Cellular Psychology Assumption: Based upon Exterior Algebra, It Contributes to Explaining the Variability of the Bioeffects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields


According to its own purposes, including survival, the cell reacts to the conditions of its medium. Such a vital phenomenon implies relational energetics. It includes unconscious psychic energy whose regulating model is the Life and Sense archetype. Its relational power could result from a natural algebraic property of extension. This extension can extend any organic magnitude to 4D event. Thus it allows some perception of the extracellular structure variations. This perception applies to moving forces of the cell signaling activators, through psychic energy. This psychical energy includes a potential, the cell attitude or status, and psychic moving forces, or tendencies. Insofar as the psychic potential is sensitive to proton structures, and the psychic moving forces are excitable by electron exchanges, a phase shift between us may occur. Medium stimulation by adequate magnetic fields could modulate this phase shift in a therapeutic direction.

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P. Chapellier and B. Matta, "Cellular Psychology Assumption: Based upon Exterior Algebra, It Contributes to Explaining the Variability of the Bioeffects of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields," Neuroscience and Medicine, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2012, pp. 251-269. doi: 10.4236/nm.2012.33029.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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