Ecological Structure and Prediction Equations for Estimating Tree Age, and Dendometric Parameters of Acacia senegal in the Senegalese Semi-Arid Zone—Ferlo


The development of equations to predict tree height, crown diameter, crown depth from stem diameter of a tree species enables arborists, researchers, and urban forest managers to model costs and benefits, analyze alternative management scenarios, and determine the best management practices for sustainable forests. The objective of this study was to develop regression prediction models for tree age, tree height, crown diameter, crown ratio and crown depth for A. senegal growing in Ferlo, in the northern Senegal. Four plantations of different years old (ISRA, 10 years old plantations, Ndodj, 8 years old plantations, Boulal, 5 years old plantations and Déali, 4 years old plantations) were selected. The following dendometric variables: crown height, crown diameter, stem diameter at the breast height, stem basal diameter (at 0.30 m) and the height from the tree base to first branch were measured on a total of 489 trees. The results suggested that the ecological structure of the different year old A. Senegal plantation revealed a bell-shaped form with left dissymmetric distribution indicating a predominance of individuals with small diameter at breast height. Allometry study of A. Senegal showed highly significant positive correlations (p = 0.00) between stem diameter at breast height, stem basal diameter, tree height, crown diameter and crown depth. Positive correlations were also found between crown diameter, tree height and crown height. Prediction models derived from these relationships can be used to estimate the tree height, stem diameter at breast height and crown depth from crown diameter with greater precision. As for A. Senegal age estimation, the established model is not strong as it can explain only 49.1% of the age variation.

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A. Diallo, E. Agbangba, O. Ndiaye and A. Guisse, "Ecological Structure and Prediction Equations for Estimating Tree Age, and Dendometric Parameters of Acacia senegal in the Senegalese Semi-Arid Zone—Ferlo," American Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 5, 2013, pp. 1046-1053. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2013.45129.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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