“InstaGrammar!” Incorporating Instagram Reel to Enhance English as a Second Language Learners’ Grammatical Accuracy


In the context of the Malaysian education system, teaching English as a second language is crucial to the factor that the government is accentuating to produce pupils who are well versed in all English language skills. In line with that, schools and teachers together endeavour to approach the difficulties faced by pupils in learning English as a second language. While the world educational system is gradually accepting digital technology, on the other hand social media has gotten the young learners hooked to it around the clock and it has snapped us into an awareness that social media is not only transforming their behaviours but it’s also affecting their language learning skills mainly grammar. Presently, besides TikTok, Instagram Reel has been gaining more popularity largely among teenagers. That being the case, it is requisite to make use of the popularity of the exhilarating pertinent feature. Based on the past studies, many Malaysian pupils struggle in writing or speaking English with fewer grammatical errors. Therefore, in this study, researchers aim to analyze lower secondary school pupils’ insights in learning grammatical accuracy through Instagram with an intervention, InstaGrammar. An online survey questionnaire was adapted and adopted from the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). The questionnaire was distributed to 30 Form 2 pupils from a secondary private school based in Selangor, Malaysia. Pupils used one of the current trending Instagram features, Reels to record creative videos about grammar that they’ve learned in the classroom. This activity was conducted to elevate their motivation and this intervention is intended to balance the acquisition of grammar both in and outside the classroom as well as elevate and inspire the pupils. The outcome of the findings confirmed that ESL pupils’ responses towards the intervention were positive. Respondents determined on the incorporation of Instagram’s latest feature, reel in learning grammar. Teaching grammar to enhance pupils’ language proficiency is not a lone ranger effort anymore but it has to be a common practice among all teachers to cater to current generation pupils’ needs by incorporating social media such as Instagram to teach grammar rules.

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Sarangapani, S. and Hashim, H. (2022) “InstaGrammar!” Incorporating Instagram Reel to Enhance English as a Second Language Learners’ Grammatical Accuracy. Creative Education, 13, 1965-1980. doi: 10.4236/ce.2022.136122.

1. Introduction

In the current world, many of us who are attracted to search engine optimization or internet marketing, may have heard the term social media. It is a phrase that has been thrown around a lot nowadays in the search engine marketing world but upon questioning, many people do not know what social media actually can be used for. Social media essentially incorporates the online technology and methods through which people can share content, personal opinions, swap different perspectives, and insights into world issues and generally discuss the evolution of media itself. In fulfilling the demand of 21st century technologies, each social media website has been competing with one another by upgrading as well as updating the existing features and adding new features or else it is feared that the fundamental goals of social media will not be archived and fail ultimately. As a consequence, the worldwide advances of today offer people more opportunities to design and execute their plans on social media. The revolution of social media over the past years has made many changes in every facet of society across the world notably in our way of communicating, learning and education. Many developing countries have already adopted new technologies and social media as a tool to sustain formal academic communication and for online learning especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018) stated that the reliance and need of technology integration in education such as visual images have a very intense appeal and are effective instead of just words. Therefore, the world-leading institutions incorporate PowerPoint presentations to induce interactive learning. In order to make sure that we are on the same page, the transition in the curriculum of Malaysian education has been closely observed as the consequence of restoring the significance of the Malaysian Education system among Malaysian schools.

