Quasilinear Degenerated Elliptic Systems with Weighted in Divergence Form with Weak Monotonicity with General Data ()
1. Introduction
In this paper, the main point is that we do not require monotonicity in the strict monotonicity of a typical Leray-Lions operator as it is usually assumed in previous papers. The aims of this text are to prove analogous existence results under relaxed monotonicity, in particular under strict quasi-monotonicity. The main technical tool we advocate and use throughout the proof is Young measures. By applying a Galerkin schema, we obtain easily an approximating sequence
. The Ball theorem [1] and especially the resulting tool mode available by Hungerbühler to partial differential equation theory give them a sufficient control on the gradient approximating sequence
to pass to the limit. This method is used by Dolzmann [2], G. J. Minty [3], H. Brezis [4], H. E. Stromberg [5], Muller [6], J. L. Lions [7], Kristznsen, J. Lower [8], M. I. Visik [9] and mainly by Hungurbühler to get the existence of a weak solution for the quasi-linear elliptic system [10]. This paper can be seen as generalization of Hungurbühler and as a continuation of Y-Akdim [11].
This kind of problems finds its applications in the model of Thomas-Fermis in atomic physics [12], and also porous flow modeling in reservoir [13].
2. Priliminaries
the weight function systems defined in
and satisfying the following integrability conditions:
and which satisfies some hypotheses (see below).
We denote by
the real vector space of
matrices equipped with
the inner product
The Jacobian matrix of a function
is denoted by
The space
is the set of functions
The weighted space
can be equipped by the norm:
. the norm
is equivalent to the norm
, on
, such that,
Proposition 2.1 The weighted Sobolev space
is a Banach space, separable and reflexive. The weighted Sobolev space
is the closure of
equipped by the norm
Proof: The prove of proposition is a slight modification of the analogous one in [14] [Kufner-Drabek].
Definition 2.1 A Young measure
is called
-gradient young measures (
) if it is associated to a sequence of gradients
such that
is bounded in
. The
-gradient young measures
is called homogeneous, if it doesn’t depend on x, i-e, if
for a.e.
Theorem 2.1 (Kinder Lehirer-Pedregal) let
, be a family of probability measures in
. Then,
Young measures if and only if:
1) There is a
such that
, a.e in
2) Jensen’s inequality:
hold for all
quasi-convex, and.
3) The function:
. Here,
denotes the (not separable) space:
proof: see [15].
Theorem 2.2 (Ball) Let
be Lebesgue measurable, let
be closed, and let
, be a sequence of Lebesgue measurable functions satisfying
, as
, i.e. given any open neighborhood U of
. Then there existsa subsequence
and a family
, of positive measures on
, depending measurablyon x, such that
, for a.e
for a.e
for each continuous functions
Theorem 2.3 (vitali) Let
be an open bounded domain and let
be a sequence in
is a cauchy sequence in the
-norm if and only if the two following conditions hold:
is cauchy in measure (i.e.
is equiintegrable i.e.:
such that
for all n whenever
). Note that if
converges pointiest, then
is cauchy in measure.
Hypotheses (H0) (Hardy-Type inequalities): There exist some constant
, some weighted function
and some real q (
) such that,
for all
, with
The injection
is compact, and
is compact, (by [14] ) with
(H1) Continuity:
is a Carathéodory function (i-e
is measurable for every
is continuous for almost every
). (H2) Growths and coercivity conditions: There exist
such that for all
, we have:
(H3) Monotonicity conditions:
satisfies one of the following conditions:
1) For all
, and all
, the map
is a
-function and is monotone (i-e,
, for all
, all
and all
2) There exists a function
such that
is convex and
3) For all
, and for all
the map
is strictly monotone (i.e.,
is monotone and:
is strictly p-quasi-monotone in F, i.e.,
for all homogeneous
-gradient young measures
with center of mass
which are not a single Dirac mass.
The main point is that we do not require strict monotonicity or monotonicity in the variables
in (H3) as it is usually assumed in previous work (see [15] or [16] ).
: (continuity)
is a Carathéodory function i-e:
is measurable for every
, and
is continuous for almost every
: (growth condition): The exist:
such that:
: (continuity) the map
is a Carathéodory function.
: (growth condition) There exist:
For all
Our aim of this paper is to prove the existence of the problem
in the space
Remark 2.1 -The condition
ensure the measurability of f and g for all measurable function u.
ensure that growths conditions, in particularly: if
is in
- Exploiting the convergence in measure of the gradients of the approximating solutions, we will prove the following theorem.
