A Multi-Leveled Approach to Intrusion Detection and the Insider Threat


When considering Intrusion Detection and the Insider Threat, most researchers tend to focus on the network architecture rather than the database which is the primary target of data theft. It is understood that the network level is adequate for many intrusions where entry into the system is being sought however it is grossly inadequate when considering the database and the authorized insider. Recent writings suggest that there have been many attempts to address the insider threat phenomena in regards to database technologies by the utilization of detection methodologies, policy management systems and behavior analysis methods however, there appears to be a lacking in the development of adequate solutions that will achieve the level of detection that is required. While it is true that Authorization is the cornerstone to the security of the database implementation, authorization alone is not enough to prevent the authorized entity from initiating malicious activities in regards to the data stored within the database. Behavior of the authorized entity must also be considered along with current data access control policies. Each of the previously mentioned approaches to intrusion detection at the database level has been considered individually, however, there has been limited research in producing a multileveled approach to achieve a robust solution. The research presented outlines the development of a detection framework by introducing a process that is to be implemented in conjunction with information requests. By utilizing this approach, an effective and robust methodology has been achieved that can be used to determine the probability of an intrusion by the authorized entity, which ultimately address the insider threat phenomena at its most basic level.

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R. M. Barrios, "A Multi-Leveled Approach to Intrusion Detection and the Insider Threat," Journal of Information Security, Vol. 4 No. 1, 2013, pp. 54-65. doi: 10.4236/jis.2013.41007.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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