Effects of Replacing Maize with Dioscarea bulbifera Flour on Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens


The present study was designed to evaluate Dioscarea bulbifera flour as potential feed ingredient in broilers diets. For this purpose, 256-day-old Cobb 500 broiler chicks, were divided into 4 groups replicated 4 times in a completely randomized design. A control ration (R0) containing maize as the main energy source was compared to three other rations in which 50%, 75% and 100% maize were substituted with Dioscarea bulbifera flour. The main results showed that, the increasing rate of Dioscarea bulbifera flour had no significant (p > 0.05) effect on the digestibility of feed components. Feed intake was higher with 50% and 75% Dioscarea bulbifera flour inclusion levels. As compared to the control ration, a significant (p < 0.05) drop in live weight and weight gain was recorded with 50% substitution while feed conversion ratio increased significantly with increasing level of Dioscarea bulbifera flour in the ration. Dioscarea bulbifera flour induced a linear and significant (p < 0.05) increase in the relative weight of the gizzard, liver and production cost. It was concluded that, substituting 50% maize with Dioscarea bulbifera flour could be a sustainable solution to palliate the growing inflation of maize as animal feed ingredient. However, the incorporation level of Dioscarea bulbifera as feed ingredient in substitution of maize must not exceed 50% at the risk of depreciating growth performance of broilers.

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Arielle Priscila, K. , Gilchrist, T. , Ruben, N. , Langston Wilfried, E. and Raphael, K. (2023) Effects of Replacing Maize with Dioscarea bulbifera Flour on Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 13, 217-231. doi: 10.4236/ojas.2023.132016.

Table 1. Characteristics of the experimental diets.

Table 2. Effects of D. bulbifera flour incorporation levels as maize substitute on feed digestibility.

Table 3. Variation in growth performance of broiler chickens as affected by the rate of substitution of maize by D. bulbifera flour in the feed.

Table 4. Effects of substituting rate of maize by D. bulbifera flour on carcass characteristics of broiler chickens.

Table 5. Effects of increasing levels of Dioscorea bulbifera flour as maize substitute in feed on broiler’s digestive organs.

Table 6. Variation in broiler’s production cost with respect to the period and inclusion level of D. bulbifera flour in feed.

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  3. 3. Anano, C.A., Ezeabara, C. and Regina (2018) Comparative Analyses of Phytochemical and Nutritional Compositions of Four Species of Dioscorea bulbifera. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health, 2, 90-94.

  4. 4. Ikiriza, H., Engey, O.P., Peter, L.E., Hedmon, O., Umba, T.C., Aburbaker, M. and Abdalla, A.A. (2018) Dioscorea bulbifera, a Highly Threatened African Medicinal Plant, a Review. Cogent Biology, 5, 2-6. https://doi.org/10.1080/23312025.2019.1631561

  5. 5. Maia, A.G., Melo, N.G.M., Dantas, L.O., Souza, R.P., Moreno, M.N., Marinho, N.M.V. and Martim, S.R. (2021) Chips of Dioscorea bulbifera: An Innovative Alternative for the Technological Processing of Non-Conventional Food Plants from Amazon. Research, Society and Development, 10, e284101523052. https://doi.org/10.33448/rsd-v10i15.23052

  6. 6. Bolaniran, T., Ogidi, O.C. and Akinyele, B.J. (2019) Nutritional Value and Safety of Air Potato Dioscorea bulbifera L. Fermented with Pleurotus ostreatus and Calocybe indica. Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences, 6, 467-482. https://doi.org/10.21472/bjbs.061314

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  22. 22. Ma, M., Jiang, Z.Z., Ruan, J.L. and Zhang, L.Y. (2011) Toxicity of a Diterpene Lactone Isolated from Dioscorea bulbifera on Hepatocytes. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 9, 280-285. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1875-5364(11)60065-4

  23. 23. Liu, M., Xu, L., Yin, L., Qi, Y., Xu, Y., Han, X., Zhao, Y., Sun, H., Yao, J., Lin, Y., Liu, K. and Peng, J. (2015) Potent Effects of Dioscin against Obesity in Mice. Scientific Reports, 5, 7973. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep07973

  24. 24. Aderemi, F.A. and Nworgu, F.C. (2007) Nutritional Status of Cassava Peel and Root Sieviat Biodegraded with Aspergillus Niger. American-Eurasian Journal Agricultural and Environment Science, 2, 308-311.

