Working with adolescents with mental disorders:the efficacy of a multiprofessional intervention


The aim of this work was to compare multiprofessional and uniprofessional interventions applied to adolescent patients affected by psychiatric disorders. The initial hypothesis is that a multiprofessional intervention is more efficacy than a single one. A hundred individuals, 66 males and 34 females, aged between 12 and 19 years affected by emotional and behavioural problems, were selected and divided into 5 groups under the therapeutic treatment. Subjects, after diagnosis (ICD 10) and therapeutic suggestion, were clinically followed for 12 months. The Global Assessment Functioning Scale (GAF) was used to evaluate therapeutic efficacy of interventions. The outcome is associated with the type of intervention: who got clinically better are those patients who underwent multiprofessional integrated therapy rather then a single intervention.

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Michela, G. , Riccardo, P. , Paolo, T. , Paola, T. , Ecaterini, P. and Antonio, B. (2010) Working with adolescents with mental disorders:the efficacy of a multiprofessional intervention. Health, 2, 811-818. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.27122.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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