1. Introduction
The aim of this paper is to discuss the weak-type (1, 1) boundedness of
and the polynomial weight w that makes the Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order greater than or equal to 2 continuous from
, under specific value
. Following the same notions appear in [1] [2]. The (m+ 1)th Riesz-Laguerre transform with
associated with the multidimensional Laguerre operator
, where
is a multi-index with
The Laguerre operator
, is a self-adjoint “Laplacian” on
, where
is the Laguerre measure of type
; defined on
, by
It is well known that the spectral resolution of
is the orthogonal projection on the space spanned by Laguerre polynomials of total degree n and type
ind variables [3] [4]. The operator
is the infinitesimal generator of a “heat” semigroup, called the Laguerre semigroup,
, defined in the spectral sense as
For any multi-index
, the Riesz-Laguerre transforms
of order
are defined by
is associated to
defined as
, and
, denotes the orthogonal projection onto the orthogonal complement of the eigenspace corresponding to the eigenvalue 0 of
In order to use the well-known relationship with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck context, but not too much exploited in the weak-type inequalities, we are going to perform a change of coordinates in
. If
is a vector
, then
will denote the vector
. Let
be defined as
and let
be the pull-back measure from
. Then the modified Laguerre measure
is the probability measure
The map
is an isometry from
and from
, for every q in [1, ∞]. So we may reduce the problem of studying the weak-type boundedness of
to the study of the same boundedness for the modified Riesz-Laguerre transforms
with respect to the measure
Observe that
coincides, up to a multiplicative constant, with
, being
andes Ñ the gradient of
associated to the Laplacian operator [5].
For the sequel, it is convenient to express the kernel of
with respect to the Polynomial measure
defined on
According to [6] [7], for
, the kernel of the modified Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order
with respect to the polynomial measure
is defined, off the diagonal, as
is the Hermite polynomial of degree
The symbol
where C is a constant that may be different on each occurrence. And we write a ~ b whenever
2. Main Results
For every multi-index
we have the following result see [3].
Theorem 1: The second order Riesz-Laguerre transforms map
continuously into
Proof: The result follows by splitting the modified Riesz-Laguerre transforms of second order into a local operator and a global one. Let us observe that for a simple covering Lemma, we may pass from estimates with respect to the measure
on the local part
to estimates with respect to the modified Laguerre measure
. Therefore the local operator is equivalent to
. The global operators bounded weak type (1, 1) and therefore so are the second order modified Riesz-Laguerre transforms.
From [8] and [9], it is known that an upper bound for
on G is
Proposition 2: For
on the global region
Proof. In this proposition,
. If
, it is immediate that
Let us then assume that
1) First let us consider
and since
, then
. Therefore
. On the other hand, since
. Thus
2) Now let us assume
and rewrite
in the following way:
and taking into account that sinθ is non-negative, we obtain that
Thus, from (9) together with (10) we get
Claim 3:
Proof. If
, the inequality is immediate.
, then
. This inequality is immediate when
by adjusting conveniently the constant C in the definition of the global zone and it is also immediate for d = 1 and
. Now let us assume that
for all
, then
which implies that
Therefore by applying this claim to inequality (10) we obtain that
in this context. If
, by taking into account (11), we get
To get the last inequality we have used (10) and (12). On the other hand, since
it is immediate the following inequality
Now if
, and thus
. On the other
hand, from (9) together with
we get
Proposition 4: The operator
defined as
is of weak type (1, 1) with respect to the measure
Proof. The method of proof used in [1] is an adaptation to our context of the techniques developed in [10] [11] [12] which allows us to get rid of the classical one called “forbidden regions technique”.