The new generation pupils have been long ready for the collaboration of technology in learning as they are exposed to various gadgets and technologies since they were very young. With that in mind, education systems around the world work in improving the teaching and learning experience by bringing in the new technologies and it is an excellent idea for pupils to harness all the capabilities of the current while at school. (Li, 2017) shared that a teacher from an engineering department claimed that for pupils who are already exposed to social media, integrating Facebook in learning as a channel to communicate and provide feedback wasn’t a difficult task at all. Based on the result of the investigation conducted, the implementation of social media in teaching and learning impacts pupils’ academic performance positively (Ansari & Khan, 2020). Researchers also feel positive about collaborating sophisticated technology into learning as it would bring major changes in the education system. However, social media plays the role as a distractive coping mechanism for everyone, specifically teenagers nowadays. All this screen time has changed pupils who belong to Net-generation and consequently enabled the culture of slang terminologies and to them, it is still appropriate. Social media takes no notice of the proper use of grammar and lets abbreviated words. Sadly, the influence of social media is affecting the significance of grammar and if it continues, grammar will gradually deteriorate. In this case, teaching and learning grammar is one of the greatest challenges in language classroom because it involves the application of grammatical accuracy and there are higher possibilities that social media could be the cause of the incompetence of Malaysian pupils’ English grammar skills. Passive teenagers find social media as a comfortable platform since words and sentences are being replaced with relatable emoticons. Social media significantly affects the rest of the language skills namely speaking and writing. Pupils often overlook and make reckless errors by including internet slang. The general cause of underdeveloped ability to apply learned grammar may be teaching and learning strategies. Therefore, it is vital to integrate social media in teaching and learning grammar lessons as pupils are strongly bonded with social media as well as it is a great opportunity to embrace this new adaptable way of achieving our goals.

The idea of utilizing social media in language learning has positively impacted and was easily adopted by teachers and pupils. To support this, an abundance of studies has proposed the idea on how some of the social media sites can be integrated into language learning and their effectiveness. A few examples include (Kelly Ronan, 2015) An Exploration of Instagram to Develop ESL Learners’ Writing Skills, (Mukhtar, 2019) social media in English Language Teaching and Learning, (Fatin, Desa, Embi, & Hashim, 2019) The Effects of Instagram Based Activities in Improving Secondary School Students’ Writing Skill and (Yadegarfar & Simin, 2016) Effects of using Instagram on learning grammatical accuracy of word classes among Iranian undergraduate TEFL students. To fill the gap of the past studies as well as all the recent studies related to social media and language learning and enhancing writing and speaking skills through social media have clearly inspired to conduct a study to investigate if one of the current trending Instagram features, Reel, has the potential to enhance grammatical accuracy among lower secondary school pupils. As such, this research is based on two research questions:

1) To what extent, is the application of Instagram effective in enhancing Form 2 pupils’ grammatical accuracy?

2) What do Form 2 pupils perceive using InstaGrammar for learning grammatical accuracy?

2. Literature Review

2.1. Learning Grammar in Malaysia and Its Difficulties

Grammar makes your communication clear and effective. Conventionally, all languages, grammar refers to the rules and regulations that governs spoken and written language hence grammar undeniably plays a paramount as well as pivotal role in all skills mainly reading, writing, speaking and listening. As other languages, in English language learning, grammar is taught as one of the elements in school. “Grammar can refer to books that contain descriptions of the structure of a language or to the knowledge that a native speaker has of his or her language and to the descriptions of that knowledge” (Richards & Theodore, 2001). Moreover, Fadhilawati, D. (2019) stated that grammar precisely explains the structure and form when determining the words to put together. Having known the definition of grammar, it is not hard to understand why grammar is equally useful and important. The grammatical errors could be a barrier for pupils from progressing as it may cause inhibition among pupils while they speak and write (Yadegarfar & Simin, 2016). In this case, a good grammar acquisition will help the pupils to understand every word when they are reading as well as speaking, listening and writing.

