Physico-Chemical and Labeling Control of Imported Honeys in Burkina Faso


Burkina Faso is situated in the centre of Western Africa with a high illiteracy rate, despite efforts of the governments to improve education. This is not without consequences on the choice of foodstuffs bought and consumed by the people and the consequent effect on their health. Honey is one of the foodstuffs consumed by people. However local production falls short of demand, and so most supermarkets in Burkina Faso sell imported honey. Do these imported honeys conform to the international standards regarding labeling of foodstuffs, and specifically do they possess physicochemical characteristics that conform to international norms of Codex Alimentarus and European honey Commission? The study investigated certain characteristics established by standards of the European Commission and Codex Alimentarius. The labels on packaged honey were analyzed according to the standard of Journal Officiel. Results show that the physic-chemical plan, the hydroxyl-methyl-furfural (HMF) content were high whereas the diastase index was low indicating lack of freshness of imported honeys. For the stability, honey samples conformed to the standard of the European Commission and Codex Alimentarius. Only two honey samples fulfill the Codex Alimentarius and the European commission norms. Storage temperatures degrade honey considerably and it suggested that under tropical conditions the deadline for optimal use (DLUO) of honeys is reduced to one year.

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S. Paul, N. Issa, A. Kwamé and B. Joseph, "Physico-Chemical and Labeling Control of Imported Honeys in Burkina Faso," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 12, 2013, pp. 1266-1270. doi: 10.4236/fns.2013.412162.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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