Non-Integrability of Painlevé V Equations in the Liouville Sense and Stokes Phenomenon
Tsvetana Stoyanova
DOI: 10.4236/apm.2011.14031   PDF    HTML     3,354 Downloads   7,877 Views   Citations


In this paper we are concerned with the integrability of the fifth Painlevé equation (PV ) from the point of view of the Hamiltonian dynamics. We prove that the PainlevéV equation (2) with parameters k=0,k0= –θ for arbitrary complex θ (and more generally with parameters related by Bäclund transformations) is non integrable by means of meromorphic first integrals. We explicitly compute formal and analytic invariants of the second variational equations which generate topologically the differential Galois group. In this way our calculations and Ziglin-Ramis-Morales-Ruiz-Simó method yield to the non-integrable results.

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T. Stoyanova, "Non-Integrability of Painlevé V Equations in the Liouville Sense and Stokes Phenomenon," Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 1 No. 4, 2011, pp. 170-183. doi: 10.4236/apm.2011.14031.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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