Biochemical changes during composting of coir pith waste as influenced by different agro industrial wastes


Coir pith, a byproduct of coconut husk is difficult to decompose due to its high lignin and cellulose content. In this study, coir pith was composted with different agro industrial by products such as cow dung, vegetable market waste, poultry waste and microbial consortium. The different treatment combinations used in the present study were Control, T1 (Coir pith + Cow dung + Vegetable market waste + Poultry waste + mixed microbial culture (Trichoderma viridae + Pleurotus sajar caju), T2 (Coir pith + Vegetable market waste + Poultry waste + Tank slit + Mixed microbial culture) and T3 (Coir pith + Cow dung + poultry waste + tank slit + mixed microbial culture). At the end of 12th week, in the treatment T1, C: N ratio of 21.8:1 was observed in the composted coir pith sample. Highest P content of 0.47% and K content of 1.2% and the least Cellulose and Lignin contents of 22.8% and 10.03% were recorded in the T1 treatment after a composting period of 12 weeks. Highest pH of 7.4 was observed in the treatment T3, this was followed by T1 (7.2) treatment.

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Muthurayar, T. and Dhanarajan, M.S.(2013) Biochemical changes during composting of coir pith waste as influenced by different agro industrial wastes. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 28-30. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.45B005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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