However, pupils in Malaysia encounter many challenges in learning English. One of the difficulties Malaysian secondary school pupils face is knowledge of grammar accuracy. Many studies stated that the majority of pupils fail to master grammar successfully and consequently, pupils find grammar less interesting than other skills in language acquisition thus it is often neglected. Haja Mohaideen, Ismail and Rashid (2020) for an example emphasized that it is vital to choose teaching materials that pupils look forward to instead of materials which fail to connect or they can relate to. (Che Musa, Koo, & Azman, 2012), Malaysian pupils are anxious and agitated as well as afraid of making grammatical errors. It is evident that secondary school pupils in Malaysia are yet to achieve a satisfactory level of English language gauge competency after having learned English formally for eleven years in both the primary and secondary school levels. Making grammatical mistakes is a salient factor of pupils’ poor results. Unfortunately, by memorizing, they are incapable of storing it in their long-term memory and unable to use the structures in different situations appropriately. The learning of the eight parts of speech in isolation will neither enhance writing nor speaking skills, but comprehending grammar will allow pupils to express their ideas confidently. Grammar is supposed to be functional for learning to arouse the interest in learning it (Veramuthu & Shah, 2020). The interference of pupils’ mother tongue is one of the factors which is accountable for them having difficulty in combining grammatical forms. This statement was in agreement with a previous study (Kho-Yar & Tan, 2015) to investigate the relationship between grammar accuracy, reading and writing performance among Malaysian Form 5 pupils from Penang suburban area. The researchers encountered two major problems faced by the pupils in English grammar learning and one of the issues is that the influence of Bahasa Malaysia is much stronger than English language therefore the interference of their first language leads to incorrect use of English grammatical rules, morphology and syntax. Malaysian pupils are incapable of implementing suitable modal verbs in their writing due to the complexity of the modal verbs system (Mukundan et al., 2013). In their study, researchers also mentioned that modal verbs are important to the semantics to make communications worthy and become one of the most essential elements in language. Thus, pupils have long since abandoned the notion that grammar knowledge is essential to facilitate communication. As a result, it is considered that we have to watch it slowly sink due to the poor structure. To this, it can be concluded that due to the inaccuracy of grammar, Malaysian pupils’ writing skill has been an alarming problem.

Apart from that, it has been a perturbing scenario in Malaysia’s education system due to the deteriorating standard of second language learning especially in suburban and rural areas. In line with that, grammar is being taught in every school in Malaysia but the strategies and teaching tools applied by teachers are apparently old-fashioned. Focusing too much on grammar rules and how to use English the traditionally “correct” way deemed that grammar as unappealing for pupils and eventually they neglect (Kho-Yar & Tan, 2015). In order to master grammatical rules, writing and reading skills are given more importance and it is being tested in school and national examination therefore English is only to be considered as a subject where pupils are pressured to score well rather than practicing fun learning. Teachers have to be the expert in utilising various eligible teaching tools for their grammar lesson because they are the cut out for the role to make sure objectives are met. In a similar vein, teachers have an immense influence on them. By the same token, teaching grammar should boost pupils’ confidence remarkably rather than becoming a threat and introspective. Rashid, Yunus and Wahi (2019) stated that educators have to play a big role in determining the pertinent applications that have good features such as user friendly, engaging layouts and interactive to be integrated in their teaching and giving the best outcome in their class. Hence, teachers hold the irrevocable place in an education field who are responsible to create a stimulating and fun environment where pupils always feel secure to acquire and develop their language proficiency confidently.

2.2. Instagram and Social Media as a Learning Tool

Today our digital equipment has changed our lives in a blink of an eye. The revolution of digital media has made the world flourish in diverse fields. The last few years, the internet has brought unimaginable ground-breaking opportunities and strives to become a popular topic among everyone particularly, the teenagers. One of the most trending and prevalently discussed topics is social media. In this modernized culture, social media is no longer an alien innovation because of the significant alternatives to satisfy the social media users’ needs. Tudini (cited by Aziz, Hashim, & Yunus, 2019) revealed social media platforms can be used to spread positive messages, announcement, awareness, healthy discussion, share information, contribute ideas and self-evaluate. This was obvious to be recognized during the current COVID-19 pandemics where people around the world share numerous information about the vaccinations and devastating situations in many countries as a result, causing fears among the society.

