Effect of ICT Use on Library Service Delivery: A Comparative Approach from Two Universities


The study is aimed at investigating the effect of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use on library service delivery in two universities namely, University of Ghana library (Ghana) and Jiangsu university library (China). The paper adopted quantitative method and used a structured questionnaire to gather the research data. A sample size of 62 staff from Jiangsu University Library and 80 staff from the University of Ghana Library were selected. In all, a sample size of 142 respondents was used. Mathematical statistics methods, such as mean scores, standard deviations, independent samples t-test and structural equation modelling were used in making meaning of the data gathered. Results revealed that Reference, Digital, and Circulation services but Social media, were effective in service delivery in both universities. It was also revealed that lack of trained library personnel, poor internet connection and erratic power supply were the major challenges faced by UG library in the use of ICT. Lastly, result on effect of ICT use on library services revealed that the level of ICT use in library operations significantly influenced the level of library services delivered by both Jiangsu University (JU) library and University of Ghana (UG) library. The study recommends that academic libraries capitalize on the prospects of social media, to promote their services to their patrons (the academic community). Recommendation is also made for libraries to focus on the use of social media as a viable avenue to promote library services.

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Essien, F.K., Lu, Z.P., Abredu, P. and Zotoo, I.K. (2022) Effect of ICT Use on Library Service Delivery: A Comparative Approach from Two Universities. Open Access Library Journal, 9, 1-22. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1108653.

1. Introduction

The term library has evolved from being a physical structure sited in a particular geographic area into a virtual or an electronic environment that is easily accessible globally. Formally, library collections were contained in a physical structure and consisted of physical materials or information resources like books, encyclopedias, periodicals, films and video tapes. Now, library collection comprises both the physical materials and all digital or electronic information resources and services provided that the library provides [1] [2]. Libraries have become one of the institutions mostly used to manage, disseminate and preserve knowledge. They try to meet the demands and needs of the current and future civilizations. In other words, satisfying the educational needs, cultural needs and the general information needs of their users [3] [4].

The technological change and its resultant transition from printing to digital publications have affected how information is managed, processed and used. Once upon a time, library collection was made up of only printed materials, since educational materials were only published in print. Technological revolution has introduced a new way by which information resources are being presented as well as a new infrastructure for information dissemination [5]. This has enabled library staff to manage, process and disseminate information across the globe. As a result, users can now have access to libraries’ multimedia information remotely from anywhere in the world [6]. For instance, library patrons can now make reservations for their favourite library items online by using Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) [7] [8].

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a broad and distinct concept. It is defined by Blurton [9], as the use of all forms of technology related tools and resources to perform activities such as communicating, creation, dissemination, storage and managing information. Information and Communication technology (ICT) is widely recognized as a critical tool for improving and promoting efficiency in a variety of development areas [10] [11]. Libraries have worked to create and apply many types of technological innovations to enhance how services are delivered to users since the inception of ICT. Since the early 1970s, librarians have installed and deployed devices and software to improve their operations [12]. They’ve accomplished this through collaboration and cooperation with individuals and technological agencies, incorporating library and patron demands into the design and management of these technologies [13]. Despite the significant impact this technological change has made on libraries and librarians in developed countries, in particular, it has also presented a big challenge to librarians in developing countries. In his study to investigate students’ loss of interest in using certain library services, Ali postulated that one of the causes of such development is a lack of trained library staff [14].

The aim of libraries is to provide services that satisfy their users’ needs and wants, and the incorporation of ICT into library services has provided libraries with a great opportunity to do so [15]. As seen in research by [16] and [17], the expansion of ICT in libraries has demanded investigations on its use and effect on services. Existing research mostly focuses on ICT and its effect on Library Services, particularly in the areas of ongoing developments that have transformed how libraries access, retrieve, store, control and disseminate information to users [18]. Related research only examined the different characteristics of digital libraries, their purposes, advantages, and certain key features [19]. In academic libraries, little research has been done on ICT and its effect on library services.

