PV-Grid Tie System Energizing Water Pump


This paper presents the behaviours of three-phase induction motor driving centrifugal pump under various solar irradiation levels, where the motor speed and torque depend on the source voltage and frequency, while the water-flow rate depends on the motor speed, density, and static head according to affinity flow. Matlab/Simulink model is proposed for studying the behaviours of these machines with respect to water flow capacity, motor current, electro-magnetic torque, and motor efficiency. The proposed photovoltaic with maximum power point tracking model based on observation and perturbation (O&P) maximum power tracking model is applied. The output voltage is regulated throughout Buck-Boost converter with purpose maintaining the output voltage at predetermined values. Since Induction motors are widely used in pump systems, the electromagnetic torque, water-flow rate are studied for various source frequencies. Comparison analysis is conducted for both motors with respect to water flow-rate, heads elevation, and motor current. In addition to that, the proposed system presents Photovoltaic-Grid (PV-Grid) Integrated model, where the power shortage required for normally operation of the pump is drawn from the electrical grid.

Share and Cite:

S. Khader and A. Daud, "PV-Grid Tie System Energizing Water Pump," Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, Vol. 4 No. 5, 2013, pp. 409-418. doi: 10.4236/sgre.2013.45047.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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