The Effect of Plant Growth Regulator and Active Charcoal on the Development of Microtubers of Potatoes


With the detoxicated seedling of a potato cultivation breed named “Mire” as the material, the effect of auxins CCC, 6-BA, and active carbon to microtubers of potato (Solanum tubersum L.) was investigated under the in-vitro circumstances. The result indicated the exogenous auxins improved the production and quality of microtubers of potatoes. The effect of induction can be described as CCC > CCC + 6-BA > 6-BA > CK, the number of microtubers in per flask is 8.17 > 7.67 > 7.29 > 5.46, and the number of large potatoes in per flask is 6.33 > 5.17 > 3.17 > 1. In addition, by adding 0.5‰ of active charcoal, the growth period was shortened from 25.0 days to 9.33 days on average, and the amount of larger potatoes increased 8.54%. These results benefited the growth of microtubers of potato.

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M. Peng, X. Wang and L. Li, "The Effect of Plant Growth Regulator and Active Charcoal on the Development of Microtubers of Potatoes," American Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 11, 2012, pp. 1535-1540. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2012.311185.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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