Furthermore, extant studies are limited to evaluating the effectiveness of library services and their challenges from the perspective of users. For instance, [20] focused on the extent to which users utilize ICT based library services and facilities and the challenges they are confronted with when using ICT products and services in the libraries investigated. Initial literature analyses reveal that, little research has been done on the topic in Ghana and China. Library administrators in Ghana and other parts of the world, particularly in academic libraries, struggle to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of their ICT implementations, as well as the degree to which their libraries meet users’ expectations and requests. Hence, the motivation for this study is to fill these gaps.

2. Research Objectives

・ To assess the level of effectiveness in service delivery among the two University libraries.

・ To assess the challenges in the use of ICT on library services delivery in the two University libraries.

・ To assess the effects of ICT use on library services delivery in the two University libraries.

3. Literature Review

3.1. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Concept

“Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is both a huge industry, and the source of dramatic changes in business practices in all sectors [21]. The term ICT covers a number of related fields of study and scope, from semiconductor design and production, hardware manufacture (mainframes, servers, PCs, and mobile devices), and software, data storage, backup and retrieval, networking, and the internet [22] [23].”

[24] shared her opinion on how ICT has changed job functions in organizations. She explained this in three ways. First and foremost, there has been automation of clerical jobs and routine tasks which are often involved in assembly-line. In addition, non-routine task done by skilled personnel has been changed. Finally, productivity has increased due to support ICT gives to technical and managerial jobs.

3.2. Importance of ICT Use in University Libraries

Libraries play a significant role within universities by supporting their objectives of teaching, learning, research and other services to their communities [25]. The degree to which universities are able to work to achieve their objectives, shows how much support the university libraries have been providing, by way of making important information resources available to their users [26].

For the past two decades, university libraries have seen an evolution process as a result of the application of IT. This transition was identified in the area of resource acquisition and usage as well as users [27].

Libraries are now using ICT to offer services like circulation, cataloguing and classification, referencing, money transition, acquisition, documentary delivery, user orientation, inter library loan, chat assistance and e-mail, bibliographic, web 2.0 interactive sharing, photocopies, electronic contents and book and serial.

Apart from the numerous benefits remote libraries derive from such opportunities, university libraries are also enabled to provide speedy and vital information to library users by these opportunities [28] [29] [30]. The internet is considered to be one of the greatest things that have happened in the past century [31]. According to Fitzgerald and Savage [32], the World Wide Web has had lots of influence on libraries, especially in terms of logistics of service delivery. [23] posit that, academic libraries are now able to provide access to broad information around the globe without geographical boundary though the availability of internet and e-mail facilities.

3.3. Effects of ICT Use in Academic Libraries

One of the factors that might affect the use of ICT in the organization is the impact it makes. Concerning Information Technology and its usage in organizations, [33] as cited in [34], indicated that, ICT was able to revolutionize some parts of the working conditions of employees in an organization, such as the enterprise and mutual relationships which could ultimately affect employees and the gratification they get from their job significantly. The adoption and use of ICT are essential not only to university libraries, but also to the development of a nation as a whole. However, there is a significant divide with regard to the effects of ICT use, between developing countries, specifically, African countries and developed countries, specifically, China’s ICT [35] [36].

In respect to academic libraries, the radical change from the traditional and manual process of accomplishing tasks in the library working environment to a rapid usage of ICT has had a significant effect both on the wellbeing of beneficiaries of library services and librarians [37] [38] [39]. Baro [40] indicates that provision of academic library services has now been revolutionized with the adoption and use of ICT. He intimates that, “ICT is heavily utilized in the storage, processing and dissemination of information.

Thompson and Pwadura [41] also, in enumerating the benefits of use of ICT at the Navrongo campus library, University for Development Studies, posit that, “the Navrongo Campus Library is now enjoying the Primary Level of Automation (PLA), where a patron can search to determine the status of a library book before he or she comes to the library to borrow. One can also make reservations through this service.

Defaulters and patrons in possession of overdue library materials can now be easily traced and given sanctions according to library rules [41]. Similar views are expressed by [42], who suggests that, “Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) enhances service provision to library clientele.

