The Healing Power of Dialogos Dialogues: Transformative Learning through Dialogical Philosophizing


To what extent might Dialogos philosophical dialogues conducted over time have therapeutical or healing effect? This is the question explored in this paper. Drawing on the model of Mezirow, transformative learning theory is applied to excerpts of qualitative empirical material from the Gandhi Project, an action research project aimed at trying out the Dialogos approach to practical philosophy in intercultural and interfaith educational contexts. Students claimed to have gained self- knowledge and knowledge of others, and that they had enhanced their social courage as well as their ability to cope with problems, personal or other, both in school and in general life. In general, they reported that they had become more mature through the project. The conclusion is that the approach is promising when transformative learning and psychological healing is made an aim of education.

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Helskog, G. (2014) The Healing Power of Dialogos Dialogues: Transformative Learning through Dialogical Philosophizing. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 79-83. doi: 10.4236/jss.2014.211011.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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