Archaelogy, Paleoindian Research and Lithic Technology in the Middle Negro River, Central Uruguay


The Negro river is the most important inner fluvial course in Uruguay. Its basin, mainly the middle portion, has produced an unusual archaeological record characterized by a significant evidence of Paleoindian remains. Systematic archaeological research allowed conducting a number of field and laboratory activities. The identification of Paleoindian vestiges and buried sites was a significant focus of this investigation. The advances on surveys and excavations in Los Molles and Minas de Callorda sites are reported. Different dating methods yielded the first dates in the area and diverse technological analyses on lithic artifacts allow recognizing the existence of unreported techniques and reduction strategies. Functional studies with special attention to Paleo-South American vestiges permitted to identify diverse micro-wear clues. Finally, the role of river basins in the peopling of the eastern part of the southern cone and the hypothesis about the origin of the fishtail pattern is discussed.

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Nami, H. (2013) Archaelogy, Paleoindian Research and Lithic Technology in the Middle Negro River, Central Uruguay. Archaeological Discovery, 1, 1-22. doi: 10.4236/ad.2013.11001.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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