Positively, in the aspect of education, social media has become a tool in teaching and learning. By taking in social media, the platform would be the best to form a learning environment. Modern learning is more effective when social media is used in teaching. The content should not just be based on local culture, but also include those in a borderless world. It allows pupils to participate actively in the task, collaborate among peers and think of reliable solutions. One of the social media which gained unprecedented rates of young users is Instagram. Instagram was launched in the year of 2010 and in a short span, Instagram was the fastest growing social media platform and its growth was nearly transitory. It received high demands from all the people across the world and currently data revealed surprising news that Instagram has reached over a billion active users. Instagram is rated as the best application to learn in the most interactive and spontaneous way. Wiktor (2012) stated that Instagram is beneficial for learning that relates to special intelligence and linguistic intelligence. Special intelligence is when cognitive processes and interprets while absorbing information that comes in the form plans, pictures or maps. During this process, mental justifies the information in different aspects editing and viewing the pictures. Whereby, linguistic intelligence refers to the pictures that the user upload and make it observable to everyone. So, in Instagram, teachers can share information in the form of pictures or data and involve the pupils to observe meticulously and give feedback. In doing so, teachers inculcate pupils’ confidence to use the English language to express their thoughts accurately. Social media is likely to channel the ESL learners to utilize social media positively. Therefore, after analyzing the potentials of what social media can do to make language learning more effective, to make it more challenging as well as interesting, this study investigates further on the efficacy of pupils’ grammatical skills in language learning on Instagram.

3. Methodology

3.1. Research Design

This is quantitative research where a set of perceptions, strategies, and procedures analyze the processes of psychological, social and economic through the exploration of numeric patterns (Creswell, 2014). This paper investigates the effectiveness of using InstaGrammar, an intervention in enhancing Form 2 pupils’ grammatical accuracy and to study pupils’ perceptions towards the use of InstaGrammar in improving pupils’ confidence in grammatical accuracy. In accordance with that, the researchers find the suitable survey research adopted is quantitative survey research.

3.2. Sample

30 participants (M = 14; F = 16) comprising the whole Form 2 pupils from a Malaysian national private secondary school in Selangor, Malaysia, were selected using a purposive sampling method as it is the most fairly straightforward method for choosing a sample among population for a wide range of purposes. Moreover, Purposive sampling method is appropriate as it allows the researchers to carefully determine those participants who can fit to be an effective response. Purposive sampling aims to produce samples that can represent the entire selected population. The validation of selecting the samples was for the reason that the pupils have experience using social media and are somehow familiar with the features of Instagram application therefore this lightens the burden as the researchers are not required to introduce the basic features of the application. Besides, Form 1 pupils are too young to participate in the research and on the other hand, Form 3 pupils are occupied with more academic related activities as they were to sit for Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3), national examination.

Table 1 shows a cross-tabulation of demographic characteristics and the frequency as well as percentage of the data mentioned above. The participants are all mixed levels of English proficiency ranging from beginner to intermediate based on the CEFR framework. The validation of selecting the participants was for the reason that the pupils have been exposed to online based learning and adding on, they have their own gadgets such as laptops and smartphones and due to the pandemic, they have been spending most of their time online to either

Table 1. Respondents’ demographic profile.

attend online classes or kill the time. Hence, the participants somehow are familiar with the features of social media sites. Therefore, the researchers assured that information obtained from them is based on current scenarios in Malaysian education.

The intervention, InstaGrammar requires the participants to own an Instagram account as its requirement is to be at least 13 years old. In line with that, those participants who are new to Instagram created a new account under their parents’ supervision and the researcher stepped in and took responsibility that strangers are permitted to collect any form of participants’ personal information. Moreover, since this study was conducted at their own pace, it was all done under parents’ consent and supervision.

3.3. Research Instrument

This research adapted Davis’s (1986) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) survey questionnaire where adaptation and modification were administered and validated to achieve the objectives of the study. TAM’s five factors consist of (1) perceived ease of use, (2) perceived usefulness, (3) behavioural intention, (4) attitudes, and (5) actual usage. There are two parts in the questionnaire: Part 1, 4 items (Demographics) and Part 2, 25 items (Respondents’ Perception and Experiences of using InstaGrammar as an intervention). For the questionnaire, a 4-point Likert scale was used (1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, and 4 = Strongly Agree).