Theorem 2.4 If
satisfies the conditions (H0)-(H3), then the Dirichlet problem
has a weak solution
, for every
, f satisfies
and g satisfies
In order to prove theorems, we will apply a Galerkin scheme, with this aim in view, we establish in the following subsections, the key ingredient to pass to the limit for this, we assume that the conditions: (H0)-(H3),
Lemma 2.1 For arbitrary
, the functional
is well defined, linear and bounded.
Proof For all
, we denote
We define
Firstly, by virtue of the growth conditions (H2) and the Hölder inequality, one has
, and thanks to Hardy inequality we have:
. Which gives
We denote
. With
Finally the functional
is bounded.
Lemma 2.2 The restriction of F to a finite dimensional linear subspace V of
is continuous.
Proof Let d be the dimension of V and
a basis of V. Let
be a sequence in V which converges to
in V. The sequence
converge to
, so
a.e., on the other hand
are bounded by a constant c. Thus, it follows by the continuity conditions (H1), that
for all
and a.e. in
. Let
be a measurable subset of
and let
Thanks to the condition (H2), we get
By the continuity conditions
we have:
almost everywhere. Moreover we infer from the growth conditions
that the sequences:
Are equi-integrable. Indeed, if
is a measurable subset and
and Hölder inequality).
and Hölder inequality).
(by Hölder inequality).
which implies that
is equi-integrable. And by applying the Vitali’s theorem, it follows that
for all
which means that
Remark 2.2 Now, the problem
is equivalent to find a solution
such that
, for all
In order tofind such a solution we apply a Galerkin scheme.
3. Galerkin Approximation
Remark 3.1 (Galerkin Schema)
be a sequence of finite dimensional subspaces with
dense in
. The sequence
exists since
is separable.
Let us fix some k, we assume that
has a dimension d and that
is a basis of
. Then, we define the map,
Proposition 3.1 The map G is continuous and
tends to infinity when
tends to infinity.
Proof. Since F restricted to
is continuous by Lemma 2.2, so G is continuous.
, then
and which implies that
tends to infinity if
tends to infinity.
which implies that
tends to infinity if
tends to infinity.
Now, it suffices to prove that
Indeed, thanks to the first coercivity condition and the Hölder inequality, we obtain
By the Hölder inequality, we have
is a constant positive. For
large enough, we can write
And since
Finally, it follows from the growth condition
is a constant. With;
, we get:
Consequently, by using (3.1), we deduce
Remark 3.2 The properties of G allow us to construct our Galerkin approximations.
Corollary 3.1 For all
, there exists
such that
, for all
Proof By the proposition 3.1, there exists
, such that for all
, we have
. And the usual topological argument see [Zei 86 proposition 2.8] [17] implies that
has a solution
. So, for all
, there exists
, such that
, so we obtain:
Proposition 3.2 The Galerkin approximations sequence constructed in corollary (3.1) is uniformly bounded in
; i.e.,
There exists a constant
, such that
, for all
Proof Like in the proof of proposition (3.1), we can see that
Then, there exists R satisfying
. Now, for the sequence of Galerkin approximations
of corollary (3.1), which satisfying
, we have the uniform bound
, for all
Remark 3.3 There exists a subsequence
of the sequence
, such that:
in measure in
The gradient sequence
generates the young measure
. Since
in measure, then
generates the Young measure
, see [2]. Moreover, for almost x in
, we have,
is the probability measure, i.e.,
is the
gradient homogeneous young measure.
, see [18].
Proof. See [2]. (Dolzmann, N. Humgerbuhler S. Muller, Non linear elliptic system …)
4. Passage to the Limit
Now, we are in a position to prove our main result under convenient hypotheses.
Lemma 4.1 (Fatou lemma type)(See [2] ) Let:
be a Carathéodory function, and
a measurable sequence, such that
generates the Young measure
, with
, for a.e.
. Then:
which provided that the negative part of
is equi-integrable.
Lemma 4.2 Let
be a sequence which is uniformly bounded in
. There exists a subsequence of
(for convenience not relabeled) and a function
such that
And such that
in measure on
and in
, with:
Proof. see [10].
Lemma 4.3 The sequence
is equi-integrable.
We have
We denote
. Thanks to the coercivity condition (H2), we have
. Therefore,
for all
Similarly for
Now, by using the growth condition (H2) and the Hardy inequality (H0), we have
Thus, by the Hölder inequality, we obtain
So, by combining (4.5) and (4.6), we deduce that
Similarly to
, we obtain
. Finally:
is equi-integrable.