  25. 25. Teguia, A., Endeley, H.N.L. and Beynen, A.C. (2004) Broiler Performance upon Dietary Substitution of Cocoa Husks for Maize. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2, 779-782. https://doi.org/10.3923/ijps.2004.779.782

  26. 26. Viveros, A., Brenes, A., Elices, R., Arijai, B. and Canales, R. (2001) Nutritional Value of Raw and Autoclaved Kabuli and Desi Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) for Growing Chickens. British Poultry Science, 42, 242-251. https://doi.org/10.1080/00071660120048500

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


[1] Nortey, T.N., Ewusi, I., Kpogo, L.A., Oddoye, E.O.K. and Naazie, A. (2015) Cocoa Pod Husk with Enzyme Supplementation Is a Potential Feed Ingredient in Broiler Diets. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 27, Article No. 87.
[2] Kana, J.R., Doue, M., Kreman, K., Diarra, M., Mube, K.H., Ngouana, T.R. and Teguia, A. (2015) Effet de la granulométrie de la farine de patate douce crue (Ipomea batatas L.) sur les performances de croissance du poulet de chair. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 27, Article #40.
[3] Anano, C.A., Ezeabara, C. and Regina (2018) Comparative Analyses of Phytochemical and Nutritional Compositions of Four Species of Dioscorea bulbifera. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health, 2, 90-94.
[4] Ikiriza, H., Engey, O.P., Peter, L.E., Hedmon, O., Umba, T.C., Aburbaker, M. and Abdalla, A.A. (2018) Dioscorea bulbifera, a Highly Threatened African Medicinal Plant, a Review. Cogent Biology, 5, 2-6.
[5] Maia, A.G., Melo, N.G.M., Dantas, L.O., Souza, R.P., Moreno, M.N., Marinho, N.M.V. and Martim, S.R. (2021) Chips of Dioscorea bulbifera: An Innovative Alternative for the Technological Processing of Non-Conventional Food Plants from Amazon. Research, Society and Development, 10, e284101523052.
[6] Bolaniran, T., Ogidi, O.C. and Akinyele, B.J. (2019) Nutritional Value and Safety of Air Potato Dioscorea bulbifera L. Fermented with Pleurotus ostreatus and Calocybe indica. Brazilian Journal of Biological Sciences, 6, 467-482.
[7] Sanful, R.E. and Engmann, F.N. (2016) Physico-Chemical and Pasting Characteristics of Flour and Starch from Aerial Yam. American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 3, 1-7.
[8] Olatoye, K.K. and Arueya, G.L. (2018) Toxicological Parameters of Albino Rats Fed with Extruded Snacks from Aerial Yam (Dioscoria bulbifera) and African Breadfruit Seed (Treculia africana). Sciences Alimentaires et Nutrition, 6, 94-100.
[9] Han, A., Romero, H.M., Nishijima, N., Ichimura, T. and Zhang, Y. (2019) Effet des solides de blanc d’œuf sur les propriétés rhéologiques et les performances de panification d’une pâte sans gluten. Hydrocolloïdes Alimentaires, 87, 287-296.
[10] AOAC (1990) Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.
[11] Yaakugh, I.D.I., Tegbe, T.S.B., Olorunju, S.A. and Aduku A.O. (1994) Replacement of Brewers Dried Grains for Maize on Performance of Pigs. Journal of Science, Food and Agriculture, 66, 465-471.
[12] Ndindana, W., Dzama, K., Ndiweni, P.N.B., Maswaure, S.M. and Chimonyo, M. (2002) Digestibility of High Fibre Diets and Performance of Growing Zimbabwean Indigenous Mukota Pigs and Exotic Large White Pigs Fed Maize Based Diets with Graded Levels of Maize Cobs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 97, 199-208.