3.4. ICT Use and Associated Challenges

According to [43], one of the factors that negatively affect the adoption and use of ICTs is poor economic condition. [44] and [45] recount how expensive is it to put up an ICT infrastructure. They explained that lots of things go into the setting up of an ICT infrastructure. Things such as the building of network infrastructure, purchasing of computers and accessories and hiring or employing of highly skilled staff to manage the system. To acquire all of these are capital intensive they added.

Lots of universities in Africa are supported and funded by the governments and do not create profits on their own. This assertion has been shown in number of studies and the end result has always been that ICT turns to suffer because the governments channel their scarce resources of funding to other prioritised areas rather than ICT [43] [46] [47]. One needs resources like affordable and reliable internet supply, good computing facilities, steady electricity supply, among others, in order to enjoy ICT usage. However, studies conducted by [44] and [48] revealed that adoption and use of ICTs by countries who lack the resources that give access to ICT, continue to remain fairly low. Developing countries like Nigeria and Malawi continue to battle with this same problem [23].

4. Conceptual Framework and Study Hypotheses

Based on the objectives of the study, the researcher developed a conceptual framework to serve as the engine that will help establish influence that one phenomenon has on others. The role of the framework also, is to buttress the significance of the literature sourced, to answer a question that other researchers have not explained yet and to understand the gap in the field of study that needs to be filled by the researcher. The conceptual framework of this study shows the relationship between the variables used. Thus, the Dependent variables (Reference service, Digital content, Circulation service and Social media service) and Independent Variable (ICT Use). Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework for the study.

Based on the sampled population the researcher developed hypotheses to predict possible outcome or results of the research. In this study, the researcher tries to confirm that ICT will make significant differences in the library service delivery. The following hypotheses were put forward:

The use of ICT in the sampled university libraries has positively affected access to reference materials. [49] asserts that use of ICT in libraries has enhanced the

Figure 1. Conceptual framework diagram.

rendering of references services like “ask a librarian” and remote access to reference librarians. Hence, hypothesis 1 (H1) frames as follows:

H1: ICT Use has a significant positive effect on Reference services of university libraries.

ICT use in the sampled university libraries has allowed digitization of library collection for easy access. [50] maintains that innovative use of ICT has an effect on digital contents. In short, ICT use has affected digital content service positively. Hence, hypothesis 2 (H2) frames as follows:

H2: ICT Use has a significant positive effect on Digital content Service of university libraries.

ICT use in the sampled university libraries has made library function such as Circulation less laborious and efficient. [7] opines that present circulation service of libraries is being influenced heavily by ICT. In a nutshell, ICT use has affected Circulation services positively. Hence, hypothesis 3 (H3) frames as follows:

H3: ICT Use has a significant positive effect on Circulation Services of university libraries.

The use of ICT in the sampled university libraries has improved easy flow of information from the libraries to users than before. [51] postulates that the use of ICT has brought a lot of relevance to social media. It is therefore assumed that ICT use has affected social media services positively. Hence, hypothesis 4 (H4) frames as follows:

H4: ICT Use has significant positive effect on social media services of university library. The overall hypotheses are summarized below.

H1: ICT Use has a significant positive effect on reference services of university libraries.

H2: ICT Use has a significant positive effect on circulation services of university libraries.

H3: ICT Use has a significant positive effect on digital content services of university libraries.

H4: ICT Use has a significant positive effect on social media services of university libraries.

