The Relation Analysis of Equity Structure and Its Performance on Chinese Listed Bank


With the development of reform of stock system among Chinese commercial banks, more and more listed banks are coming forth to the market, so it is important to analyze the relationship between the equity structure and its perform-ance of Chinese listed bank. For representatives, this article selected 6 banks from the total of 14 listed banks, and then made the demonstration analysis about the relationship between the performance and equity structure, according to their different equity structures. The result shows the first major shareholder is significantly relative to banks’ perform-ance, by contract, there’s no notable correlation between the big five /ten and bank’s performance, but square sum of equity by the ten big is correlate to the performance.

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Zheng, C. , Yan, Z. and Wei, L. (2008) The Relation Analysis of Equity Structure and Its Performance on Chinese Listed Bank. Journal of Service Science and Management, 1, 165-171. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2008.12018.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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