We choose a sequence
such that
belongs to the same space
, this allows us in particular, to use
as a test function in (3.1). We have:
The first term on the right in 4.8 converge to zero since
. By the choice of
, the sequence
uniformly bounded in
, and lemma (4.2). Next, for the second term:
in 4.8 it follows from the growth condition
and the Hölder inequality that:
By the equivalence of the norm in
and the sequence
is uniformly bounded in
is bounded.
Moreover, by the construction of
, and lemma (4.2) we have:
We infer that the second term in 4.8 vanishes as
. Finally, for the last term
in 4.8, we note that
Strongly in
and lemma (4.2).
Indeed we may assure that
almost everywhere.
Now, we consider
. We have,
is equi-integrable because
it is. So, we define
So to prove (??), it suffices to prove that:
, so there exists
such that, for all
, we have
Or in an equivalent manner
then for all
, we have
Combining (H2) and (0.1), we get
For all
, we choose
such that
For all
, which implies that
. According to Hölder and Hardy inequalities, and by (4.1) we deduce that
which proves that
, and finally
Proof of theorem:
For arbitrary
. It follows from the continuity condition
almost everywhere. Since, by the growth conditions
and the uniform bound of
are equi-integrable, it follows that the Vitali’s theorem. This implies that:
for all
for all
We will start with the easiest case
is strict p-quasi-monotone. (4.11)
Indeed, we assume that
is not a Dirac mass on the set M with
of positive Lebesgue measure
. Moreover, by the strict p-quasi-monotonicity of
is an homogeneous
gradient young measure for a.e.
. So, for a.e.
, with
, with
is the differentiable approximation in x. We get
On the other hand (4.9), integrating over
, and using the div-cul inequality we have:
Which is a contradiction with (3.8). Thus
for a.e.
. Therefore,
in measure when k tends to infinity. Then, we get
for all
. In the other hand, for all
. Moveover, for all
measurable, it is easy to see that:
. And thanks to Vitali’s theorem, we obtain:
, for all
which proves the theorem in this case.
Remark 4.1 Before treating the cases (a),(b) and (c) of (H3), we note that
thanks to the div-Curl inequality in (4.9). On the other hand, the integrand in (4.12) is non negative, by the monotonicity of
. Consequently, the integrating should be null, a.e., with respect to the product measure
, which mean
Case c: We prove that, the map
is strictly monotone, for all
and for all
is strict monotone, and according to (4.14),
which implies that,
in measure. For the rest of our prove is similarly to case d.
Case b: We start by showing that for almost all
, the support of
is contained in the set where W agrees with the supporting hyper-plane.
So, it suffices to prove that
, thanks to (4.14), we have
On the other hand, since
is monotone, for all
we have:
By subtracting (4.16) from (4.17), we get
for all
. Doing the same by the monotonicity in (4.18), we obtain
Combining (4.18) and (4.19), we conclude that
for all
, and for all
Now, it follows from (4.19) that
Witch prove (4.15).
Now, by the coercivity of W, we get
for all
. Therefore,
L is a supporting hyper-plane, for all
. (4.21)
Moveover, the mapping
is continuously differentiable, so we obtain
Now, we consider the Carathéodory function
and lets
is equi-integrable. Thus, thanks to BALL’s theorem, see [6]
weakly in
, and the weakly limit of g is given by
According to (4.22) and (4.23), and since
, it follow that
strongly in
by Fatou lemma, which gives
This completes the proof of the case (b).
Case (a): In this case, on
, we affirm that,
for all
, where
is the derivative with respect to the third variable of
Thanks to the monotonicity of
, we have
By invoking (4.19), we obtain
On the other hand,
is a
function, so
which gives
t is arbitrary in (4.24).
Finally for all
the sequence
is equi-integrable. Then, by the BALL’s theorem, see [1] the weak limit is
By choosing
in (4.24), we obtain
This proves that
And since
is dense in
, so u is a weak solution of
, as desired.
Remark 4.2 In case (b)
strongly, but in the case (c) and (d)
in measure.
Exemple 4.1 We shall suppose that the weight functions satisfy:
for some
; and
, with
, for all
, and
a.e in
then, we can consider the Hardy inequality in the form:
for every
with a constant
independent of u and for some
. Let us consider the Carathéodory functions:
The above functions defined by
satisfies the growth conditions (H2).
In particular, let use the special weight function
expressed in term of the distance to the boundary
the hardy inequality reads:
and the corresponding
is compact if:
1) For,
2) For,
3) For,
, by the simple modifications of the example in [11]. Moreover, the monotonicity condition are satisfied:
for almost all
and for all,
. This last inequality cannot be strict, since for
for all
. But
the corresponding expression is Zero.