Inventory and Regularity of Scientific Productions of Teachers in Lubumbashi Nursing College (from March 2006 up to April 2018)


Introduction: Thanks to the scientific publication information may be essentially known inside the scientific work and those publications are taking the primordial place in researching. It’s thanks to the publication that a performance of a high teaching facility and university is assessed. Objective: This research is aimed to scientific productions work of teachers of Lubumbashi Nursing College from March 2006 up to April 2018. Methods: We have used the descriptive and bibliographic methods. The data were collected using the questionnaire method and the documentary analysis. Out of one hundred and twenty (120) scientific and academic personals, only thirty nine (39) have fulfilled the condition required to participate research. So, in the period of twelve years, we have collected sixty eight (68) scientific productions. Outcome: We have noticed a disproportion between the number of the teachers who should produce and the number of publication that have been produced. Secondly, we’ve also noticed the irregularity of put that is out of one hundred twenty scientific teachers; we realized fourteen (14) articles which were published by the female teachers against to fifty four (54) produced by the male teachers. This is to say that in the international magazine ten (10) articles were published and fifty eight (58) were produced locally. This irregularity of publishing is due to the fact that research is able to publish unless (there is a promise of promotion) his expecting to be promoted. Otherwise, publication became sometimes non-existent. Conclusion: A teacher who is also a researcher has to publish and inform others about his researches. The work done by ISTM of Lubumbashi Teachers during the period of twelve years has produced sixty eight (68) articles for thirty mine (38) writers. Not more than half has been published. And we come to realize that writers have last the interest of publishing.

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Mujinga, K. , Messa, M. , Mabanga, M. and Mwinkeu, K. (2019) Inventory and Regularity of Scientific Productions of Teachers in Lubumbashi Nursing College (from March 2006 up to April 2018). Open Access Library Journal, 6, 1-7. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1105119.

1. Introduction

Referring to the academic instruction numbered 019/2017-2018, the minister of high school and university of Democratic Republic of Congo recalls that it is mandatory and necessary to develop the system of scientific researches, the diffusion of the research out of the time, the creation of the scientific magazines and the publications on time … so, to reach that the scientific research are the key-words [1] . According to the vade-mecum [2] , the research is the living sap of the learning-teaching activity. Moreover, each academic and scientific staff, be you teacher or not, has to publish his research out of his promotion, his intellectual development and progress of science. All these scientific works are taking nowadays the first place in researching. It’s through them the performance of the high teaching facility and university is evaluated.

We have focused our researches on the scientific works of teachers of ISTM of Lubumbashi in order to assess the scientific performance.

Specifically speaking the objective of this research is to value the scientific works of teachers of ISTM of Lubumbashi and to assess the regularity of their publication from the autonomy of ISTM up to nowadays (this is to mean from March 2006 up to April 2018).

2. Method and Materials

In fact, we’ve realized this study by using the descriptive method; the questionnaire and the documentary analysis have allowed us to collect all these data.

Out of one hundred and twenty (120) academic & scientific employees, thirty nine (39) have been accessible and considered as main work and are those which have produced references of their publication.

ISTM of Lubumbashi has been considered as a milieu of research which has been spread from March 2006 up to April 2018. The recruitment of participants has been anonymous. To include some other participants has also been done.

After a long consent, all the collected data have been analyzed with strict confidence. All the collected data have also been the position on the public action, the academic level, the year of the publication and all the domain of publication.

3. Results

Table 1 shows that in 12 years, there were only 39 researchers or a percentage of 32.5 of teachers have published.

Among one hundred and twenty (120) Academic and scientific staff (employees) of ISTM of Lubumbashi, thirty-nine (39) have published and participated to the research (Table 2).

From their distribution in degree, we have published that 51.3% of senior lecturer, 17.9% of teaching senior lecturers and 17.9% of teaching junior lecturers are those who have produced the scientific works.

This Table 3 stipulates that there has been 23.1% of teachers from female sex against 76.9% of male sex.

In Table 4, we realize that the number of published scientific papers vary from 1 up to 11. However, in 2006, 2007 and 2014, there were less published scientific papers with one (1) or two (2) published works only. Whereas, in 2017, eleven (11) scientific works were published and in 2018, ten (10) were published.

From this Table 5, we realize that the domain that has been too much stressed is the public health with twenty eight (28) publication at least 41.2%. The second domain is the medical pathology with eleven (11) at least 16.2% followed by the teaching domain with ten (10) at least 14.7%.

Table 1. Percentage of teachers who have published out of 12 years.

Table 2. Distribution of teachers by degree.

Table 3. Distribution of teachers according to their sex.

Table 4. Distribution of publication by year.

Table 5. Distribution of publication according to the domain of research.

4. Discussion

The research is the living sap of the learning-teaching activity. Moreover, each academic and scientific staff; be you a teacher or not, has to publish his research outcome for his promotion, his intellectual development and progress of science. These researches may be individual or collective [2] .

The Minister of High Teaching and University in D.R. Congo is encouraging the research of quality, the stimulation of research … To reach a research of quality, the scientific works are the keyword of it [1] . The scientific publication is considered as a business unit which constitutes a world system [3] . It exists other groups of works to assess the performance of university facilities and the status of reform of teacher-researchers [4] .

It is known that in ISTM of Lubumbashi, the employees use to produce and diffuse their results of the research but she proportions remain weak.

