1. Introduction
English novel passes through many periods. During all of these periods its aim is to solve social and political problems although the novels are varied from era to another era. The novels reflected the social and political issues according to the time when produced. Novelists used a direct language during the time when the leaders are fair, but when the governors are tyrant they find themselves forced to use symbolic language.AS it happened to George Orwell in his masterpiece Animal Farm George Orwell was a famous English writer (novelist, essayist and critic), what makes him famous is his masterpieces Animal Farm and 1984.
He has a strong personality enabled him to write political novels at time when speaking about politics was an awful crime, he grew up in a very difficult conditions suffered a lot of poverty during his early life, thus he works as a dish washer in Paris.
Eric Arthur Blair was born in Motihari, India on June 25, 1903. He was born in India, where his father was stationed, and spent his early years there. About a year after his birth, his mother relocated him and his older sister, Marjorie, to Henley-on-Thames, England. His father spent the majority of his time in India and saw him just infrequently. Orwell maintained a distant relationship with his father for many years following his father’s military retirement in 1912. He considered him “dull and conservative”. In 1908, his younger sister Avril was born (George Orwell Biography, 2016).
George Orwell was an English novelist, essayist, and critic, best known for his novel “Animal Farm” 1945 and “Nineteen Eighty-Four” (1949).
George Orwell’s 1984
George Orwell’s 1984 was an intended ironic novel, the main function of this sarcasm novel is Totalitarianism as in the authors’ imagination. The novel take it’s from in the future after 33 years from the time it is written. Nineteen Eighty-Four is satire in communism and it pokes happiness at the luminous visions of the future which some novelists are looking forward to see.
George Orwell was so frightened of the tyrant deeds that practiced by Stalin and Hitler in Soviet Russia and in Nazi Germany to spread in all over the world, because if the totalitarianism spread there will be a great loss of freedom and welfare in all over the world or at least it would be harmful to all of the inverse so it seems to Orwell that he should stand a against Totalitarianism with all of his strength so he wrote Animal farm and followed it by 1984.
The two novels expose the maltreatment of totalitarian government which tends to make a whole destruction of human beings and lead to disorder of human life.
1984 can be considered as sarcasm on Communism, but it is much so international fiction to be treated as satirical of Communism. Orwell uses some symbols to represent Communist figures and practices e.g. Big Brother refers to Josef Stalin and Emmanuel Goldstein is intended to represent Leon Trotsky. Orwell is simply suggest that Stalin is s symbol of a strong heavy hand leader and Trotsky represent a symbol of sacrifice opponent so as to make a great credibility to his imaginative characters as he did in Animal farm a adopted the animas as characters to represent the tyrants Stalin and Leon.
The whole population in Oceania did not come as a natural result of Communist movement. Woodcock, 1967 states that
“a period when politics were preeminent, stamped most men who lived through them as either knaves or fools, but Orwell emerged from these decades not only with his dignity intact but also as the most honorable political writer of his time”.
George Orwell was able to be like that, the records of his life during this period were more than any other writer, he continually exert efforts to make up his senses with his politics. This was not a task in the case of Orwell, for though he imposed himself in political issues, in many respects he keeps his senses like his ancestors e.g. Holmes. Orwell styled himself as anti-political person. Orwell’s time was considered to be a time of satire and he was always described as a political conscience. He spend a long time stand against politicians and politics, he didn’t bear them at all, his literary work revealed a great hate to politicians as he wrote about himself in 1941 “highly civilized human beings are flying overhead, trying to kill me”.
In 2022, the governments in all over the world rewrite the history by deleting information that confirms the tyrant of the governments such as the death sentences for their opponents. In the present the media was directed to serve the governments people are not allow to talk against the governments in mass media. The European Union has a right to make the population forget about their past which enable them to be new born without any efforts.
Orwell resigned in 1943, saying “I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task.” Around this time, Orwell became the literary editor for a socialist newspaper.
2. Predictions Telescreens
Telescreens are devices that used to spy on opponents. The idea of telescreens is to follow the target person everywhere even in his or her bedroom, so much worse. Televisions are the basis of telesceens you can turn the volume on so as to listen carefully. The operator of theses screens also can turn the voice to hear the victims’ speech clearly. The screens are equipped with sensitive microphones that can pick up all the actions and events that happen in the room for exaggeration these screens can hear the beats of the heart.
A person cannot find a language with which to describe the worst aspects of telescreens because these screens not only tell what the leaders want to know but also show them whatever they are up to. Orwell put the cameras in his imaginative telescreens before they are invented. When 1984 was written cameras are not exist.
