spaces. Let
be such that
. We define
From (3.1), it is obvious that
We need the following lemma to establish our main result:
Lemma 3.1. Let
be a set valued mapping which has locally closed graph at
. Let
be defined by (3.1). Let H be metrically regular at
with constant
. Let
be Lipschitz continuous on
with Lipschitz constant
. Then the mapping
is metrically regular at
with constant
Proof. We obtain according to our assumption on H that
For all
, we will show that
To finish this, we will proceed by induction on k and verify that there exists a sequence
, with
, such that, for
, satisfies the following assertions:
It is clear that (3.3) is hold for
. Using the second condition in (3.1), we get
and since
, so
is positive, and hence
. This implies that
. Thus, for all
, we have
This shows that
. Since H has locally closed graph, there exists
and it shows that (3.2) holds for
. Also, for the metric regularity condition of H, we can write
, from the first condition in (3.1) we have that
Thus, from (3.7), we write
It shows that
. By using (3.7) we can write that
We obtain from the second condition in (3.1) that
and since
is positive, so
implies that
. Thus, from (3.8) we get
This implies that
. As H has locally closed graph, there exists
and it is clear that (3.2) is true for
. Now, by using
and the metric regularity condition of H, we can write
We obtain from (3.6) and (3.9) that
We obtain from (3.10), by using
for all values of
such that
and the first condition in (3.1), that
It shows that
. We obtain by using the metric regularity condition on H that
Hence (2.3) is true for
. This shows that (3.2) and (3.3) are valid for
for the constructed points
. Suppose
are constructed such that (3.2) and (3.3) are valid for
. By induction hypothesis, we have to create
such that (3.2) and (3.3) are valid for
First, we will show that
for all
. Thus from (3.3), we obtain that
Also, by using (3.11), (3.6) and the first condition in (3.1), we write that
It shows that
for all
. From (3.12) for
and by using the second condition in (3.1), we obtain
. Thus, there exists
as H has locally closed graph. This implies that (3.2) is valid for
. We obtain by using the metric regularity condition on H that
Thus the induction steps are finished and therefore (3.2) and (3.3) are true for all k. By using
, we obtain from (3.13) that
We obtain from (3.14) and by using the relation
from (3.12) that
. As
, we observe from (3.13) that the sequence
is a Cauchy sequence, and all its elements are in
. So, this sequence converges to some
, that is,
. Then taking limit in (3.2) and the local closedness of
, satisfies
, that is,
We obtain by using (3.3) and (3.5) that
Hence the proof of the Lemma 3.1 is completed. □
To proof our main result, we consider a sequence of scalars
Define a mapping
and a set valued mapping
for each
Our main theorem, which ensures the convergence of the modified G-PPA by using some sufficient conditions with initial point
, gives as follows:
Theorem 3.1. Suppose
and that
is metrically regular at
with constant
is closed. Let
be such that
Suppose that
Then,with initial point
,there exists some
such that Algorithm 1 generates at least one sequence and any generated sequence
converges to a solution
of (1.1), that is,
satisfies that
Proof. Consider
such that
exists by (3.17) and assumption (c)). It is enough to show that Algorithm 2 generates at least one sequence and any generated sequence
We will proceed by induction method. For each
, define
Using assumptions (b) and (c) with
, we have
It is clear that (3.19) is true for
. For showing that (3.20) is true for
, it is sufficient to prove that the point
exists, that is,
. By applying Lemma 2.2 to the mapping
, we have to show that
. Let us check that assertions (2.1) and (2.2) of Lemma 2.2 are satisfied with
. Granting this, Lemma 2.2 is applicable to conclude that there exists a fixed point
such that
, which implies that
, that is,
Note that
. By using the definition of excess e with the mapping
in (3.16) and using the relations
, we have
From the second relation in assumption (a), since
, so
). Again, using assumption (c) with the relation
, we see that,
This becomes
