Medicinal Plant of Sasambo as a Traditional Health Tourism Alternative Post COVID-19 ()
1. Introduction
Indonesia is an island nation, which has various tribes and traditions. The main tradition is especially in medicine. In medical theory there are several medicinal plants used by the community. The community usually plates the plants in their garden. The medicinal plants are: turmeric, curcuma, ginger, bay leaf, and Indian mulberry [1]. West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), one of the islands in Indonesia, has many types of medicinal plants. NTB has two islands, namely Lombok island and Sumbawa island. Both of the islands have three tribes, namely Sasambo (Sasak Samawa Mbojo) tribes. Sasak tribes are on Lombok island, Samawa and Mbojo tribes are on Sumbawa island.
Sasambo traditional health culture has the potential to be integrated into tourist destinations, namely various species of medicinal plants and herbal ingredients (medicinal oils, honey, wild horse milk) which can be directed to tackle COVID-19. Sasambo tribe has medicinal plants which are used in medicine. Samawa tribe has familiar traditional medicine, namely Sumbawa oil. Sumbawa oil can heal various diseases, and was used since the old time [2].
Traditional medicinal generally used various types of flora and fauna for healing disease. Various diseases were healed by concoction from flora and fauna found in garden or forest. Its healing can be founded in village community or city community [3]. Its development of traditional medicine in Sasambo tribes makes West Nusa Tenggara as a potential object of traditional medicine. The way of West Nusa Tenggara government policy is to manage sustainable tourism. This sustainable tourism is guided on four pillars, such as destination development, marketable, industry and institution. To support it, government makes a branding point such as programs visiting Lombok Sumbawa, Friendly Lombok, and Charm Sumbawa [4].
2. Methodology
The data in this study were collected from community records, results of questionnaire responses, and scientific articles related to Sasambo traditional medicine. Community records regarding the medicinal plants Sasambo are traced respectively to the Sasak Tribe, Samawa Tribe, Mbojo Tribe. Each questionnaire was given to 100 people representing the Sasak Tribe, Samawa Tribe, Mbojo Tribe. Meanwhile, scientific articles related to Sasambo traditional medicine are traced both to international and national journals. The data was selected through stages of display data, reduction data and conclusion data from scientific article.
3. Result and Discussion
Study literate results show various medicinal plants founded in Sasambo tribes. Medicinal plants in Sasak tribes found 163 various [5]. In order hand Samawa tribes found 40 medicinal plants [6]. Mbojo tribes found 45 medicinal plants [7]. Data in Table 1 show various types of medicinal plants that Sasambo community has. The various medicinal plants provide evidence that Indonesia’s nature is very rich. The various medicinal plants indicate the benefit various too. Medicinal plants are used for various diseases, as of easier disease until hard disease. All parts of medicinal plants can be used and processed to be a medicine.
All parts of medicinal plants can be processed to be a medicine, the processed as follows:
1) Leaves
Leaves of medicinal plants can be a medicine if processed, as follows: milled leaf, put half of water, and attach it to the body parts that hurt. In order hand
leaves can be processed, as follows: boiling the leaf with water and drink the stew water of leaves [7].
2) Rod
Rod of medicinal plants can be a medicine if processed, as follows: boiling rod of the medicinal plants and stew water of rod can be used to treatment by drinking it [8].
3) Fruit
Fruit of medicinal plants can be a medicine if processed, as follows: milled or mashed fruit, filtered fruit that has been mashed, in put the water in filtered processed and medicine can be used [5].
4) Root
Root of medicinal plants can be a medicine if processed, as follows: boiling root of the medicinal plants and stew water of root can be used to treatment by drinking it [9].
5) Flower
Flowers of medicinal plants are usually used without specification processed [3].
Potions medicinal of Sasambo community are various and beneficial. If the Sasambo medicinal plants are well managed, then it can be the income for Sasambo community. This management can be in the form of community empowerment and providing facilities. Health tourism one of destination is interesting for tourists. Health tourism can be tourist to explore the knowledge about traditional medicine [10].
4. Conclusion
The cultural wealth of the medicinal plants of Sasambo has not been fully utilized. Sasambo traditional health culture has the potential to be integrated into tourist destinations which can be directed to tackle COVID-19. The medicinal plant Sasambo could be used as an alternative for the purpose. This study succeeded in recording the medicinal plants of Sasambo which consisted of Sasak 43 species, Samawa 25 species, and Mbojo 35 species. Some of these plant species are used for the treatment of diseases caused by viruses.
We wish to thank the Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia for funding the research.