Discovering Oneself and Discovering Ourselves with the Help of Literature: Educational Possibilities of Narrative


Undoubtedly narrative in education has frequently been studied. Nonetheless, in this paper we want to explore the different educational possibilities offered by narrative in order to discover identity through tradition. MacIntyre’s thought offers the categories of practice, tradition and narrative, in order to penetrate the central questions of personal identity and communicability that we consider the most suggestive. Some authors understand narrative as a very accurate means to access tradition and self-knowledge as well as to show the unity of human life and to vindicate the unity of tradition that we can face and those elements that constitute our moral habitat.

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Rodríguez-Sedano, A. , Soria, A. & Rumayor, M. (2010). Discovering Oneself and Discovering Ourselves with the Help of Literature: Educational Possibilities of Narrative. Creative Education, 1, 101-106. doi: 10.4236/ce.2010.12015.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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