Model of Real Time Architecture for Data Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sanjeev GUPTA, Mayank DAVE
DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2010.21008   PDF    HTML     7,778 Downloads   12,334 Views   Citations


Wireless sensor network (WSN) technology has promised fine grain monitoring in time and space as well as at a lower cost than is currently possible. These sensor networks are required to provide a robust service in hostile environments. Therefore the issue of real-time and reliable data delivery is extremely important for taking effective decisions in WSN. In this paper the architecture for reliable and real time approach by using sensor clusters has been proposed for storage management. Instead of storing information in an individual cluster head as suggested in some approaches, storing of information of all clusters, inside the cell is recommended within the corresponding base station. For data dissemination and action we have used Action and Relay Stations (ARS). We have developed programming model for formal specification and verification of our architecture.

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GUPTA, S. and DAVE, M. (2010) Model of Real Time Architecture for Data Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Sensor Network, 2, 53-61. doi: 10.4236/wsn.2010.21008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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