Water budgets for freshwater aquaculture ponds with reference to effluent volume


This paper presents the consumptive water use for freshwater pond aquaculture for semi-intensive carps farming practices. The consumptive use of water includes evaporation loss, seepage loss and water exchanges requirements. The water requirement has been estimated to be10.3 m3/Kg of fish production under present study for semi-intensive culture and with supplemental feeding. Out of which7.6 m3/Kg of fish production is system associated requirement. On an average the evaporation loss from the pond is1498.3 mm/year and seepage loss per year is about1182.60 mm/year. Seepage and water exchange losses recharge the ground water aquifers and if they are treated and recycled, the water use in aquaculture can be reduced significantly. A further reduction in fresh water use in pond aquaculture is possible through development of intensive and superintensive culture systems and aqua feeds.

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Sharma, K. , Mohapatra, B. , Das, P. , Sarkar, B. and Chand, S. (2013) Water budgets for freshwater aquaculture ponds with reference to effluent volume. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 353-359. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.48051.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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