Electromagnetic Response Studies of the Antenna for Deep Water Deep Target CSEM Environments


The Controlled Source Electromagnetic Method (CSEM) is used for offshore hydrocarbon exploration. Hydrocarbon detection in seabed logging (SBL) is a very challenging task for deep hydrocarbon reservoirs. The electromagnetic field response of an antenna is unable to detect deep hydrocarbon reservoirs due to a weak electromagnetic signal response in the seabed logging environment. This work premise deals with the comparison of the electromagnetic signal strength of a new antenna with a straight antenna and the orientation of an antenna for deep target hydrocarbon exploration. Antenna position and orientation (Tx and Ty) was studied using Computer Simulation Technology software (CST) for deep targets in marine CSEM environments. The model area was assigned as (40 40 km) to replicate the real seabed environment. From the results, the new dipole antenna shows an 804% and 278% increase in electric and magnetic field strength than the straight antenna. An electric (E) and magnetic (H) field component study was done with and without the presence of a hydrocarbon reservoir. Ex and Hz field component responses with the new antenna at the1 kmtarget were measured in a deep water environment. It was analyzed that the antenna shows 53.10% (Ex) and 83.13% (Hz) field difference in deep water with and without a hydrocarbon reservoir at the30 mantenna position from the sea floor. From the antenna orientation results, it was observed that, the electric field Ex and magnetic field Hz responses decreased from 18% to 12% and 21% to 16%, respectively but was still able to detect the deep target hydrocarbon reservoir at the4 kmtarget depth. This EM antenna may open new frontiers for the oil and gas industry for deep target hydrocarbon detection (HC).

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N. Yahya, N. Nasir, M. Akhtar, M. Kashif, T. Hussain, H. Zaid and A. Shafie, "Electromagnetic Response Studies of the Antenna for Deep Water Deep Target CSEM Environments," Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications, Vol. 4 No. 12, 2012, pp. 513-522. doi: 10.4236/jemaa.2012.412072.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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