5. Methodology

The study adopted quantitative method and used structured questionnaire to gather the research data. The research design was also cross-sectional, as data was gathered at a particular point in time, from a cross-section of a population, to make inferences and generalization to the entire population of the study. The researcher used eight weeks in all, to collect the data for the study. Questionnaires were administered to respondents in two forms. Respondents in UG library were given hardcopy or printed questionnaire while data from respondents in JU library was collected through online survey. This study used questionnaire as the data collection tool, as questionnaires are more constant, stable and have uniform measures with no variations and also reduce research bias [52]. The questionnaire had five sections. Section A addressed respondents’ demographics. Section B addressed level of effectiveness of library service delivery, measured on a Likert scale of 1-Not effective at all, 2-Not effective, 3-Somehow effective, 4-Effective, and 5-Highly effective. Section C addressed the effects of ICT Use on library services, measured on a Likert scale of 1-Strongly disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Somehow agree, 4-Agree, and 5-Strongly agree. Finally, Section D addressed the challenges of ICT Use, also measured on a measured on a Likert scale of 1-Strongly disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Somehow agree, 4-Agree, and 5-Strongly agree. Likert scale is preferred by most researchers because it is simple and easy to interpret. The researcher also chose Likert scale because it is easy for computation and requires minimum thinking (easy to complete) [53].

200 staff were initially selected for both libraries. Purposive and convenient sampling were used in selecting the respondents from both libraries. 62 staff respondents were obtained from Jiangsu University Library and 80 staff respondents from the University of Ghana Library. In all, 142 respondents fell under the two sampling techniques. To ensure consistency, the primary data was first edited to correct any errors before being coded and analyzed. The quantitative data was analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS v.23) and Amos (v.23) to generate and interpret the variables. Mathematical statistics methods, such as mean scores, standard deviations, independent samples t-test and structural equation modelling were used in making meaning of the data gathered.

Since the mean provides a central value but no information about where it came from, it was important to find in order to allow us to measure the data sets dispersion, which would in turn give us differences between the two groups (population) [54]. The standard deviation was used to provide the data variance and the square root of the values obtained [54]. An independent sample t-test was done as it allowed the researchers to tell whether there is a statistically significant difference in the mean scores for the two groups or not [55]. SEM facilitated in modeling the relationships between the observed indicators and latent constructs. Based on theory for measurement model, SEM was used because of its capacity to combine empirical observations with relations among unobserved constructs into a single integrated system [56].

6. Test Reliability and Validity

Reliability and validity issues are critical concerns in research. This study therefore undertook some measures to ensure the final results presented were based on reliable and valid data, as well as sound methodology. As part of SEM, it is expected that the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) are presented to ensure the soundness of the path estimates. Discriminant validity was also checked.

6.1. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

Table 1 presents the EFA results, which were run in SPSS (v.23). The questionnaire had 8 observed items measuring ICT Effect. The dependent variable, Library Service, had four dimensions. These were circulation services, reference services, digital content services, and social media services. Circulation service had 6 observed variables, reference service had 9 observed items, digital content service had 5 observed variables, and social media services 7 observed variables.

The total variance extracted (TVE) was expected to be at least 50%, and from Table 1, we realized the TVE for this study was 76.54%, which was very high. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) Measure of Sampling Adequacy, and a minimum of 0.6 was expected. This study however scored 0.814. The Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity was expected to be statistically significant, to indicate there existed adequate correlations among the variables to warrant EFA. Results for this was statistically significant (x2 = 644.22; Sig. = 0.000), indicating EFA was appropriately conducted. The correlation Determinant was expected to be not equal to zero (0), as an indication of positive definiteness. The Determinant for this EFA was 0.0005 (greater than 0), indicating there was positive definiteness in the data used for the estimation.

6.2. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)

After the EFA met the respective thresholds, the data was further tested using CFA, as presented in Table 2. Just like the EFA, the standardized factor loadings for each measurement variables were expected to be at least 0.5. This was achieved for all the measurement items, indicating the measurement items significantly defined the proposed latent variables. The Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) for all the variables were larger than the minimum expected value of 0.7, indicating there was high internal consistency among the measurement variables.

Table 1. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA).

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Source: Field Data (2020).

Table 2. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

Source: Field Data (2020).

As per model fit indices, CMIN/DF is expected to be less than 3, GFI should be at least 0.8, TLI and CFI are all expected to be greater than 0.9, whiles RMSEA and SRMR are also expected to be less than 0.08 [57]. From Table 2, it is realized that the results met these thresholds, and so we concluded that our data appropriately fit the construct model.