The kernels (5) and (6) define strong type (1, 1) operators. Indeed,
Moreover, for semi-integer values of the parameter α, by [6]
is in
uniformly in x and s and so the operator is of strong type with respect to
. Finally the result for the other values of
is obtained via the multidimensional Stein’s complex interpolation Theorem. So to get the weak-type (1, 1) inequality for the operator
it suffices to prove that the operators
continuously into
Without loss of generality, we may assume that
. Fix
and let
. We must prove that
. Let
be the positive roots of the equations
We may observe that indeed, if
: indeed, if
, we have
On the other hand, we may take
in [1], and by choosing K large enough we may assume that both
are larger that one. Hence
Thus we only need to estimate
We let
denote the set of
for which there exists a
. For each
we let
be the smallest such
. Observe that
, by continuity. This implies for
and for
Clearly, since r0 and r1 are greater than one, we have
combining this estimate for
with (14), we get
Similarly for
with (15), we obtain
It is immediate to verify that
Which give, after changing the order of integration in (16) and (17), the desired estimate for the terms involving II0 and II1, respectively as in [5]. Now let us prove that for
and for
Firstly, one considers the case where
for each
. In this case the inner integrals can be interpreted as integrals over
with respect to the Lebesgue measure, expressed in polyradial
coordinates in [11]. The same estimates are obtained also for
Finally the result for the other values of
are obtained via the multidimensional Stein’s complex interpolation Theorem. Indeed, let
the function defined by
We have seen that
and it is easy to prove that
, whenever n is a integer vector and
Now we introduce the possible roots of the equations mentioned in the following Remark see [13]
Remark 5: 1) a) if
then we have
which implies that
b) if
we have the quadratic equation
we assume, for simplicity, that
we can find
so that
, we can easily find
3) Since
, then
Proposition 6: For all m, the operator
which is the modified Riesz-Laguerre transform restricted to the local regionR0, is of weak type (1, 1) with respect to the measure
Proof. The proof of this result follows the same steps like the proof of the weak-type boundedness on the local zone of the first order Riesz-Laguerre transforms done in [4] [9]. For the former we have the Calderon–Zygmund-type estimates for the kernel
Lemma 7: There exists a constant C such that
acut-off function defined in [3] and
Proof. Since
, then
where last inequality follows from this one:
in [6]. Thus on
In computing the gradient to f the kernel with respect to x we are going to have integrals such as
In order to estimate these three integrals we use the same estimates described at the beginning of this proof. For the first one we have to use
The gradient with respect to x is treated similarly.
For the latter we have the following Theorem regarding the
-boundedness for
of the modified Riesz-Laguerre transform of any order on G.
Theorem8: The operator
is strong-type
with respect to the measure
Proof.The proof of this result in [1] is an adaptation to our context of the same result for the higher order Riesz–Gauss transform s done in [6]. Taking into account that on G,
, an upperbound for
For the region
we are going to use the following estimates:
To finish the proof we just need to check that the kernel
is in
and independently of the remaining variables. Due to the symmetry of the kernel we are going to check only the first Claim given in [1].
It is clear that the second integral is bounded independentl y of x and s, for the first one see (13) for any x.
It is known that the first order Riesz-Laguerre transforms are weak-type (1, 1). Furthermore, we also know from that the the Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order higher than 2 need not be weak-type (1, 1) with respect to
. However, we can prove the following result that has to do with certain kind of weights we can add on the domain of these transforms to make them satisfy a weak-type inequality.
Let us mention that in the Gaussian context something quite similar occur with the higher order Riesz-Gauss transforms. Perez proved that for
, the Riesz-Gauss transforms of order
associated to the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup, map
continuously into
, with
. Regarding the weights for the Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order higher than 2, then [1] proved the following
Theorem 9: The Riesz-Laguerre transforms order
, map
continuously into
. Where
Proof. As we mention in the preliminaries to prove this theorem is equivalent to prove that the modified Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order higher than 2 map
continuously into
, with
. For each
. Let us write
Therefore, in order to get the result, it will be enough to prove that each of the following operators
continuously into
is controlled by
and there for it is immediate to prove that
Now if
, with
, weclaim that
And this concludes the proof of the Theorem.
It should be noted that there is another proof of Theorem 9 for multi-indices of half-integer type by taking
as the function f in [3] [7].
Now we introduce a sharp estimate forw.
Corollary 10: The Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order
, map
continuously into
. Where
Proof. From Theorem 9 and Remark 5: We can directly see that
Theorem 11: The weight w is the optimal polynomial weight needed to get the weak type (1, 1) inequality for the Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order
Proof. This proof follows essentially in [9]. With the notation of that Theorem 1 One takes
sufficiently large, away from the axis and obtains the following lower bound for
Now if we assume that the Riesz-Laguerre transforms of order
continuously into
then by taking
close to an approxima tion of a point mass at η, with
we have that
is close
and by applying in equality (18) we get that
. Therefore setting
we obtain
must be bounded which is a contradiction. Therefore the conclusion of Theorem 11 holds.