3.4. Data Collection Procedure

Data was collected from two different types of instruments. In the first week, the research began with a pre-test with a total of 20 marks and a post-test was conducted in the final week which was forth week after introducing the intervention. Participants were awarded 1 mark for each question spontaneously upon completion. The questions in the test consist of grammar components that were taught during lessons such as modal verbs, tenses and S-V-A. 20 items of multiple-choice questions were distributed and the participants’ responses were positive as their perception of learning grammar was interesting after taking part in InstaGrammar. Followed by, a quantitative investigation was disseminated to all the participants via WhatsApp. Participants were all well informed with the instruction of attempting the questionnaire. Researchers shared the online survey Google Form link. This method seeks to collect the data and accumulate the information for the study.

3.5. Data Analysis Procedure

A descriptive statistics data analysis was conducted for the result of the students’ perceptions in the form frequency mean, standard deviation and percentage for responses. The data was then calculated and presented in the form of a table. The researchers obtained the database by using the Statistical Packages for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. SPSS is so prevalent because it provides quick analysis for repetitive data and it can efficiently validate the result. Lastly, the data summarizes the participants’ responses that describe the range to which the intervention, InstaGrammar has the capability in enhancing pupils’ confidence in grammatical accuracy.

4. Findings

4.1. Pre-Test and Post-Test

Pre-test and Post-test were the first instruments to assess participants’ progress for grammatical accuracy and to identify the effectiveness of InstaGrammar. The score of both tests is observable based on the significant difference after implementing InstaGrammar. Participants’ performance in the terms of using accurate grammar rules in pre-test, most of the pupils achieved low marks with minimum score of 4. The result showed 2 pupils achieved the maximum score which is 20 marks and they fall into the intermediate level. Only one pupil scored 19 and another one of them attained 18, two of them scored 17, two of them 16, four pupils scored 15, one of them scored 14, two pupils scored 13, two pupils scored 12, three pupils scored 11, three pupils scored 10, two of them scored 7, one of them scored 6, another of them scored 5 and 4 was scored by two pupils.

These scores have escalated in post-test and it shows significant improvements in understanding grammar rules better. All 30 pupils displayed positive changes with one of them attaining the most positive result increment of 10 which is from 10 in pre-test to 20 which is full marks in post-test. Additionally, the participant has shown drastic changes therefore it is concluded that the participants have shown notable improvements in their understanding of grammar rules after introducing InstaGrammar.

4.2. The Effectiveness of InstaGrammar in Enhancing Form 2 Pupils’ Grammatical Accuracy

Table 2 summarizes findings based on the first research question (To what extent is InstaGrammar effective in enhancing Form 2 pupils’ grammatical accuracy?).

For Item 1, 3 pupils (10%) strongly agreed while 22 pupils (73.3%) agreed that their grammatical accuracy has improved after using InstaGrammar. On the other hand, 2 pupils who account for only 6.7% of the population strongly disagreed that their grammatical accuracy has improved after using InstaGrammar.

Meanwhile Item 2 shows that 2 pupils (6.7%) highly agreed that InstaGrammar is useful in learning grammar while the majority of the population—25 students (83.3%) agreed that InstaGrammar is useful in learning grammar. However, 2 pupils (6.7%) did not find InstaGrammar useful in learning grammar. The remaining 3.3% strongly disagreed that InstaGrammar is useful in learning grammar.

Table 2. Overall frequency and percentage of the effectiveness of InstaGrammar in enhancing form 2 pupils’ grammatical accuracy.

n = 30.

As for Item 3, 6 pupils (20%) strongly agreed that InstaGrammar is easy to use. However, 5 pupils (16.7%) don’t find InstaGrammar is easy to use. There was no respondent who strongly disagreed with the query.

For Item 4, 4 pupils (13.3% of the total population) strongly agree that learning grammar with InstaGrammar is useful and convenient. The majority of the pupils, 24 out of 30, representing a total of 80%, believe that learning grammar using InstaGrammar is useful and convenient. Nevertheless, 2 respondents, who make up around 6.7% of the total population, don’t find InstaGrammar is useful and convenient to use.