7. Analysis and Discussion

7.1. The Level of Effectiveness in Service Delivery among the Two University Libraries

The first objective of this paper sought to assess the level of effectiveness in the delivery of library services among the two Universities. Four library services were identified from literature, which were Reference services, Circulation, Digital contents and Social media. To assess if there existed any significant differences in the library services provided by JU and UG, independent samples t-test was conducted. Results revealed that both universities were effective in service delivery through Reference, Digital and Circulation services. Both universities were seen to have performed poorly through social media service. According to [58], the effective service delivery of a library is assessed by measuring the satisfaction that users derive from the service. That is, if the service meets the demands placed on it. In relation to the findings of this study, he remarked that library patrons are much concerned with the quality of the reference service they receive, and that providing a high-quality reference service should be a priority for all library services.

In assessing the perception of library service quality, [59] identified that the respondents perceived provision of circulation services, reference services as of good quality or effective, meritorious and encouraging. This supports the choice of our constructs in the assessment of the effectiveness of library service delivery.

[60] stated that libraries in academic institutions employ social media tools not only for communication purposes, but that they have also adapted their research methodologies to this context. Regrettably, only a few African university libraries have social networking sites, and only a few have been able to link their sites to their library’s website [61]. This result also corroborates with the assertion of [62], that there are limitations involved in the use of social media (WhatsApp) for library service delivery. He outlined technological competence required to use the web client system to deliver services and time investment in the management of social media, as some of these bottlenecks. Tables 3-6 present the t-test scores for the four services.

7.2. Challenges in the Use of ICT on Library Services Delivery in the Two University Libraries

To determine if there existed any significant differences in the challenges among both libraries, an independent samples t-test was conducted. Eighteen (18) ICT challenges were identified from literature and performed the test on. Result

Table 3. Independent samples T-test: reference service.

Source: Field Data (2020)

Table 4. Independent samples T-test: circulation service.

Source: Field Data (2020).

Table 5. Independent samples T-test: digital contents.

Source: Field Data (2020).

Table 6. Independent samples T-test: social media.

Source: Field Data (2020).

revealed that both universities had only one (1) challenge in common, which was copyright and intellectual property rights management. It was also revealed that both universities were not facing four (4) out of the eighteen challenges which were examined. These included, no suitable working environment, lack of interest by library users, lack of co-operation within libraries and lack of awareness of ICT potentials by users. However, UG was found to be battling with twelve (12) out of eighteen of the challenges surveyed. These were, lack of trained library personnel on ICT; erratic power supply (which is a major challenge in Ghana, popularly known as “dumsor”); poor attitude of staff towards library automation and their unwillingness to change old ways of doing things; poor attitude of university management on ICT; lack of access to appropriate ICT equipment; fear of change and a lack of personal change management skills; lack of ICT equipment support; obsolescence of software and hardware; cost of maintenance; cost of staff training; poor internet connection and poor connectivity; and the lack of back up services i.e. electricity/generator. The results corroborate with the assertion of [63] that, the major problem that the twenty-first century libraries are faced with is not insufficient funding, but the abysmal performance of library staff and other information professionals in underdeveloped nations due to a lack of ICT skills. One of the major restrictions that has given rise to the development of poor internet in Africa, according to [64], is lack of setup funds to build internet facilities. [65] postulate to further support this, that there is no effective telecommunications and power supply infrastructure in Africa to act as starting blocks for the development of internet services.

JU library showed less ICT challenges because they have improved ICT infrastructure which even reflected in the effectiveness of their service delivery. The reason for this significant progress and achievement is because China has put in place various policies to ensure and promote ICT utilization, especially in their educational sector. The education ministry in China for example, has effectively carried out several projects to facilitate and promote ICT use in schools. Some of these projects are School to School Network Project (Xiaoxiao tong) [66], New Curriculum Standards [67] and the Teachers Professional Development for ICT in Education [68]. Another important developmental resolution made by China in their educational reform is promotion of educational modernization with the use of ICT. Table 7 presents the t-test scores for ICT use challenges.