[13] Ukachukwu, S.N. (2008) Effect of Composite Cassava Meal with or without Palm Oil and/or Methionine Supplementation on Broiler Performance. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 20, Article No. 53.
[14] Mebanga, K.P., Fooba and Mamoudou, A. (2020) Essais de la substitution partielle du maïs dans l’alimentation par la drêche artisanale séchée sur les performances zootechniques des poulets de chair. Ecole des Sciences et de Médecine Vétérinaire— Département de Production Animale, Université de Ngaoundere. International Journal of Biological and Chemestry Science, 14, 859-868.
[15] Mafouo, N.H., Teguia, A., Kana, J.R., Mube, H.K. and Diarra, M. (2011) Effet du niveau d’incorporation de la farine de manioc dans la ration sur les performances de croissance des poulets de chair. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 23, Article No. 76.
[16] Kouadio, K.E., Kouadja, G.S., Bamba, K.L. and Kreman, K. (2020) Effet de la farine d’épluchures de manioc sur les performances zootechniques et économiques du poulet de chair en finition. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 32, Article No. 42.
[17] Esonu, B.O. and Udedibie, A.B.I. (1993) The Effect of Replacing Maize with Cassava Peel Meal on the Performance of Weaned Rabbits. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 20, 81-85.
[18] Chauynarong, N., Elangovan, A.V. and Iji, P.A. (2009) The Potential of Cassava Products in Diets for Poultry. World’s Poultry Science Journal, 65, 23-28.
[19] Kana, J.R., Hassan, D.A., Ngouana, T.R., Mube, K.H., Teguia, A., Tefack, Y. and Zambou, R.H. (2015) Performances zootechniques du poulet de chair soumis à un régime à base de résidus de semoule de manioc supplémenté par la spiruline (Spirulina platensis). International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 9, 2607-2616.
[20] Awah-Ndukum, J., Teguia, A., Defang, H.F. and Awungnjia, A. N. (2008) The Effect of Replacing Maize with Dried Cassava Peels on Growth Performance of Broiler Chickens. Science Agronomique et Développement, 4, 48-55.
[21] Wang, Y.J., Pan, K.L., Hsieh, T.C., Chang, T.Y., Lin, W.H. and Hsu, J.T.A. (2011) Diosgenin, a Plant-Derived Sapogenin, Exhibits Antiviral Activity in Vitro against Hepatitis C Virus. Journal of Natural Products, 74, 580-584.
[22] Ma, M., Jiang, Z.Z., Ruan, J.L. and Zhang, L.Y. (2011) Toxicity of a Diterpene Lactone Isolated from Dioscorea bulbifera on Hepatocytes. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 9, 280-285.
[23] Liu, M., Xu, L., Yin, L., Qi, Y., Xu, Y., Han, X., Zhao, Y., Sun, H., Yao, J., Lin, Y., Liu, K. and Peng, J. (2015) Potent Effects of Dioscin against Obesity in Mice. Scientific Reports, 5, 7973.
[24] Aderemi, F.A. and Nworgu, F.C. (2007) Nutritional Status of Cassava Peel and Root Sieviat Biodegraded with Aspergillus Niger. American-Eurasian Journal Agricultural and Environment Science, 2, 308-311.
[25] Teguia, A., Endeley, H.N.L. and Beynen, A.C. (2004) Broiler Performance upon Dietary Substitution of Cocoa Husks for Maize. International Journal of Poultry Science, 2, 779-782.
[26] Viveros, A., Brenes, A., Elices, R., Arijai, B. and Canales, R. (2001) Nutritional Value of Raw and Autoclaved Kabuli and Desi Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) for Growing Chickens. British Poultry Science, 42, 242-251.

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