Item 5 shows that 7 pupils, accounting for 23.3% of the whole population, highly agree that they have no difficulty in accessing and using reel on Instagram while 4 pupils or 13.3% of the overall population, seems to have difficulty in accessing and using reel on Instagram.

As for Item 6, 6 pupils (20% of the total population) strongly agree that it is easy for them to find grammar related information by using the hashtag #InstaGrammar. The remaining 1 respondent, who make up only 3.3% of the total population, strongly disagree that it is easy for them to find grammar related information by using the hashtag #InstaGrammar.

It can be seen that 6 pupils who represent 20% of the total population strongly agree that InstaGrammar helps to be more engaged in learning grammar in item 7. There are no respondents who disagreed or strongly disagreed. the remaining 24, the majority of the population accounting 80% agree and is confident that InstaGrammar helps to be more engaged in learning grammar.

In Item 8, 11 pupils (36.7% of the total population) strongly agree that they feel confident and encouraged towards the use of InstaGrammar in learning grammar outside the classroom. 2 respondents, who make up around 6.7% of the total population, do not feel confident and encouraged towards the use of InstaGrammar in learning grammar outside the classroom.

In the final item, it can be seen that 10 pupils who represent 33.3% of the total population strongly agree that they intend to use InstaGrammar to practice grammar in the future frequently. The remaining 20, the majority of the population accounting 66.7% agree and intend to use InstaGrammar to practice grammar in the future frequently.

4.3. Form 2 Pupils’ Perception in Using InstaGrammar for Learning Grammatical Accuracy

Table 3 summarizes findings based on the second research question (Form 2 pupils’ perception in using InstaGrammar for learning grammatical accuracy).

As seen in Table 3, item 1 appears that 11 pupils who represent 36.7% of the total population strongly agree that they like using reel in Instagram to make videos based on the lesson learnt in the classroom. One pupil who accounts only 3.3% of the population doesn’t like using reel in Instagram to make videos based on the lesson learnt in classroom.

As for Item 2, the majority of the pupils, 17 out of 30, representing a total of 56.7%, agree that studying through Instagram reels is a good idea. Nevertheless, 2 respondents, who make up around 6.7% of the total population, disagree that studying through Instagram reels is a good idea.

In Item 3, it appears that the majority, which is 18 pupils, representing 60% of the total population, agree that they have the necessary skills for using InstaGrammar. However, 2 pupils who account for only 6.7% of the population disagree and don’t believe they have the necessary skills for using InstaGrammar.

For Item 4, it appears that 9 pupils who represent 30% of the total population strongly agree that InstaGrammar is a fun tool to incorporate in learning and one pupil who disagrees to item 4.

As for Item 5, 20 out of 30 pupils, representing a total of 66.7%, agree that they feel positive towards InstaGrammar and 2 respondents, who make up around 6.7% of the total population, disagree that they are positive towards InstaGrammar.

In Item 6, it can be seen that 24 pupils agree InstaGrammar would improve their grammar learning performance and none disagreed to it.

As for Item 7, it appears that 8 pupils who represent 26.7% of the total population strongly agree that using InstaGrammar as a learning tool is a wise idea. The majority, which is 21 pupils, representing 70% of the total population, agree

Table 3. Overall Frequency and percentage of form 2 pupils’ perception in using InstaGrammar for learning grammatical accuracy.

n = 30.

that using InstaGrammar as a learning tool is a wise idea except one pupil who doesn’t think it a wise idea.

For Item 8, 8 pupils (26.7%) of the total population) strongly agree and 20 out of 30, representing a total of 66.7%, agree that it is easy for them to become skilful at using InstaGrammar. Nevertheless, the remaining 2 respondents, who make up around 6.7% of the total population, disagree that it is easy for them to become skilful at using InstaGrammar.

As shown in Table 3, in Item 9, the majority, which is 19 pupils, representing 63.3% of the total population agree that they are glad that they can help others to improve their grammatical accuracy through InstaGrammar. However, 3 pupils who account for only 10% of the population disagrees and are not very glad that they can help others to improve their grammatical accuracy through InstaGrammar.

