Metagenomic profiles of soil microbiota under two different cropping systems detected by STRs-based PCR


In this research, soil microbial structures under a wheat triennial monoculture and horse bean-wheat-horse bean succession were evidenced using a metagenomic approach. Polymorphism analysis of DNA extracted from soil samples collected at the end of the third year of the two crop successions, was performed by PCR, carried-out with six different primers designed on simple tandem repeats sequences. Readable profiles were obtained with M13 primer, from which no polymorphisms were detected, and with the primer (GACA)4, that gave distinctive patterns. Experimental findings suggest that metagenomic analysis performed by (GACA)4 primer may be an easy and suitable method to discriminate microbial diversity of different crop successions. (GACA)4 PCR-pattern indicate that soil microbiota changes are well correlated with crop succession.

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Zaccardelli, M. , Villecco, D. , Campanile, F. and Pane, C. (2012) Metagenomic profiles of soil microbiota under two different cropping systems detected by STRs-based PCR. Agricultural Sciences, 3, 98-103. doi: 10.4236/as.2012.31013.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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