3. Telescreens in 1984
When Winston came into his flat at the starting point of the novel he listened to a sound came from the telescreen it resembles the sound and image of Big Brother. He party spread telescreens in all over Oceania. While Winston image of these screens remind him of a television. People in Oceania cannot shut them reveal that the telescreens are devices that used to control them. Winston rent an apartment in a remote area thinks that he and his lover were free from the control of the party unfortunately. The owner of the flat was spy of the party and there is a telscreen installed in the apartment.
Telescreens nowadays spread in all over the world and used as spies on thieves in the markets and the streets, regardless of the houses, telescreens nowadays are very essential because it used peacefully. At the time when Owrewll wrote 1984 telescreens are not exist but he predicts them now his prediction is seen in all over the world.
In 1984 the houses of the citizens were equipped with screens to record everything uttered in the house not only record but enable the thought police to see the victims moving here and there, so the population was monitored and the government knows anything about them. Orwell exaggerated when he said that these telescreens can record a sound that considers to be under whispered. Nowadays telescreens are used by the governments in all over the world to spy on their citizens hence what was expected by Orwell before 70 years happened now, Orwell predictions about technology and media come true.
4. Predictions Children Spies
The party adopted a new method to monitor people in Oceania. To control the families in their houses. They took small children from their parents and wash their brains so as to spy and report information about their parents.
The way children are brought is very a mazing, they taught the art of being spies and tell the thought police about their parents a activities so citizens in Oceania are a afraid of their children. Not only using their children to inform the party but also the government described them fat men growing fast with short legs, actually the description was unpleasant from a totalitarian government. The part trained children to be very cruel and they pleased when criminals are being hanged, the parents were so nervous about the behavior of their children Mentink (2013).
5. Predictions History
The party controls everything in Oceania such as the previous records and the minds of the population, now the party wants to change the past through the reconstruction of the actions and events. the party wants to contradict Winston who said the past is stable and cant not changed, but because the part is unreasonable in this respect they insist to change the history although is so harm but they intend to change the past records through changing the terms that consider to be dangerous for the government such as revolution, rebellion, strike and so on When the party change the terms that implied rebellion the new generation grow up without understanding these terms then no one will repel against the party.
6. Orwell Predictions in General
In 1984 the government stated the accepted speech that maintains the society.
In 20022 few executives of private companies controlled the internet and they permit and hide as they like. Even they spread viruses to kill what they want.
In 1984 the population of the world spread in few counties.
In 2022 most of the internet users in all over the world belong to few social media Empires.
In 1984 the government controlled the speech of the population.
In 2022 the social media companies spread a large amount of secret police in order to capture anyone who commit a thought crime and told the country about these criminals so the country directly issued a death sentence to them.
In 1984 those who commit serious crimes are killed or exiled and deleted any information about them.
In 2022 social Media companies can blocked any one at any time if he or she write a post against the government, the post will wiped out and the criminal information deleted from the memory.
In 1984 the party controlled the history so they deleted the terms related to rebellion and they add words praised the party deeds.
7. Conclusion
George Orwell’s 1984 was an intended ironic novel, the main function of this sarcasm novel is Totalitarianism as in the authors’ imagination. The novel take it’s from in the future after 38 years from the time it is written. Nineteen Eighty-Four is satire in communism and it pokes happiness at the luminous visions of the future which some novelists are looking forward to see. George Orwell was so frightened of the tyrant deeds that practiced by Stalin and Hitler in Soviet Russia and in Nazi Germany to spread in all over the world, because if the totalitarianism spread there will be a great loss of freedom and welfare in all over the world or at least it would be harmful to all of the inverse so it seems to Orwell that he should stand a against Totalitarianism with all of his strength so he wrote Animal farm and followed it by 1984. The two novels expose the maltreatment of totalitarian government which tends to make a whole destruction of human beings and lead to disorder of human life.
1984 can be considered as sarcasm on Communism, but it is much so international fiction to be treated as satirical of Communism. Orwell uses some symbols to represent Communist figures and practices e.g. Big Brother refers to Josef Stalin and Emmanuel Goldstein is intended to represent Leon Trotsky. Orwell simply suggests that Stalin is s symbol of a strong heavy hand leader and Trotsky represent a symbol of sacrifice opponent so as to make a great credibility to his imaginative characters as he did in Animal farm a adopted the animals as characters to represent the tyrants Stalin and Leon.