. Thus from (3.23), by using (3.24), (3.21) and Lemma 2.1, we observe that
This implies that assertion (2.1) of Lemma 2.2 is satisfied. Next, we show that assertion (2.2) of Lemma 2.2 is also satisfied. Suppose
. Thus, by the first relation
from assumption (a) and
from (3.22), we have
. By the second relation in assumption (a), we get
) and by using the assumption (c) with the relation
, we obtain that
. Similarly,
. Hence, by Lemma 2.1, we see that
, by assumption (b) (3.25) becomes
It shows that assertion (2.2) of Lemma 2.2 is also satisfied. Thus, both the assertions of fixed point lemma 2.2 are satisfied. Thus, we can conclude that there exists a fixed point
such that
. Hence,
, and consequently, we can choose
such that
is defined by Algorithm 2 and by the definition of
, we obtain that
Hence we get
Using the second relation
in assumption (a) and assumption (c) with the choice of
, we see that
and so
. We obtain from (3.26) and (3.27) by using the metric regularity condition of
with constant
We obtain from (3.28) by using (3.18) that
Also, from (3.29) by using assumption (b), we get
Hence (3.20) is true for
. Consider (3.19) and (3.20) are true for
and assume that
are generated by Algorithm 2. Thus, we obtain
Hence, (3.19) is true for
. Now, we have to show that there exists a point
such that (3.20) is true for
. In the similar way, we obtain by using Algorithm 2 as we did for the case of
, that
Therefore (3.20) is true for
and so (3.19) and (3.20) are true for all k. It shows that
is a Cauchy sequence and hence it is convergent, say, to
. So, we obtain a point
such that
. Thus
by the closedness of
. Hence, the proof of theorem 3.1 is completed. □
Consider the special case where
is a solution of (1.1), that is,
, Theorem 3.1 is reduced to the following corollary, which describes the local convergence of the sequence generated by Algorithm 2.
Corollary 3.1. Suppose that
and that
. Assume that
is metrically regular at
which have locally closed graph at
with constant
. Suppose that
Choose a sequence of scalars
.Then there exists
such that any sequence
generated by Algorithm 2with initial point
converges to a solution
satisfies that
Proof. By our assumption
is metrically regular at
which have locally closed graph at
with constant
. Then there exist constants
such that
is metrically regular at
with constant
, that is, the following inequality holds
be such that
and let
. Since
is very close to
, then, for every
near 0 such that
is locally closed at
. Then (3.32) allow us to take
so that
Thus, for each
, one has that
that is,
is metrically regular at
with constant
. Choose
be such that
Thus, we can choose
such that
Now, it is routine to verify that all the assumptions in Theorem 3.1 are verified. Therefore to complete the proof of the corollary, we can apply Theorem 3.1. □
4. Numerical Experiment
To verify the semi-local convergence results of the modified G-PPA, a numerical example is presented in this section.
Example 4.1. Let
. Define a differentiable function h on
and a set-valued mapping H on
. Then
is a set-valued mapping on
defined by
. Then Algorithm 2 generates a sequence which converges to
. Then it is clear from the statement that
is metrically regular at
. From (1.2), we obtain that
On the other hand, if
we obtain that
Thus from (3.31), we obtain that
The following Figure 1 is the graphical representation of
Figure 1. The graph of
for the given values of
, thus we conclude that the sequence generated by Algorithm 2 converges linearly, which confirms the semi-local convergence result of our algorithm. The following Table 1, obtained by using Matlab program, indicates that the solution of the generalized equation is 0.25 when
Table 1. Finding a solution of generalized equation.
5. Concluding Remarks
We have established semi-local and local convergence result for the modified G-PPA defined by Algorithm 2 under the assumptions that h is a smooth function and H is metrically regular with
. We have presented a numerical example to justify the semi-local convergence of the modified G-PPA. If
is singleton, Algorithm 2 is identical with the Algorithm 1 introduced by Dontchev and Rockafellar [13]. This result extends and improves the result obtained in [3] [13].