As for Item 10, the majority of the pupils, 22 out of 30, representing a total of 73.3%, agree that they use InstaGrammar very frequently to revise. Nevertheless, the remaining 2 respondents, who make up around 6.7% of the total population, don’t use InstaGrammar very frequently to revise.

In Item 11, it can be seen that 8 pupils who represent 26.7% of the total population strongly agree that they are fond of implementing InstaGrammar in the grammar teaching and learning process. While the remaining 22 pupils, the majority of the population accounting 73.3%, agree and are fond of implementing InstaGrammar in the grammar teaching and learning process.

As for Item 12, it can be seen that 6 pupils who represent 20% of the total population strongly agree and the remaining 24 pupils, the majority of the population accounting 80%, agree that they have a positive attitude towards the implementation of InstaGrammar in the teaching and learning process as it does not require a big budget.

In Item 13, it appears that 7 pupils who represent 23.3% of the total population strongly agree have a positive attitude on the usage of InstaGrammar outside the classroom even if they can do it at any time from their comfort zon and 3 pupils who account for only 10% disagree to the statement.

As shown in Table 2, Item 14’s result appears that 5 pupils who represent 16.7% of the total population strongly agree that InstaGrammar would increase academic productivity while majority of the pupils agree except the remaining one last pupil who accounts only 3.3% of the population doesn’t think InstaGrammar would increase academic productivity.

In Item 15, it appears that 26.7% of the total population strongly agree that they have no difficulty in accessing and using reel on Instagram. However, the 3 pupils who account for only 10% of the population have difficulty in accessing and using reel on Instagram.

Lastly, Item 16 appears that 13 pupils who represent 43.3% of the total population strongly agree that they understand how grammar works better after except a pupil who accounts only 3.3% of the population doesn’t think they understand how grammar works better after using InstaGrammar.

Based on the findings that had been made, it could be summarized that the participants started to love using InstaGrammar and it is effective because they were able to score better in post-test after using it. As it is reported in Table 1 and 2, it can be concluded that teenagers are excited and always wanting to utilize social media associated to learning purpose. Despite having the least participants who responded unsupportively towards the use of the InstaGrammar, the highest numbers of participants show that InstaGrammar can be a successful intervention to be incorporated in learning grammar. The findings above show that participants will be using InstaGrammar in the future again and this could be a potential way for them to enhance their grammar skills. Covid-19 Pandemic has created many alternative paths to learn English and any other subject. In this era, the accessibility is everything whereby when the pupils have the access to the devices and the internet, they can always learn. This indicated that the researchers’ initial assumption of the social media, Instagram to enrich the grammar skills among the pupils was correct. Social media is certainly a strong tool that be incorporated in learning. In addition, the way people gain new information these days is very much related by what they find on any devices with the presence of internet. Apparently, pupils’ mental attitude that grammar learning is challenging and boring should be changed and it is significantly proven in this research that the pupils’ interest in learning grammar in a fun way bring a great positive impact in their grades.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, InstaGrammar is coined to promote social media as a tool to learn language as well as be a catalyst for achieving the Malaysian Education System realm’s growth goal. The findings revealed that generally the pupils feel positive towards the use of social media in learning language. Besides that, InstaGrammar has worked effectively and increased their grammatical accuracy which is evident in the pre- and post-test. Apparently, it also motivated pupils to show their creativity and ability in learning English. Though this study involved fewer pupils from a private school in an urban area, some of the pupils still failed to get good internet access. Hence, future researchers can consider conducting study in rural or suburban areas. Also, future researchers may consider Instagram reels to investigate the effectiveness in enriching other language skills. In future, researchers from the similar fields might want to collect data through open-ended questions or interviews in which the respondents could yield more expressive and precise information. On the other hand, InstGrammar functions as a trailblazer for language learning and has become an eye opener to pupils who use social media for entertainment purposes and it is hoped that this activity will be implemented in formal learning and utilize social media in a beneficial way.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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