7.3. Effects of ICT Use on Library Services Delivery in the Two University Libraries

The last objective of this study focused on the main thrust of the study, that is, assessing the effect of ICT use on library services delivery among the two Universities. To meet this objective, a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was adopted, using Amos (v.23). The dependent variables thus represented the four dimensions of library service (Reference services, Circulation, Digital contents, and Social media), whiles the independent variable was ICT Use. Data from the two institutional libraries were merged and used for the SEM, because 1) the t-test presented (Table 3 to Table 4) indicate that there existed no significant differences in the data from two institutions, data was homogenous, and 2) larger sample size is more ideal for running SEM, so running the SEM for each University may be inappropriate (63 samples for JU and 80 for UG). Figure 2 and Table 8 represent the path summary for the SEM. The estimation was conducted after the EFA and CFA.

The results revealed that the level of ICT use in library operations significantly influenced the level of library services delivered by both JU library and UG library. The result is supported by the findings of [69], who stated that ICT has had enormous impact on the operations and services of the University libraries in Nigeria. This is in line with [70] assertion that, the digital shift spurred by ICT

Table 7. Independent samples T-test: Challenges of ICT use.

Source: Field Data (2020).

Figure 2. SEM path summary.

Table 8. SEM path summary.

*** ~ p-value significant at 0.01 (1%)

innovation has significantly changed academic libraries’ service delivery. He adds that ICT has had an impact on every aspect of academic libraries’ services and has revolutionized the library and information services globally. Supporting these views, [71] opines that Information and communication technology (ICT) possess the key to modernizing information services, as it does not only introduce new ways of processing information, but also changes the structure of information and how it is communicated. [72] also reported how the use of Information and communication technology has had a profound effect on library work in Chinese libraries. According to [72], the use of ICT has greatly changed the way information is processed, stored and delivered in Chinese libraries. With the individual dimensions of library services, results showed that ICT digital content service had the greatest impact of 0.642 coefficient representing 64.2%. this was followed by reference service with 55.4%, circulation services with 47.6% and finally social media services with the least impact of 16.8%.

8. Conclusion

The study was set out to ascertain the effects of ICT use on library service delivery. The study was founded on sound literature, based on which the research instrument was developed. Sound methodology was also adopted in the analysis and presentation of results. After the analysis, it was concluded that Reference, Digital, Circulation services but Social media, were effective in service delivery in both universities. It was also revealed that lack of trained library personnel, poor internet connection and erratic power supply were some of the most challenges faced by UG library in the use of ICT. Lastly, result on effect of ICT use on library services revealed that the level of ICT use in library operations significantly influenced the level of library services delivered by both JU library and UG library.

9. Research Implication

The research findings present theoretical implications for ICT use literature by way of extending the scope of the research on performance in library service delivery. Furthermore, the findings will enable managers to identify how to effectively and efficiently manage their libraries by investing in new technologies. Also, these research findings will allow expansion of ICT use in libraries and other organizations from developing countries with the objective of identifying organizational performance.

10. Recommendations

Firstly, in this era of multiple and vibrant social medias, institutions have been using such mediums to target clients. For profit making firms, social media presents less option to market their products to customers. Although libraries are non-profit ventures, they could also capitalize on the prospects of social media, to promote their services to target audience (the academic community).

Secondly, it is also recommended that libraries focus on social media as a viable avenue to promote library services since social media is mostly patronized by the youth, who form a greater portion of the clientele of the libraries.

Libraries of today have outgrown the stage of being passive and archival institutions to become effective institutions of service. Evidence from other studies has shown that one of the ways which have helped in this achievement is through effective reference service. It is therefore recommended that libraries could create enabling environments where users feel comfortable making inquiries. Again, timely responses should be attached to user enquiries.

It is also recommended that, university libraries, especially those in developing countries, seeking to improve their library performance should invest in ICT. Thus, it could greatly boost the performance of their libraries.


The study was funded by the researchers themselves. The respondents of the survey are highly acknowledged for their willingness to participate in this study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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