We have counted production and we have taken into account only those which are ranked at the first position on the list of writers of publication.

Thus 14.7% of articles have been published in the international magazines and 85.3% have been published locally.

To be considered as a “publisher” and a “producer”, you should be author of two articles from “the rank A” for a teacher-researcher and of four articles for researchers.

Those who can be considered as scientific works from a rank A are those who have been considered as a comity of reading [5] .

In our research, we had publication only in 2017 and 2018 with 16.2% and 14.7% but in 2006, 2007 and 2014, we have enregistrated only two articles a year or 2.6%.

Similarly to the other years, around 59% of the population of publication less than 5, whereas only 6.8% of population have a score more than 15.

Therefore, a short number of teachers-researchers use to publish more whereas a great number of teachers-researchers use to publish less because of realizing in the institution not more than nine (9) years.

According to Mbo, the African scientific production is not visible on the web. It describes badly the state of the actual contribution of Africa to the universal knowledge (production less than 1%) [6] .

Moreover, in all the continent, the French speaking countries produce 2.75% of articles comparatively to what is done universally. His contribution is at least (0.01%) [7] .

Furthermore, our result have been sustained by those of a similar study which have recognized that it was difficult to find quantitative data on the scientific production in the French speaking countries in Africa, a fortiori the free access production. The authors of this study have noticed the absence of the policy of preservation and the number of knowledge [3] . The internal natural factors like the ecologic earthquake, politic or demographic factor; the external factors are linked to non favorable tendency of the world economy and the extreme weakness of the basical infrastructure.

According to the quality of scientific productions, we are not sharing the same opinion with Mve who is talking about primarisation. This is a research with less on collecting the first elements.

The financial means evoked by … certainly forbade the visibility of the qualified production appreciated as for teachers of ISTM. Teachers researchers use to publish as soon as their degree goes ahead. Lesueur has demonstrated in his study that around 52% of productions come from professors whose more than 25% do have the title of the second class.

In fact, the activity of the teacher-researcher is multiform and the allowed value to each of the activities goes to evaluate during this career [4] . This trade is demonstrated in our work. At the level of the senior lecturer, there are much more publication (51.2%) but for the case of ISTM of Lubumbashi the seeking for the promotion has been the motivated factor which push ahead to publication instead of the culture of scientific research and the development of research.

Our research has stipulated that the female staff put stress on the culture of research and have contributed with 23.1%. This weak proportion is explained due to the weak number women in the total number of the employees in ISTM.

Generally speaking, the sex of the women cannot be taken into account in the publication as for as the representation is concerned. Why? Because, the scientific personal have to produce scientifically their papers the same rhythm with the same capacity.

The research domain which have produced many publications are the public health (41.2%) followed by the medical pathology (16.2%) and the education/Teaching (14.7%).

The public health has got much more influence by the fact that more personal are educated in that domain. Analyzing the distribution of primes taking care of the best disciplinary sector, Lesueur has noticed the best representative of disciplines in the human and social sciences (16.7%) comparatively to exact science (55.8%) and sciences of life (37%).

Moreover, the surgery, the oncology and the neurology are the three disciplines where publication of CHU French is the numerous one [8] . The public health is sounded weakly.

However, the result at which are more significative come from those epidemiologic works done on diseases which seems to be abnormal or non sense and etiologic as it is known. These results show the local methods of fight and to the organization which link care and prevention [9] .

5. Conclusions

The work, done by teachers of ISTM of Lubumbashi during twelve years (12) has produced 68 sixty eight (68) articles for thirty nine writers (39). So, more than half has not been published. The discrepancy has been observed because of the number of teachers and number of publication. Then, there was also the irregularity in the publication.

Ultimately, out of a staff of one hundred and twenty (120), fourteen (14) scientific articles were produced by the female staff and fifty four (54) scientific articles by the male staff. Furthermore, ten (10) articles have been published in the international magazines and fifty eight (58) have been published locally. The major consequence is the absence of the research culture.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


[1] Minister of High Teaching and University in D.R. Congo (2017) Academic Instruction 019.
[2] CPE/Minister of High Teaching and University in D.R. Congo (2014) Vade-Mecum of the Manager of an Institution of Higher Education and University. 3rd Edition, CPE, Kinshasa.
[3] Piron, F., Diouf, A.B., Madiba Dibounje, M.S., Mboa Nkoudou, T.H., Ouangré, Z.A., et al. (2017) Free Access Seen from French-Speaking Sub-Saharan Africa. French Journal of Information and Communication Sciences.
[4] Lesueur, J.Y. (2012) The Scientific Production of Economics Teachers-Researchers: Some Econometric Results from the PES System. Economic Review, 63, 743-778.
[5] Glaudes, P. (2014) The Evaluation of Scientific Production in France by the Research and Higher Education Evaluation Agency. Mixtures of Casa de Velázquez, 44, 2.
[6] Mboa Nkoudou, TH. (2016) The Web and African Scientific Production: Real or Inhibited Visibility? Open Science Haiti Africa.
[7] Mvé Ondo, B. (2004) What Science for Which Development in Africa? Hermès, 3, 210-215.
[8] Anonymous (2016) CHUs: Leading Producers of Scientific Articles. Research Study, 8, 35. of 16/05/2018
[9] Gaillard, J. and Waast, R. (1988) Scientific Research in Africa. Contemporary Africa (La Documentation Fran?aise), No. 148, 3-30.

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